• Published 3rd Apr 2019
  • 3,250 Views, 218 Comments

A New Brand of Freedom - Spettro138

The First Avenger discovers an adorable explosive infant in one of Hydra's hidden labs and decides to raise him as his own.

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Super Soldier: The Secret Journey

Author's Note:

Another fun little chapter to kick off the October season. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. As always give me any creative tips or advice you want to so long as it is respectful and civil.

This chapter was a little shorter than the last couple, so I might edit it a few times here and there to extend it out.

Firebrand tightly clung to Steve's back as the lift whirred and clunked while they were ascending to the next level of the castle. Pulling his shield off, he prepared for the distinct possibility that guards would be waiting for him at the top. The noise of the elevator was a somewhat calming noise, as it helped Steve block out every unsettling thought and just focus properly on what he needed to do next. The metal floor of the lift beneath him settled as it dented with every movement he made. Taking the moment to check his pouch, he was surprised to find that it had not become full after so many enemy intelligence papers had been stowed away in it, though he could not fathom how or why. Unfortunately, he could not think about such things for long as the lift slowly but finally came to a stop as the doors opened to reveal the next area. It appeared to be a shipping yard filled with cranes and cargo containers.

"Top floor...ladies hosiery and anti-aircraft guns," he quipped.

Immediately insight over a mile to the northwest, he was able to see the last anti-aircraft cannon raised high into the air on a metal platform, most likely to protect from sabotage. It was much too high and too risky to reach directly. Climbing up its ladder would place him in the direct line of sight of the dozens of snipers in the immediate area.

"There's the cannon. It will be tough to reach, but maybe if I-"

His thoughts were interrupted as an armed Hydra soldier came out from behind a cargo container and alerted his squad.


"No time I guess. It's too well guarded. Even out here." Steve mused.

Four other grunts came out from multiple directions as they tried to swarm Steve and Firebrand who were already trying to mimic his daddy by holding up his hooves in a defensive position.

One tried catching Steve and Firebrand from behind, thinking the foal would be an easy target, but to his surprise, the foal reached out from behind his makeshift armor and carefully blocked the strike from his baton with his own horseshoes. Metal impacted against metal as the shock seemed to be completely absorbed by the horseshoes. A second later, Steve reacted with a donkey kick to the jaw as the grunt was sent three feet skyward. Another grunt jumped up onto one of the containers with his rifle, trying to get a height advantage on Steve as he struggled to aim at the constantly moving American.

He didn't give them a single advantage as when the rifleman tried to shoot, he forcefully swung his shield downwards at a grunt who tried a frontal assault on him. The grunt was launched into the air as the rifleman shot through his squadmate instead, allowing Steve to throw his shield and knock the man off. He went on to another grunt who he smashed into the corner of a container, which knocked him out instantly despite his thick helmet. When the last soldier who was carrying an electric baton and an arm shield tried coming at him, Firebrand took the opportunity to copy his daddy by hopping out and getting behind the grunt. He went into an instinctual bucking position as his horseshoes flew to his hind legs and shot out when the foal bucked the back of the grunt's legs.

The grunt collapsed to the ground instantly as Firebrand tried to copy Steve's ground pound technique. Jumping onto his chest, Firebrand smashed his hooves into the grunt's face. Unfortunately, his horseshoes flew back and provided more than a metaphorical kick to his impact. The grunt's nose made a sickening crunch as it was broken by Firebrand's "power stomp". He started to scream in pain as Steve realized what had happened and knocked the guard out.

"Jeez, I appreciate you wanting to learn something little guy but you have got to watch that power of yours. A hoof like yours will damage a single spot very badly if you aren't careful." Steve scolded. "That's why we learn to punch so we can distribute damage over a bigger area."

Firebrand looked at one of his hooves thoughtfully as if he was considering what Steve said.

Picking Firebrand back up, he moved northwards looking around for a safer path towards the cannon. He came across a security fence which was electrified and covered in various wires. A cable reaching over the fence seemed to be from the platform that was holding up the very last anti-aircraft cannon.

"That cable looks pretty tough. I bet my shield is tougher." he thought aloud.

Before Steve could act, Firebrand giggled as he ignited his horn and destroyed the moor keeping the cable taut. The cable exploded from its tension and blew the gate open and ricocheted off of another container where it hit three Hydra soldiers.
Picking up a toxic barrel nearby, the foal continued to giggle evilly as he chucked it over to where he believed that he heard more soldiers. It exploded as the soldiers were propelled dozens of feet into the air barely holding on to their rifles as their legs flew all over the place. They fell a hundred feet apart from one another, being either killed by the fall or the explosion. The resulting explosion broke another cable as they heard a crash and a crackle from another nearby security fence.

"Thanks. At least we don't risk getting shocked. Or shot at for the moment. Now it looks like I only have one more cable to deal with and that cannon should be just about ready to destroy.

Once again, the loudspeaker echoed throughout the facility as the same familiar voice roared at his troops.


"Just get out here and I'll show you how much life I've got in me," Steve threatened.

Sneaking through the rubble and a few open shipping containers, the duo rounded another corner as they spotted a Juggernaut guarding their way, awaiting their arrival. Unfortunately, this guard was thoroughly distracted by someone as Steve was allowed to show his new son a few battlefield tips.

"Lesson 1 little buddy: Use whatever you have on hand to its maximum potential. Observe."

Steve pounced onto the Juggernaut's back as he gave a solid knock to his cranium and knocked him out, allowing Steve to push him around and use his weapon like a puppet. Grabbing the Juggernauts forearm with his right arm, Steve found a way to trigger the massive gun that the juggernaut used. It certainly helped as forty armed guards were dispatched by a hellfire of lasers being launched at them, causing multiple fiery explosions. The Juggernaut's armor proved to be effective to block the shots from snipers who had taken vantage points above. Soon even they were taken out by Steve's unwilling helper as he finally took the Juggernaut out with a sucker punch to the back of the head.

