• Published 8th Apr 2019
  • 2,782 Views, 14 Comments

A Game of Truth or Dare - Sunset Awesomness17

  • ...

Is it true...

When Sunset finally joined the others in the kitchen, she was greeted with an interesting scene. Everyone had already gotten their fair share of pizza, while Applejack and Rainbow Dash were having a contest to see who could eat the most pizza in three minutes. Sunset had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing.

“I bet I can eat twice as much as you!” Rainbow boasted, stuffing a slice of pizza into her mouth. She immediately made a face. “Yyyyuck! This needs ranch!” She grabbed the nearest bottle of ranch and poured it on her pizza and stuffed it back into her mouth.

“Hah! Ya wish! I bet ah can eat five times more!” Applejack told her before shoving her face back down on the table to continue her slice.

Rarity glared at the two girls. “Hugh! How revolting!” She looked up at the ceiling. “Must you have to do this now while the rest of us are eating?!”

“Blagh Iagh Sowwagh, Rarahhty, blaugh huagh.” Rainbow’s words were nothing but a bunch of muffled sounds.

At this point Sunset couldn’t hold herself any longer, she bursted out laughing. It started out small, but it quickly grew into full blown laughter.

That’s when her friends finally noticed that she was there.

“Hey, Sunghny!” Rainbow said through her mouth full. She passed her a plate of pizza before she continued to shove more pizza into her mouth.

But Sunset did not bother to grab the plate for she was still too busy laughing. At this point she was snorting. “Hahahahahaha! Oh, oh, my /snort/! Hahahahaha-/snort/! Gahahahahash!” She knelt down on the floor as she fought to be able to breathe.

While she was busy trying to contain her laughter, Rainbow and Applejack were still busy stuffing their faces in pizza. Sunset looked up in time to see Rainbow was trying to fit four slices of pizza down her throat all at once, while Applejack didn’t even bother to pick hers up. She had several slices in a pile and she was eating them with her face pressed down, Like how a dog or maybe even a pig would eat. Her was face covered in pizza sauce, pieces of sausage, bell pepper, and pepperoni. Her staton hat had managed to stay on her head, barely. It was slowly sliding off, though AJ never really noticed, too busy stuffing her face.

Next to her, Rainbow had tried to reach for another slice on the other side of the cowgirl. She had almost reached for it when she accidentally bumped into Applejack’s shoulder, knocking the girl’s hat off her head and right into Rarity’s other uneaten slice of pizza.

Both Applejack and Rainbow’s eyes went wide, their mouths full, and their cheeks messy, well their whole face covered in pizza sauce in the case of Applejack.

Rarity let out a surprised yelp. Her eyes wide, her hand on her mouth, but soon she recovered and her features were soon replaced with a mix of disgust and anger. “Ugh! Really Applejack, you couldn’t even keep your hat on your head? Like I know it was not on purpose but this would not have happened if you two hadn’t been so set on seeing who can eat the most in less than—-“

She was interrupted by the sound of an alarm going off. They all looked across the table, well except Sunset who was still laughing, at Pinkie’s phone. Pinkie picked up her phone and turned it off. She then grabbed a piece of paper next to, looked at it and then looked up and Rainbow and AJ. “Its a tie!” She declares while stuffing a cupcake into her mouth.



Both girls looked at each other. Applejack quickly finished her mouth full, swallowing in one gulp. “Ah can’t believe it!”

Rainbow did the same, licking her lips as she spoke. “Yeah! There has to be a mistake!”

“Honestly, darlings, I’d say you two both did great.” Rarity chimed in. “No matter how disgusting the competition was. She added under her breath.

“Um, uh if-if it helps, I really thought you were going to win Applejack.” Fluttershy said behind her hair as she voiced her thoughts.

“WHAT?!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Hah!” Applejack laughed at Rainbow smugly.

All this went on while Sunset was still busy laughing. She was now rolling on the floor, her laugh were more of silent wheezing, unable to breathe her face turning red. Her friends noticed that she was no longer on her table.

“Sunset? Where’d you go?” Rainbow asked looking around the table. The others looked to where they last saw Sunset on the table and started to look around when they saw that she wasn’t in her seat.

“Oh, I think she’s down there!” Pinkie said as she remembered Sunset falling off of the chair earlier. She looked down, and sure enough there was Sunset still laughing.

“Sunset? What are you down there darling?” Rarity asked from across the table.

