• Published 22nd Mar 2019
  • 3,981 Views, 247 Comments

Twilight's Pirate School - Lets Do This

If you should see a lavender airship in your sky, hurry to get on board. You don't want to miss being part of Equestria's future, aboard Princess Twilight's School of Friendship... (An AU reboot of season 8)

  • ...

Your New Worst Nightmare

Tap... Tap... Tap...

Like the ticking of a clock at a party, which no one notices until there's a momentary lull in the conversation and it suddenly becomes clearly, ominously audible, the sound of iron-shod hoofsteps echoed along the Friendship's corridors.

In the various classrooms, lessons were in full swing, and finally operating without major issues.

In Rainbow's class on loyalty, Yona stood poised on a pile of the classroom's desks, ready to fall backward into the waiting arms of the other students standing ready to catch her.

In Pinkie's class on laughter, the air was filled with both confetti and the warm aroma of freshly-baked cupcakes.

In Fluttershy's kindness class, the students dared each other to be the first one to hug Harry the Bear.

Rarity, dressed in full schoolmarm's outfit complete with glasses and hoof-length skirt, was demonstrating to her class the thoughtfulness and care that went into the design of a high-fashion evening gown and hat, making them both practical and comfortable.

Applejack was giving practical demonstrations of apple-bucking technique to her students, and explaining carefully and honestly why apples were far superior to oranges and strawberries for the purpose... not that she was in any way biased, of course!

And in the main auditorium, Twilight alternated between lessons in magic and an introductory course on Equestrian history, as well as providing helpful guidelines for good study habits, and answers to any questions the students might have about the School's policies and procedures.

In between classes, the students shuttled quickly from room to room along the corridors, or to the cafeteria for meals, or the rec-room for their free periods.

But during every class period, the hallways were empty and silent, save for the steady, relentless tapping of armored shoes, as Commander Tempest made her rounds.

Every time the conversation level dropped in class, every time there was a pause for questions, the students could hear the steady, metronome-like pacing along the corridors outside. And every now and then, glancing at the open door, they would catch sight of Tempest striding past. And she would stare back in at them, with that enigmatic knowing smile on her face, her broken horn crackling and sparking.

None of the students wanted to come face to face with the Commander's forbidding gaze as they wandered the halls.

There had already been one incident. A young, white-flanked unicorn named Snowball had skipped class and climbed up to the main deck of the ship. He stood leaning on the side rail, idly folding paper airplanes with his magic and flinging them into the open air.

He never even heard Tempest come up behind him.

He found himself suddenly seized up by the tail, and then dangled over the edge, held in place only by an armored shoe pinning his tail to the railing.

"You really think this is a wise use of your time?" Tempest sternly demanded, "Chucking things overboard?" She laughed nastily. "Maybe I should just throw you along with them, hmm?"

"I'm sorry!" he cried. "I won't do it again, I promise!"

"Oh... I wish I could believe that. But you know, you can't kid a kidder! And I don't think you've really learned your lesson yet. I can't afford to let any lapse in behavior on this ship go unpunished... soooo..."

She lifted her hoof. And the colt plunged screaming for twenty yards... then was swiftly caught by one of the the winged soldiers on station beneath the ship's keel. He was gently flown back up and deposited onto the main deck again.

Right in front of Commander Tempest.

It was almost worse than plummeting to his death. At least that had a known, predictable end to it. He stared up at her, shivering. And Tempest glared down at him for a long, silent moment, a horribly evaluating look on her face. Almost as if she was trying to decide which torment would be the most fun to inflict on him next.

"Have we learned anything yet?" she finally asked.

Snowball nodded.

"You have a class to be in right now?"

He nodded again, wide-eyed.

Tempest's snout was suddenly inches from his. Her eyes glared.

"Then why aren't you in it?"

There was a clattering of hooves, and Tempest was suddenly alone. The colt had gotten belowdecks so fast, it was like he'd simply dropped straight through the deck itself.

Word about someone like Tempest got around fast. There hadn't been any other incidents.