"That takes care of them," Steve concluded satisfied. "Now to break that last cable."

He heard the sound of tiny hooves rapidly approaching from behind as Firebrand galloped past him and tried ramming into it with his tiny head to get it to break. He bumped into it with a light thump as he fell onto his hind end. Angry at the offending object, Firebrand tried biting it, despite it not doing a single thing to the cable. Steve tried to not laugh as he watched the foal. He thought that now of all times would be a good opportunity to test out more of Firebrand's horseshoes and their capabilities and possibly teach Firebrand some basic fighting skills.

"Hey buddy," Steve said to the foal. "Are you alright?"

Firebrand scowled the cable and turned back to Steve with an upset face.

"Cable hurt me!"

"I know," he chuckled. "But maybe I can show you something to do what you are doing a bit better? You'll be able to help me a lot more."

His encouragement seemed to work as Firebrand nodded wildly and sat on his plot awaiting Steve's instructions.

Steve grabbed a nearby piece of wood as he kneeled on one knee and laid the board across.


Firebrand hopped down as he watched Steve use the blade edge of his hand to deliver a solid strike to the board and break it in half.

"See? Simple. Now you try that on uhh....the mean ol cable."

Firebrand gave him a sideways look as he gazed down at his horseshoes thoughtfully and then jumped back onto the platform. He stood over the cable as he lifted his right foreleg and lightly brought it down.

"Try again. Do it a little harder this time." Steve coached.

Firebrand raised his hoof again as he let out a small, squeaking grunt of effort and smashed his horseshoe into the cable, causing it to snap with a loud crack and rocket skyward. The foal had to duck out of the way to avoid being hit in the face by the dangerous steel cable.

With all of the cables destroyed, the platform holding up the very last anti-aircraft cannon leaned and tossed as it finally collapsed, sending the giant weapon careening down to the castle grounds below. The impact thundered across the yard as pieces of the cannon flew in all directions. After the ground settled, Steve let out a sigh of relief as he picked Firebrand back up and fastened him tightly back into his armored harness.

"So much for their long-range air defenses. Gotta find a radio and give everyone the all-clear." Steve thought aloud.

Just as he thought he was going to get a break, a security door opened above a flight of stairs as three riflemen came running out and started firing on Steve. He broke towards the staircase doing his best to stay ahead of their gunfire. The metal staircase provided some cover for a few seconds until Steve came further up and began duking it out with the soldiers. Each time they reloaded, Steve used his shield like an extension of his arm to swipe their rifles away and knock them out one by one. It seemed to work as he blew through the trio and pushed onwards.


Firebrand gave a raspberry to the sky as Steve chuckled and continued through the door into another communications building. Inside, he found a functioning radio as he tuned in to the correct frequency and began the process of contacting Peggy and the rest of the Allied forces.

"Captain America to base. Over."

He was nervous for a few seconds as the empty static continued until a familiar voice chimed out through the radio.

"Captain, it's Peggy. Go ahead."

"Long-range defenses are down. Repeat, Invaders are clear for the drop."

"Copy, and just in time too."

"Hi, momma!" Firebrand chattered excitedly to the radio.

"Are you alright sweetheart? You aren't hurt are you?" Peggy asked concerned.

"A mean man shocked me with his stick and I fell on my butt," he replied mournfully.

"WHAT?" she asked angrily.

"I got a bit careless and Firebrand accidentally got hit with one of those stun batons. I had to fix him up some make-shift armor just to give him a little bit of extra protection."

"Dammit Steve, he's only a baby! Make sure you take better care of him!" she snapped. "I'd rather not have his death haunt my every waking second."

"I know, I know, I'm looking around at some of Hydra's body armor to see if I can't whip up something for the little guy. I can't exactly call Stark to come out here".

"Mummy will be right over soon to fix you up and give daddy a smack on the head, so please be strong until then okay Firebrand?"

"Okay mommy," Firebrand replied as Steve rolled his eyes humorously at the radio.

"If we can stay on the subject please," Falsworth's mildly irritated voice chimed in. "We heard your transmission Rogers....are you certain that you and your....colorful little boy took out all of the long-range guns?"

Steve felt a faint rumble beneath his feet as if something not too far away was being deployed.

"What do you see exactly?" Steve asked fearfully.

"I wish I knew," Falsworth replied quietly.

Steve climbed up a ladder to the upper level as he found what looked to be a telegraph cable leading to the other side of the castle. On the other side, he was able to see a domed building open up and reveal what looked to be some kind of hi-tech radar dish. Off to the northwest a few miles, he was able to see the last secret anti-aircraft weapon in question built into a concrete tower just outside the castle and far out of Steve's reach. He rushed back down towards the radio as he began to quickly explain what he had seen.

"They're deploying something new," Steve explained. "More of Zola's hellish machinery...one's definitely a gun."

"Can you reach it?" Peggy asked hopefully.

"Not in time."

"Should we abort?"

Steve thought for a minute as he remembered the building with the radar dish and how Firebrand's magic didn't seem to mix well with any of Hydra's machines. A wonderful, awful idea came to him as Peggy tried once again to get an answer out of him.

"Cap, repeat. Should we abort?"

"Negative. Proceed as planned."

"But what about the gun?" she asked.

"It aims with a radar dish. And that I can reach. Captain America out."

He hooked the radio back up and turned it off as he turned to the foal.

"Okay, I've got a plan," Steve explained unconvincingly. "I should probably point out that at this very moment it's a pretty terrible plan and most certainly won't work. But let's try it anyway. I got a good feeling about this one."

Next Time: Super Soldier - The Big Red One

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