• Published 22nd Mar 2020
  • 940 Views, 25 Comments

Rage of a Queen, wrath of a Mother - Askre

An old enemy of Saddle Arabia has resurfaced and there is only one pony who can help deal with her. Her own son. King Sombra.

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Chapter 1. Hello again, my son.

Author's Note:

The Equestria tales follows the show (for the most part) up to the end of season 8, sadly events of season 9 do not happen in the series, mostly because I'm just writing such a completely different Sombra (and due to other minor headcanon explosions I couldn't quite justify any longer. :rainbowlaugh: ) So this story takes place right after the last episode of season 8. Actually it starts almost immediately after Cozy's imprisonment.

Chapter 1

“Hey, Neighbor. Wanna be friends?” the light pink pegasus filly asked the uncertain centaur in the cage next to her before producing a sinister grin. It vanished and was replaced by a scowl when from the third cage there came a mocking laughter.

“What was that supposed to be?” a dark voice addressed her; the occupant of the cage turned. A large dark gray unicorn with a red curved horn, wearing red cape and regal armor. His legs had chains on them and around his horn was a manacle.

“This is your infamous prodigy, Lord Tirek? The one responsible for the magic drain?” the stallion gave the filly a skeptical look before glancing at Tirek.

“And who are you?” Cozy Glow asked, though she did find something familiar about the unicorn.

“That is King Sombra, the former tyrant of the Crystal Empire,” Tirek answered, putting some emphasis on the word ‘former,’ but there was no reaction from the unicorn he gestured towards while his eyes were on the girl.

“Oh yeah, wait weren’t you kind of blown up?” Cozy frowned, she did recall now reading about the Crystal Empire in the friendship school.

“Merely a temporary setback,” King Sombra shrugged. “I take it my return was not covered in that school of yours.”

Cozy shook her head, but the dark pony wasn’t really surprised. His return had happened in the Crystal Empire but he had left it rather quickly and after being defeated, had laid low for a very long time before striking again and that had merely be done to delay his enemies. Then he was sent to Tartarus.

Sombra turned away from his fellow inmates and laid his head back down. Cozy arched her brow and glanced at Tirek who had also turned away, as he used one hand to stroke his beard, mulling over the current situation.

“I’m afraid the good king isn’t much of a conversationalist,” Tirek explained, aware that the filly was looking at him.

“So he just lies there all day?” Cozy asked pointing towards the king’s cage. The only answer she got was a nod from the centaur.

“Not like there is much else to do,” he then finally grunted and sat down himself.

Cozy sighed and rested her back against the bars of her cage. The filly figured she might as well get used to this as well. Unlike most children, who would probably be feeling pretty rotten at their current situation, she was actually feeling a little good about herself to be considered such a danger to be locked up here. She was considered on the same level as Tirek and Sombra, that just boosted her ego.

It didn’t take the filly long though to become bored. Sombra looked like he had fallen asleep, his only body movement was steady breathing. Tirek was still stroking his beard and thinking.

“Psst, Tirek?” She scooted closer to the side of her cage closest to Tirek’s prison.

“What is it?” The centaur let out a exasperated sigh, he was still a bit sore that his plan and by proxy Cozy’s plan had gone down the drain, he really just wanted to sulk in peace. At least Sombra wasn’t mocking him about it.

“What did Sombra do? I mean after he got back, they didn’t blow him up again but still caught him,” Cozy asked, though she was recalling news articles about a curse in Ponyville, but that had happened before she came there.

“Well, if you really must know.” Tirek turned to face her. Telling the filly what he knew would at least pass the time somewhat. He didn’t want to admit having a soft spot for the girl, the fact she had executed his advice on how to drain the magic of Equestria so well, had impressed him.

“The king had a fairly well thought out plan in case he did expire. His very spirit was tethered to his horn, waiting for any pony unlucky enough to find it. But that wasn’t all, he had ensured a pony would find it, pulling ponies back in the past when he still ruled the Crystal Empire and imbued them with spells so that if he died in their time, they would seek out his horn,” the centaur started to explain. Using what little magic he did have, he started to produce crude visuals of what he spoke of.

“And one of those victims did indeed find the horn. Sombra possessed that pony and used the unlucky host to accumulate his dark magic, feeding on the fear and hate of those he passed by, until his dark magic was potent enough to create him a new body,” the centaur continued, then he snorted. “Of course the princesses were right on his tail and managed to rescue his hostage, but the king escaped and went into hiding, biding his time.”

