• Published 10th Aug 2012
  • 6,241 Views, 167 Comments

FlutterYou - Capulus

My first Second Person Story. Enjoy! Romance between Fluttershy and 'You'.

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Chapter 7 - Not Now, Not Ever.

Hearing those two words from Applejack’s mouth makes you feel as if you have just died inside. Your mouth is dry all of a sudden as your mind kicks into overdrive. She... She’s gone? No! No matter where she goes, she will never be alone! Even if I have to go into the void and back I will find her! I won’t give up looking! Not now, not ever! These thoughts give you a burst of energy and adrenaline, and you quickly turn, somehow not noticing how much your leg is screaming at you to stop. You drop the crutches, and although every nerve in your body screeches for you not to, you bolt off, not noticing how much your leg hurts. You dimly realise that your body is going to present it’s bill later, but right now you don’t give a buck. You just want to find Fluttershy, and tell her how you feel, and love her, and be with her. You run wildly, not hearing Applejack’s cries for you to stop, to come back. You don’t hear the thudding hoofsteps of Big Macintosh behind you, or his call for you to stop, not to hurt yourself. You just push yourself harder, filtering all other sounds other than your own ragged breathing into white noise. You don’t hear the rumbling of thunder in the clouds, nor do you feel the steady rainfall that showers down around you. You don’t notice when it starts bucketing down, drenching you from head to hoof. You just keep running, trusting your legs to take you to Fluttershy. You don’t notice as the library door opens as you run past, nor do you hear Twilight’s cries of shock. You keep running, through the torrent raining down around you, in front of you, never ending. You know that you will regret this later, but for now you just finally start using your ears, listening for any trace of the mare you love. Then you trip, and hear something that you vaguely recognise, almost like a tearing sound. You just stumble back to your feet, one of your forehooves strangely not responding to your mind’s commands. You take a few steps forward, and start to feel weak. You look down at the ground and can see red mixing with the puddles forming around you. Then you realise why, and fall to the ground, still not feeling pain from your injured leg.

The bone has broken again, and has taken the chance to tear back through the skin. No... I can’t let this happen... You think, dimly. Fl-Fluttershy... You drag yourself forward with your good hoof, but stop as you hear hoofsteps splashing towards you.
“Fl-Fluttershy? I-is that you?” But you almost cry in anguish when you hear the voice of Twilight say;
“Oh, good. I hoped this would happen. It’s why I followed you.” You summon up as much strength as you can, and splutter;
“Y-you hoped I-I would do th-this to myself a-again? Thanks, T-Twilight...”
“No, this way, it is a fresh wound! I can heal you! Good as new!”
“I was actually just doing some reading, as I knew that you were bound to break it again eventually. I can’t heal it like it was, but a fresh wound... You haven’t exactly been carefu--”
“L-look, Twilight. N-no offense, bu-but, just HURRY THE BUCK UP!” You scream the last few words as the adrenaline finally wears of and your leg finally presents it’s bill for the past few minutes of running.
“O-oh, sorry.” Through the haze of rain, Twilight’s horn starts to glow. She leans in, and you can see her face scrunched in concentration, and something else... Fear? You think, vaguely. Why is she afraid? But then the spell hits you and you cry out as the bone starts to pull itself back into the leg, and the leg reseals itself. It’s an odd feeling, having your bone heal itself inside you so fast. But then Twilight screams in agony and falls on to her side. You roll up, relishing the fact that your leg doesn’t hurt for the first time in a week. But then you remember Twilight. You kneel by the unicorn’s side, and say, worriedly;
“Twilight! What’s wrong?” But the unicorn gets up, a grimace on her face.
“The spell has to put the pain somewhere. I chose me. I might have been able to find something else with more time, but it is kind of desperate at the moment. It was only for a second, but it still hurt.”
“Oh sorry... So, before I go, that spell heals new wounds, right?”
“Or recently reopened ones, yes.”
“Alright.” You say. Then you reach your hoof over your shoulder, grab your broken wing, and twist it as hard as you can. You hear a sickening crunch and cry out as you feel it re-break.
“Alright... Put the pain... In a... Plant... Or something... This... Time.” You pant, through your pain. Twilight’s eyes are wide with shock.
“Y-you... You just broke your own... Never mind.” Her horn lights up again, and you feel the wing healing, and you see a small plant by your hoof wither and die. You feel a second of remorse for it, before testing your wing to make sure it all healed. It works just like it used to.
“Thank you Twilight. Now I have to--”
“No! Wait! Why are you out here anyway?” You think about just taking off and leaving her there, but Twilight has just done you a huge favour in healing your leg and wing. Your various other injuries still hurt, such as your rib, but you barely notice that.
“Alright. When me and ‘Shy went to Sweet Apple Acres, I spoke to Big Mac and finally realised how I feel about her--”
“That’s great!”
“Please don’t interrupt! I may not have much time! When I got back to the farmhouse, Fluttershy came out, and kissed me. I was so surprised... I couldn’t speak. She thought it was rejection, and she flew away. Now I have to catch her!” Twilight stares for a moment, her eyes wide.
“Then GO! Sorry! Just go!”

