• Published 13th Dec 2011
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Desire - frutineo

What would happen if an old friend of Twilight Sparkle appeard bearing bad news?

  • ...

Desire Chapter Five: New Ways to Wake Up


Chapter Five: New Ways to Wake Up

Periodic Magic Usage Disorder: Also known as ‘PMUD’ or by the average pony ‘Nightmare spell’ it’s a disorder that is found among unicorns at the time of their sleep. It consist on the involuntary usage of magic by an unicorn who by one reason or another barely goes from the REM stage of the sleep to the 2nd stage unable to get to the 3rd and 4th stages while his/her mind focus on creating a spell as noted before due to any number of reasons some of the most common are; stress, fear, guilt and as the common pony name implies a nightmare. In any instance if one suspects of having this condition a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible and if the case requires a psychologist for this condition will exhaust any unicorn as a unintentional spell uses much more magic energy than one that is done at will or by mere instinct and can even overtake a spell being cast passively by the caster.

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Hardcover was confused ‘why am I being blanketed with cotton candy? Why is the grass soft as a pillow? Why do I feel chocolate in my mouth?’ these thoughts pondered in his mind while looking at the horizon, he saw that everything was wrong, the sun looked like it was made of marshmallow, the sky out of jelly and the hills made out of either cake, candy or sugar “this has officially gone from weird to flat out insane” he said to himself.

“Glad to see you accept your sanity... or lack of it so well” a deep and familiar voice called to him.

“ACK” Cover jumped by the sudden appearance of another pony at this place.

“Surprised to see me student?” Princess Luna asked as she made her appearance in her dream form, there in her realm she stood as tall as Celestia, her horn and wings larger than her sister’s but with a more frightening appearance much like that of Nightmare Moon.

“Of course I am surprised Luna I suddenly find myself awake in this... place and you appear out of nowhere in that form”

“Why is it that you are such a scaredy cat? You have fought many other ponies even when they have presented themselves with weaponry and yet you jump at the sight of a spider or the sudden appearance of anypony from a dark spot”

“None of your business... is this your doing?” he said sitting in his spot and pointing his hoof at the scenery

“Of course not Student, what do you take me for?”

“A playful and prankster filly with which I used to play with until recently”

Luna’s eyes shot arrows at him, literally which he dodged taking seat just nearby from where he sat first “That will cost you a couple of nightmares”

“Not like I have any other kind of dream recently” he said looking at the strange floor below him with a pain filled stare.

Luna looked at him the same way he saw the floor “I know what you mean, in my rounds through this world I have found that your dreams have been mostly nightmares in the past months, mostly about him” Luna sat at his side and used her hoof so that their stares met.

“It’s painful to know… to know that maybe I could have done something more, something to prevent this” he struggled with the words, now he just stared blankly at the cotton candy blanket he was using until recently that seemed to move a little.

“You remind me of sister when you are like that, trying to fix those that are too far gone on their own and you don’t even realize that you need help to do so. Speaking of which how was the reunion?”

“Fine I think, they did caught wind of us not telling everything but we can manage”

“Why do you have to do so like this?”

Cover shut his eyes not wanting to say what he was about to say “Please Princess let me do this my own way”

Luna knew that he only used her title on certain occasions and that was when he wanted to drop a conversation “very well but hear me out, if something were to happen do not waste any time and call for me.... us, Celestia and me so we can help beside if something were to happen to Twilight Sparkle and her friends Tia and I would be so mad at you, they are our friends as well”

Cover pondered the weight of her words “Very well Luna, I will... now if you excuse me” he got up and stretched his back “I must enjoy this dream to its fullest, I can’t remember last time I had such a good dream”

Luna snickered “very well I’ll leave you with this dream and remember to send me a letter and to Merope as well, she has been worried sick ever since you left her with your parents”

“Tell her I said hi, and that maybe she can come here as there is another dragon that she can meet”

“Spike I presume”

“Why didn’t you tell me she had a dragon as well?”

“You never asked, besides that kind of information is classified for purpose of safety and all those things”

“Bureaucracy above all things, you both really need to fix that”

*Snickers* “We will try, see you soon student” Luna finally exited the dream realm leaving Cover to do as he pleased.

“COWABUNGA” he yelled as he leapt to the cream covered hills and for what seemed ages he enjoyed the sweet scenery like a foal the morning after nightmare night; he spent his time inside the sugar mines, the Cake Mountains, the cream river, the strawberry fields... it was a great dream ‘it must be because of the bakery... now that I think about it why did I even woke up below that cotton candy?’ he returned with haste and studied the cotton candy with some curiosity and saw the chocolate dripping from a side ‘that seems yummy’ he prompted a lick from it and let the fluffy candy fill his mouth... it felt wrong he gagged at the feel of the thing entering his throat.

Cover gagged at the feel of the strange object that got in his throat and woke from his slumber and saw that what he was trying to swallow was a piece of Pinkie Pie’s hair drenched in some drool, he gagged and got the hair out of his mouth and moved the mare away from him with a little push, thankfully she seemed to be a deep sleeper.

He got up and made his joints pop with a stretching; once again he was tired maybe thanks to the -Nightmare Spell- he most likely casted over while sleeping which he thought was -Memory Share- ‘there is no other way I would have dreamed of such a place and now I see that it was most likely her dream... does she ever stop thinking about desserts?’ the spell he had used at earlier hours of the day to help his best friend Soft Edge to draw his memories was taxing in its own way, lending his memories to others was dangerous, it was in a way like a mind reading spell and it could turn into a mind control if done correctly and with enough strength.

The clock read 10 A.M. in the morning and he thought of going back to sleep when suddenly an older mare appeared into the room “Pinkie Pie dear you must get uuuuuuuuup...” she stopped dead in her tracks and looked at the stallion in the middle of the room, then at the sleeping Pinkie Pie, back at him and she finally decided to walk backwards and close the door she just entered from... ‘Ok... now I will need to explain some things’ he sighed and made way to the bathroom ‘I guess you never get bored here in Ponyville’

After a quick visit to the bathroom he saw that Pinkie was still asleep so he decided to walk down the stairs and explain his presence... somehow.

Trotting down the stairs he began to notice the smell of freshly baked goodies which reminded him of breakfast ‘ok after my introduction I shall buy some breakfast, this is still a bakery of sorts and it will be good for my introduction to pay for something and break the ice’ he was now entering the exhibition room when he noticed Pinkie Pie talking to an adult couple whom in his little knowledge of ponies of the little village must be the cakes.

“And then he said I could sleep over him if I wanted to be warm and cosy and that is what I did and... oh there he is” she stood beside the stallion and wrapped her right foreleg around him “he is Hardcover an old friend of Twilight’s and my new friend” she smiled intensively.

“Why hello dear” talked the mare “I must apologize for my behavior earlier, you must understand that the... sight was quite… well...”

“I understand that it can be taken out of context but let me assure you that I am most respectful to all and every good pony in Equestria you can be sure that if I slept in Pinkie Pie’s room was because she offered to give me shelter and...”

“Well son what is it?” the older stallion asked.

“Just a quick question”

“Well shoot boy, what are you waiting for?”

“Just when did she come downstairs?”

“Oh it was after I walked out of the room; she came bouncing down the stairs and told us why you where in the room”

Cover stood there silent for a good 2 minutes his mind raging the events from last night to this very moment ‘ok this is weird, she was there when I got out of bed, there is no way.... maybe I need to consult somepony on the matter Twilight Sparkle must know something or at least have an explanation to it’ *grumble* hardcover could hear his stomach growl so loud everypony just snickered at the sound “Ahahaha well lookie it’s late so how about some breakfast?”

“You are posivelutely right about it; now stay here while I bake some breakfast” Pinkie Pie seemed to agree with Cover and she started bouncing to the kitchen.

“... Wait bake?” Cover said as he stepped in front of Pinkie.

“Well yeah I am a baker what did you expect me to do?”

“How about cook?” he asked sarcastically.

Pinkie Pie just sat there and started fidgeting with her hoofs and laugh nervously.

“You don’t know how to cook”

“Eeenope” she said casting her eyes aside to hide her shame.

He facehoofed “ok before you get baking I will make breakfast then I have to go to the library”

Pinkie’s face changed, it was weird and fearful Cover did not know why but she started stuttering “Bu but why do you have to go there?”

“There are some things I need to check with Twilight”

“But I wanted to try some recipes...” she now was sad and her hair lost some of it’s puffiness.

‘Great now she is sad... what do I do?’ he stared at her ‘Why is it so difficult to negate a request from a mare?’ he sighed “look I will go to the library and after I am finished I will teach you a recipe for a new dessert... is that ok with you?”

Pinkie’s face brightened and she jumped out of joy “YIPEEE! You heard that miss cake? A new recipe, oooh that makes me so” she was held down on the floor by Cover.

The cakes just looked at the scene with warming eyes, even though they had taken Pinkie Pie under their wing a long time ago to teach her how to be a proper baker, in a sense they had seen her grow like a daughter and they were happy that maybe she would soon learn something they could never hope to teach her, something that it had to be learned by oneself, that pained them and made them happy at the same time for even if it all went wrong, the experience would make her grow.

“Now let me cook breakfast and then we can keep on with our day” he left and started to prepare the breakfast which he decided it would consist on scrambled eggs, bread and some juice.

“Hey Pinkie, do you like coffee?”

“Not really”

“Why not?”

“It isn’t sweet even if you put a lot of sugar in it”

“hehehe well not if you do it the right way”

“Pinkie’s interest was piqued at the sudden statement, ‘how is it possible that coffee could be sweeter?’ did he have a special form of preparing coffee? Those questions lingered in her mind...”

Cover got out of the kitchen with a pan floating in front of him “wait, are you narrating to yourself?”

“Pinkie was taken aback ‘how did he know what I was doing? And how dare he interrupt my own narration?’ she was mad at him being so casual about it”

“Oh dear Celestia you are still doing it”

“He said with surprise look in his face”

... “I am going to go back to the kitchen, be right back”

“He said as he trotted back to carry on with his...”

“AND STOP THAT” he yelled from the kitchen.

The cakes tried to stifle a laugh.

Pinkie stopped doing so and just waited for her breakfast.

Soon after he got back with the breakfast, there was 2 cups of hot milk floating near him which Pinkie eyed with some curiosity “so where is the coffee?”

“Here let me fix that” he took the coffee powder and mixed it with the hot milk, and proceeded to put 3 spoonfuls of sugar to each and mixed them.

Pinkie eyed the mix with uncertainty “just 3? It will be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo”

Hardcover’s patience tank was almost empty by now but he talked in a monotone voice “Pinkie Pie do not try my patience for I am more than willing to get out of this town and not teach you anything”

Pinkie sat straight and finished her statement “tasteless”

“Now would you give me some credit? I know what I am doing... now eat”

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It was half past 11 and Cover was trotting to the library, he had had a good breakfast and even showed Pinkie a way to have a better coffee, making it with milk made coffee easier to sweeten.

Now he had some flour tortillas and some chocolate mix for later on to keep on his promise with Pinkie as he pondered a thought that would always assault his mind ‘Mares are so incredibly difficult to deal with’ he soon came close to the great hollow tree that acted as library and hoped that Twilight Sparkle would be awake ‘well I need to have some real info of the elements, if I can keep it casual maybe I will also get some info on Pinkie Pie... I really hope that she can answer me, else I will go insane’

He prepared to knock on the door, but he remembered it was a public library so he let himself inside quietly so he won’t wake up everypony if they where asleep, he could wait.

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Fluttershy felt weak, tired, her eyes burned and her nose was humid yet she felt warmth around her which made her feel... safe, and it was so comfortable it felt like Pegasus feathers... there was something wrong, why was her wall green? Or so close? In fact, why was it moving as if it was breathing? Her mind suddenly recalled the events of the night before, her memories, her crying, and the Pegasus colt that held her when she was at her weakest.

‘High Rise is holding me’ her eyes opened widely in realization and she moved thanks to her nervousness ‘ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh he is holding me... and he is still asleep, oh Celestia, Twilight, Rarity, somepony help me, what am I supposed to do?’ her sudden movement awoke her guest.

“maaahummm” High Rise woke and looked at the mare in front of him and realized he was still holding her and she was afraid, nervous he realized it must be because of him so he let her go “hey good morning Fluttershy how are you?”

Fluttershy leapt from her bed and tried to hide her embarrassment with her mane and behind her hoofs “I... I’m sorry”

“Sorry for what?”

She pointed her hoof to his chest and as she did so he noticed that his chest was humid with mucus, he poked the stain and saw what it was “ew, well this is certainly a new way to start my day” he looked at Fluttershy cowering a little trying not to meet his gaze “hey don’t be ashamed, if somepony needs to be ashamed is me, I saw you crying and held you even when you did not asked”

“But... still... I...”

‘Great she feels guilty, how quickly can her emotions change?’ “Look this is not that bad, if you could just lend me you bathroom I could use it to clean myself” he then thought of something to loosen her mood, he hid his face in his mane and hoofs “I mean... if you are... okay with it”

She noticed how he was acting like she was; she thought he was being cute that way ‘do I look like that when I am the same? That explains the light blushing on his cheek’

‘She sure takes her sweet time thinking things over’ “hey what about if you take a bath first then I can have mine, what do you think?”

“No please, you are dirty... and it is my fault that you are like that”

Rise looked at her almost disappointed “Fluttershy, even if I am dirty I really want you to bathe first, you were the one crying out gallons worth of sorrow... so please go, you said so yourself yesterday, I am a knuckle head and you won’t change my mind”

Fluttershy thought about protesting but she knew it would be a waste of time and so she floated to her bathroom.

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After both ponies had taken their respective turns bathing they had gone downstairs, it was 10 minutes to 12 and Fluttershy was feeding her critters, Rise was helping her as he wanted to make himself useful to the mare that had given him shelter and was going to feed him, after minutes of labor he had wanted to talk to her... about anything “so I wanted to ask you”

“Yes... about what?”

“Well you see we are in the middle of October right?”

“Yes... at least that is what the calendar says”

“I figured as much”

“Figured what?”

“That you girls knew that we were hiding something that you wanted us near to see if you could squeeze the truth out of us”

“No that’s not right... well yes but, we agreed to just keep an eye on you, nothing else”

“Is that why Twilight Sparkle tried to make my brother stay with her?”

“....” Fluttershy silently analyzed what Rise had said, her friend Twilight wanted her guest’s brother to sleep in the library... “It is strange; I mean we all wanted to keep an eye on you but...”

“It looked like she wanted him to stay for another reason was it not?”

“... It did seem that way to me, the look in her eyes; it was different almost like...”

“Like what?”

“Well some time ago there was a show mare that came to town, she was called...”

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“So after I repaired those pieces of cloth I saw Twilight looking at them with that same look in her eyes” Fluttershy had finally ended the story to her guest.

“But did she ever try to send it to their owner?”

“Twilight says that she wants to give them to her personally but after contacting her once throughout mail she lost all contact with her... even if she sends an occasional letter and that she knows they are being received... there is just no response”

Rise sat silently... ‘Well Bro you just did what I feared...’ “Well I must apologize in advance”

She looked at him not knowing what had happened “Why... why are you apologizing?”

“My brother, it seems that his over friendly ways of talking and to interact with ponies have led him to sway your friend to have a crush on him... I really hate him for doing that, not that he realizes what he is doing, he is that dumb” a grumble sounded from both the mare and the stallion’s bellies.

The clock pointed 12:45 and Celestia’s sun confirmed the time “Oh my I totally forgot about breakfast, sorry”

“No it’s all right, hey do you want me to help you?”

“Oh I couldn’t ask you to”

“Nonsense, that way we can finish faster and eat earlier”


“No buts, Come on let us make something already, I am starving...”

“Something bothering you?”

“I wanted to know... nothing”

“What is it?”

“Nothing really, it’s something I can ask any other day...”

“It’s about yesterday... isn’t it?”

“... Sorry I just... the way you cried, look I don’t need to know if you don’t want me to... but I advise you to tell somepony, that Twilight Sparkle seems like the type of pony you can go and tell her about the things that are bothering you”

Fluttershy stood near him “I will tell you, you are right in the fact that I need somepony with whom I can share all my feelings, and I have kept them locked for enough time... come let’s make breakfast”

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Rainbow Dash had been looking to the roof of her own home angered over the conversation she had with her Foalhood Friend, the scene repeated over and over in her head; the colt sitting in front of him, his refusal to answer her questions and her friend the shyest and well mannered pony in all of Equestria... ‘Why did you do that Fluttershy? What am I supposed to do?’ he thought of going to see any of their friends... but whom? ‘Rarity? No, bad idea she won’t have a solution and she will scold me. Twilight? No she would do the same... and her dreamy eye for that chocolate stallion really makes me doubt... and since Pinkie and Fluttershy are out of the question the only option is Applejack’

Rainbow rolled to her side to be able to look through her window to the farm that her friend/rival owned, she had found herself staring at it more and more, thinking about her nonetheless. It was known to her friends that she was a marebian, they did not cared her sexual orientation, they had accepted her as she was but she had not shared everything with them, she had a crush… like a silly filly she had fallen for one of her friends.

‘If I go and tell AJ about what I did she would be so mad… and I love that side of her’ she shook her head ‘no, bad idea, she would be so mad she might stop talking to me… not worth the risk’

Her stomach grumbled in protests, she had not had eaten yet so she ultimately decided to go to Sugar Cube Corner, it was the obvious choice for when you do not have anything in your fridge… and your kitchen looked like 3 tornados had hit it in rapid succession.

She flew as fast as she could and arrived at the pastry shop and party central of Ponyville ‘maybe after eating something I will go and see Fluttershy… she needs to answer me some questions’ she entered the establishment.

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The Cutie Mark Crusaders had already woken up, hungry and eager to start the day, not so much after they remembered they were meant to be punished for their actions the night before. Their thoughts were set aside as soon as they saw Hardcover asleep with his back against the wall of the library.

“Well Ah must say, this here is weird”

“It looks like he just… spent the night there. Twilight is a lame hostess”

“I do not think she could do something so… rude”

“Hey Applebloom what time is it?”

“Tha clock says, 1:15”

“Whoa we ended up sleeping most of the morning, and I wanted us to go to the mountain early and try rock climbing”

“Ah am sure that our families won’t let us go anywhere for ah while”

“Excuse me girls… what about him?” Sweetie Bell said as she pointed her hoof to the sleeping stallion that was kicking as if he was having a bad dream.

“Oh yeah, I had forgotten about him”

“What do yah wanna do about ‘im?”

Sweetie Bell pondered in though and came up with an answer “lets wake Twilight she will know what to do” their bellies grumbled showing that they all needed to eat something “and I would like to eat something before nightfall” the other 2 agreed.

The 3 turned their backs to trot up the stairs but stopped at the sight of Twilight Sparkle walking out the room with messy hair *ahumm* “good morning girls…”

“Good morning Twilight” the 3 fillies greeted in unison.

“Miss Twilight, why did ya make Hardcover sleep on the floor?”

Twilight looked at little Applebloom confused “what did you just say?”

The three pointed at the sleeping unicorn that woke up violently “THE ELEMENTS” yelled Hardcover waking up panting and sweating heavily.

The Crusaders took a step back, the way he had woken up yelling scared them, but Twilight was curious “good morning sleepy head”

“Ah Twilight how are you? ...and I think is afternoon”

She stifled a laugh “yeah you are right sorry... hey, what are you doing sleeping there?”

Hardcover stretched a little and cracked his spine once again that day “nothing… just waiting for you to wake up”

“He he I can see that, but why did you waited for me? And since when are you here?”

“… I wanted to ask some things to you, and I am here since half past eleven I think… what time is it?” Cover said scratching his head.

Twilight looked at her clock “1:20 pm why?”

“Nothing… hey you girls have just woken up right?”

The question reminded Twilight about that feeling of emptiness she had felt after waking up “well yes of course I am… how about you girls?”

“Well Miss Twi... I don’ really wan ta impose” little Applebloom’s stomach growled in unison with her friends “but a would appreciate to eat sumtin’ before mah sister arrives”

“Ok girls deal, now let me wake up Spike so he can make breakfast”

“What are you talking about?” asked Cover “why do you have to wake him up?”

Twilight nervously chuckled “you see I…”

“Dear Princesses Celestia and Luna… Is there a mare here in this town that actually knows how to cook?”

“Hey look sorry, I just…” she started to defend herself.

“Let all the cooks in the castle make your meals”

“I… I…” she sat on her spot and started fiddling with her hoofs.

“Never thought about learning how to properly cook anything beyond daffodil sandwiches so it won’t waste your time”

Twilight could not even look straight at him; she was embarrassed to the point of being unable to defend herself.

Cover sighed and got up “I will help you… so how about pancakes for breakfast?”

A trio of YAY’s were heard and the fillies went to the kitchen.

“Twilight I have to ask you just a couple of things after breakfast”

Twilight’s heart almost jumped from hearing that simple phrase “Sure, anything you want”

“Ok now, before they try making a mess in the kitchen” he nodded his head towards Twilight’s Kitchen and he trotted inside.

She just stood there looking at the stallion as he disappeared behind the door and thought to herself ‘why would he scream that? I mean is not like it is a secret that 6 mares are the living representations of the elements of harmony, thought we wanted that piece of information not to be spread, that may be the reason only the few ponies that wander the castle’s glass room knows who we really are’ she did not move an inch rambling through her thoughts when suddenly the stallion called for her.

“Twilight come here for a second”


At the kitchen she saw Cover sorting through all of the cabinets “what are you doing?”

“Looking for pancake mix, do you have any?”

“mmmhhhh…” she tried to remember but from her mind did not register anything.

Spike entered the kitchen still yawning from his slumber “We were supposed to go buy at the market this morning, now you will have to go buy something at Sugar Cube corner”

The stallion was left speechless, now he had to return to the bakery and would never get to ask the questions he wanted ‘I could always ask her any other day’ “well let us get going, my treat”

Twilight just had to interfere “Oh please no, if anything I want to pay for the breakfast, for making you wait for me here in the library”

“No, no, no, I did said I would make pancakes, and since you do not have mix, I am willing to pay for it”

“Just like Applejack says, no way, no how, I want to pay for the late breakfast”

“Nope, I will”

“I will”

“I will”

“I will”


Both young mare and stallion took a step aside to look at the filly that had yelled, then they looked at each other and they half smiled finally Hardcover spoke “How about, I pay half and you pay half?”

“Sounds like a great idea” she answered.

Scootaloo pulled her lower eyelids in annoyance “finally we can get going; I was tired of all this mushiness”

Now Twilight and Cover blushed a little at the sudden remark, Cover went to the entrance of the library taking his saddlebags and opened the door bowing to let the mare and fillies to get out in a gentlecolty way.

“Well isn’t he quite the gentlecolt, Twilight how ya doin’?”

“Applejack how nice to see you, I am fine how are you doing?”

“Just fine, I am coming back from my market round and I came here to pick up Applebloom, the little filly needs to start her punishment sooner or later either” the cowmare said as she eyed her little sister.

Applebloom looked down to the floor in shame, that was a sight Hardcover could not bear with the sight of the filly so he did what he did best… getting in the middles of a problem he had no valid opinion, so he took a step in front, straightened himself, puffed his chest out “Applejack, I am sure you can relate to the reason she did such a thing, she was just trying to protect you, as family”

Applejack took her stare away from her sister up to the stallion near her, Hardcover could not see if said stare was either from amusement or annoyance “Boy you surprise me, they tried to attack you just yesterday, so how come you are defending them”

“Because they felt it was the right thing to do

“Look boy…”

The stallion was annoyed that she would not use her name “Hardcover, my friends’ call me Cover”

“Hardcover” The naming did not go unnoticed by the stallion “look at it ma way, even if I am thankful that she wanted to protect me an ma friends, what she did was dangerous, imagine that you were a thief, I am sure as hay you would have put resistance or even hurt ma lil sister”

“… I am not going to win this discussion, am I?”


Cover looked at the fillies with resignation in his eyes “sorry girls, she is right what you did was foolish and at worst suicidal, I let myself get caught because I was curious of your actions… do promise Applejack here that you will never do something like that ever again”

“We promise” the trio said.

Twilight Sparkle followed the discussion and took note of Applejack’s and Hardcover’s little discussion ‘this might be a good report on the magic of friendship’ her thought interrupted by the sweet smell of apple goodies that emanated from the cowmare’s selling cart “Applejack, what do you have here?”

“Well sugarcube I have some fritters, half a pie and a dozen of apples, why?”

“You see, we just woke up and we were on our way to Sugar Cube Corner, but you just saved us our trip”

“Gee Twilight it seems to me that you would not eat a nibble unless reminded to do so, now for everything I have it would be… 26 bits” Applejack raised her hoof in the general direction of the purple unicorn.

“Eleven, twelve, thirteen…” counted Twilight floating the gold pieces with her magic.

“And I have the rest” Cover said floating them to the apple farming mare “and I think is finally time to eat something” he said floating the apple based products from the cowmare’s cart.

“YAY” cheered the fillies as they followed the food they longed for.

At the kitchen Cover put the table so the fillies and mare could enjoy their meal but he knew that they would need something to drink “Twilight, do you mind if I check the fridge?”

Twilight nodded in response.

He trotted to the big fridge and opened it just to realize that it had no milk or anything in fact so he peaked his head from the side of the door “Cutie Mark Crusaders, guess what?” hoping to grab the attention of the mares attention as well.

“What is it Hardcover?” Applejack asked.

“Well you see, Princess here” he said pointing his horn at Twilight Sparkle’s direction “has no milk or anything drinkable here”

Twilight chuckled nervously “Spike already told you…”

Then all of the sudden a known Pink mare jumped from inside the fridge stratling the stallion “hey what’s up?”

“AGH…” yelped Cover as he jumped back sitting on the wooden floor “P-PINKIE… how, when, what?”

“Hey Cover, I wanted to know if you were finished here”

“…” he felt silent staring at her.

Twilight interrupted “Pinkie, I just woke up and Cover here was trying to give me and the girls something to drink”

“Need some milk?”

“If possible, yes”

“Here” Pinkie said as she grabbed a gallon of milk with her hoof from the inside of the fridge

“Thanks Pinkie, I will be sure to go to Sugar Cube Corner after I visit Zecora later” Twilight said and smiled at friend.

“Okie Dokie Lokie, see ya Twilight, Applejack, Crusaders, Cover” and she hopped out of the library.

Cover was still sitting in his flank, not really doing anything but seeing the mares as they talked, and once Pinkie had left he managed to talk “Twilight… how did she?”

“*snickers* do not worry, you will get used to Pinkie Pie if you spent enough time in Ponyville, but if you have any questions you can always ask me”

Cover took seat at the table; he put his face between his hoofs and just said “Brace yourself Twilight Sparkle, for I have many”