• Member Since 10th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Writing’s pretty fun.


Thanos has gotten all six Infinity Stones. Despite the best efforts of the heroes, he has succeeded. Half of all life is in the balance, all with a simple snap.

Discord has broken free of his stone prison, and has turned Ponyville into the Chaos Capital. The Elements make a final stand against him, but he has a plan. A plan that involves a snap.

If you spoil Endgame, please put the spoiler bars around it. I’ve yet to see it, and many don’t want it spoiled.

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 74 )

You know, for once I'd love for one of this stories to be crossing over with the original Infinity Gauntlet story and not the MCU every single time.

I would, but I’m not familiar with the comics.

The trade paperback is like 20 bucks max on amazon.

This feels like a story that will get featured.

Biggest difference is Thanos' motivation. In the comics Death is embodied by the entity Mistress Death and Thanos is hopelessly in love with her. Thanos kills half the universe in the comics just to show Death is devolution to her not his delusion of Balance.
The MCU snap didn't balance the universe, as Thanos killed half of ALL LIFE not just sentient beings. That means plants and animals, reducing the universe's food resources. The death was also indiscriminate, removing people no matter what they where doing and no matter how important they where. That means pilots flying airplanes, soldiers in the middle of battles, doctors performing risky surgery. That means people died in the aftermath and infrastructure was disrupted. Thanos erased half of life which indirectly cause trillions of more deaths seconds later plunging the universe into chaos. That's why he's the villain he intended to bring balance and order but really made things much worse.

Damn, just thinking about all of the different things that people must have been going through during the snap is really harrowing. Imagine a mother being given their baby for the first time, only for it to fade into ashes in her arms, or the doctor as he’s handing the baby to her. The thought chills my soul, man.


1. Actually, The Snap did NOT kill any animals or plant-life, only sapient (@Doctor Disco: corrected from "sentient") beings. If half of animal / plant life had also been eradicated, that would have negated the point and goal of (MCU-)Thanos' trying to "save" the universe of its Overpopulation-drain of resources.

Example: A town (or nation) is starving due to limited (or failing) farmland and animals. You kill off -50% of the town inhabitants (sapient beings), but also destroy -50% of the farmland crops and animals. Result? Half of the town inhabitants remain, yet are >still< starving because of the equally halved resources.

2. But yes, The Snap also did result in far greater casualties than "50%" due to the indiscriminate, and more importantly sudden, disintegrations.

3. As another Thanos-hypocritical point, both in the comics and the MCU, The Snap also was not nearly as indiscriminate as Thanos claimed it would be. The Snap disintegrated primarily good- &/or neutrally-aligned sapient beings. Almost every criminal, Super-Villain, and even basic trooper of HYDRA, made it through The Snap un-molested.

Sapient. Sapient beings. Animals are sentient. They have established thought processes that are understandable to us. Sapient beings, on the other hand, have higher forms of thinking to the point where we’ve become the highest evolved species. We can reason. We are sapient. Your neighbour’s dog is sentient.

You are basically shooting yourself in the foot by saying Thanos didnt kill any animals or plant life, and proceeding to mention sentient beings as opposed to sapient in the same sentence.

Sorry, it’s a nitpick of mine. I was corrected on it once, and now I want to spread the love.

I’ve also read elsewhere that the Snap did take into account the casualties that would come from the disintegration of others, thus balancing the need for disintegration with the actual deaths of people needed to balance the universe.

Edit: Now that I’ve read the actual story before reading the comments, I am smiling widely with only two words in mind.

Oh sh:pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:t!


4. I often confuse (or forget) that terminology difference. Corrected my previous comment. :eeyup:

5. It is not hard-confirmed whether the MCU-Snap was impartially indiscriminate, but generally accepted that it was not; especially given how Clint Barton became the ruthless vigilante Ronin in order to cull the rampant number of criminals that still existed post-Snap globally.

6. Comics-wise, The Snap definitely left most Evil-aligned sapients un-disintegrated, whether sub-consciously or deliberate on Thanos' part (since comics-Thanos is as black-hearted as they come) is not clarified. Comics-wise, it was to give the myriad comic-lines amid the CrossOver event of The Infinity Gauntlet tie-in comics something to struggle against; the few existing heroes against overwhelming villains' presence.

I heard Russo brothers confirmed that the snap took out half of all life including non-sentient ones. I don't accept this however. Just imagine half of all plants dying, Earth would get ecolocigally annahilated. And then imagine half of all microscobic beings dying... yeah, if that was true then all order in the universe would be broken.

