• Member Since 26th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Lets Do This

We're going to build an exact copy of Ponyville... right over there! We've got less than a minute!


Twilight's overjoyed... the map is restored, and it's sending her on her first map mission in ages. Then she finds out who's going with her...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 38 )

On concept alone this gets an upvote and a follow. Will check back in later once I’ve read it.

Is good. I liek.

This is one of those stories that actually wouldn't have made a bad canon episode. In fact, quite a good one. Q Discord often has his best moments when he's mentally sparring with Picard Twilight Sparkle.

Yeah, this was great. Like WanderingPony said above me, this really feels like it more-or-less could have been a canon episode, and I'm always a big fan of those.

Before I read this, I must know: When did the map get destroyed? I don't remember that happening in any of the episodes that I've seen.

While it isn't shown on-screen, given the map's strong association with the Tree it's a reasonable assumption that the destruction of the Tree of Harmony might throw a spanner in the Map's operation. Kind of the Harmony equivalent of the Wifi being down...

This was a pretty good story. I don't remember the exact one, but he did go on a map mission.

I can't believe Twilight Sparkle finally met Treelight Sparklebark(donut steel) and didn't ask her just why the avatar of Harmony keeps cosplaying as her.

Very nice story. I can't say I've ever found anything like it that actually gives voice to the dissonance between Discord and Harmony. I think I'm going to take a look at that other story you linked to.

I mean, why would twilight ever want to be friends with him if doing so will allow him to join with harmoney and END THE WORLD?

"Please, Discord?" Fluttershy lifted her blindfold, and fixed him with a nine-hundred-kilowatt Adorably Pleading look.

and it almost didn't work

that was a fun read! :twilightsmile:

This was a really good read.
Enjoyed it alot

Everything was well written and everyone was very in-character.

And has anyone seen "End of Evangelion?" Because I imagine that that scene where a bunch of Rei's are turning everyone into orange goo to meld together back into a single being, is exactly what Discord and all of Harmony becoming one again will look like.

But maybe it's someone like Spike, who's never been summoned before.

Did Twilight forget that the Map did summon him? They even referred back to it in "The Parent Map."

Anyway, this fic was really something. Every time I thought I knew which direction the plot was heading, it turned on a dime. At times, Twilight acted like Arrogant Fanfic Twilight, at least to me. But to be fair, it could be that Discord brings out the worst in her. And now she has even less motivation to be friends with him, since it will bring about the end of the world as she knows it.

Still, at least she finally got to talk to the Tree of Harmony's avatar, so . . . :yay:


Did Twilight forget that the Map did summon him? They even referred back to it in "The Parent Map."

:twilightsmile: "Of course not... Spike hadn't been summoned before, that time when he was summoned, which is why he had no idea why his spines were flashing like that..."

And now she has even less motivation to be friends with him, since it will bring about the end of the world as she knows it.

:twilightsmile: "Oh, puh-leeze... I'm the Princess of Friendship... so it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine..."

Anyway, this fic was really something. Every time I thought I knew which direction the plot was heading, it turned on a dime.

Thanks so much for reading, and for your kind feedback -- I wasn't able to make this nearly as much of a random Discord story as I might have liked, because I needed to bring it to a solid conclusion, but I did have some fun trying to come up with ways of cranking the Discord knob to eleven in new ways, like his all-Equus pep rally for Twilight. :twilightsmile:

"Don't mention it, er... what was your name again? Starlight Twinkle or something?

Her name is Twinkle Sprinkle.

Read this story again. Something that might have been fun to add would be having Discord(or Twilight, I suppose) invite Harmony out for pizza with them, maybe even have a small epilogue of how having Harmony out for pizza would go.

This is a work of art. You could easily make an entire AU around this new mythos of Discord and Harmony.


...a small epilogue of how having Harmony out for pizza would go.

Don't tempt me... :twilightsmile:

It had gone quiet in Flat Bread's House of Pizza and Sandwiches. All eyes had turned to the front counter of the establishment, where the dough-brown earth pony Flat Bread himself was standing worriedly behind the counter, tapping his teeth with a hoof and staring wide-eyed at his unusual customers.