Cozy watched attentively as the faint magic figures showed Sombra's horn meld with a crude pony figure, then that same pony going around swallowing energies from passing ponies. Then a crude image of Sombra seemed to leap out of the pony, then four images of four alicorns appeared and battled with the Sombra image. The king was shown flee after a battle and the princesses took the former possessed pony away.

“I am fuzzier on the details of what happened next. King Sombra hasn’t been too forthcoming discussing it,” Tirek then admitted and he dispelled the magic as it was draining on him, especially while trapped in Tartarus.

“What I do know is that he cursed Ponyville to trap most of the princesses and their champions, even Discord. Then he abducted the same pony he had previously possessed and his family. However, they were rescued and in the ensuing rescue… well King Sombra was finally captured and sent here,” the centaur finished and glanced at Sombra who hadn’t moved or made any comment on the story.

“Wait, he trapped the princesses, Twilight and her friends and Discord and didn’t just go and conquer all of Equestria?” Cozy arched her brow. “Why?”

“That is a good question. Do you have an answer, King Sombra?” Tirek looked at the cage with the Dark Pony.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Sombra finally raised his head again, glancing at his fellow inmates. “You had all six champions trapped in here, drained of magic. Yet, they still won.”

“They got… lucky,” Tirek grumbled and folded his arms. Cozy just shrugged.

“Huh. Yeah, keep telling yourself that,” the king chortled mockingly and lay his head back down, ignoring the glare he got from the centaur.

The three prisoners started to settle in, preparing for the long stay of their imprisonment. After a while they dropped off to sleep one by one.

Cozy wasn’t sure how long she had slept when the filly woke up hearing a faint noise. Looking up and rubbing her eyes, she saw that Tirek was also awake. The centaur was glaring at the large doors in the far distance of the glowing platform their cages rested on.

The doors were suddenly bathed in magical light and began to slowly open. Cerberus growled with all three heads and positioned himself on the walkway, ready to do this job as the guardian of the prison.

Tirek scowled and rose, watching attentively as the doors open and the silhouette of a tall unicorn walked inside. Cozy scooted closer in her cage to take a look and even Sombra raised his head to watch.

There was a clanging of metal clad hooves as the unicorn continued to confidently stride closer. The gates slammed shut behind the pony. Cerberus growled and stepped towards the intruder who's horn lit up with magic. Suddenly a large bone materialized and was waved in front of all three heads. The large dog immediately started panting and wagging his tail. The bone was thrown off into the distance and the eager guard dog ran after it.

As the pony got closer it turned out to be a mare. A tall one, almost as tall as Celestia. She was clad in a regal armor and a flowing red cape. Tirek balked and stepped away from the bars of his cage, Sombra scowled and sneered, only Cozy Glow showed no indication of recognizing the newcomer.

“Hello again, my son.” The mare was now all the way to the cages, she stared down at the king sporting a condescending smile. “Look at you, all locked up and chained like a manticore at a zoo.”

“Who is that?” Cozy whispered over to Tirek’s cage who was quite happy that the mare was ignoring them.

“This would be the Queen of Rage and Wrath herself. Queen Rabia of the late Dark Pony Empire,” the centaur whispered, hoping this wouldn’t catch the mare’s attention as she continued to circle her son’s cage.

Sombra continued to glare at his mother, baring his teeth and growling. He kept turning in his cage, to make absolutely sure he was always facing her. This amused Rabia who chuckled softly to herself.

“It really pains my heart to see my child like this,” Rabia said mockingly, stopping for a moment to place a hoof on her chest. “What is a mother to do?”

“What are you doing here!?” Sombra finally spoke, fury in his voice and eyes. “Wasn’t it enough to watch me humiliated in front of my enemies? You have to come over here as well to watch me caged up like a beast?”

“Well to be fair, you are acting like a caged-up beast,” Rabia pointed out with a wry chuckle. Sombra clamped his mouth shut and narrowed his eyes. “And what? Can’t a concern mother visit her son in jail?”

“You seriously expect me to believe you are just here for a visit?” Sombra snarled and quickly pushed himself away from the bars when his mother got closer.

“That is what Princess Celestia allowed. I expressed my wish to visit you, she really had no reason to forbid it,” Rabia said and reached into the cage with a hoof. She pulled it quickly back when Sombra quite literally tried to bite it. The mare frowned and instead proceeded to slap the king so hard he crashed to the cage floor. “Behave yourself, you ungrateful foal! That is not a behavior becoming of my child.”

“Now, that’s better,” she said when Sombra didn’t rise up, the mare started to gently caress his mane.

“Am I really to believe that Celestia permitted you to visit, after your declaration of wanting to destroy Saddle Arabia?” Sombra grunted, staring down at the floor. Rabia pulled her hoof back out of the cage.