Twilight Sparkle is shocked awake within her room, and she starts to feel all around herself, “I’m fine? But, Thanos... we lost! How am I here?” She then looks at her body, “A pony? Oh boy, Wong would love to see me now.” He looks to his left, and sees a cloak and pendent waiting there, waiting for him. She smiles, “Well, at least I still have you two.”

Strange sentences.......

Kevin Feigie said it was all life, and Antman confirmed the reverse work by the reappearance of birds, non-sapients.
As to the quality of people, it's not more bad people survived it's that those bad people who did where inclined to take advantage of the chaos. They are the bad guys, so clearly opportunists. They murder good people.
We must also consider how places that had excess resources still had excess after the snap, they took care of themselves. World powers like the US survived while 3rd world nations got utterly wrecked. A lot and I mean a lot of the consequences of the snap and the reverse happened off screen, like 90% of what happened was not part of the story. We got to see the world 5 years after the snap, those 5 years where utter hell on earth and every other civilized planet in the universe.

*steeples front hooves, a stern expression on her face*


It was only now that I realize I messed up the he/she pronouns here. However, with what happened, it makes sense.

He looks down upon the ponies with amused disdain, “Ugh, you six again? Did you not learn from your last attempt? I won, you lost! Game over, man, game over!”

Pinkie takes a firm stance, “Game not over, girl, game not over!”

Discord shoots back, “Game questionable, attack helicopter, game questionable!”

This exchange right here fucking sold me on the story.

Twilight Sparkle is shocked awake within her room, and she starts to feel all around herself, “I’m fine? But, Thanos... we lost! How am I here?” She then looks at her body, “A pony? Oh boy, Wong would love to see me now.” He looks to his left, and sees a cloak and pendent waiting there, waiting for him. She smiles, “Well, at least I still have you two.”

Far away, in Ponyville, a pink pony starts to gasp for air. After a few seconds of gasping, she gingerly touches her throat, “I- I can breathe? I can breathe!” She looks around, “Wait... this isn’t the Statesman.” She then looks down at her body, “And I’m a pony. A pink pony.” She sighs, and seems to create a helmet on her head out of nowhere. Golden, green, and with two horns rising up. She smiles, “Much better.”

Down the road, a white pony wakes from her sleep as well. She looks around, “Oh no, big guy, not again.” She then looks down at her body, “I don’t care how long I was out, you have got some explaining to do.” She sighs, “Couldn’t fight Thanos, but you can take control long enough for me to forget. Wonderful, real wonderful.” He looks to a bedside table, and smiles as he sees his glasses there. He smiles, and slips them onto his unfamiliar face, “At least I can see now.”

On the outskirts of the town, a yellow pony quickly awakes. She looks around her cottage, “Mister Stark? Mister Stark, please, are you there?” She looks down at her hooves, with spider webbing at the end of them, “Mister Stark, I still am not feeling that good.” She then looks back to see wings, shoved against the bed, “Oh, that would make sense.” She then looks out the window, and starts shouting, “Mister Stark, please, I could use some help!”

On another outskirt of the town, is a barn. In this barn, is a orange pony that slowly opens her eyes, “What? Bucky, that you?” She then opens her eyes, and sees her vision obscured by a hat. She takes it off, and looks at it, “But... Thanos won, how am I here? Why do I sound Southern?” She then follows his hoof to his body, “A horse? Is this punishment for something, God?” She then sees the sun catch something shiny. She then faces the shiny object, being greeted by a blue shield with a star in the center, “If that’s here... Tony, what have you done?”

And far in the sky is a cloud shaped like a house. Within wakes a blue pegasus, “No!” She then looks around, “No?” She then takes a look around some more, “This doesn’t look like any of the Realms.” She then looks at herself, “A colorful horse?” She looks all around, until her eyes land upon an axe in the corner of the room, right next to some armor with a red cape. She smiles, “Brother, I feel this is your doing.”

Oh fuck this is going to be a trip.

Also, would it be too much trouble or rude to ask you put something in either the long description or in the author's notes of next chapter asking for no spoilers for Endgame to be left in the comments? Some people (myself included) have yet to see it, and wish not to have any pivotal moments ruined in advance. I think there might already be a couple comments that spoiled parts of it...

No, I got that it was Dr. Steven Strange. I was making a pun, or at least trying.

