• Published 4th May 2019
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Legends of the past: A Power Rangers Story - TheHardie-Boy

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Into battle

Sunset, Twilight, and Rainbow stepped out of the car. They had all traveled her together. The others were just pulling up. Pinkie, of course, was the first to get out of that car. Saying she looked excited would be an understatement. She was literally shaking with anticipation.

“Why would Mr. Oliver have us meet in an old Pawn Shop?” Rarity asked.

“No one really uses it. Maybe it’s gonna be our hideout or something,” suggested Sunset.

“Maybe we should go inside,” said Fluttershy.

“Alright, but if this ends up bein’ one big joke, someone’s goin’ flyin’ out this here window,” said Applejack, motioning toward the window.

“We were attacked physically, and Mr. Oliver even showed us that he can morph. Why would you think this is a joke?” Twilight asked.

“Ya’ can never be too careful,” Applejack responded.

Pinkie ran up to the door and stepped inside. The place really was abandoned. There was no sign that life of any kind had been here for years. She gave a sad huff as her friends joined her.

“Gee, some hideout,” Sunset said sarcastically.

“This is only the top floor. Wait until you see the actual base,” said Tommy, appearing right behind all of them, causing them all to jump in surprise.

“Where did you- How?” Twilight stammered.

“I’ll explain later. I take it you’re all in?” Tommy asked.

“We thought about it, and yeah, we’re in,” Sunset answered.

“Can we please get going already?” Pinkie plead.

“Chill out, Pinkie,” Rainbow said.

“She’s right though. Come on, let’s get inside. I hope you remember this place; you’re gonna be coming here a lot,” said Tommy.

With that, they all stepped inside. Tommy walked up to an old painting on the wall and pressed a button. A small screen appeared, and Tommy put his eye in front of it. The screen did a quick scan and glowed green. “Tommy Oliver: Access Granted.” A door opened up beside the portrait, getting a few gasps out of the girls.

“How long have you been working on this place?” asked Rarity.

“It’s been here a while. I’ve got these all over the place, but I don’t use them all,” Tommy explained.

Tommy lead the girls down a tunnel, complete with nothing more than a few dim lanterns. Once they finally reached the bottom, there was a large room that had many computers and screens and was connected to a dojo.

Tommy pulled up a chair to sit in and motioned for the girls to do the same. “So, this marks the first day of your careers and Power Rangers. If you have any questions, now’s the time to ask them,” Tommy said.

“Who exactly are we fightin’?” Applejack was the first to ask.

Tommy tilted his head. “I’m not a hundred percent sure. It could be Rita Repulsa; it could be Lord Zedd; it could be the Machine Empire. I have figured out what it was that attacked Twilight and Sunset yesterday. There a mix of creatures called putties, who have a lot of strength and a lot of weak spots, and cogs, which are robots with more strength,” Tommy answered.

“How is this gonna affect our friends who aren’t rangers?” Fluttershy asked next.

“As long as you keep your identity secret, your friends will be in no danger. There have been a lot of instances where the villain figures out who the rangers are, but they’ve never stooped low enough to hold someone for ransom. Even if they did, I would be willing to lay my own life on the line to protect them.”

“We have lost no physical fighting experience. I assume we’re going to have the chance to train, but what happens until then?” Rarity asked.

“Like you said, a lot of it comes from training. But don’t worry, even if you’ve never fought, the suit gives you a boost in ability.”

“If we needed it, would help be available from other ranger teams?” Twilight asked.

“I was kind of wondering the same thing,” said Rainbow.

“Probably. I know nearly every ranger team personally, and I’m sure they’d be more than willing to lend a helping hand.”

“What exactly is this villain after?” Sunset asked.

“If I had to guess, I’d say your ‘Equestrian Magic’ you called it earlier. What they plan to do with it if they get it is beyond me though.”

“One more thing,” Sunset gulped, “What happens if we fail?”

