• Published 25th Jul 2019
  • 1,599 Views, 220 Comments

Blue Fang - MlpHero

A blue fanged changeling wants to learn about his purpose in life.

  • ...

Redeemed Souls

A few days later…

Blue sat down at the table, smiling. It’d been a few days since the whole deal with Hex, who’s body had been cremated by the Fangs. They believed that the bucker deserved his fiery grave. Blue didn’t let that bother him. Today was a special day for him and certain changeling. He started shaking, both nervously and excitedly. He didn’t think this day would ever come! A date with Kydra! This is something he’d never think would happen.

“Mommy? What’s wrong with that pony?”

Blue’s ears perked up as he heard a foal ask their mother that question. He bowed his head down a bit. He was fully aware that many ponies were looking at his coal, grey body. He didn’t mind so much. He guessed that it would be pretty strange for ponies to see an unreformed changeling sitting down in a pony restaurant, casually waiting for something. He sighed, before taking a sip of water.

“Hello Blue!”

Blue almost spat out said water. He swallowed it, before coughing a bit. He looked up to see a familiar changeling’s violet eyes, and a pleasant smile on her face. “K-Kydra! Hello!” Blue greeted nervously. She sat down across from him. He smiled. “You look beautiful, Kydra.”

She blushed. “Oh, you.”

He smiled, still shaking a bit. “I’m… kinda nervous about this,” he admitted.

She smiled back. “To be honest, I am too.”

Blue looked up in surprise. He smiled shyly. He looked at his menu. “What should we get?”

She looked at her menu. “I’ll take a salad. What about you?”

He stared at the menu, and was almost shocked by it. “There’s no… Y’know… protein.”

She giggled a bit. “Well Blue, it is a pony restaurant,” she pointed out.

He chuckled sheepishly. “Yeah, that’s fair.” He continued looking through the menu. He then found something he’d ironically enjoy. “I’ll have a…” he blushed a bit. “... a blueberry… muffin…”

Kydra giggled. She smiled. “Good choice.”

Blue smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, rub it in all you want.”

She smiled, “it’s okay Blue. You may be a blueberry, but you’re my blueberry.”

He blushed harder than ever, and smiled nervously. “...Thanks…”

She smiled as the waiter came to take their orders. After the waiter left, Blue took a look around. “We’re still getting looks.”

Kydra looked around, noticing a lot of ponies staring at them. “It’s okay Blue, just ignore them,” she said, reassuringly. “I’m sure they won’t do anything to us.”

Blue sighed and took a drink from his water. He sighed heavily. This wasn’t the whole ‘drinking champagne on a sunset beach’ he’d hoped for. But, winners can’t be choosers. He looked at her. She smiled at him. He smiled back.

The waiter walked over with their food. “Thank you, sir,” Kydra said. He nodded and walked off to help someone else. The two sat and ate in silence for a while. Kydra looked up. “Y’know, we didn’t really get to finish that kiss,” she said, blushing.

He blushed as well. “You… uh… wanna finish it?”

She smiled at him. “Why I’d love—”

They were interrupted by the door opening with a loud slam. They looked over to see two unreformed changelings bursting into the restaurant. They ran over to the two. “Sorry to interrupt!” Mantis said breathing heavily, as if he’d been running.

“What’s wrong?” Kydra asked with concern.

Mantis looked too out of breath to speak, so Dagger spoke up. “We found you-know-who!”

The two changelings almost jumped outta their seats. Blue looked up. “Are you serious?!”

“Yeah, we got someone who says she knows where he’s at!” Mantis said.

Kydra and Blue looked at each other. “Who is it?” Kydra asked.

“You have to see it to believe it!” Mantis said, “now come on!”

Kydra and Blue got up and the four changelings ran towards the exit. A pony looked up. “Hey! You need to pay!”

Blue looked at him. “Ah, bill it to Thorax!”

With that, they ran out of the restaurant and headed towards the hive. Blue looked up to the nighttime moon. They’d been looking forward to this forever. They’d finally be able to get Arthrax.



Blue looked up to the former Queen. Out of everyone he expected, he didn’t expect his former ruler. He looked at Pharynx, who looked at the Queen with an angered expression. Blue stepped up to the Queen. “I didn’t expect to see you again.”

She nodded. “I can say the same to you.” She looked at the Fangs.

Pharynx growled. “Can you get to the point?”

