• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 5,160 Views, 80 Comments

Where's My Book! - TheCrazyAsian

Twilight goes to Canterlot after Celestia's lies about the discovery of a new book.

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Where's My Book!

Chapter One: Hug?

By: TheCrazyAsian A.K.A Feasttalon

Twilight opened a cabinet and used her magic to gently uncurl the piece of parchment she just received from the Princess. Inside that cabinet were various folders that she used to store letters from the Princess and copies of letters she had sent to the Princess, they were all organized alphabetically. She looked up at the shelf labeled B and absent-mindedly pulled out a folders labeled Boots instead of the one next to it labeled Books. Then she shoved the piece of paper into the folder and put the folder on the shelf two shelves below B, labeled D. The purple mare didn't seem to notice any of this, as her mind was consumed with thoughts of what could be inside the book.

Maybe it held some sort of spell that could get rid of Discord forever. Or maybe it could tell her about how Discord got his powers, and possibly even a way to harness his powers to help all of Equestria. Then again the book could be a fake, some elaborate prank that somepony decided to pull on the princess. But Twilight shoved the last thought out of her mind, too overcome with excitement to bother worrying about it being a dud.

After misplacing the letter from the Princess, Twilight started humming a pleasant tune and went over to her closet and pulled out a suitcase, it was purple and had her cutie mark on the front of it, and proceeded started filling it with general travel items. She got various items from her closet, dresser, bathroom and storage closet.

The case was soon half full with clothes, saddlebags, extra horseshoes, and various sundries. She also decided to bring along her scientific equipment to test whether the book was real or fraudulent. She went over to he lab table picked up a microscope and tubes of various multicolored chemicals, all of which were to be used to test the paper of the book. In her closet she got a pair of goggles, rubber gloves, a white jacket, and of course some books about determining the authenticity of books.

She put this all into the purple piece of luggage and tried to close it to no avail. Twilight then put her front hooves on top of the suitcase and pushed down on it, still no effect. "Maybe I should jump on it," she thought to herself, she climbed on top of the suitcase and started to jump up and down, cracking open several tubes of chemicals while doing so. "Come on you stupid piece of luggage work!" she screamed while continuing to jump on top of it, breaking her microscope. Finally she stopped and got off of it and decided to get her slightly larger suitcase.

She opened the door to her closet and rummaged through it for a few seconds before finding what she was looking for, and dragged the case out of the closet and next to the original one. Using her magic, she calmly opened the top of both suitcases, she immediately stopped humming and jumped back at what she saw what was in the smaller one.

Twilight could see the chemicals pouring out of the broken test tubes and mixing together and right below the mixture were all the books about books that Twilight had decided to bring with her. "Hayseed! My books!" she shouted as she dived to rescue them. She pulled the books out of the suitcase and threw them onto the floor; she almost had a mental breakdown at the sight of the destroyed books.

Twilight let out a scream in frustration and proceeded to pick up all of the items in the suitcase and throw them all across the room with her magic. The books, or what was left of them, ended up in the trash, the lab equipment smashing into the door, her clothes on the lab table, and everything else scattered through the room. The chemicals had formed ball, with a color that was similar to a blue, but with a hint of purple. It flew through the air with a magnificent shimmer. When they landed Twilight let out another shriek, "Nooooooo!" To Twilight's horror the mixture had landed on the folders within her filling cabinet. She immediately ran across the room, jumping over her bed, and sliding to the files, but by the time she got there it was too late, the A-H sections had been destroyed, as had parts of the I, J, and K sections. Twilight quickly grabbed all the remaining folders and threw them in a pile on her bed.

Seeing as the mixture ate through any paper it touched Twilight decided that it had no place in a library and had to be disposed of. She decided the best course of action would be to dump it down the "Special" drain. The mixture acquired a purple glow as it flew up into the air and became the form of a ball about the size of a cantaloupe. The mixture followed Twilight to her lab area and towards one of the lab tables, which had a small indentation in it. When the concoction floated above this indentation the glow stopped and it fell into the "Special" drain. Out of sight, out of mind.

Twilight scratched her head, frazzling some of her hair, and said to herself "It's alright it's not like I would really need any of that stuff. I just need to let Spike know I'm going to Canterlot." She turned around and went out the door and ran around the house looking for her assistant. She started with the room across the hall, where she could normally find him sorting through piles of books, but when she got there the room was empty. She tried his bed, the kitchen and the library, but there was no sign of Spike.

Twilight trotted back up the stairs and down the hallway, having decided to go back to her room and wait for her assistant to return. As she neared her room she could see a piece of parchment taped to the door. The note glowed purple as it was ripped off the wall and floated over to Twilight. On it, in barely legible handwriting was "Twilight, off to market to get more ice cream and for baking lesson with Pinkie, will be back in two hours."

Twilight opened the door, put the note on her desk, and began to write her own message on the back. When she was done she ripped a piece of tape and brought both the tape and the note with her as she trotted back down the hall. After walking out of her house she closed the door and taped the new note on the front door of the library. Written on it, in very careful handwriting was, "Spike, off to Canterlot to help the Princess. Take care of library for a few days, I will be back soon. Don't eat all the ice cream."

With that worked out Twilight trotted downtown, saying "Hi" to most of the ponies she saw, when she reached the station she saw the 3:00 o'clock train to Canterlot pulling in. She approached the mare at the ticket booth and said, "I would like one ticket for the train to Canterlot."

The mare in the window replied, "That'll be fifteen bits." Twilight reached for her saddlebag when she realized she didn't bring any money with her.