The Odd Squad discussed her amongst themselves the next morning, as they sat waiting on the seating ranks in the main classroom. "So... what do you guys think of her?" Gallus asked.

"She's eerie!" Sandbar said. "Somehow she's always there, whatever's going on. Any time, day or night. I mean, it's like she never sleeps."

"I heard she sleeps with one eye open!" Silverstream gasped. She shut one eye, and then the other. "I wonder if it's the left eye or the right eye?"

"There's a rumor," Smolder said, "that she's fitted out a room on one of those other warships of hers as a torture chamber." She grinned. "Complete with hoof-manacles on the wall -- near the ceiling!"

"That sounds about right." Gallus nodded. "She's got a few screws loose, if you ask me."

"Yona like Tempest pony!" She stomped a hoof. "She strong! Not take guff from no one. Just like yak!"

"She is really tough and scary," Ocellus said. "But no one's gotten hurt, right? I mean, so far?"

"That we know of," Gallus warned. "I mean we're not actually missing any students yet."

"Princess Twilight wouldn't let anyone get hurt," Sandbar said. "And she lets Commander Tempest run this ship however she likes, so she must trust her."

"Wish I could..." Gallus muttered. "Hey, what's this session supposed to be about again?"

"Uh... Safety and Security Briefing," Ocellus read off her schedule.

"Huh... that should be quick." Gallus smiled at the others. "Probably just be Tempest the Terrible saying do what I tell you, and giving us the eyeball."

A voice spoke from behind them. "That's an... interesting approach. Though rather lacking in style."

Gallus flinched, and then looked round. Tempest had just stepped into the classroom through its rear doors on the upper level. Accompanying her were Grubber and a number of her soldiers.

The Commander smiled down at them all, but particularly at Gallus. "Any other suggestions you'd like to share with the group?"

"Uhhh... how does she do that?" Gallus whispered to the others.

"Told ya... any time, day or night!" Sandbar whispered back.

Tempest went on speaking as she strolled casually around the upper landing of the classroom, then descended the left-hand staircase, with Grubber and two of the soldiers following her.

"For those of you who've been unwisely not paying attention up to now, I am Commander Tempest Shadow. I am personal bodyguard to Her Highness Princess Twilight Sparkle. I am in charge of her armed forces in general, and of this ship in particular..."

She paused, gazing around at them all.

"... which makes me your new worst nightmare!"

She mounted the stage and swung to face them all. "I have heard it rumored," she said, "that I am irrational, ruthless, and completely lacking a sense of humor. You'll find these rumors are quite true... if I catch any of you stepping out of line. And just let me remind you, I managed to subdue three of the four alicorn Princesses of Equestria in less than twenty seconds. I don't mention that out of any sense of pride, mind you. It's merely to be sure you understand who you're dealing with."

She gestured with a forehoof to the scarlet-furred soldier who had moved to stand to her left on the stage, and the gold-and-black soldier to her right. "Allow me to introduce you to Fred and Strife here. You'll be seeing a lot of them while you're here at the School. And make no mistake: they are my eyes and ears, as well as your hall monitors. If you're up to something -- anything -- be warned: I will know about it!"

She gave them a moment to let that sink in, then went on.

"Now, in the unlikely event of an emergency, the ship's horn will sound..." She paused, as a deep, thundering blast filled the air for several seconds. "And you will immediately report here for roll call. After which, if necessary, my soldiers will transfer you to one of the other ships, or to some other safe location, until the crisis is past.

"But we shouldn't have any difficulties of that nature right away. So my best advice to you is this: focus on your studies and on the activities the School has to offer. Make new friends... because that's what this School is all about. And don't get up to mischief. Because understand me clearly," she added, "if I am given any reason to be displeased, any reason at all, I will be just as harsh, just as unforgiving, as you may have heard."

Tempest glanced around at the silent, staring faces.

"And it's for one, simple reason," she went on. "This School, its students, and its mission, are important to Princess Twilight. She's putting her reputation on the line, making this opportunity available to you. Your actions will reflect not only on this School, but also on her judgment in founding and operating it."