She nodded a bit. “Well, I’ve found Arthrax.”

The Fangs exchanged glances with each other. Broken looked up to her. “Where is he?”

She looked at them. “He’s in the dragon lands, hiding.”

The Fangs snarled. “Coward,” Dagger said. “Waiting for us to find him.”

“He ain’t gon be waiting long, I can tell you that for sure,” Blue growled.

Chrysalis looked at them. She started to walk away. “I’ll be on my way.” She continued walking towards the exit, leaving the hive and heading back to where she came from.

The Fangs looked at each other, then to Thorax. He nodded to another changeling. “I’ll send Ember a message saying we’re on the way.”

“We’re?” Blue tilted his head.

Thorax nodded. “We’re coming with you.”

Blue smiled. “Really?”

Thorax smiled back. “Of course! You go down, we go down with you.”

Blue smiled. “Thank you.”

The changeling king nodded. “Now come on. We ain’t got a lot of time.”

The changelings then ran towards the exit, heading to the Dragon Lands.


Blue Fang looked around the many lava pits. He’d never felt so hot, even in Saddle Arabia. He almost felt like he was going to melt into a puddle. He looked over to Thorax. “Are you sure we can trust Ember?”

He smiled and nodded. “I’m sure, Blue. We’re friends.”

Blue sighed.

The group continued walking through the lava lands. Dagger sighed. “I would make a joke about the girls being smoking hot, but…” he took a couple breaths, “...I… I think it’s been burned outta me. Literally.” He couldn’t even chuckle at his own ‘comedy’.

The others simply groaned. “Somethings don’t change…” Hive said.

The changelings continued their trek through the flaming lands. Blue took out his canteen, only to realize the water was gone. His eyes widened. It can’t have evaporated! We’ve only been here for five minutes! He leaned the canteen over, expecting water to fall from the canteen, but nothing fell out. He sighed. “Buck this place…”

They continued their long trot through the fire and flames. Blue looked over to Zen. Usually, Zen would stick close to Hive, but now they were a good distance away from each other, as they didn’t want to overheat each other. Blue looked at Thorax and Pharynx. They seemed to be determined to finish this mess. Blue sighed. This was the longest hike he’d ever been on.


A few minutes later…


Blue looked over to Dagger, who wasn’t over exaggerating his pain. It was as hot as a hundred suns. Blue looked over to Broken. “Why haven’t our bodies adjusted yet?”

“It needs some time to adjust to this heat...” Broken panted.

“I feel like every cell in my body is going to explode,” Kydra said, wiping away what was either sweat, or bits of herself melting off.

They continued walking until they found a blue dragon waving at them.

“That’s one big lizard…” Dagger said, staring at the dragon.

Thorax glared at him. “She’s not a lizard.”

“Then what is she?”

“Well, she’s a dragon, and she—”

“And a dragon is just an overgrown lizard.”

Thorax rolled his eyes and they continued walking. Blue looked at her, and some of the dragons behind her. “Ember!” Thorax called out to her.

She waved at him. “Hello Thorax!” She flew down to the changeling king and greeted him and his brother. Then she noticed the Fangs. “Who are they?” she asked a bit defensively.

Thorax smiled. “Don’t worry. They’re my friends.” He pointed a hoof towards them.

The Fangs waved at Ember. She waved back and opened her mouth to talk, but Mitchell cut her off. “Excuse me, ma’am. But we ain’t got time to talk. We’re looking for Arthrax.”

She frowned at him. “And who are you?”

Mitchell glared. “Why should I—”

“Sorry about Mitchell,” Broken stepped in. “We’re looking for a changeling who came through here.”

Thorax nodded. “Yeah. We got a lead that someone named Arthrax is camping here. Have you seen them?”

Ember thought for a few seconds. Then it hit her. “Actually, yes I have. He was headed up to Mount Charcoal.” She pointed up to a large volcano.

The Fangs stared at the giant volcano. “He’s up there?” Hivehunter asked.

“Yeah. He ran up there holding something. Some kinda weapon of some sorts.”

The Fangs frowned. Arthrax knew they were coming for him. “He’s running scared,” Mitchell said.

“Yeah. Bucking coward,” Dagger growled.

Zenex looked at Hive, who smiled confidently. Zen smiled back.

Blue looked up to the volcano. “Well, what are we waiting for? Come on, Fangs.” The Fangs nodded and followed Blue up towards Mount Charcoal.


