• Published 4th Mar 2019
  • 3,582 Views, 115 Comments

Half Past Ten - Ashfur

No longer under Luna's control, the weakened Tantabus needs a caretaker. Unfortunately for Jake, the local human, he gets the job.

  • ...

The Big Question

Sugarcube Corner loomed over Jake and Mystic as he carried her into the shadow it cast in the midday sun. Never in his life had he ever guessed that such a cheerful, colorful building would have even the slightest inclination on how to ominously loom over folks, but today it might as well have been a gallows in Jake's eyes. This was a huge, do-or-die gamble, but the odds were in his favor. Pinkie had the biggest imagination of any creature he knew in Ponyville, and one glance at the still-translucent filly in his arms cemented his decision. “Myst, do you think you can stay here for just a moment? I think if I tell her I have a pony with me, she'll be more likely to believe me.”

The filly shivered in some non-existent wind, clearly still shaken up from what had happened with Twilight. “I… I think so. I'm scared though, mister Jake.”

“Oooh, oooh! I can watch her, Jake!”

“Oh, hey Pinkie!” Jake smiled warmly at his bubbly friend. “Yeah, you stay here and watch Myst while I go find Pinkie and tell her that Myst is new in town.” He knocked on the back door and pushed it open, but as he raised his leg to step inside he halted himself for a moment to process what he had just said. “Wait…”

Pinkie inhaled sharply, making a loud gasping noise. “OHMIGOSH, she's new in town? I knew my Pinkie sense told me that if I took my break and went out back I'd find something great but I didn't expect it to be a new friend AND a current friend! I have so many questions! Where are you from? Why are you with Jake? How did you meet? Where's your family so I can welcome them too? I HAVE TOO MANY QUESTIONS!! Oh, and how are you doing today, Jakie?” Pinkie added that last question nonchalantly, as though she had just greeted Jake at the counter and not just finished barraging him with questions.

“Whoa, tone it back, Pinks! She's a little shook up and doesn't need any undue excitement. Could we chat about this inside?”

“Okie dokie loki! Let's head to my room, that fastest way I know how!”

“And here we are! Casa de Pinkie Pie! So, who's this little one and what kind of cake do you want for a welcome party?”

Myst shied away from the bombastic mare, which Pinkie took note of. She put on a calmer face knowing not everypony liked her constant energy. Jake decided to take the lead. “Pinkie, I'd like you to meet Mystic Lodestar. Or, that's what I'm calling her for now. The poor thing hasn't been able to remember anything about her past since I found her in the island in the middle of Ponyville Lake last night.” Jake pet Myst's mane in a comforting manner, causing the filly to seemingly calm down a bit. “Don't worry, she won't hurt you, Myst. Say hi.”

“H-hello…” she muttered softly.

“Pinkie, I figured you'd be our best bet at finding who Myst really is and who her family is. And maybe why she was in the middle of the lake… Why don't you ask me some questions, so I can help you out? I'll tell you what I know.”

Suddenly, all the lights in the room went out, and a spotlight shone in Jake's eyes. Pinkie had inexplicably found a noir-style detective hat and was glaring at him from her bed. “Darn right you will, buster. Where were you on the night of the 17th?”

“Uh, Pinkie, it's only the 6th, why does that matter?”

“I ask the questions here, bub! Now, what's the price of tea in Chineigh? How many Daring Do books are there? What's your second least favorite color? Why were you in the middle of the lake last night, and how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?” She asked her questions at such a rapid-fire pace that Jake almost missed the one valid question.

“Slow down, for goodness sake! I was in the middle of the lake because I saw Myst fall from the sky and land there. I took the boat out to reach her, and-”

“Bzzzzzt! Wrong!” Interjected the bubbly pink pony. “Your story's more chock-full of holes than a changeling's legs! There are no boats on Ponyville Lake! If you saw one, you must have imagined it.”

“Wait, what?!” Jake took a step back on shock. He distinctly recalled using a rowboat to reach the center island, and seeing the brief movement of a pony's tail that had led him to the boat. Had that been Myst the whole time? He thought to himself. If her illusions can do things before disappearing, that makes so many questions… “Uh, Pinkie? I think you're right. I imagined it. But Myst here… uh…” Jake struggled with himself about whether to tell Pinkie Myst"s big secret. In the end, he lost. “She's still struggling with amnesia and I need your help finding her family. And maybe a welcome party to cheer her up…”

“Oh, that last part's easy!” Pinkie smugly pointed a hoof at the pair. “You are already partying.”

“What do you mean?” Jake asked as he spun in a circle, dancing to the beat of the music that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. In fact, somehow during the conversation they had ended up in the middle of Sugarcube Corner with a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party getting into full swing! He was also dancing with Pinkie, although he had no clue how a quadruped like her could samba so well. “Wait, what the heck?! How did we get down here? We didn't go through any doors, or stairs, and how do I suddenly know how to samba?!”

“Hihihi, just roll with it, Jake!” His dance partner cheerfully responded. “Just enjoy the party! Look, Myst is having fun, too!” She pointed a hoof over to a dessert table where Myst was constantly generating spare snacks patrons expected to be there and wolfing them down, as well as a few morsels of real treats. Ponies were greeting the pony of the hour and interacting with her without even questioning her existence, as anypony Pinkie introduced was always real.

Jake dipped Pinkie low in the dance as he smiled. Finally, he had at least solved the problem of convincing the townsponies that his little charge was real. Now all that was left for him to do was finding Myst's family and reuniting them. But for now, he simply swept his dance partner up in a spin and lost himself to the joy of the party.

Still, despite the party something was nagging at the back of Myst's head. All these ponies greeting her felt so familiar, but so foreign at the same time. It was as though she had known them in passing at one point, very recently as a matter of fact. Yet nopony knew her, and their faces did naught but draw blanks in her mind. She knew she was young, and with what had just happened with that purple pony in the castle was any indication she needed help, fast. Fading away like that felt like the world was slowly becoming muted in color and sounds more distant, as it all faded towards black, and that terrified her. Steeling her young will, she decided to take action.

“Mister Jake?” She trotted over and tugged at his pants. “Can I ask you a question? It's an important question.”

“Huh? Oh, sure, Myst! Only if I can ask you if you were the reason I ‘saw’ a boat on the lake last night.”

“That was probably me, Mister Jake, but I don't remember making it.” She watched Jake nod, then motion for her to continue. “Well… I'm not sure when mommy and daddy are gonna find us… and if they ever do, I wouldn't even know them… Mister Jake, I'm scared. Will… uh… will you be my Daddy until I find my family?”

A chorus of ‘awwww's erupted from the crowd as Jake processed the request in his head. He replied by scooping the filly up in his arms, twirling around once, and finally hugging her close to his chest so she could hear his heartbeat.

“Absolutely, my little Myst.”

Author's Note:

Pinkie says:
"Omae wa mou shindeiru partay-ru"