“Failure as a ranger is unavoidable. You’re gonna lose fights. It’s what you do next that really matters.”

Sunset looked at her friends. They didn’t seem to have any more questions. “I’m sure we’ll have more questions later, but I think that’s all for now. I’m sure Pinkie’s dying to get on with this,” she said.

“Of course,” Tommy said, pulling out a large, black box. He opened it to reveal seven watches, each with their own unique color and design. “These are your morphers.”

Pinkie’s face nearly exploded with excitement when she heard that. “Alright. Since Pinkie looks so eager to find out what color she’s gonna be, I’ll start with her. Pinkie Pie, a bit of a joker, but there for your friends when they need you, and courageous in the face of danger. You will be the Pink Harmony Ranger,” Tommy said, handing the pink with the Pinkie. She quickly put it on and examined it.

Tommy then walked up to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, a little timid, but not to be underestimated. You will be the Yellow Harmony Ranger.” Tommy handed Fluttershy the yellow watch, which she put on and examined as well.

Tommy went to Rarity next. “Rarity, may seem like a drama queen, but really one of the most generous hearts one could ever meet, willing to do whatever it takes to help. You will be the White Harmony Ranger.” Rarity put on her white watch and admired its diamond design.

“Applejack, true of heart, not afraid to admit your scared. You will be the Green Harmony Ranger.” Applejack struggled with her watch while trying to put it on.

“Rainbow Dash, may seem hot-headed, but knows when to back down, and unwilling to leave her friends unprotected. You will be the Blue Harmony Ranger.” Rainbow smirked when she saw the rainbow patterns on her watch.

“Twilight Sparkle, can do anything she puts her mind to, always putting friends first. Since purple ranger sounds a little weird, you will be the Magi Ranger.” Twilight’s mind exploded when she heard her title and the praise Tommy gave her.

Rainbow looked at her friends, then at Sunset. “One left. That means...Sunset, you’re the-the,” she said.

“What? What color am I?” Sunset asked.

“Sunset Shimmer. You are aware of your mistakes, but you are not afraid to move past them. You are strong, brave, and kind. For this, will lead the Power Rangers Harmony League as the Red Harmony Ranger. I know you’ll do a great job,” Tommy said, giving Sunset the red watch.

Sunset’s mind was cleared. She wasn’t sure what to think. Before, she was questioning whether or not she even deserved to be a ranger. Now she was the leader? “Me, a leader? A-Are you sure, Mr. Oliver?”

“Of course. I know you won’t let me down. One more thing though: you only need to cal, me Mr. Oliver in school. Anywhere else, it’s just Tommy,” said Tommy.

“Quick question: what about zords?” Pinkie asked. Everyone shot her confused looks, save for Tommy. “You know, zords. Giant robots we use when the monster grows like really, really big.”

“About that: I don’t actually have the blueprints to make new zords, so I’m trying to reconstruct old ones. Namely, the Thunderzords that my friends and I used to use,” Tommy explained. “So, I’ll do that, while you guys go start your training. Go down that way and in the last door on the left.”

Sunset and her friends all started down the hallway, Pinkie leading the group, while Tommy booted up his computer and started to work on the Thunderzords.


“Finster! Clank! Do you have a monster to destroy Tommy yet?” Goldar yelled.

“Yes sir. This is Enerdrain,” Finster replied.

“He doesn’t look like much,” Gasket said.

“It doesn’t matter whether or not he defeats Tommy. Just one shot from his canons and Tommy’s energy will slowly begin to drain. And there’s no cure, even if Tommy does defeat him,” Clank added.

“Hm. Maybe this is just what we need. Send him down, and have Orbiz on standby,” Goldar instructed.

“Yes sir,” Finster and Clank said in unison.


“So, this button here on the top is to teleport you here, so you don’t have to walk,” said Tommy. He was currently explaining how the girls’ morphers work.

“Is that safe?” Twilight asked. The thought of teleportation without magic nearly terrified her.

