• Member Since 24th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Guardian Talon

Warning. Prolonged exposure may result in: Insanity, Eye Hemorrhaging, Rational Fear.

Comments ( 26 )

I had just thought of going back to read the other two for a laugh last week, and then this posts. Are you psychic or something?

Depending on who you ask. I'm sure at a few people would agree that I'm at least a little bit psychotic.

Ponies can't throw. They don't have hands or arms. They don't stand on two legs, either. If you look at primates similar to humans, they can't "throw" either, at least not as we can. Take the chimpanzee, for example. They just lob things a short distance. Throwing is unique to humans, due to the way that our center of balance is positioned on our bodies. I saw you repeat this mistake several times in your story. I'm not telling you to change, it, but it's simply an observation that I made.

Are you talking about Celestia throwing things with her magic or the nuckelavee throwing things with their human like arms?

I really liked this. I am a fan of Celestia being an ass-kicking physical goddess. I could complain about her weapon choice or the fact that she got hit so much, but it was a long time ago. Hopefully she has gotten quicker, faster and deadlier in the interim since her sister's banishment.

Ponies can't throw. They don't have hands or arms. They don't stand on two legs, either.

I've seen horses stand on two legs while eating leaves on trees and walking to the next branch. I've seen them swing ropes. Magical Alicorn Princesses that move heavenly bodies can do anything that they want to do, because "magic."

For those who don't know and are too lazy to look it up, A nuckelavee looks something like this in case you don't know:

Horses cannot physically stand on two legs for suspended amounts of time without some kind of support holding them up. Just because they can lean against a tree and eat leaves does not mean that they stand and walk for hours on end. Their pelvises are not meant to support their entire body weight.

Magic does not explain everything. It's fairly evident that the Princesses do not move the sun and moon. If they did, they would instantly kill themselves and everyone on their planet due to gravity. You see, a planet's orbit is a very delicate balance between gravity, which pulls a planet towards its star, and the planet's velocity, which tends to carry it away in space. Pulling an enormous sun right up to a planet in a matter of seconds would cause immense changes in the planet's gravity, most specifically the core. The planet's core, regardless of what it's made of, is under an immense load. Due to the new gravitational force, the core suddenly becomes several times heavier than before. Unable to carry the extra burden, the core collapses inward, causing the rest of the planet to fall down on top of it. Although the surface drop would vary by planet size, the exact number does not matter, due to the fact that everyone dies, either directly in the fall, or shortly afterward from the heat released as the crust buckles and collapses. Depending on the specific areas of the collapses, it's highly conceivable that the surface of the entire planet could melt.

Or the planet would instantly be engulfed by the sun, killing everyone anyway.

I don't care what you say about magic, but if Celestia really did raise the sun, she would be cooked by the intense temperatures on her first try before she could do anything about it, along with everyone else on the planet.

Oh, she was throwing her weapon with magic? I thought she was using her hooves. I can't believe I forgot she could use her magic.

No. Not leaning against a tree. Walking on hind-legs from branch to branch for five or ten minutes at a time. I've trained horses for a living for years. I know fully well what they are capable of and what they are not. And if you think that magic cannot explain "everything" you obviously don't understand the concept of "magic" and different realities having different physics. You are limiting yourself and your imagination while watching a show that allows pegasi to fly with wings much too short to lift them off of the ground and who can stand on clouds like they are solid. Different realities, different physics. Deal.

The last time somepony questioned her defense budget she dragged them to the front line, after they recovered they tried to get the the budged doubled.

PERFECT way to deal with desk jockeys.
Of course that doesn't always work. Heck, at how McCane was! He even spent time in a oriental POW Camp and he was STILL up for provoking wars with everyone:facehoof:

What weapon do you think she should have? I liked the idea of her swinging around something that looks like a tiny sun.
As for her fighting. I could point out a few different things, but in the end the biggest reason is: It wouldn't be an interesting story if she sat in a shield sipping tea while everyone burned.
lol. It happens.

Walking on hind-legs from branch to branch for five or ten minutes at a time.

Interesting. I'll have to remember that.

Well I'm a traditionalist when it comes to fighting. In battle Celestia should be carrying more than one weapon. A pole arm for sure to reach out and touch the enemy at a distance, so a Glaive, Fauchard, or perhaps a Naginata if you like the oriental influence, and a great sword which is a fitting weapon for a Princess for personal combat as well as a large knife. Weapons containing a lot of metal, whether copper, bronze, iron, or steel were expensive and usually only available to the wealthy which was nobility or royalty. So a weapon with a lot of metal forged into a blade by a master sword-smith who is a enchanter or has access to one or the use of unobtainium if you have it. Quicker than an axe or mace, more control than a chain mace. It also requires a level of skill not practicable to peasants or nonprofessionals I understand why you chose the symbolism but like in the Fall of the Chrystal Empire her weapon has the sun symbol on it and it is used effectively, even though she lost to Sombra in this battle.
Also please understand this is just an opinion and it's your story and your vision and I enjoyed it. We're all different and it would be boring if we weren't.