“I.....heeheeehahaha...I..heeheehee!” Sunset tried to respond but all came out were a bunch of giggles. That is until she felt something on her arm, she turned and saw a black hairy spider on her arm. She immediately shot up with a loud shriek, she automatically slapped her other hand where the spider was and she flung it back down towards the floor, which it ended up landing on the top of her foot.

“AAAAAAAAAAH!!!” She kicked her foot and jumped up again. She then turned and climbed onto the nearest chair. She scanned the ground, not seeing it she then looked down to her feet and saw it still on her foot. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” She then brought a hand down and flicked it off. As soon as she was certain that it was gone she let out a huge breath of relief, leaning back on the chair as she dropped her shoulders and laid her head back on the chair. She grabbed the bottle of germ-X that was on the table and pumped three squirts into her hand. She stared at the ground searching for the spider.

“Um, S-Sunset?” Fluttershy tried to get her attention.

Sunset kept scanning the ground.

“Uh, Sunset”Applejack tried.

“SUNSET!!!” Rainbow called out. That seemed to get Sunset’s attention as her eyes went wide and she looked across the table where the sound of the voice came from. Fear was evident in her eyes for only a split second until she shook her head, closing her eyes and she looked back at Rainbow with an unreadable expression.
“Um...” Her voice was nothing but a squeaky high pitch, sound. She cleared her throat and spoke in a much more maintained voice as her cheeks grew warm. “Yeah?”

Are you alright darling?” Rarity asked.

“Oh I’m fine.” Sunset waved the question off with a flick of her wrist. “J-just.....a....um” Her face grew redder as she realized why she panicked a few moments ago. She looked back at her friends with an embarrassed giggle. “A um.......uh...s-spider.” Her voice grew quiet as she got to the end of her sentence. She looked around the table at the faces of her friends who were giving her a mixture of concerned and amused looks.

But something tickled at her insides, for she found herself giggling at herself for the embarrassing little freak out.

Her friends looked at each other and started to giggle as well. Well except for Rainbow.

“Bwaaaaahahahahahaaaa!!!” Rainbow laughed. “You-eheh-you..... You?! Heheheha! You’re scared of -hehehahah-spiders?!” She managed between laughs. She took a deep breath and continued. “The big bad Sunset Shimmer is scared of a little spider? Ahahahaha!” She dissolved into another fit of laughter.

“Rainbow!” Rarity scolded.

“What?! Ahahah” Rainbow tried to hide her laugh.

Sunset blushed even harder, “Well, yeah. Heh, just they’re so....”She glanced at Fluttershy and searched for a nice word to place her disgust. When she couldn’t find one she stuck her tongue out. “I’m sorry Fluttershy.” She said before she pretended to gag. “They are just not the greatest things to look at AND after being dared to eat one...” There were immediate sounds of disgusted groans from her friends, even Fluttershy gave an audible ‘iiugh!’. “I did not eat it! I swear! I almost did though, it was so disgusting, but yes spiders just so happen to be on of my, um, fears.” She looked back down the floor to see if the spider was still there.

When she looked back up her gaze landed on Pinkie Pie. “So, whose turn is it for truth or dare?”

Pinkie brightened at the question. “Oh! It’s Applejack’s turn!”

Applejack smiled. “Hooowee!” She looked around the table and stopped at Rarity. “Truth or Dare, Rares?”

Rarity looked at her. “Truth.”

Applejack smiled. “Have ya ever...hehehe....passed gas in public?”

“Huh!!!” Rarity gasped. “Of course not! A lady would never!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Yeah right!” She laughed.

Applejack frowned, “Tell da truth Rarity.”

Rarity glared at her. “I have not done anything of the sort!”

Rainbow chuckled. “If you say so, but I don’t believe you.”

Applejack nodded. Then she smiled. “Be careful what you say Rarity, you might just regret that.” She then went over to Rainbow and whispered into her ear. Rainbow’s face grew into a wicked smile and she started to giggle when AJ finished.

“And just what are you planning?” Rarity said with a glare.

“Oh noth’n” Applejack laughed.

“My turn!” Rainbow looked at Rarity, then at Applejack who shook her head. Rainbow nodded and then scanned her other friends. Her eyes landed on Sunset. “Truth or Dare?”

Sunset thought for a moment and decided to go easy at the moment. “Truth.”

Rainbow nodded, thinking. Then she smiled, “Have you ever been slapped you on the butt in public?”

