• Published 26th Feb 2019
  • 7,634 Views, 263 Comments

We're both twins, yes! Now buzz off... - Desperate Dawn

Continuation of a certain story that is never completed, and it has been a long time. Thus, this happened.

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A Start of a New Day [Rewritten]

Author's Note:

Complete Rewrite!

I opened my eyes, staring at the ceiling that I know all too well. I was feeling particularly lazy today, but I know I had to get up eventually and start the day. I went up to a sitting position, yawning as I stretched my limbs. I jolted my neck to each side. The satisfying 'crack' is always a pleasant thing to hear, and honestly, it never gets old.

I hopped off the bed, and immediately I was greeted by my vines. I probably would never figure out how these guys worked. Whenever I'm in the vicinity of a soil, they can appear anytime I needed them. They act out as a personal assistant of mine since my sister, Twilight Sparkle, had Spike as her assistant. And, they are handier than I can give them credit for, always able to find the slightest of things missing.

I smiled, petting the vines as I head to the bathroom. I quickly brush my tooth and head to the shower. I didn't bother for a hot shower. I always went for a cold shower as it always soothes me, and it made me calm. It also made me think much clearly.

Opening the faucet, I let the water brushes past my face as I closed my eyes, feeling the chill water slowly soaks my pale lavender coat.

It has been more than a decade since my accident and the shenanigans that followed suit. I'm uncertain if its the mind or just me, but I don't seem to remember my past no matter what I tried. Sure, I tried explaining the family about it, but they always brush it off. Well, at least Princess Celestia and Twilight listened, no matter how absurd they thought I was being.

Still, at least I had a caring family that accepted me as their apparent twin sister of Twilight. I can tell on that day that they were not expecting to had two more mouths to feed.

My time as a filly? Well, they have their ups and downs, just like the wheel of life. I still call bullshit on Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorn even though I am indeed not listed during the entrance exam. So, Dad and Mom filled out paperwork for me to enlist on the local school while I somehow still gets tutored by Princess Celestia.

The difference between the two lies on the specific things they taught, one's magic in general, and the other was the general things a typical school would teach its students.

Anyway, I finally enlisted at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns a couple of years back. Both Twilight and I are genetically considered twins, but the difference between the two of us is as clear as day. Twilight occasionally had a panic attack at least once every few months while I rarely even had one. Twilight's more on the introverted side while I leaned towards in between introvert and extrovert. And while I inherent some caliber of Twilight's ability, but unfortunately, I suck at magic. I don't have the control Twilight had. Miss Star Clarity learned that the hard way when she ordered me to replicate the same spell Twilight did in class.

I closed the faucet, levitating a towel my vines had generously offered me and starts drying myself. With that done, I headed out of my room towards the dining room, no doubt Spike had already made breakfast since I can smell his cooking the moment I exited.

"Hey, Spike, good morning," I greeted.

Spike smiled as he places a plate full of pancakes on the table, "Morning Twivine, I hope you're in for pancakes!"

"I'm always in for pancakes, Spike," I said, chuckling as I took a seat, levitating a slice.

"Hey, where's Twilight? I thought you'll wake her up by now." Spike said, looking around the room for my twins.

One thing that I liked the most in the morning is that I got to screw with Twilight due to her habits on sleeping in late. I love getting Twilight a wake-up call since a standard alarm clock won't do for her, especially when she was on her research streak, may Mr. Ring-a-lot be her last victim.

"She'll be up in the moment right about...now." There was a distinct 'thump' upstairs, then seconds later, a muffled screams can be heard throughout the tower.


"Yep, she's up," I beamed happily. Spike shook his head in amusement, starting to dig in onto his pancakes. It took Twilight awhile to join us, grumbling on her misfortune of living with me.

"I can't believe you keep waking me up like that," Twilight muttered, levitating her share of pancakes and eat her problems away.

I grinned, "Aww, come on Twilight, it wasn't that bad."

Twilight glared at me, then she sighed. "Okay, sorry, Twivine. I admit I am getting a little bit on edge for the past days."

Spike looks up from his food, speaking with his mouth full. "Owh, whay's vhat?"

"Spike, don't speak with your mouth full, please," I chided. Spike swallowed his food, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish grin.

"It was because of a prophecy that may or may not threaten the very lives of Ponies if we don't do something!" Twilight exclaimed, then slumped back to her seat.

I raised my eyebrow, "And that prophecy is?"

"Here," Twilight levitated a book out of the shelves and started to read it out loud. I noticed the book was called Predictions and Prophecies. Call me skeptical, but I'm not really into that sort of thing.

"Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, Nightmare Moon, with the aid of the stars, will escape her imprisonment on the moon and shall bring forth nighttime eternal!"

Twilight finishes rather dramatically, but it seems my skepticism started to rub onto Spike as he stared at Twilight with a frown on his face.

"Twilight, I'm sorry, but that doesn't sound likely to come true," Spike said.

"But the signs are there, the trajectory of the star almost aligned to one another like a trail, I saw it last night!"

I rolled my eyes, "Probably just a coincidence. Do I need to remind you about the 'end of the world' prophecy because some old calendar from an ancient civilization said so?"

"Yeah, that cause quite the panic, but thankfully Princess Celestia manage to handle that," Spike added, finishing the last of his pancakes.

Twilight sighed, the odds are not on her favors, and she'll probably have a hard time convincing the both of us to help on whatever she was doing.

"What if it was true?" Twilight asked, stunning the both of us. "What if, against all of the odds, the prophecy is true and all along, there was a second Princess?"

Both Spike and I looked at each other, unsure, before turning back to her. "I don't know what to expect, but I suppose only Princess Celestia can answer that."

"Great, we should tell her now!" said Twilight excitedly.

I rolled my eyes, knowing full well what would happen if she sent that letter to Princess Celestia. "Come on, Twilight, why you have to rush things?" I levitate a purple gift boxes, "Besides, we got invitation for Moon Dancer's birthday!"

"Yeah, I'll pass," Twilight said rather quickly.

"Aww, come on Twilight, just this once," Spike pleaded with puppy eyes.

Twilight looked at me hesitantly, with a reassuring smile from me, she relented. "Fine, I guess I'll have to pick up for her on the way."

"Great!" Spike and I chanted in unison.

"Happy birthday, Moon Dancer!"

Our old classmates, Twinkle Shine, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Lyra Heartstrings, all was here to congratulate her on this little party. We gave her our gifts, and then we all proceeded on the punch. I didn't let Spike had too much of it else he'll go overboard, and drank all of it when we all move onto chatting.

My gifts for her was a chemistry set and a couple rare vials I bought from that zebrarican merchant that arrived on Canterlot a few weeks ago. I don't know what Spike has for her since he doesn't want to tell me. Twilight in the other hoof, bought her a book. It was typical of her, really, last time Shining Armor, our brother, got a book on Guard's Can't gestures.

While I don't actively partake in the girls doing gossips and the likes, it was nice to talk from time to time. I tried to get Twilight out of that habit of hers, but that doesn't turn out so well. And why did I suggest her to date Blueblood all those years ago is beyond me.

And Spike decides to try to sneak up to get one of the punch, but my glare stopped him from doing so. Twilight mostly stayed out and decided that reading is a better activity than socializing, oh well, can't blame her.

After a while, the three of us bid farewell to the girls and departed home. As soon as we arrived home, she quickly get Spike to write a message to Princess Celestia.

Dear Princess Celestia,
It has come to my attention of a prophecy, if not handled carefully, may result in the extinction of ponydom as a whole.

The Prophecy in question is about the Mare in the Moon, an ancient old tale dating back at least eight centuries ago. The legend has it said that she would escape with the aid of the stars. If my calculations are correct, then I believed she would break free during the Summer Sun Celebration.

We must act immediately to ensure that the Mare in the Moon, also known by the name of Nightmare Moon, cannot succeed on her plans to bring forth eternal night.
I shall wait for your response, Princess.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle.

"Twi-light Spark-le, there done!" Spike exclaims.

"Great," a yawn escaped Twilight's mouth. "Send it, Spike."

Spike nodded and blew off the scroll with his fire breath. According to Princess Celestia, Spike is one of the rare breeds of Dragons, the one who had magical capabilities unfounded on any kind of dragon. She did not disclose the fact that, perhaps, by a miracle, Spike would be able to control his flames to any elements dragons had. Electricity, Ice, Venom, Fire, or even the good old fireball.

We Equestrian, unfortunately, don't know much about dragons, their cultures, and whatnot.

She mentioned that Spike's breed descended from an ancient black Dragon who once wield the Black Greatsword Vutha Marfadelom, whatever that means.

Unfortunately, Princess Celestia didn't respond as usual. I would assume that she put the letter away because of court or some type of meetings that requires her attention. It's not a surprise, honestly. She always redirect any message from Spike to her room if she was busy enough.

"Hey, Twilight, want to grind XP for Ogres and Oubliettes?" I asked her.

She shrugged, "Sure, why not, it has been a while since we last played."

"And I, Spike, shall be the game master of you two Adventurers," Spike said exaggeratedly, finishing with a comical Prench laugh.