“Wanting is not the same as doing. I did not interfere with your arrest and so far I’ve caused no trouble. These bleeding hearts are just so touched to hear that a long departed, yet caring mother just wanted to take a moment to visit her son she hasn’t seen in such a long time.” Rabia threw her head back to laugh mockingly.

“Gee, you don’t sound very caring,” Cozy Glow chimed in, causing the laughter to come to an abrupt halt, Rabia shifted her eyes to glare back at the filly.

“And what have we here?” Rabia turned to look at the other cages. Tirek was finding the floor of his cage very fascinating, Cozy stared back but was starting to wonder if she should have kept her mouth shut.

Rabia walked closer to the girl’s cage, lowering her head to look inside. The filly to her credit didn’t move at the hard and scrutinizing glare she was receiving.

“Ah, you must be the filly that caused the magic drain,” Rabia snorted before slamming her hoof down. She gave the girl such a death glare that the filly fell back and scrambled as far away as she could. “Thanks for that, I was in the middle of a very delegate magical procedure when that happened.”

“So what is the purpose of your visit and stop with the mock caring, I know you better than that, mother,” Sombra spoke up, his mother stepped back from Cozy’s cage and returned back to her son’s.

“Frankly, just to enjoy the sight of you, locked up, chained, your magic sealed and useless,” Rabia scowled and began circling Sombra’s cage again. “It’s a far more lenient punishment than what I had in mind, but it will do for now.”

“I do have plans for the destruction of Saddle Arabia and I must admit, I was hoping to have you at my side for it. I only want the same as you, the return of our once great race,” Rabia halted for a moment and sighed. Sombra slowly raised his brow, it changed into a scowl when his mother glared at him again.

“ However, you have made it abundantly clear that you want nothing to do with me. So, I think I’ll just leave you here to rot while I go and make my plans ready. If I succeed, I might consider asking Celestia to release you into my custody. I have millennias worth of punishments in mind for you,” she snarled, to the other prisoner’s surprise the king actually flinched and for a brief second looked almost frightened.

The queen then turned away and started to head back towards the exit. She stopped half way down the steps for a moment and glanced back towards Sombra’s cage, with a contemplative expression.

“One more thing before I depart.” Rabia turned half way around. “Your sister. Where is she buried?”

Sombra considered if he should even answer that, the king really didn’t think his mother deserved to know. Then an idea hit him, something that might get him out of his cage sooner than planned. Inwardly the king was starting to grin deviously, outwardly he just glared at his mother.

“If you really must know. I had her buried underneath the castle in the Crystal Empire. Underneath the dais where the Crystal Heart rests,” he responded curtly and rolled his eyes in contempt. “I know she would have loved that city. I felt it was an appropriate resting place for her.”

Rabia continued to stare at him, small hint of suspicion crawling over her brow. Then she smiled. Sombra wondered if she saw what he was planning.

“Thank you, my son.” Rabia chuckled softly and resumed her walk towards the door. The prisoners watched her use a spell to open the doors and leave through the entrance, before they closed shut again with a slam.

“Golly, your mom is scary,” Cozy whispered and risked going closer to the bars of her cage that faced Sombra’s prison. “Uh, thanks?”

“What, you thought he was helping you when he diverted her attention back to him? He was probably just tired of her rambling and wanted her to get to the point,” Tirek snorted, feeling much relieved that the queen was gone.

“You’re welcome,” Sombra responded to Cozy but was still staring at the doors, Cozy stuck her tongue out at Tirek who looked dumbfounded.

“What, you were actually helping her? Why?” Tirek asked, he just couldn’t quite understand it. He wasn’t showing it though, but he was actually a little jealous and had been just about prepared to divert Rabia’s attention to him instead of Cozy before Sombra did.

Sombra didn’t respond, except by glancing back with a devious smirk on his muzzle. Tirek could have sworn he heard the gears in the dark pony’s mind turning at full speed. The centaur realized that the king was forming a plan, but knowing him, wouldn’t be indulging any details.

Then it was as if on cue, a portal opened close to the cages and two of the prisoners were surprised to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna step through, both sporting very grave expressions. Sombra turned in his cage and sat up, he was still smirking.

“I was expecting the two of you to show up,” the dark king said, watching the princesses approaching his cage. “It struck me a bit odd that you would permit my mother to visit. Mother always underestimates your cunning. I take it you want the details of that little visit?”

“You are not wrong, we knew she wasn’t visiting out of the goodness of her heart,” Princess Celestia stated, she looked at Luna and nodded. The Lunar Princess proceeded to put up a sound proof magic bubble around them and King Sombra’s cage.