“What?” Sunset said. She was about to say no when she realized that she had to tell the truth. Well, she didn’t have to say it, but if she lied it might be harder to handle. She wasn’t exactly that good of a liar anyways. She blushed as she nodded. “Yyyeah...”

Her friends all looked at her. Rainbow’s smile grew. “Really?” Sunset nodded again. “Did you like it?”

Sunset blushed harder as she thought about the question. She realized what Rainbow was implying and looked to the side. ”That wasn’t the question.”

Rainbow laughed. “Well, did you?”

“Next person!” Sunset said, desperately trying to get the attention away from her. It didn’t matter how it felt it was down right embarrassing.

Her friends giggled as Rarity raised her hand. “I am darling.” She looked at Sunset. “Truth or dare?”

“What?! Why me?” Sunset looked at the others and back at Rarity. “Why not do them?”

Rarity tethered,” No one said we had to ask everyone the question. Just ask long as everyone had a chance to do one and that they get a chance to ask or to dare someone. Never said anyone had to follow the rules, darling.” Rarity had that mischievous look about her.

Sunset looked at her nervously. She wasn’t really sure what she should choose. She had just chosen truth, she did a dare last time. No one said she had to do them in order. She could do truth again, but she was not a pussy. If she chose truth again, it could be social suicide. If she chose dare, it may not be so bad....right? At least that’s what she hoped as she gathered her thoughts in to form the words through her lips, taking the risk of what was to come next.


Rarity smiled widely at her, making Sunset’s inside do a little tumble as her hopes fell down. “Mmm, I dare you to....tell us who is was that slapped you in public.”

Sunset’s eyes went big. “Ugh! We’re still on that? I said dare not truth!”

Rarity frowned,” It is a dare, I said I dare you to tell us who it was.”

Sunset thought about it, she realized that this wasn’t a truth question. She could lie. “It was a stranger.” She thought really hard about how yummy the pizza was and concentrated hard on the smell while she looked at Rarity.

Rarity looked at her with a disappointed look. She searched her face for a moment. Then she smiled again,” Oh! You’re lying!” She chuckled. “You’re good at hiding your emotions Sunset, but I believe those cheeks of yours just got a little bit more red.”

Sunset’s faces grew even hotter as she knew that she was caught. She slumped in her chair and laid her head against the table. She opened her mouth and said something incoherent.

“I’m sorry, what was that, darling?” Rarity asked.

Sunset repeated her words, but they once again went unheard.

“One more time.” Rarity prompt.

Sunset groaned. “Flash! Okay! It was Flash freaking Sentry!” She crosses her arms on the table and buried her face into them. “Whose turn is it now?” She mumbled through her skin.

“Um...........well..........u-um.”She heard Fluttershy spoke up. “It’s uh, my turn.”
She smiled and looked at Pinkie Pie. So, uh truth or dare, Miss Pie?” She asked.

“Uh, truth.” Pinkie told her.

Fluttershy nodded, adopting a smirk. “Is it true that you cooked a...” She looked at the Rainbow and Applejack, then to Rarity. She looked at Sunset then back at Pinkie Pie. “...that you cooked a raw birthday cake?”

Pinkie Pie gasped, “I-It was an accident!”

Everyone gasped at that.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Rainbow looked at Pinkie with wide eyes. “You baked a raw cake?! I don’t believe it!”

“Yeah, me nither.” Applejack agreed.

Pinkie got a little bit of a darker pink on her cheeks,” W-Well, the oven was going out. I didn’t know! It was the worst!”

Sunset raises her head, and rested her chin on her arm. She looked at Fluttershy.”How’d you know that?”

Fluttershy gave a little chuckle, “Because when it came out of the oven, she was, um, she came rushing to the kitchen when she bumped into me. And it, um fell right into Vice Principal Luna’s face.”

Realization came to Sunset’s face as she remembered that day. She had been on the other side of the room baking with Vinyl Scratch as her partner. That was the day that Pinkie Pie had requested to use that class hour to bake a cake for Mrs. Cheerilee. She wasn’t there for the whole thing because she was called into the office, but when she came back she saw Luna covered in cake and some other gooey stuff. She had meant to ask what happened but she got so busy in helping her partner on making their cake that she forgot to ask. Remembering the day, made her start to giggle again. “Ooh!!! So that’s what happened? Oh my gosh!”

Fluttershy nodded. Pinkie looked at them, but then her pout turned into a smile as she laughed it off too. “Heehee! Yeah, where were you, Sunny?”

