• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Marezinger Z

Always looking to learn and enhance my craft as well as share in the fandom fun.


Comments ( 16 )

We're all saps in a way

This was nice.

Although I'm probably one of the most feminine women in the world (like Rarity levels of feminine) I feel that this is appropriate for my emotions at the end of this fic.


Congratulations. Your story took me THERE.

Glad you enjoyed it. 👍

Good to hear that the feels hit home. :twilightsmile:

I'm tempted to see what comes after this, lol.

Same, I wonder what fate holds for Everglade.

If you click on the picture itself it should take you right to it.

I really hope you plan to make this a trilogy.

I didn't see that when I hovered over it. Thanks.

I had high hopes coming into this story and it didn't disappoint one bit. I like the characterizations. I can't recall reading in recent memory a story where Celestia is the insatiable one. Good job subverting my expectations there. I found myself re-reading certain sections over and over and it wasn't the sex scenes either. Don't get me wrong. They were great; fantastic even. No, it was things like the heartfelt conversation between Luna & Celestia while Everglade slept. It was Celestia's confession, Everglade's acceptance, Luna's declaration and...

"...Luna and I have a… unique relationship that I want you to be a part of;..."

That section right there is where I went from really liking the story to LOVING it and its three main characters. I am a fan of polyamory. The love, care and support within a poly group isn't divided. It's multiplied. The tenet of honest, open communications and expectations was well conveyed too.

There is something that sticks out in my mind when Everglade told Celestia he was saving himself for her though. I was wondering if Everglade should've said:

“I’m sure you hear this all the time, but you’re the kindest and most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t possibly think of anyone I’d rather lose my virginity to than you, Ms. Celestia.”

My thought is that while Everglade's actions speak to the reverence he has for Celestia he hasn't fully voiced it yet. He often tells her how beautiful he thinks she is and I'm sure she loves hearing that from him. I think adding "the kindest" to that sentence helps "check the box" in her and the reader's mind that his interest in her is more than just skin deep.

I'm a sappy guy as well and all that pushed the right buttons with me. Like I said; I'm in love with the story and the threesome. :raritystarry: I look forward to seeing how Everglade romances Celestia and Luna. I have no doubt he'll sweep them off their feet. I imagine they'll have a long, happy life together. Well done Marezinger Z, well done. I'm off to read the next story. I'll try not to leave a wall o'text there when I'm done. Thank you for creating and sharing.

Thanks for all the feedback, I really appreciate it. I'm glad that the feels and the romance hold up just as much as the raw sex and I hope the next parts of the story continue to please. By the by, I do really like that small addition to the dialogue so I edited it into the story. Thanks, and don't worry about the text wall, I welcome all levels of feedback no matter how long or short. 👍

Fuck, why was it wholesome? I mean, that’s what I was hoping for, but you really blew it out of the water.

I wrote two endings for this and the other just paled and felt empty compared to what I went with; I wanted to continue the series too so I went this route.

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