• Member Since 12th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen 31 minutes ago


Author, Historian, M.S., Fallout Fan, Fisherman, Texan. If I don't know it, I will find out.


Comments ( 50 )

YAY!!! More Shadow and another book. Reading this you can tell the improvement between the first uploaded chapter and this, you can tell the improvement in your writing skills. Can't wait for more!

Thanks. I know I have improved a lot over the year, but it means a lot to hear the feedback about how much.

Ive looked back and read the earlier stuff, but I'm not sure what I would change. The story is the story, I've just gotten better at writing it.

Also, yes! Back to Shadow! I tried to not separate them, but Lord of the Rings separates things to whole books where you never see Frodo and Sam.

I have a lot of fun with that. lol.

Plenty more chapters to see how things do down. He he he. I admit there is an evil streak in my blood.

I hope it was worth waiting all of Book 3 for. 😉

Why is chapter 104 and chapter 105 the exact same chapter? Is it a error?

Oops. Fixed now. I don't know what happened to that one. Apparently I copied 104 twice. 105 - Gambit - is its own chapter and I just had to copy the correct one back into it. It is edited correctly now.

Thank you for your help and quick notification of the error.

It’s ok. I’ve been around since the first book and finally decided to speak. Keep up the good work on the book it’s been coming along great.

Thanks! I always love to hear from the readers. I know I have quite a few silent ones, but I love feedback.

Yeah I tend to be a little to silent. But I figured might as well start talking. Can’t wait to see where this story goes.

Well, if you want something further explored, PM anytime. That is what the Anthology is there for. Marble Falls' mission below was set down in stone by request from a reader.

Thanks. It’s nice that you actually interact with your audience.

That's the fun part! Not just sharing the story, but all of it. I put my heart into for you guys. I don't want to sit on a throne and watch from above, I want to see their experience! I want them to understand the myriad of fun facts as to why I chose certain things and all the tie ins I do. (many of which are on the wiki.)

I thought about writing my own fic but can’t now that I am in college. Maybe when I finish though? Perhaps, but until then I will continue to find these stories something that I can enjoy when I am not studying.

I held off on this for years. The original story plot was designed in 2012 and 2013. I understand how busy college can be. And from my experience, unless you can actually dedicate the time, you don't get much done and it doesn't feel great. At least not for large projects.

I'm working on another piece, that will cross over EQG and SAO, but I need to get ahead enough to allow for the releases to come out smoothly. And I am looking at Masters program with a few classes in the fall. I totally understand the balance of time.

Great update! Just waiting on the day that Shadow and Cardinal can get back together.

The Wasteland clams another. Idk if I should laugh or or scream in terror when Shadow gets back above probably the former. He is the pale horse and death fallows in his wake.

I like that, the "pale horse of death." lol

Glad you enjoyed it! Things are just getting fun!! Normal one is on schedule for Monday or Tuesday. I wish I could set a timer to Auto release since I'll begin my 3 day drive home on Tuesday.

Well, it's not a terribly subtle point. Lol. Shadow is stuck below, away from his wife, family, and friends, with the Wasteland sucking his life away, already killing 5 of his comrades and friends.

Hey mindrop just curious when the next chapter will release? Really excited to see what happens next in the story.

Well, it appears that I missed updating this last week. Oops. My bad. I'll fix that. I could have sworn I updated it!

It’s fine just glad to get the next chapter

How many books will be in this series?

Five! And then Sagas of Shanyisa. I'm sitting about 160 total chapters.

Is there no chapter this week?

I forgot to announce that with School, GRE, a move, and prepping for PhD and MA applications that Shaping Shadow is moving to a biweekly release. Every other week. Book 5 isn't complete yet and is behind. I'm choosing to slow the release of book 4 a bit so I don't have any standing time between Book 4 and Book 5.

Thank you. This is a fun section of the book. Hehehe

Thank you! Things are getting fun. I am clearing some things up on EQG:SAO, but I'll be back in Shaping Shadow shortly to finish up Book 5.

Nice update. Been reading both stories, enjoying a bunch.

I'm way behind on book 5. So the release will be late. EQG:SAO has been taking up more of my time, and that story exploded bigger than planned. I was supposed to be done writing it by now, but I keep adding events. I'll finish both, but it has been nice to be featured and have a bigger following, something Shaping Shadow, sadly, can't give me.

Great chapter. Can't wait for the next one.

I am working to release them. Book 5 is on hold sadly. I will get it out soon-ish. I did 4 whole books in a year and a half. I guess that is impressive.

It is very impressive. I'm just excited to see how events play out for shadow and his friends. Keep up the good work.

Great update! Looking forward to the next update.

Nice chapter love how it ended. Can't wait for next update.

This Ends Book 4. I still need to get back on book 5. It will come soon.

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