Blue stared at the cave. This had to be it! Arthrax had to be in there! He looked over to the others. “Ready?” They nodded. He looked up ahead and led them into the cave. They lit up their horns and looked around the cave. They continued walking until they saw an opening, leading outside. They walked out, and found Arthrax hiding behind a wall…

...standing behind an automatic crossbow.

The changeling’s eyes widened and they quickly scrambled for cover as Arthrax began cranking the crossbow, before a wave of arrows came volleying at them.

“Die you buckers!”

Blue Fang growled. “Give up, Arthrax! You have nowhere to run!” he shouted.

Arthrax cackled. “That’s why I’m just gonna kill you all!”

Blue dug through his satchel, then found some dynamite. He looked up to Pharynx, and smiled. Pharynx returned the smile as Blue threw the dynamite over to him. He pulled out his crossbow and some rope. He began tying the dynamite to the arrow and lit it. “Fire in the hole!” He fired the arrow at Arthrax’s barricade.

Arthrax quickly ran from it before the dynamite exploded. “Buck you!” he yelled, continuing to run away.

“Come back, you coward!” Stinger yelled at him.

The Fangs gave chase and followed him. After a while, they found him standing by a lava lake, knife drawn.

Blue stepped out from the Fangs, drawing his blue steel knife. He flew down to Arthrax. “Come on, Arthrax. It’s just me and you!” Blue snarled.

“Yeah. It’s just me and you.”

The two began to engage in knife to knife combat. Arthrax snarled. “You killed my brother!”

Blue threw an angered slash. “And you tore our gang apart!”

Arthrax glared. “You were only in it for the money!”

Blue glared back. “It was never about the money!”

Arthrax let out a yell. His blade clashed with Blue’s. His expression soon turned from angered to a smug smirk. “Curse you.”

He then tripped Blue, and pinned him to the ground. He tried burying the knife blade into Blue’s chest.

The others watched as the struggle continued. Thorax himself was the most worried. He growled. He had always stood by and watched. Now? Now, he didn’t want to leave his brother to suffer. He looked over to Pharynx and grabbed his brother’s crossbow. He took aim, looking right at Arthrax.

“Hey Arthrax!”

The changeling looked up, his expression going from smug to shock. He looked down to Blue, who was smirking. “Curse us both.”

Before he knew it, there was an arrow deep in Arthrax’s chest. He looked up to Thorax, who was breathing heavily. He started laughing as he got off of Blue Fang. “You… You shot me…” He started coughing and laughing, trying to walk off, but fell down dead.

The other stared at Thorax in disbelief. He lowered the weapon and looked at Blue Fang, who smiled at him.

Blue then looked over to Arthrax’s body. He walked over to him and glared. Without hesitation, he kicked the changeling into the lava lake. He watched as the changeling burned in the pit. “I’ll see you in Tartarus, you motherbucker.”


Blue Fang stared at the party that Thorax had going. Many changelings and even other creatures had come from all around, including the four princesses. He walked along the edge of the party. He looked around, noticing the many creatures, who were interacting with his friends. Then, he heard a certain voice from behind him. He smiled. “Hey Kydra.”

She walked over to him. “Hey Bluey.”

Blue blushed at his old nymph-hood name. “Heheh, I’m surprised you still remember.”

She nuzzled him. “‘Course I remember, Bluey.” She smiled a bit shyly.

He looked at her, wondering what she was thinking. Then…

...she put her lips on his.

His eyes widened and he turned pink as she planted the kiss on his lips. He didn’t know what to think. He looked over to Cadance, who had a smug smirk on her face. He looked back at Kydra, who slowly opened her eyes and pulled back. She looked at him. “Blue…”

He stared at her.

“...You taste like blueberries,” she said giggling.

Blue on the other hoof, blushed as she pointed it out. “Uhh… K-Ky… I… uhh…”

She cut him off by gently brushing a hoof across his face. “It’s okay Blue, I love blueberries.”

He blushed again. “Really?”

She nodded, still smiling. “Yep. You may be a blueberry,” she playfully booped him on the nose, causing him to blush harder. “But you’re my blueberry.”

He blushed again. He looked at Ky and smiled. They kissed yet again, not a care in the world for who was watching. They just went with the flow. Blue smiled. This was the end of the chapter, but the start of the story…

The End.