Sunset waves the question with her hand. “Oh, I had to go see Celestia for a moment.”

“Oh, um, well now you know what happened.” Fluttershy giggled. The others just looked at each other and shrugged.

“My turn!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Truth or Dare, Dashie?”

“Pinkie! Not in front of our friends!” Rainbow scolded Pinkie, glaring at her.

Sunset giggled. “Dashie?”

Rainbow looked at her. “Yeah, it’s kinda like Sunny.” She smiled at Sunset, raising an eye-brow.

Sunset blushed at that and smiled,” Heh, right. Just didn’t know anyone called you that. Well, besides your dad.”

It was Rainbow’s turn to blush. “Hehe, yeah...”

“Well? Truth or dare?” Pinkie repeated her question.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, then she shot Pinkie Pie a cocky smile. “Dare.”

Pinkie Pie gave her a wide shark like grin. “I dare you to prank call.”

“Oh that’s all?” Rainbow scoffed. “No problem.” She grabbed her soda and started chugging it.

“Vice-Principal Luna.”

Rainbow’s eyes show up, she turned and spat out the soda into Applejack’s face. Applejack glared at her and went to clear up her face as Rainbow gave Pinkie a look of disbelief.


“Mhm! Do it. And you have to make it sound like a pizza delivery guy.” Pinkie giggled.

“Um, uh...” Rainbow gulped and looked at Pinkie. “Give me your phone.”

“Uh-uh, you have to use your own phone.”

“But she has my phone number in the student phone book!”

“Yeah, well she can’t know your number by heart! Right? She couldn’t possibly know! And even so, it doesn’t matter.” Pinkie said. “It’s a dare. Unless.....” She looked at Rainbow. “You’re too scared.”

Rainbow put her hand over to her chest and glared at the pink party girl. “I am not scared!”

“Then do the dare, Dash.” Applejack chimed in, giving Rainbow a smug look.

Rainbow looked down at her phone in hand, then back at Pinkie. She glanced at Applejack’s smug look, then back at her phone. She took a deep breathe and without a second thought she opened her phone, went to her contacts, then a realization came to her. “But I don’t have her number.”

Pinkie looked at Sunset, then at Rainbow. “I bet she does.” She looked at Sunset as she reached for Sunset’s phone that was sitting on the counter. She went to unlock it with her frosted filled fingers. “Right, Sunny?”

Sunset immediately leaped across and snatched her phone out of Pinkie’s grasp. “Yes! And ask first before you put your fingers all over my screen!” She wiped her phone with her shirt, leading it of the smeared frosting that came from Pinkie’s sticky fingers. She opened her phone up to her contacts and then showed the screen to Rainbow.

“Why do you have Luna’s number?” Rainbow asked.

“None of your business. I just happen to start talking to her after the fall formal.”

“What for?” Rarity asked.

Sunset looked at her. Then she rolled her eyes. “No reason.” She then looked at Rainbow. Then she grabbed Rainbow’s phone from her hand and quickly tapped on it for a little bit then she handed it back o Rainbow. “Here you go. Now, call her!” Sunset have her a smirk and a wink and then went back to her seat with her phone in her hand.

Rainbow looked at Sunset then back at her phone she gave an audible gulp and pressed the little phone icon. She pressed her phone up against her ear.

“No, no! Put it on speaker!” Pinkie Pie told her.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, but did as she was told. There was a beep and then there was someone on the line.


Rainbow took a deep breath and did the best guy voice that she could muster and spoke. “Hi! Did you ordered a box of pizza ma’am?”

The girls in the room all started giggling while they watch the display play out in front of them.

Luna gave slight chuckle. “Oh you must be calling for the address. Yes, my sister’s house is on Avenue M.”

Rainbow sputtered before she said,” Of-of course! Be there right away.”

Luna laughed. “Haha! I know it’s you, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow’s eyes went wide. “Eh-what?!”

“Yes, you’ve used that voice when you look into the mirror during gym or when you warm up for a big game.” Luna explained while Rainbow felt her cheeks grow warm. Her friends bursted out laughing.

“Have a good night, Dash. Oh and you have detention when come to school Monday.”

