• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 2,511 Views, 133 Comments

Heart Forged of Iron - Crack-Fic Casey

The Iron Mage learns how to be a true hero while facing the evil forces of A.I.M!

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Under my Iron Skin (3)

They were slowly herded down a long corridor towards the expo floor. Twilight had managed to get a spot near the outside edge, but she didn’t have a plan just yet. The guards were passing crystal balls linked to Hypnotia around the group. Twilight remembered the—

The lights flashed.

Her own voice.

“…I won’t—”

—Twilight stumbled a little but kept moving. She remembered the rules of Hypnotia’s powers. Much like real hypnosis, they pulled attention and used your focus to relax you enough to agree with anything you were told. It could take several sessions to gain real control over a person, but since it didn’t directly implant commands it slipped past normal mental defenses. Twilight could shrug off the direct effects because of all the— practice, she’d had.

The herd moved slowly, but they were making better progress than Twilight had hoped. She could hear the eerie moans ahead, as the crowd repeated the chants Hypnotia gave them.

Alright, let’s break this down slowly.

There were three AIM guards, two on each side and one in the rear. Twilight couldn’t run without being seen, and at any rate, she’d be running right into Hypnotia and the rest of AIM. She couldn’t overpower the guards, because even aside from the reinforcements, the herd would turn on her. And if she didn’t come up with something soon, it’d be too late.

She focused her Earth Pony magic on the crystal balls, committing the signal to memory as best she could. Twilight took a deep breath and shifted her magic back to that of a Unicorn. On the next pass, she grabbed one of the crystal balls.

The guards converged immediately, but she wasn’t running. She brought it closer to her face and stared at it. She felt nausea creep through her stomach but powered through. “Preeeeeeeetty,” she said.

“What is she doing?” one of the guards asked.

“Shh,” the guard nearest her said. His field tried to reach inside hers, but he wasn’t strong enough. She had a harder time than she should have; there were extra batteries in the armor, but the Arc Reactor itself couldn’t store very much power. She didn’t have much time to complete the spell.

The guard lay what was meant to be a comforting hoof on her shoulder, and she couldn’t suppress a wince. “Hey,” he said, “you feel like you need to keep going, right?”

Her horn was lit as she frantically cast two spells at once; the levitation spell that everyone saw and a hidden attack on the Crystal Ball itself. She couldn’t hold her face blank, and when she shivered she realized that she was sweating. “G-going?”

“Yes,” the guard said. “Go on. Forwards.”

It was taking too long. Without using Earth Pony magic, Twilight was altering the spellwork blind. She had seconds. “Going…”

There was a ding, and she finally gained access to the network. “Going down!”

She isolated the audio signal and ripped it apart, sending a hideous screech through every ball Hypnotia was using to control people. The noise echoed throughout the facility, accompanied by a steadily rising terror. The shouts ahead faded quickly, as Hypnotia’s gaze brought them down again. But around her, there was immediate panic.

Ponies bolted in both directions, most going forwards towards the main room. Twilight didn’t have time to help them, she just turned and ran back the way they came. The guards gave chase, but there were a lot of ponies to round up and Twilight wouldn’t have a problem losing herself in the crowd.

“Look out!”

Twilight froze at the words just long enough for a guard to tackle her. He reared up to trample her, but she rabbit-punched him in the ribs and kicked him off.

She rolled away and stood, taking in the scene as quickly as possible. There were more AIM guards coming, but Sunset had recovered her bow. An arrow streaked down the corridor, striking the wall and splattering green ooze across everything. The potion flared a noxious green and began to distort, and titanic vines emerged and struck the guards. This caused a lot of panic, screaming, and general mayhem but some of the guards were already through.

Twilight absorbed all this in the split-second it took her opponent to stand. He growled. “Who do you think you are?”

“Loaded question.” Twilight tossed her mane back out of her eyes and stamped her hoof. “Let me show you.”

Her cocky attitude was a little misplaced. She’d been learning how to fight, but all of her real fights had been inside her armor. She instinctively tried to fly, and at the moment she remembered her wings weren’t there he was on her.

Fighting meant learning how to take a punch. His rattled her jaw and nearly floored her, but she got her hooves under her and stabbed him with her horn. He reared back, pulling her on top and kicking her unprotected stomach.

She staggered back, and he started to stand. Forgoing subtly, she grabbed his body telekinetically and slammed him against the ceiling. She felt a twinge in her chest as she did— Twilight could have tossed all these ponies around in the old days, but now she was starting to run on fumes.

Time to go.

Twilight looked back over the crowd again. It was thinner now; most of the innocent ponies had fled and the guards were focused on Sunset. It was an almost chilling reminder of how inexperienced she was; Sunset had floored three of the guards and was trading fire with guards on the other side of the vines. The vines were beginning to smolder as the magic sustaining them ran out.

I can’t leave her like this.

Twilight levitated the AIM grunt she’d disposed of, wincing at the effort. She’d need to be quick if she wanted to get Sunset out of there—

But what if she’s the mole?

Sunset had been hypnotized with the other agents, but that didn’t preclude any prior brainwashing. After all, a Special Agent would be very valuable to AIM, especially one connected to Spark Industries. And Sunset was the one in charge of security at the Expo. AIM could have walked right in.

But she’s my friend.

Twilight watched the vines continue to disintegrate. There only moments left, and to make matters worse, she could see the shifting colors of Hypnotia as she approached.

But what if she’s not?

Twilight dropped the guard and turned to run. As she galloped away, she heard the vines finally disappear. Sunset shouted and fell silent. Excuses piled up in her mind, telling her things like she didn’t stand a chance or how she’d save Sunset later.