Pulling an enormous sun right up to a planet in a matter of seconds would cause immense changes in the planet's gravity, most specifically the core. The planet's core, regardless of what it's made of, is under an immense load. Due to the new gravitational force, the core suddenly becomes several times heavier than before. Unable to carry the extra burden, the core collapses inward, causing the rest of the planet to fall down on top of it.

Um, no. Gravity doesn't work like that. Sure, bringing the sun and the planet closer to each other will increase the gravitational pull on the planet. But that force will act evenly on every particle the planet consists of, accelerating it towards the sun. There will be no internal unbalanced forces trying to collapse the core, and the core will not become "heavier" in relation to anything.
The only "unbalanced gravity" situation I can think of is when an external object approaches the event horizon of a black hole. In that situation, the "front" of the object will experience a greater gravitational pull than the "rear" of the object. However, in that situation the object will be stretched, not compressed.

There is a "collapse" scenario but it affects stars, not planets. Basically, when certain stars run out of nuclear fuel, they will collapse on themselves and become a white dwarf or a neutron star. This is however caused by the star's own gravity, not by external gravity forces.

Some interesting ideas. And I understand your reasoning behind them.
I also have a preference for knifes and swords. Originally I considered giving her a claymore. Even at some point having her spin it like a sawblade to cut through a row of enemies.
Considering that she's wielding her weapon in her magic, she can already reach out further then any hand held polearm. I can't think of a good reason for her to carry one herself.
Normally I would recommend carrying backup weapons as well, but it wasn't necessary for her here. She never lost control of her main weapon and she herself is a weapon. I suppose I could have done something like throw her mace at one and use a knife on another, but I probably would have had her use a spell. ...or her horn.
I'm happy you enjoyed the story, and I'm enjoying this conversation about weapons. One of the great things about a place like this is two people can have the same idea and make two very different stories. I imagine if you made your own version of this one, there would be intriguing use of various weapons.

I think that one of the biggest mistakes made in the show has been to repeatedly and arbitrarily nerf both Luna and Celestia just to avoid them being called op. They are powerful, immortal beings with immense experience and magical ability. Of course they are going to seem overpowered.

That's how it works with such entities.

I am familiar with a wide variety of fantasy and mythic beings, but this one is new to me. I'd never been made aware of it's existence before now. Thanks for showing us all that.

Are you applying our world's physics to a world that routinely shows it doesn't follow our laws?

Also the Princesses don't raise the sun huh?

Funny how we see the sun and moon Didn't move till Twilight moved them and the erratic movment do to her inexperience in raising and lowering them as well as the sun and moon can also occupy the sky at the exact same moment and the half of the sky the moon was in was a night sky while the other half was day.

Just look at all the destruction caused by these events!

Oh wait.....there wasn't any because the world within the show operates on different laws of physics then our own and has shown it repeatedly including ponies standing and throwing objects as well as holding objects with their hooves as if they were hands.

I would recommend actually watching the show since I'm fairly sure you haven't.

It's the Worf treatment to show the threat is is it THAT serious.

It's annoying though a couple aren't so much nerfing and more holding back do to collateral dmaange.

The problem is that is doesn't work. Worf is a mortal being with only so much experience and ability. Luna and Celestia are not.

It makes the situation feel incredibly disingenuous instead of showing how serious the threat is supposed to be. The problem is a sloppy, overly streamlined execution. They take too many shortcuts when doing it and produce two dimensional results as a consequence.

Oh i agree, it is poorly done and makes me facepalm a lot. But its sort of like Discord not being in the majority of episodes, his power would pretty much solvie neary every issue outside of the slice of life ones.

You don't have a story. It's poorly done usually but then so it pretending Discord with all his eality warping abilties doesnt exist or pulling some mcguffin out of no where to nerf him.

and that's why we have fanfics.

Granted, but it still feels like a slap in the face that these things are so poorly handled canonically Scorch. However I can say that as a long time My Little Pony fan that it is also not new.

Many things have been mishandled over the many years of this I.P.

Please do not feed the trolls.

agreed, but then they have always but the story ahead of everything else so will do whatever it takes to tell the story.

Still a great show.

I'm pretty sure I've seen/met/killed/eaten that guy somewhere before.

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