“I’m afraid she was more here to enjoy the sight of me locked up, she didn’t tell me much except for mocking me.” Sombra shrugged and started to casually examine one of his front hooves. “Though she did mention that she is preparing something nasty for Saddle Arabia.”

“What is she planning?” Princess Luna asked firmly.

“I’m afraid she didn’t tell me much, just that she is getting ready for it,” the king said and rolled his eyes at the glares he received. “Really? I got my ‘don’t divulge details of your plans’ attitude from her.”

“Hmm, he isn’t wrong. Rabia was notorious for keeping her cards close, it would make sense that he learned that from her,” the sun princess remarked to her sister, before returning back to Sombra. “Would you have any theories what she might do?”

“Maybe.” Sombra turned away from them and lay down. “Perhaps I can tell you something of what she might do, how she would go about it.”

“But?” The two princesses could already see where this was going.

“I may need some help to jog my memory,” Sombra chuckled and glanced at them. “I mean, I’m safe and sound here. My mother destroying Saddle Arabia, a nation I don’t have particular fondness for myself, sounds quite cathartic.”

“Name your terms,” Celestia sighed and raised a hoof to stop a protest from her sister. She was at least going to hear Sombra out.

“Better living conditions would certainly help, these chains off my legs, don’t worry you can keep the seal on my horn and I get to name my custodian,” King Sombra counted up.

Why do I have a feeling I know who the custodian will be, the Solar Princess thought as she narrowed her eyes on the grinning prisoner.

“That is quite a hefty price just for possible theories on what your mother will do,” Princess Luna snorted, not quite willing to admit that Sombra might have insights on his mother they needed.

“Suit yourself,” King Sombra lay his head down. “Just keep in mind, Saddle Arabia is far away from Equestria. By the time my mother strikes, there might be nothing left by the time you hear about it. The kingdom destroyed, those living there butchered, mares, stallions and foals. Maybe selected few will manage to escape to be refugees in foreign lands. Sound familiar?”

The Celestial sister glanced at each other with a grimace, that had actually hit close to home. They had indeed been unable to render assistance to the Dark Pony Empire when it was destroyed by Saddle Arabia, exactly because it was so far away from Equestria.

“We can provide you with better living conditions and remove the leg shackles,” Princess Celestia said after brief hesitation. “However, we will not saddle a pony with you without that pony’s agreement. We will need to discuss it with the one you no doubt have in mind.”

Sombra chuckled and raised his head again to look at them a devious muzzle straining grin. The sisters both frowned, wondering that the king was thinking. They didn’t need to wonder for too long.

“Oh, did I forget? The custodian is a deal breaker, he says no, I stay here and provide you nothing,” the king said, his grin turning more wicked.

“You are out of your mind if you think we will force that pony to take you in!” Princess Luna snapped, stomping a hoof down, so very tempted to open that cage and throttle Sombra. “I have very good idea who you speak of, you fiend! I’ve been in his nightmares to soothe them so many times, I’ve lost count. He’s lucky his psyche isn’t shattered because of the damage you have done to him!”

“We might speak with him, Sombra, but he and he alone can agree to this. If he says no, we will live with it and just face your mother as she comes, with or without your help,” Celestia said coldly, her sister nodded sharply in agreement. “Frankly, I find your obsession with him quite disturbing.”

“You know my terms,” Sombra snorted and looked away, not really in the mood to hear lectures about his amoral behavior. He saw the soundproof bubble disappear and heard the sound of a magic portal open and close shortly after.

“Sooo, what was that all about?” Cozy asked when the princesses were gone, she and Tirek hadn’t heard a word, but could watch.

“Negotiations for an early parole,” the king responded, though right now he wasn’t so sure how successful they had been. All he could do was wait and hope his prospective custodian would agree and Sombra wasn’t one hundred percent sure he would.

But they may be more forced to plead with him than they think they will, he thought, recalling what he hadn’t told them about his meeting with his mother. He started to smile again.

There was one thing Sombra definitely knew about his mother. She had been hard, manipulative and downright controlling parent. Yet despite it all, the king knew that deep down, in her own selfish twisted way, she had cared and loved her two children. She had herself nursed them in their infancy, declaring that no nursemaid was worthy enough to do the job.

Rabia’s love towards her children had however come with conditions, if they played by her rules, she would shower them with gifts and favors, but deviate in any way and she would come down hard.

Sombra had deviated but his sister Ira hadn’t.

The king started to chuckle to himself, the Celestial sister may just be about to find out how Queen Rabia treated the child that hadn’t left.

End chapter 1