Oi, yeah, I’ll get to doing that. I haven’t seen it either.

Oh shit... it took me longer than it should’ve to see that pun.

Twilight turns around, and smiles smugly, “A bit Strange. Have a good day, Princess.”

Damn it Steven.

In a nearby building, Pinkie Pie stands in the kitchen. She smiles as she whips out a cake-o-maticTM and instantly bakes a cake out of nothing. She then smashes this cake on the floor, and turns the spatter into many more daggers to be hidden within her hair.

Loki as Pinkie is simultaeneously the thing I'm most looking forward to and most scared about in this story. Both were already reality warpers. Both were already not sane by mortal standards. Now you gave the deviously manipulative mind of the Chaotic Neutral one full control of the undamage-able body of the Chaotic Good one. Harmony help...well, everyone.

I think this has potential, I can't wait to see future chapters.

I'm confused. Do the Mane Six and Avengers inhabit the same body now?

No. Six Avengers (and Loki so five Avengers in reality) took over the body of the M6. The M6 are trapped within the Soul Stone until their bodies are free. It’s just that, since their minds are in their bodies, they can either be referred to as, say ‘Twilight’ or ‘Strange’ and are interchangeable. If in Equestria, then the ponies names mean the Avengers. If in Soul Stone, the ponies are the ponies.

There is meant to be more of this, yes?

What if this is one of the 14,000,000 realities that Dr.Strange saw?

Welp. Gang's all here. Of course Loki already figured out how to use Pinkie's body to its full potential.

I wonder where the other Avengers ended up?

Stange/Twilight's line to Nightmare Moon was perfect!

OH MY GOD! LOKI PIE IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER! *cackles in mad, almost maniacal glee* Of course he'd be the most in touch with the actual pony!

*ahem* Now that that is out of the way, my thoughts on the chapter: So each of the Ponies correspond to a Stone? So Twilight is Soul, and Pinkie is Space. But what about the rest? I'm interested to see where this goes.

It’s gonna be as much as a suprise to me as to you. I’m basically just coming up with it as I go along, with very simple plot points placed out.

I have come up with one for Mind and Power, though.

Dr. Twange is Time (she has the Eye), Loki Pie is Space,... which probably makes Rarihulk Power, Spidershy is probably Mind, Capplejack is probably Reality, and Rainthor Dash as probably Soul....

At least from what I can see....

Except at the end of the very first chapter, we get Twilight waking up and being told she's inside the Soul Stone by the Soul Stone.

So Loki is the MVP, nice.

Pinkie nods, “See, I’m not going to harm you, but we need to keep you safe for later questioning.” She looks back at Twilight, “Twilight, make them fall.”

Twilight nods, and sets up a dimension for them to infinitely fall in.

Pinkie nods, “Let’s get on with it.”

If that's going to be they're standard method of detainment, I approve wholeheartedly.

Ugh, an "attack helicopter" joke? Within the first five paragraphs? Really? :facehoof:

There doesn't seem to be a logic to who gets sent to Equestria here...? Some of them are people who died in the snap and some of them aren't. Is the idea just that the luck of the draw was different?

Yes, there’s an attack helicopter joke there, as I needed a third thing for the ‘game over’ joke.

And, yeah, the ones chosen to be sent to Equestria was completely random.

Intriguing, can't wait to see the ponies as avengers.

Celestia is obviously going to realize something is wrong, leading to one hell of an awkward situation.

And thus ends the beginning. I can't wait to see where it goes from here.

Interesting......a new player in the game.

The plot thickens.

Still hoping to see things from the Mane 6's point of view.

Well, being trapped within Infinity Stones isn’t exactly the best point of view.

Yeah, but you said that they were going to get new bodies right?

No, I don’t believe I said that they would get new bodies. Could you give a quote from where you saw this?

The Soul Stone forms a smile, “Welcome, Twilight Sparkle. This is the Soul Stone. You and your friends shall inhabit this space with me. That is, until you have bodies that are empty.”

....Okay, rereading this, I guess the stone was talking about their own bodies, but I thought it meant other bodies.

I thought we would see the reverse scenario after the Nightmare Moon. Sorry.

To be fair, that was my original intention, but then I decided to just limit it to the pony bodies. I did leave it vague, so I understand where you are coming from, but yes, it is talking about their real bodies.

However, they never have empty bodies unless one of the Avengers die. The only other option is to do as Rainbow and Pinkie have done, to reach out to the mind inhabiting their body, and communicate.

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