It didn’t help. She had to leave a friend behind because she didn’t know if that friend stabbed her in the back or not. Nothing about this situation was okay.

It’s fine. I just need to hide, then I can summon my armor and pull Hypnotia’s smug head off.

And save my friends.

Those should have been the other way around.

There was a flare of light, and an AIM guard teleported in front of her. She yelped and tried to pull herself up short, only to trip and slide on the floor. She kicked him in the face and worked her way back to her hooves, ducking under a bolt of energy as AIM charged her. Throwing caution to the wind, she pulled what was left of her magic together and teleported away.

Darkness claimed her.

This should have been one of the best nights of Hypnotia’s life. All eyes were on her, they were chanting her new name, and she’d even gotten some light groveling in. But she couldn’t just enjoy something, now could she?

She observed the scene from behind the protection of two of Twilight’s little sidekicks; Starlight Glimmer and the short dragon one. The SHIELD agent lay unconscious. Hypnotia frowned, she’d wanted to talk to her. “Did Twilight Sparkle get away?”

The guard stared at her face for a second before the question registered. He closed his eyes and concentrated. “Yes, miss.”

She stomped her hoof and snorted. “Check on the guards stationed near the hostages. Scatter the cannon fodder in groups of two and have them comb through the facility. We can save the real guards for important things.”

The AIM guard bowed— not something AIM required, but Hypnotia appreciated it-- and walked away to carry out her orders. Hypnotia turned to Starlight Glimmer. Even seeing that uptight jerk smiling like a bubble-headed cheerleader didn’t erase her dark mood. “How long until our equipment is loaded?”

“Fifteen minutes, miss,” Starlight said dreamily. “It feels like no time at all standing in—”

“Yes I’m beautiful, now shut up I’m thinking.” Hypnotia’s frown deepened. If they left as soon as they’d loaded the equipment, she wouldn’t have time to leave any ideas in the audience’s heads. “Guard, remind me how many we’re allowed to foalnap?”

“Only a few, Miss. And we were ordered to report in if anyone broke free.”

She growled, and her thralls flinched at her anger. “Oh, hush,” she said irritably. “I’m not angry at any of you. Guard,” she ordered, “make sure no one talks to or bothers me in any way for the next few moments, no matter what happens. If they do, they will be punished most severely.”

The guard nodded and moved away. As soon as they’d formed a perimeter, Hypnotia closed her eyes and let her mind drift. She felt something shift across her mind, something both loathsome and welcoming. It hurt, and she sighed as she sank into the pain.

Hypnotia. I can only assume that you are calling to explain how grand your most recent victory was?

Hypnotia flinched. “I’m afraid there has been a minor setback.”

What an intriguing change of pace. Do enlighten me.

Hypnotia drew in a deep, shuddering breath. “While the equipment is being stowed away as we speak, a small group has managed to escape. I have guards searching for them now.”

Have you located Twilight Sparkle yet?

Hypnotia shook her head. She wished she could turn away, but there was nowhere to turn away to. The darkness permeated her, the voice both insubstantial and encompassing. There was nothing to fight against and nowhere to go.

A pity. When you called to tell me that you had her so close, I had assumed you would be able to make up for your last great failure, as opposed to compounding it. Nevertheless, you still have an opportunity to make this right. I advise you not to waste it, as it would go... poorly should you return with naught but words.

With a jolt, Hypnotia opened her eyes. “Was I out long?”

“Just a few moments, miss,” the guard said. “Are you alright?”

Hypnotia nodded, hoping her shakes weren’t visible. This is worth it, she told herself. She was AIM’s face, the terrifying yet alluring visage that all thought of. She might not be in charge of anything… crucial, but an entire planet fearing her?

That was worth anything

Hypnotia took a decisive step forward. “We can’t afford to leave any loose ends here. Can we see which doors they flee out of?”

“Yes, miss.”

“Good. I’ve got something special ready for our friend…”

At the nearest twitch of her tail, the titanic golems approached and bowed. “How may we serve you, miss?” they asked as one.

Twilight suddenly realized she’d blacked out, and forced her eyes open. It took her a moment to realize where she was. Teleport. Underground.

It had been a stupid risk to teleport with the reactor so low. That spell was a doozy when she’d been whole, but now...

Gotta stand.

It wasn’t as if she’d had a choice! She needed somewhere to change into Iron Mage. Without her armor, she was worse than useless. To do that she’d need power, and—

Twilight realized she was sweating. She reached up with a trembling hoof and realized it was starting to grey out. She wasn’t standing and moving made her nauseous.

Reactor low. Gotta recharge.

She raked her hoof across her vest, trying to reach the Arc Reactor. Buttons popped off and the vest was likely ruined, but she didn’t care right now. If she’d aimed right, she should be in one of the prototype rooms. She pressed her hoof against the Arc Reactor, and the cover flipped open.

Her limbs stopped shaking as power flowed into her. Her stomach stopped its complaining, and her head cleared enough to stand. She looked around as the streams of energy flowed from the magitech and into the reactor, and noted with relief that she was alone.

I’m getting lucky.

She dismissed the thought and closed the Reactor. Twilight cricked her neck, reached for the spell she buried deep inside the Reactor itself and said two words.

“Armor up.”

In a moment she was enclosed in iron. Her breathing eased, and her clumsy limbs moved more smoothly as the enchantments on the suit took hold. She lit her horn, watching her magic turn from lavender to bright blue. She flexed her new metal wings, stepping into the air with ease that defied her heavy armor. Twilight felt strong, saw clearer, and felt Invincible.

The Iron Mage tore through the wall and began to make her way towards the showroom floor, only one thought dominating her mind.

It’s time to end this.