• Member Since 19th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday

Dan_s Comments

Story teller at heart. I like to examine the unusual. I spend too much time being 'reasonable'. I write to play, and hope others enjoy the results.


Comments ( 23 )

Huh. an April 1 release...
Okay, I'm a sucker. Count me in.

If someone forced to adopt this protocol cam

You mean came, right? Please respond to this comment.

Your secret is safe with me. But
>ak clack
Come on, now. No round in the chamber, on a closed-bolt weapon? Just for Rule of Cool? It would make more sense if they'd been walking with a PKM.

With Nightmare's attention he came.

I forgot what a joy your works are when you keep them short. Looking forward to the sequel.

Hold up. Did he get turned into a flower?

9552053 Only if geraniums are flowers.

F*cking God, I love it.

Such good storytelling.

I know this is a personal question but what kind of schooling/reading did you do?
Most of you stories seem to have developed charters with somewhat defined thought process and rising. The only time i post is when i'm drunk!!

Comment posted by hitmit2 deleted May 24th, 2019

9640375 First, I was schooled during the 80's. Second, I've read anything that interested me, from microbiology to abnormal psychology, from forging of metals to making paint. As for fiction I've read almost anything that didn't have vampires or a zombie apocalypse in it, Tolkien, David Weber, C.S. Lewis, Tolstoy, Jules Verne, Lovecraft and lots of fan fiction. I've also read various examples of human evil from Mien Kampf, Das Kapital/The Communist Manifesto, Rules for Radicals, to The Prince.
I strongly recommend the classics: Shakespeare, Dante, Ambrose Bierce, Rudyard Kipling, Huxley and Orwell. Things that examine the human condition in less than safe ways.

Now here is a man who has turned being thick into an art form.

I liked this story and then the ending happened... Not really sure my opinion anymore. It feels incomplete even if there’s going to be a sequel.

There is more, it's just my muse has me working on other things at the moment.

Fuckin' beautiful

Why doesn't this have more likes? It was really good!

It's also a very uncomfortable read.

This character has galaxy brain.

I can only speak for myself, but I loved it. I was able to read a bit of chapter 1 in some free time, and the story stayed at the front of my mind until I was able to read it all the way through.

Eh, I guess it is a bit spotty, here and there. But it definitely has a good soul, and I found it far more enjoyable than tedious.

True but still not telling your sister you're engaged to be married is a dumb move.

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