“Don’t worry. I’ve done this thousands of times. It feels a little weird at first, but you get used to it the more you do it,” Tommy replied.

“Now, to morph, rotate this along the side of the morpher until a button pops out,” Tommy demonstrated. “Once it does, press it and shout...It’s Morphin’ TIme!”

Pinkie nearly exploded with excitement when she heard Tommy say that. “Is there anything else we should know before we try morphing?”

“Well, this first time, it’s gonna have to be in unison to make sure the frequency doesn’t mess up, but other than that, you’re good to go,” Tommy replied. Right as he said that, an alarm went off. Tommy ran to the screen and projected it onto a larger screen for the girls to see. There was a robot with a small tank on its hip. A group of robots from before joined it as well.

“Looks like whoever sent those robots from before got busy,” said Rainbow.

“So much fer’ trainin’,” said Applejack.

“Don’t worry. Like I said before: the suit gives you a little boost in experience,” said Tommy.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s get out there!” Pinkie shouted.

“Alright, Pinkie,” Sunset said as she and her friends lined up. “Everyone ready?”

“Ready!” they all shouted in unison. With that, they all rotated the small lever around their morpher, like Tommy showed them, until a button appeared. The all pressed the button and shouted “It’s Morphin’ Time!”

To Tommy’s surprise, nothing happened. The girls were equally confused. “Try it again,” Tommy suggested. They did and got the same result. “Alright. I’ll handle that thing. The blueprints for the morphers are in the drawer here. Try to figure out what’s wrong with them and join me when you can.”

Tommy summoned his own morpher and key. “Dino Thunder! Power Up!” Tommy morphed into the Black Ranger from before and teleported to the scene.

Twilight opened the drawer and pulled out the blueprints Tommy was talking about. She spread them out on a table, and her friends joined her in looking over them.

At the battle scene, Tommy had just arrived. Goldar and Gasket were keeping an eye on the battle from above to make sure Tommy didn’t have any tricks up his sleeve.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the Great and Powerful Tommy Oliver. You may as well give up now. You don’t stand a chance,” said Enerdrain.

“That’s what every other monster that faced me said before I destroyed them,” Tommy replied.

“I’m not like any other monster you’ve faced,” replied Enerdrain. “Puttycogs, attack!”

The grey robots from before all charged toward Tommy. Tommy drew his Bracheostaff and jumped into battle. He had no trouble taking down each goon. They were tough, though, and Tommy knew it would only be a matter of time until he was overwhelmed. Tommy decided to turn invisible so he could attack without being seen. He finished off the rest of the Puttycogs until it was just him and Enerdrain.

Back at the hideout, Rarity stumbled upon something.

“Girls, look here. It says we all have to be all in for the morphers to work. If any of us doubt ourselves, none of them will work,” Rarity said.

“Wow, Mr. Oliver wasn’t kidding when he said we were either all in or none of us were,” Rainbow said.

“But I’m not doubting myself. Who is?” Fluttershy asked.

Sunset looked away and ran her hand through her hair. “It-It’s me. It’s just that...I was doubting whether or not I should even get to be a ranger after everything I’ve done, let alone the leader.”

“What are you talking about? You’d be a great leader,” Twilight said, a little surprised.

“Yeah, definitely better than any of us,” Applejack added.

“Am I though? Think about it: I’ve never been able to handle anything on my own; we’ve always needed help in some way. The Fall Formal, the Battle of the Bands, the Equestria Land incident,” Sunset plead.

“Sorry to bring this up, Twilight, but what about the Friendship Games? I think it’s safe to say that was all you,” Rainbow replied.

“They’re right. If it weren’t for you, I probably would’ve sucked all of the magic out of Equestria,” Twilight added.

Sunset looked up at her friends. “You guys really think so?”

“We know so,” FLuttershy said.

“Alright. Let’s give this another try,” Sunset said, standing up.