“WHAT?!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Well yes, you think I wouldn’t get you for calling me in the middle of one of my gaming sessions?” Rainbow didn’t respond.
“You shouldn’t feel so bad. You won’t be alone, Sunset will be there too. Goodnight, Dash.” Then the line went dead, but not before they heard Luna shout, “OUT OF MY WAY YOU LITTLE—-“

Everyone looked at each other before bursting out laughing. When they finally managed to get a hold of themselves, Sunset let out a long, drawn out yawn. “Ooh. I am sleepy. I think I’m gonna hit the hey.” She was about to get up when her friends started laughing again.

“Hit the hey?” Rainbow asked before busting out laughing again.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Har, har.” She smiled as she got up. “Well, goodnight.

Applejack yawned as Sunset got up. “Me too, Sugarcube.” She got up too.

“Me too.” Fluttershy nodded. Rarity and Rainbow agreed.

They all got up and moved to Pinkie’s room. Her sisters where out and so where her parents so, the house was quiet. They all set out their sleeping bags and settled in for bed. Pinkie looked at her friends as she sat on the bar watching them get ready for bed. “But I’m not sleepyyy.”

“We can continue the game another time, dear.” Rarity told her before putting her sleep mask over her eyes.

“Oh! That’s a great idea! We can do this again tomorrow! It’s Saturday tomorrow! We can totally hav—“

Sunset looked up to see Pinkie Pie already knocked out. She looked at her friends and then shrugged it off as Pinkie being, well Pinkie Pie. She grabbed her journal and a pen from her backpack and wrote a quick message in it.

══════ ∘◦❁◦∘ ═══════

Dear Twilight:

It has been good so far. I know that you couldn’t stay any longer to come spend the night with us, and I hope everything goes well for you in Equestria. I know you must be pretty busy as a princess, but I got to say that I had fun. Heh, I don’t know, but I think maybe, just maybe things might get better for me. She looked up to see her friends already fast asleep and smiled at them. She glanced out the window next to her and looked at the moon. She took a deep calm, relaxing breath and looked back at the page she was writing in. I think I have finally found something worthy. Something I can hold close to my heart once again. Thank you.

Your friend

Sunset Shimmer

══════ ∘◦❁◦∘ ═══════

Sunset closed the book and put it away. She looked back up at the moon. She thought about the events that went on that day. About seeing the Sirens, getting trapped under the stage. Who knew there was even such a thing as a trap door on stage with a twelve feet drop. She’d be lying if she said that her legs weren’t a little sore from the fall. She was lucky she didn’t get anymore than a few bruises on her legs. They all were. Then she recalled the final battle and how she, for the first time in her life she stood, confidently for the right thing, in all the right ways, in the right moment. At least, it felt right in her heart. She had never experienced such feelings, such warmth, love, and well, such pure goodness in her body. The feeling of the magic that went through her body. It wasn’t hash, it wasn’t forbidden or dark this time. No, it was as if it was hers. Magic that she could finally call upon once again, something that she could claim as her own once more. But this time it wasn’t borrowed, or stolen for that matter. No, this magic felt like it was meant for her and she felt so powerful. Not in the hungry, greedy way like before, no like confidence and...and self worth. Like, she felt like nothing could ever hurt her again, like she was free of the hurt, free of the pain, and the suffering from both worlds that she lived in. She felt whole, like she had finally tapped into a new, part of herself. A new her. She felt....for lack of better words, shimmeringly amazing.

Then to come out of that beautiful embrace from the magic, and joining her friends to this slumber party. It was like leaving, a nice warm, comforting hug, and going into the arms of another. Yes, right now she felt like nothing she had ever felt before. Happiness. True happiness. She breathed out another deep breath as she looked back at her friends. Then she finally got comfortable in her sleeping bag and with the last thoughts of happiness and her friends still on her mind, and as a small smile appeared on her face, she slowly drifted off into the very first peaceful, dreamless sleep she’d had in a long time.

Author's Note:

Yay! You have reached the end of the chapter! I apologize for it taking so long to come out, but I am very new to this app. Like I have been reading fanfics for a month or so on here now, but I I have not decided to write stories myself until now. So I am still trying things out and I am trying to figure out this website. And when I was typing this out the first time, I may have accidentally slept in the middle of it and my phone decided to refresh. Because of that it ended up erasing my work. So I had to rewrite most of this and I also added in some part that weren’t Truth or dare. Please know that the title of this story might change slightly. But that won’t happen until I complete this story. That way the title would fit better when it’s finished. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and tell me what you think! I’m not the best writer (beginner really) but I’m open for any suggestions or any ideas or even some criticism. Thank you!:heart: