• Published 10th Apr 2019
  • 2,782 Views, 8 Comments

Damsel in Distress - Wandering Pigeon

Princess Dashie has been kidnapped, and there's only one pink knight up for the job of rescuing her.

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Sir Pinks-a-lot Saves a Princess

Rainbow Dash was only very grumpy right now.

She sat on Pinkie Pie’s bed, fore legs crossed, face warped into a scowl. So far her night hadn’t gone as planned. And at this rate, it wasn’t going to go anywhere.

Just outside the door she could hear the sounds of Pinkie struggling: plastic mashing plastic, exasperated whinnys, rubber chicken noises, and confetti explosions. Typical Pinkie stuff, but taking way longer than usual.

“Will you hurry up already?” Rainbow whined. The door didn’t open, but it did laugh at her.

“Hang tight, Princess Dashie! Your knight in shining armor will be there as soon as—hahaha!—as soon as her armor stops tickling so much!”

Rainbow groaned, more so at the princess remark than anything else. But she couldn’t deny that it was appropriate. Somehow she’d let herself fall victim to being dolled up.

Magenta heels encased all four of her hooves, and translucent pink stockings snaked up each leg. A way too poofy dress hugged her body, with built in petticoats to make it extra puffy, because that was necessary.

The dress was pinker than her stockings, with baby blue bows dotting the hem of the skirt, the sides of its short, bubble sleeves, and in a straight line from the white ruffle collar all the way down to her waist. A matching sash was tied around her belly, forming a monster of a bow right at the small of her back. It was so big the ears were poking out from behind!

And her head hadn’t escaped unscathed either. Her mane was done up with curls, half of which were obscured by the hennin she wore. The cone-like crown stretched far into the air, with glittery silk falling back down to Earth from the point.

Tonight, Rainbow Dash was indeed the princess. It was her turn after all, and every single part of the outfit bothered her, annoyed her, or angered her. All except one.

crinkle crinkle

Rainbow’s cheeks flushed when she shifted, the noise exposing the diaper beneath her dress. The poofy, white garment was the thickest money could by, spreading her hind legs so far apart that she couldn’t get her fetlocks to touch even if she tried.

Every other part of her outfit Dash hated for being so uncool. But the diaper she loved for exactly the same reason.

There was just something so… thrilling about them. The way the fluffy padding hugged her plot, making her look so childish and vulnerable. It marked her as a big filly in a way that nothing else about her attire could even approach.

Rainbow shifted again, letting her padding tickle her undercarriage.

crinkle crinkle

Now there was a feeling you just weren’t going to get anywhere else. Her spine shivered with delight, and a hint of embarrassment. Rainbow had to bite her lip to cover up her smile. There was just something freeing about being trapped in diapers.

“Ready or not, here I come!” Pinkie finally kicked down the door. Dash jumped. “It is I, Sir Pinks-a-lot! Here to save the lovely maiden Princess Dashie from the fiend who incarc— Incarcar— Uh… who imprisons her!”

Pinkie jittered excitedly at the door. She looked ready to burst out of her plastic armor and the helmet that barely fit over her poofy mane. Though her line delivery was… less than stellar, Dash had to admit her marefriend made for a charming knight. ...Rubber chicken sword aside.

Boneless was flopping in Pinkie’s right hoof, unable to look sword-like for the briefest of seconds. Not exactly a knight’s weapon of choice, but this was Sir Pinks-a-lot they were talking about. She was the type to forgo half her armor in favor for a gigantic cloud of a diaper instead.

Dash found her eyes drawn to the poofy mountain around Pinkie’s flanks. It rivaled her own diaper in size, so big it forced Pinkie’s hind legs far apart in an effort to straddle it. Her charming knight was going to be waddling into battle at this rate.

“Psst.” Pinkie wobbled Boneless in Rainbow’s direction. “Dashie, that’s your cue!”

Rainbow sighed into an eye roll. Roleplaying was not her forte. But, this was for Pinkie, so… “Oh, save me Sir Pinks-a-lot!” Rainbow tried her best to sound damsel-y, but she came off vaguely Rarity-like. Close enough.

“I’m coming Princess Dashie!” Pinkie waved Boneless in the air valiantly. The rubber chicken slapped back and forth like a… well, like a rubber chicken. Why Pinkie refused to get a fake sword was beyond Rainbow. “But first I have to fight the eeevil monster that keeps you from getting a changie!”

Boneless came down in a limp point. Right before the bed was the baby alligator responsible for Princess Dashie’s imprisonment: Gummy.

The tiny terror offered only a vacant stare at this challenger. A forked tongue slowly poked out of his mouth.

Pinkie grinned at her opponent. “Well, well, well, Gumminator—” Dash snickered, needing to put a high heel to her mouth. “—Have at ye! Let my Princess go, or face the wrath of my sword!”

A slow, deliberate eyeball lick answered her.

Pinkie narrowed her eyes. “So be it then.”

Boneless swung at the alligator, whiffing horribly. The monster was just too short for a proper strike. Gummy flicked his tail back and forth, sniffing the air.

“Hiya!” Pinkie brought Boneless down, and booped Gummy on the head. Gummy chomped down on the sword, pulling it from Pinkie’s hoof. The knight gasped. “Oh no!”

Gummy chewed Pinkie’s weapon, slowly lying down as he did. It seemed all hope was lost, the Guminator had never been bested by an unarmed foe before.

Pinkie waddled back in fear, even the crinkles of her diaper sounded terrified. “Don’t worry, Princess Dashie. I’ll save you yet! I just have to… um…”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. Never before had she seen such a one-sided battle. Maybe it was time for her to prove that not all damsels were in distress.

Picking up a pillow from the bed, Rainbow tossed it down on top of Gummy. It smooshed the little guy, trapping him under the combined weight of one hundred feathers. He was toast.

“Hooray!” Pinkie cried as Gummy continued chewing on Boneless unabated. “We did it!”

“I did it,” Rainbow corrected as Pinkie Pie bounced up onto the bed.

“You sure did.” Pinkie leaned in and nestled Rainbow’s chest. “You’re one of those new, tough Princesses, aren’tcha?”

“U-Uh, well…” Rainbow’s face was heating up from the hug. Her stammers were met with a round of giggling.

“It’s okay.” Pinkie came up to nuzzle their noses together. Their diapers bumped against each other through the fabric of Dash’s dress. “I like my princesses tough.”

Rainbow didn’t have a blue face anymore. It was all red. She nervously pressed her legs together, only succeeding in bunching up her padding. “W… Well good!” she managed firmly. “Cause you’ve got a tough one.”

“Hehe.” Pinkie pressed her lips against Dash’s. The kiss was brief, but still sent butterflies running through her stomach. How did Pinkie always do that to her?

“I get to be the knight next time, right?” She asked, just to make sure.

“Aww, but you’re such a cute, tough princess, Dashie.” Pinkie peppered her cheek with kisses. On an unrelated note, Rainbow face somehow grew even redder.

“Pinkie!” she grumbled, looking away. Her pout only produced giggles.

Pinkie reached down and pulled up Rainbow’s dress, exposing her diaper under layers of frills. “Are you all grumpy because you had to use your diapee?”

“I didn’t!” Rainbow pushed the skirt down to cover herself again. But secretly, she hoped Pinkie would lift it back up anyway.

“Really? Cause I sure did.” Pinkie wiggled her plot, and the light squish of damp padding answered.

When Rainbow sniffed the air, she could detect just a hint of pee. “Aw, come on.” She playfully plugged her nose. “Some knight you turned out to be.”

“I couldn’t help it. The Guminator was sooo scary.” Pinkie went in to tickle Dash. “Good thing I had you to save me.”

“Haha—Stop it!—hahaHA!” Rainbow sank down on the bed to escape the assault. Pinkie stood over her, trapping Rainbow with a foreleg on each side. Their eyes met, and just gazed into one another for a while.

Pinkie leaned in and kissed her again. Longer than before, but softer. More lovingly. Rainbow squirmed. She wanted to rip off her dress then and there and tackle Pinkie. But she also wanted this kiss to last forever.

Neither happened, because Pinkie eventually parted their lips so she could sink into Rainbow’s chest. Her legs hooked around her in and intimate cuddle, diaper squishing and crinkling until she found a spot that was just right.

“H-Hey,” Rainbow protested. “Aren’t we gonna…”

“In a minute,” Pinkie said. “I wanna snuggle right now.”

Dash sighed, anxious to get to the “good” part. That’s what all the roleplay had been for, right? But if it was for Pinkie, she could wait. “Ok.”

Her hooves wrapped around Pinkie, and Dash nestled into the bits of her mane poking out from her helmet. It was comfy. Doubly so, thanks to her diaper. She could almost fall asleep like this. Almost.

If not for the stupid dress.

Dash kept kicking and squirming, trying to adjust her hyper-feminine outfit so it’d feel less terrible. Pinkie could feel what she was doing and just giggled on top of her.

“Knock it off,” Rainbow grumbled. “You know I don’t like this thing.”

“I know,” Pinkie whispered. She nestled deeper into her. “But thanks for wearing it anyway, Dashie.”

Rainbow sighed. “Yeah… you’re welcome.”

Maybe being a damsel wasn’t that bad.

Author's Note:

Just something super fluffy and short. Hadn't posted a cute fic in a while is all.

Comments ( 8 )

Some cute fluff is always nice.

I don't believe I've ever seen a diaperfic with this few downvotes. Either the Downvote Patrol is off tonight or this is high quality stuff. It's PinkieDash too which is my second favorite pairing. Definitely will be checking this out.

Hope you like it when you do!

There’s only one appropriate reaction for this:

Good, cause that's what I was going for :pinkiehappy:

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