The seven girls lined up and shared determined nods. They rotated the levers on their morphers again and pressed the button that popped out, shouting, “It’s Morphin’ Time!” in the process. One by one, the girls began to glow like they were ponying up, only different. They were all enveloped in their own respective colors as their ranger suits began to form.

Fluttershy was the first to complete the morphing process. Her suit was a butterscotch yellow with three butterflies on her chest and a gold belt around her waist. On her face, an outline of a butterfly was drawn as a yellow helmet surrounded her head. “Element of Kindness! Harmony League, Yellow Ranger!”

Rarity was next. Her suit was white with three bright blue diamonds on her chest with a silver belt around her waist. An outline of a diamond appeared on her head as a white helmet appeared on her head. “Element of Generosity! Harmony League, White Ranger!”

Then was Applejack. She was covered in a green suit with three apples varying in size and a gold belt. An outline of an apple appeared on her face along with a green helmet. “Element of Honesty! Harmony League, Green Ranger!”

Next was Pinkie Pie. Her pink suit went well with her gold belt. Her suit also had three differently colored balloons. An outline of a balloon appeared on her face as her pink helmet appeared. “Element of Laughter! Harmony League, Pink Ranger!”

Rainbow was next. Her blue suit had a cloud shooting out a rainbow colored lighting bolt and a rainbow colored belt around her waist. A lighting bolt outline shown on her face along with her blue helmet. “Element of Loyalty! Harmony League, Blue Ranger!”

Then, Twilight morphed. Her suit was purple with a pink star on her chest, along with a golden belt. A star appeared on her face before her purple helmet. “Element of Magic! Harmony League, Magi Ranger!”

Finally, Sunset morphed. Her suit was red with yellow streaks. She also had a crimson belt. An outline resembling her cutie mark from Equestria shown on her face, summoning her red helmet. “Element of Empathy! Harmony League, Red Ranger!”

The Power Rangers Harmony League were now morphed and ready for battle.


Tommy and Enerdrain were in the middle of a heated battle. Tommy didn’t know what the robot did, but he didn’t want to find out. He kept attacking, hoping to wear it down. The robot kept striking back, not giving Tommy an inch.

“I gotta admit, whoever built you knew what they were doing,” Tommy said, backing off.

“You have no idea, black ranger,” Enerdrain replied, summoning a canon. Enerdrain to aim at Tommy and fired a white shot. Tommy was hit square in the chest. He felt something flow out of him.

Luckily, before Enerdrain could attack again, the girls appeared before him, morphed. “Alright, I knew you girls could do it. I took a big hit, so I’m gonna head back to the base. I’ll give you tips to help you in battle,” Tommy said before teleporting away.

Sunset and her friends got into what seemed to be a battle formation as they faced Enerdrain.

“What? I wasn’t told of this,” Enerdrain complained, summoning a new army of puttycogs.


“Power Rangers?! What are they doing there?” Goldar yelled.

“It’s just like Tommy to send someone else to do his dirty work. No matter, Enerdrain’ll just have to knock down to size,” Gasket replied.

“This’d better work,” Goldar growled.


“Girls, there should be a button on the side of your belts. Press it to summon your individual weapons,” Tommy radioed to the girls.

“Thanks, Mr. Oliver,” Sunset replied.

Pinkie was first. She pressed the button Tommy was talking about, and something flew off her belt and right in front of her. It was a staff. She took hold of it and jumped into battle. She used the staff to sweep the puttycogs off their feet and jab them. When they tried to surround her, she just spun around, taking them all out. “Wow, this party staff is amazing!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Rarity pressed a similar button as two daggers appeared in front of her. She took them and used them to slice down several puttycogs. She jumped over the head of one to kick another and swung her arms out two take down two puttycogs at once. “I absolutely love these diamond daggers,” Rarity said.

Fluttershy summoned her weapon next and found it was a shield. She used it to block an incoming attack and then struck back. She didn’t really know how to fight, but she had no trouble defending herself, taking out several puttycogs in the process. “This fluttershield fits my exact style,” Fluttershy admired.

