• Published 24th Apr 2019
  • 536 Views, 5 Comments

The First Curses - Knight of Crows

Sinners pay the price eventually, but what about the first sinners?

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The Second Sin

Lust, there is more to it than just perversions and the like. Lust is defined as an excessive desire for something. Money, power, status, sex, there is so much more to it than just sex, and it all leads to pleasure. Lust exists for no other reason than pleasure. I am Luxuria, and at the moment I am the Maiden of Lust.

I was born male, I was fortunate enough to be born into a wealthy family of high ranking nobles, and nothing was ever enough. I never had enough money, never had enough servants, never had a thrill during the jousts, never had enough power over the Council, you get the idea. Life simply grew dull, it was the same thing over and over with no signs of change. One day though that changed, and not in the way you might think.

There was a public demonstration one day, an example was being made of a servant, probably 14 at the oldest who was being not just humiliated, but brutally punished for being more loyal to her betrothed than the prince. I didn't stay too long as excitement grew in me, I had found a way to slay my boredom, to get that thrill, the satisfaction I've wanted for so long. I didn't need to have fun in the normal manner, I realized even the most detestable, most atrocious things can still give what we need. I saw the possibility of pleasure in pain.

I started on myself stupidly enough. Lightning, crashing, overcharging spells, seeing if I could get off on self strangulation, name it, I've probably done it. I wrote the Comma Sutra you know, I was female at that time in the future, but that's not important. Moving on I turned my desire to others, from small things like 'accidentally' tripping others, to ruining businesses, or paying mercenaries to hurt others. It was something, but it wasn't quite enough. I yearned for what I felt that day, but nothing was working.

Another though came to me after a month of boredom and I realized I was going about this all wrong. I didn't enjoy bringing misfortune to others, I didn't enjoy watching others suffer (especially if I wasn't involved in it), no, none of that. I enjoyed HURTING others. To think it took me that long to realize what I truly wanted, what I desired most.

I started off wrong again. I targeted the ones nopony cared about, homeless, sick and dying, lowlives, criminals, I was targeting the wrong ones. I should have been targeting the ones who mattered. Continuing to pay off mercenaries to foalnap others I made sure they would stay silent before having my fun with my victims. Pure terror, that is what they wore. Their screams became music to my ears, a lullaby before I gave them rest, until the next day at least. Fear, anguish, pain, I found joy in giving these to others. The fun became even moreso when I left the eventual lifeless bodies in the streets. To witness their loved ones crying out, refusing to accept the reality presented to them was... There are no words to describe it... I hadn't felt so alive in years! I just had to do it again!

And so I did. I did it again and again and again and again and again and I just couldn't stop myself! Why would I? All I wanted was to enjoy life to the fullest, was that truly so wrong? One day though I decided to take a break, pleasure must come in moderation or else it will grow old and boring quickly. Nothing interesting or exciting that day, simply going around and browsing the market and possible victims, the usual. There was a play at the theater as well and I had gotten a ticket to the best view it had to offer, "The Reaper's Lie" it was called. Based on a book from 5 years before then, a knight haunted by his past thought there would be peace in death, but when his time came it was eternal torment that awaited him as he was forced to face his sins and redeem himself both in his eyes and his victims. A good read if you're interested, it's survived the past few thousand years with no trouble at all.

Moving on the play was wonderfully performed and I was satisfied for the rest of the week. At least until I found what finally got me cursed as I was enjoying a nice meal in a restaurant not far from the theater. Perhaps still the most beautiful mare I had ever seen! She had a light gray coat just bordering on white, silver eyes, black mane with purple streaks, a gold necklace with several gems as her cutie mark, and ripe for the taking, just old enough to be married off. I KNEW what I wanted.

I 'coincidentally' bumped into her multiple times, I started off small as one should. From what you would expect of a gentlecolt and well practiced charmer to small meetings at select locations with flowers and at times a meal. It wasn't long before she wished for me to meet her family, thinking this to be the perfect opportunity to get in their good graces I accepted. As it turned out her father was one of my victims, one of the ponies I had harmed by mercenaries for my amusement so caution was something that needed to be taken. Dinner is served and that's when things went down hill, he sent his daughter out of the house as he offered wine and I wasn't in a very good position to say no, he learned of several of my 'hobbies' and I couldn't have that now could I? Dead ponies tell no tales after all.

The daughter returned to see what I had done and screamed louder than the ponies I kept in my little dungeon. I was still quite drunk so I pulled her inside and pushed my lips to hers. After silencing her we made our way upstairs and enjoyed a night of pleasure like never before. When I woke up the next day I saw her wide blood shot eyes with tear streaks and she didn't even respond until I touched her. When I did she bolted to the other side of the room and screamed at me to leave her alone, music to my ears were her sobs and screams. Before I could say anything though the Goddess pulled me away from the physical world and into hers.

She was enraged, screaming at me, most of it in a language I didn't understand. When she was done she spoke not even attempting to hide her disgust with my very existence. She placed upon me a curse, I would change genders at random times, especially when trying to have fun with another, and I could no longer enjoy anything enough to be satisfied. Not food, not sleep, not sex, not combat, not reading, nothing.

I am the Maiden of Lust

I am the First Rapist

I am the First Tormenter

I am the Second Immortal

I am the Second Sinner