You nod and take off, hoping to see more from the sky. Still you can see nothing. You start to lose hope, when a shape comes flying out of the rain and slams into you, and from there slams you into the ground. You count yourself lucky that your wing doesn’t break again from the sheer force of hitting the muddy ground. You can barely see through the haze of rain around you, but after a few seconds you can see the enraged face of Rainbow Dash, holding you on the ground. She looks angry enough to actually kill you. She pulls back her hoof, and punches you in the face. You can’t stop her, your hooves are all being held down.
“How--” Punch.
“Dare--” Punch.
“You--” Punch.
“Do--” Punch.
“That--” Punch.
“To--” Punch.
“SHY!” With this last word, she hits you so hard you feel like you might pass out. You spit another one of your teeth out into the mud next to you. But you manage to stay awake, especially when you think of what Rainbow Dash might do if you do pass out. She hits you again, and you finally manage to get a word in when she pulls it back again.
“WAIT!” She stops mid punch, but you can tell how hard it is for her to hold herself back.
“Ten seconds. Go.”
“I DO love Fluttershy! Her kiss surprised me so much I couldn’t speak. It was just so amazing, I couldn’t think straight for--” She punches you. “AH! I was trying to explain!”
“And until you finish, every ten seconds I’m going to hit you again.” She says it and you can tell she has gone through the maelstrom that is blind rage and into the calm waters of utter, visceral fury. You try to think of where you left off.
“And then she flew off! I came after her! To--” Rainbow Dash hits you in the face again. But you can see that she is beginning to calm down.
“To tell her how I feel. To tell her I love her, and that I want to spend the rest of my life with her! Please, Rainbow Dash! You have believe me! If you know what happened, you have to know where she is! Please! I’m begging you! Tell me!”
You are afraid she is going to hit you once more, but she stands up and holds out her hoof. You take it, and as you are halfway up, her other hoof comes up and hits you in the stomach. Later you realise that this was marvelous restraint, as she could have hit you in the chest, and broken your rib if she wanted to. But right now you are winded, and fall to the ground, trying to breathe.
“That is for making her feel like this in the first place.”
“What? Why... Do you... Even care... So much?” You say, through gulps of air as you slowly get your breath back. Even the Element Of Loyalty wouldn’t be this... aggressive, right? Rainbow Dash looks almost mournful for a moment, but then says quietly, so quietly you have to strain to hear over the rain;
“Did you ever consider maybe you weren’t the only one who loves her?” You fall backwards, into the mud, having been halfway up again. Oh no... Rainbow Dash.
“‘Dash... I-I’m sorr-”
“NO! I don’t want your damn sympathy. She couldn’t love me anyway. We’re just friends. It could n-never happen. She's into c-colts, not m-mares anyway.” You can swear through the rain that you can see tears running down Rainbow’s cheeks. But you know if you were to say anything about it, or try to comfort her, she would probably hit you again. You just decide to stay quiet.
“N-now--” She sniffs and wipes her face, then looks at you, as if daring you to say anything about her moment of weakness. She takes a deep breath, and says: “--You want to find her that badly? Then... She’s in the Everfree. She has gone to visit Zecora. You know--”
“Yes, I know who she is. Thank you Rainbow Dash. Thank you. You are probably the best Element Of Loyalty there has ever been.” You know you might regret this, but you have to say it.
“Wh-what? How do you figure?”
“I just think, you could just as easily told me you didn’t know where she was, or sent me to Appleoosa, or Cloudsdale. In fact, you didn’t have to stop hitting me. But you know how Fluttershy feels, and you decided to give me a chance.” You just stand there and prepare for the inevitable hit, when something flies through the rain. You throw your hoof up, in the half hearted hope you could block it. But Rainbow Dash’s flight goggles land on the top of it. You look at them in shock, and then at the hazy outline of Rainbow Dash --The rain is getting progressively worse-- and start to ask why. She interrupts with;
“Take them. They’ll help you see. Twilight put a spell on them last year.”
“Alright, thank you.”
“And... Promise me one thing?”
“Of course.”
“Don’t screw this up. She really loves... y-you.” She has stepped closer now, and she is obviously holding back tears as she says this. But she has a determined look in eyes swimming with tears, and her mouth is a grim slash of determination.
“Of course, Rainbow.” You fly off, knowing that she needs some time to be alone in the darkness, where she can be truly alone. As you fly away, you regret hearing her scream at the sky. You wish you hadn’t had to hear it.
“I’m sorry Rainbow Dash...” You say, as you set a course for the dark bulk that is the Everfree Forest.

--Just so you know, I wasn’t originally going to have that last part. But I needed something to get ‘you’ to the Everfree, and with what ‘you’ know about ‘Shy, it wouldn’t make much sense to go wandering into Everfree in the vague hope of finding her. So, I decided to include something sad, as well. Well, I saw it as sad. I just felt as if the story was getting too... too happy, too... textbook. So I threw in the Rainbow Dash encounter, with the intention of having something else happen. Originally, she told you something vaguely sad about Fluttershy’s past, with Rainbow Dash had helped her through, which was why they were so close. But then I thought about it, and realised how I could make it sadder by taking the strong, determined Rainbow Dash, and give her a moment of... I guess you could call it weakness. I just wanted to give her a bit of an important part, seeing as she was the only one who didn’t really interact with ‘you’ explicitly. Don’t hate me for it. I know that there is some gigantic debate on the internet about Rainbow Dash’s sexuality. --Although, I think the only one with a confirmed gender preference is Rarity, who had a crush on Blueblood-- Like I said, I just wanted something sad, and I doubt Pinkie would have been so violent without going all Pinkamena on ‘you’, and based on her fanon, people probably would have said it wasn’t enough, and I doubt Rarity would have been out in the mud like that, not unless she was severely angry. Just wanted to say that, and give some explanation. Don’t hate me.--