Applejack was next. She summoned her weapon, which turned out to be an axe, and began attacking. Her strength helped her effortlessly take down any puttycogs that got anywhere near her. She managed to get the puttycogs to group together and threw her axe at them, destroying them all. “Gee, this here apple axe really gets the job done,” Applejack said.

Rainbow was next to summon her weapon, or weapons. Her weapons were a pair of blaster. She jumped above the puttycogs and used her high point to blast several of them. She then spun around, blasting everything she could. She then put the two blaster together and let out a continuous beam, which she used to swing around herself and take down everything else around her. “These rainbow blasters are just awesome,” exclaimed Rainbow.

Next, Twilight summoned her weapon, which turned out to be a wand with a sharp looking star on the top. She used it to jab at the puttycogs and levitate them not the air. She also used it to teleport around her enemies and take them down with magical blasts. “Maybe now you won’t mess with me now that I have my Magi wand,” Twilight teased.

Finally, Sunset summoned her weapon, which was a red sword. She used it to block attack’s and use her own. She swung her sword gracefully at anything around her until the puttycogs were all defeated. “Gotta say, I love the sun saber,” said Sunset.

“What do you say we finish off this guys now?” Rainbow said, pointing at Enerdrain.

“Sounds good to me,” replied Pinkie.

“Bring it. You’re no match for me,” said Enerdrain. He reloaded his canon and fired at the girls, only for Fluttershy to block it with her shield. Rainbow jumped over and blasted Enerdrain for the air. Rarity ran around her friends and threw her daggers at Enerdrain as Applejack delivered two huge hits with her axe, and Pinkie used her staff to jab at him. Enerdrain fired a laser at the three of them, but Twilight stepped in front and countered the blast with one of her own. She and Rainbow both fired at Enerdrain, causing him to begin to smoke. Sunset took the opportunity to attack with her sword. Enerdrain countered the first few attacks, but Sunset didn’t let up. She kept attacking until Enerdrain fell back.

“Girls, Twilight and Sunset have their own individual finishing moves, and Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie can all combine their weapons for a third finishing attack. Try it and finish this guy off,” Tommy radioed in.

“Sounds like a plan, Mr. Oliver. You hear that, girls?” Sunset asked.

“Copy that. Let’s bring ‘em together,” replied Rainbow.

Rarity put her daggers sharp end out into Rainbow’s blasters as Pinkie attached her staff to Applejack’s axe. They put their combinations under Fluttershy’s shield and took aim at Enerdrain. Twilight and Sunset drew power into their own weapons and took aim as well.

“Harmony Canon, Final Strike!”
“Sun Saber, Final Slash!”
“Magic Wand, Victory Strike!”

Twilight fired a ball of magic, Sunset fired a flaming shot, and the others fired their canon. They all hit Enerdrain, who fell to the ground, defeated, as a result.

“That was awesome!” exclaimed Rainbow.

“I see what Mr. Oliver meant when he said the suit gives us extra ability,” said Rarity, looking down at her suit.

“Who said it was over, rangers,” said a new, Scottish voice.

The girls looked up to see their was another robot standing a ways away from the remains of Enerdrain. His armor was silver and bronze. He was holding what looked like another robot by the head, swinging it around like a mace.

“Alright, Orbiz. Round and round, and away ya’ go,” the robot said, throwing his companion. It landed on the remains of Enerdrain and inserted some sort of pipe into his neck. Enerdrain got back up with a maniacal laugh. Before the girls could do anything, Enerdrain began to glow, and he grew a hundred times taller.

“Now you see what I mean when I said ‘grow’?” Pinkie smirked as her friends gaped at Enerdrain.

“Now I can drain all of the energy in the city!” Enerdrain bellowed.

“Don’t worry, girls. I’ll handle this one,” Tommy radioed in.

Back at the Pawn Shop, Tommy opened an old chest and pulled out a green dagger. “I hope this works,” Tommy muttered to himself. He ran back into the center of the hideout and pout his helmet back on. “Back into action!” Tommy yelled as he teleported to the fight.

“How do we fight that thing?” Twilight asked.

“You’ll see; don’t worry,” Tommy replied. He pulled out the dagger and put the base to his mouth. He began to blow into it as a trumpet-like tune came out of it.

In the distance, a pair of red eyes appeared in the water. The water began to bubble as a giant, mechanical beast arose from it. The beast walked toward the battle as the girls were amazed.

“That’s the Green Dragonzord. You’ll get you’re own when I can contact them, but for now I’ll just use this,” Tommy told the girls. He jumped onto the head of the Dragonzord and into the cockpit.

Enerdrain charged at the Dragonzord as Tommy prepared for battle. He used the Dragonzord’s arms to block the oncoming attack and returned with one of his own. He bashed at Enerdrain a few times before turning to attack with the drill-tail. Tommy blew another tune from his dagger as rockets came to the fingertips of the Dragonzord. They fired at Enerdrain, who prepared to fire back. Before he could though, the lights on the Dragonzord’s chest glowed red. They fired out a huge, red beam, and Enerdrain exploded.

Tommy sent the Dragonzord back to the sea and jumped down to the ground.

“No offense, but rocket fingers? That’s pretty cliche,” Rainbow joked.

Tommy laughed in return. “Hey, I didn’t design it.”


Gasket was fuming as Goldar struggled to keep his anger in check.

“It’s not a total loss,” said Sprocket from behind the two.

“Quiet, you little tin can!” Gasket yelled at his brother.

Sprocket shrank back slightly. “I mean, Tommy was hit. His energy will be draining soon, so all we have to do is figure out a way to take down the rest of the rangers,” he rushed out.

Goldar turned toward Gasket. “Your brother’s right. And I think I know just how we can get under the red ranger’s skin,” he said with a snarl.


“Hey, uh, Mr. Oliver? I was wondering if it would be alright if I could tell Princess Twilight that my friends and I were rangers. All I’d have to do is write it down in this journal and she’d be able to read it without having to come over herself,” Sunset asked.

“Um, no. For two reason, actually. First, if it’s in reading for everyone to see, it would run the risk of someone finding out your identity. Second, Twilight’s not all there, mentally, when it comes to ranger stuff, and I don’t really want her coming over here for that,” Tommy replied.

Sunset frowned. She had been looking forward to seeing her friend’s reaction when she found out she was protecting the earth on a larger scale.

“Anyhow, how was your first time being a ranger?” Tommy asked.

“It was great. I had no idea I was capable of doing all that. Can I ask you a question though?” Sunset replied.

“Sure, as long as I can ask you one as well,” Tommy replied.

“You want to know what was wrong with our morphers before, don’t you,” Sunset cringed.

“Yeah, kind of,” Tommy said.

“It was me. I just didn’t really think I would make a good leader. Just, everything I’ve done in the past...I didn’t think I deserved a chance at protecting Earth after trying to overthrow Equestria,” Sunset explained.

“That’s understandable. But that’s also why I made you the leader. You see, when I became a ranger, I thought the same thing. I had made so many mistakes in the past, I didn’t think I would be trustworthy enough to help my friends as a ranger,” Tommy explained. “You’re gonna do a great job as the leader. I see myself in you, Sunset. I know you won’t let me down.”

“Thanks. I was actually gonna ask why you made me the leader, but you already answered that question,” Sunset said. ‘Maybe I can do this,’ Sunset thought to herself.

Author's Note:

Hey guys,
I know, this chapter is at least a week and a half late, but the same thing as Call of the Wild, I just didn’t get a chance to sit down and write. Either way, here it is, and I hope you liked it. Tell me what you thought in the comments, and I’ll see you next time.

The one and only,