First, there was Princess Twilight Sparkle herself, looking on with worried bemusement. Next there was the butter-colored pegasus, Fluttershy, standing with a hoof raised and her mouth open, as if about to interject a quiet, diplomatic resolution to the issue -- and she'd been standing that way for about fifteen minutes so far.

Next there was the draconequus, Discord, who was standing with his arms crossed, stubborn and resentful.

And finally, there was a sparkling, glittering etherial image of a pony -- it looked like Twilight Sparkle again, in fact -- staring up at Discord with a mixture of disbelief and dangerously ebbing patience.

And then the image spoke.

"Explain to me again this concept of Peperino and Pineapple pizza..."

And the progress of the resolution of Harmony in creation was set back again, at least another hundred years...

Thanks much! I did try to be ecumenical in the mythos, making it a mix (or mashup if you like) of Western and Eastern echatologies. And there's probably an interesting story in Discord trying to move things along and winding up playing friendship whack-a-mole with Twilight and the other elements... (cue the Supremes singing "You Can't Hurry Love...")


"Oh, puh-leeze... I'm the Princess of Friendship... so it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine..."

Twilight here mentions living to the end of the universe as Princess of Friendship. And as Princess of Friendship, her last act will be to befriend the only other being remaining in the universe with her - then to pass on to whatever comes at the end of friendship.

Hmmmmm, interesting

:twilightsmile: Thanks!

(But seriously, somepony get that man an aspirin -- he's gonna hurt something...)

This was an excellent read. Loved they way Twilight unloaded on Discord for once and she wasn't holding back. Great insults from Discord: calling her Princess Eat-a-Book and 'Starlight Twinkle' made me laugh. Thumbs up for this!:scootangel:

Thanks, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

"Princess Eat-A-Book-Today" (I realized after writing it) is kind of a subconscious callback to the exchange between Q and Worf in the TNG episode "Déjà Q":

"I have no powers! What do I have to do to convince you people?"
"Oh, very clever, Worf. Eat any good books lately?"

And in general it was a lot of fun envisioning Discord's snidely dismissive reactions to things throughout the story. And finally giving Twilight a chance to properly blow her stack at him...

Wow. Hell of a concept for a story, especially in the worldbuilding idea pertaining to Discord and Harmony. Good stuff!

Thanks again, S-C -- yeah, I decided that if I was going to write a Discord story, I wanted to do something unusual with the character, beyond the usual random "omg chaos lol" kind of tale.

The idea of Twilight's ultimate mission being effectively erazing entropy from the universe is... unsettling, to say the least. I don't think this is something basicly everyone else, be they on Equis or elsewhere, would agree with.

Also, how comes Discord allowed himself to be defeated the second time? Or the first, even, if he's literally a god, potentially with capital G?

Also why is it that only Equis has such dense concentration of, apparently, literal gods, which is basicly all the really relevant ones?

Discord realized from the beginning that the Elements of Harmony are his only weakness, after all he's already been defeated by them once. If you think about it the literal embodiment of Harmony would be discord/Discord's undoing.


See, that's my point. Equis in general is for some unfathomable (and never explained or explored) reason pretty much the center of the universe. Gods, their only weaknesses, rewriting fundamental laws of the universe, yadda yadda. It's almost worse than WoW.

Magic by definition breaks all our laws of physics. Trying to scientifically explain it is cute but at the end of day all you're left with is the magical equivalent of techno-babble.


In a high fantasy it does. Like, I said. WoW. Anything goes. Death is meaningless and cheap. Causality is meaningless. Logic is meaningless (although this one's not specifically related to magic) Canon MLP isn't that. It can be treated as such, but personally I'd really rather it wouldn't.

This is excellent!! Thank you so much for writing and sharing!!

Thanks for the read! And glad you liked it!

Magnificent work. Discord and Twilight riffing off of each other is always good fun. Getting the Avatar of Harmony and a fantastic cosmogony out of the deal makes it even better. I'm glad I finally read this. Thank you for it.

couldn't make friends in 10,000 years? Ha, the tree is stupid

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