"Oh, it seems I left my money at home," Twilight explained with a nervous laugh. The ticket mare seemed impatient and there were several ponies behind Twilight waiting to buy tickets. The purple mare sheepishly turned around and galloped back to her tree house. Not bothering to consider the repercussions, she slammed opened the door with a loud thud and a torrent of books fell from the shelves. "Celestia damn it!" she exclaimed. Nothing was going her way today. But it didn't matter she had to get to Canterlot to see that book.

Without bothering to re-stack the books as she normally would Twilight ran into her room and searched for her saddlebags. She ran around in circles looking at various things until she found her saddlebags, they were on top of her nightstand. She opened them and used her magic to lift them upside down and shake the contents out. About fifty bits tumbled out, along with three books, a magazine, and an unlit candle.

With her newly found money Twilight summoned a bright light from her horn and disappeared from her room. The ticket mare was slouching in her seat, reading a magazine when she saw a bright light to her left. She leaned forwards and looked towards the light, and all of a sudden the same purple mare that was there before appeared before her eyes. Twilight ran up to the counter and frantically said "One ticket to Canterlot."

The ticket mare looked at Twilight then the money and said, "That was the last train to Canterlot, today's Elements of Harmony Day so we're running on our weekend and holidays schedule." Twilight just stared in anger at the ticket pony for a few seconds before turning around and storming off. She ended up sitting outside of the train station. She squirmed uncomfortably as she contemplated her failure at getting to Canterlot. What was she going to do? What would the Princess do? Then a thought popped into her head, "Why don't I just teleport to Canterlot?" It made perfect sense to her, if she couldn't take a train there she might as well teleport.

Twilight stood up and her face contorted as she concentrated all of her energy into this one spell, her horn began to glow and sparks began to fly in all directions. Teleportation spells generally become more difficult, and therefore more dangerous, as the distance increases between where you are and where your destination is. They also used up more energy the longer the distance is.

For example, if you were to mess up a teleportation spell that teleported you five feet you might get slightly bruised. If you messed one up that teleported you five miles you might end up killing yourself and everypony else within a five meter radius. So as Twilight continued the spell the train station began to glow up like a laser light show.

Everypony within a few blocks dropped whatever they were doing and stared in utter shock and awe at what Twilight was doing. They hadn't seen her do a spell of this magnitude since the whole Ursa Minor incident. Bright sparks began to shoot out of the base of her horn and it looked liked her spell was faltering. There were the sounds of rapid hoof beats as everypony ran away, afraid of what was about to happen. Then there was a bright flash and nopony knew what happened, either Twilight had succeeded in her teleportation or she had blown herself to smithereens.

Bells tolled four times in the background as Shining Armor went about his daily work checking on the various guard ponies around Canterlot Castle. Suddenly a grey stallion appeared out of nowhere panting and in a frantic voice told the him, "Sir, there's something you have to see. It's at the front entrance, there's some sort of teleportation spell, and a damn powerful one at that. We think that the demons of Tartarus are trying to break through." Shining Armor nodded and began to gallop to the front entrance of the castle, stopping along the way to hit a large button that unleashed bright red flashing lights and a deafening warning sound.

As Shining neared the front of the castle small purple lightning bolts began to pour from a floating purple entity. He ordered the all the guards with him to form a protective square with their shields up to defend themselves, fearing that there would soon be Celestia knows what pouring out of the portal. As the object began to flash Shining dived behind the wall of shields, at first there was nothing. After a few seconds there was a loud boom and the sound of something shooting out of the portal at supersonic speeds.

He dared to only take a peek at what was happening, and what he saw wasn't a terrifying monster or demon from the underworld. It was his sister. "Twily!" he shouted as he jumped up, "Stand down, I repeat stand down!" Twilight on the other hand didn't take notice of any of this due to the ringing in her ears, an expected side effect of a teleportation spell of that magnitude. She just continued on her absent-minded walk, oblivious to everything happening around her.

Shining Armor ran towards his sister intent on glomping her, but as he jumped up to tackle her she jumped back as if her brother was a mugger trying to rob her. She looked down to see Shining lying on the ground face first, she let out a small chuckle and said, "You sure are uncoordinated for a Royal Guard." He was then surrounded with a purple glow as he was helped up and dusted off.

"Very funny. Just try not to make everypony think there's an attack on the castle every time you visit."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"So why are you here?" Shining asked.

"That's confidential," Twilight said as she continued through the courtyard, and towards the castle.

"Come on, I'm the captain of the Royal Guards, I'm pretty sure you can trust me."

"I don't know..."

"Please Twily," Shining Armor said when he stopped at the entrance of the castle.

"Uhh. Fine," Twilight said as she motioned for her brother to lower his head. She put her mouth next to her brother's ear and used her hoof to cover her mouth, "There's a new book I need to help the Princess with," she whispered.

"So she's got you on librarian duty. So, do you have any free time?"

"I don't think so, she told me to get there A.S.A.P."

"So, not enough time for your B.B.B.F.F.?"

"Sorry, but no. The princess needs my help."

"At least give me a hug, come on"

"Don't you have a job to do? You know 'Captain of the Royal Guards', and all."

"Please Twi? One hug? Please?" Shining Armor begged.

"Fine," Twilight replied, as she wrapped her hooves around her brother. After a few seconds of silence Twilight pulled back and relinquished her grasp. "I'll come visit later, but I have to help the Princess now. Alright?" she said.

"Okay Twily, good luck with your assignment," he replied. Shining Armor put one of his hooves in Twilight's mane and gave her a playful noogie. After he finished he turned around and walked towards the group of guards he was with earlier.

Twilight made a mental note to remember to visit her brother the next time she was in Canterlot and continued on into the castle. All she had to do was to follow the red carpeting on the ground until she reached the big double doors. Behind those doors would be the infinite cosmos, the Holy Grail, the new book she so desperately wanted to read. No way to mess this up.


End Chapter One. Don't worry there will be more chapters.