She looked around again, making certain she had their attention. "So we're not going to do anything that would make her second-guess that judgment, are we? You know why? Because before you do anything that will disappoint Princess Twilight, you'll first have to disappoint me. And quite frankly..."

Her head lowered, and she glared at them, her horn sizzling. "...that would be suicidal. Am I making myself clearly understood?"

"Huh," Gallus whispered to the others. "It's all an act! No way she could get away with treating students like that."

"I wouldn't provoke her," Smolder whispered back, shaking her head. "You know what they're already calling her, back home? The Pony who Fights Like a Dragon... and that's no joke!"

"Yeah, right... I'll believe that when I see it!"

Tempest had given no sign that she'd heard the exchange, but then she made a quick, sharp gesture with a forehoof. One of the winged soldiers standing at the back of the room had already leapt into the air. He swooped down and neatly snatched up Gallus. The startled griffon quickly found himself dangling helplessly in the soldier's grasp, inches from Tempest's sparking horn and evil smile.

"I look forward to getting to know you better, Mister Gallus," she said, silkily. "I can tell you're going to give me plenty of opportunities, aren't you?"

She leaned closer, her voice dropping to a whisper.

"Bring it... if you dare!"

She swept her hoof again, and the soldier swung back towards the audience, smoothly dropping Gallus back in his place amongst the other students.

Smolder shook her head at him. "Told ya! She doesn't take prisoners!"

"Yeah!" Yona cheered. "Tempest is yak's kind of pony!"

"Oooh, she's really scary!" Ocellus said, cringing.

"But kind of fun!" Silverstream chirped. "... and scary, too! But fun!"

"I know I won't be crossing her." Sandbar shook his head. "It's not worth it!"

Tempest gazed around at the wide-eyed students. "Now that we've all gotten to know each other a little better, I have one other announcement. Tomorrow, the School will be making its first port of call for a research field trip. And given that we're all learning the ropes here, your professors have decided we should start simple, with a visit to Vanhoover, one of Equestria's larger cities, to learn a thing or two about pony society and culture."

Tempest smiled broadly.

"And you know what? I'm actually looking forward to this! It'll be nice making landfall in a city just to visit, stroll around, see the sights..." Her tone turned cold, her eyes narrowed. "... not having to immediately subdue it by force, and place it under strict martial law..."

"Okaaaay... leaning towards scary again..." Silverstream shivered. "She's joking, right?"

"I sure hope so," Sandbar said.

"So," Tempest concluded, "let's all meet here bright and early tomorrow morning. And then... let's just not do anything that would spoil my pleasant day ashore, hmm?"

With that, she dismissed them all.

The students left the room and headed off to their next class, subdued and thoughtful. There was many a worried backward glance at the armored pony still standing on the stage.

As they left, Princess Twilight entered the classroom, trotting down one of the side staircases, exchanging smiles with the students as they left.

Reaching the stage, she looked up at the Commander, a little sadly. "Are you really sure you want to play it tough like this, Tempest? It might help if you got to know the students as friends... let them see the real you."

Tempest sighed. "Maybe I will, Princess, eventually." She looked at Twilight. "But like we discussed, for now it's simpler if they see you as the teacher, and me as the disciplinarian. We want them to like you and respect you, so they'll listen to you, and turn to you when they need advice. And we need to keep them safe and out of mischief in the meantime... so that's my job. It's better if they're uncertain of me at first, at least until we have this place running smoothly. For now, you're the carrot... and I'm the stick. You focus on keeping them happy and learning, I'll keep them in line."

"All right, Tempest." Twilight said, reluctantly. "I trust your judgment."

"Don't worry, Princess." Tempest smiled. "They'll get to like me in time."

She glared up at the rear doors of the classroom, through which the last of the students was leaving. There was a crafty smile on her face.

"Eventually... the ones who survive, that is..."


The Commander looked at Twilight. And laughed.

"Oh, come on, Princess! Let me have this! It helps to keep me sharp..."