• Published 23rd Aug 2019
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Clash of the Bolts: Battle for the Skies - Whooves235

Rainbow Dash was always a loyal Wonderbolt, but she was also a loyal marefriend to Applejack. When an old enemy returns from Rainbow and Equestria's past, will she be able to keep her marefriend out of danger, or will danger find them?

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Chapter 7

As King Sombra walked over the throne and towards Cinch he looked at the group of young ponies.

"Good.....Good....." He laughed maniacally and stood over the injured Twilight. "You think that your princesses can save you?" he said. "Well...They can't!"

“How are you alive?!” Twilight said. “You were dispelled into the ether!”

̈When your foolish pet dragon defeated me, he didn’t seem to realize that not all of me was destroyed,”̈ King Sombra said, ”and now I have come to finish what I started!” He summoned a sword and stabbed Twilight through the chest.

"TWILIGHT!" Rainbow Dash cried out. Using her metal wing, she formed a fist and as Lighting Dust flew towards her, Rainbow punched her in the face, knocking her to the ground, and then flew towards her friend.

"No....No....No...please don't go, Twi, don't go!"

Twilight could only hold on for a little longer; she said weakly, "Don't worry… I’ll be fine." Then she fell unconscious.

Sunset was now running towards Twilight, and she said, looking at Rainbow, "Is...Is she?"

"No, just unconscious," Rainbow Dash said. She got up and turned to Sombra, who was now laughing. "We defeated you once Sombra, and we can defeat you again. We're not afraid of you!" Rainbow said angrily.

"Oh, but you should be," Sombra said, then used his magic to grab Applejack and put her in a bubble. Three more bubbles popped out of nowhere and inside of them were Fluttershy, Rarity, and Starlight.

"If you want your friends to live, you will bow to me!"

Rainbow Dash was thinking in her head every single idea she could, but all of them ended up with all four of her closest friends, including her wife, meeting an unfortunate end. The only thing Rainbow Dash could do was shed a tear down her cheek.

"Celestia help me," Rainbow Dash whispered.

"She can’t save you!" Sombra said. "Not this time!"

Lightning then got up and walked to Rainbow. She picked up the dagger she had in her mouth and held on the side. “You can’t win, Rainbow. Surrender!”

“No one can help you now, the Shadowbolts have won!” Cinch proudly shouted.

"Oh, really?" Princess Celestia said.

As King Sombra turned around, he could only see Celestia walking in. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the sun god herself," he said mockingly. "Have you come to finish me off by yourself, or is your pitiful sister not with you?"

"Oh, don't worry, she's right here with me," Celestia said with a smirk on her face. Just then, the ceiling came crashing in, and Nightmare Moon landed right in front of Celestia.

One hour ago

Princess Celestia used all the magic beams she could——she was shooting Shadowbolts left and right—but she could only watch in horror as one by one her fellow soldiers kept falling. Just then, a giant bolt of magic came shooting out of the Shadowbolt army aiming right towards Nightmare Moon. The magic hit Nightmare Moon and sent her slamming down to the ground.

"Sister!" Celestia yelled.

Celestia cautiously ran over to Nightmare Moon. She was somewhat relieved to see Nightmare Moon was fully well and standing up proudly, but she could see something that was different from the last time: her eyes were not Nightmare Moon's; in fact, they were Luna’s.

"Why did you do this? Why did you help me?" Celestia said.

"We may have been adversaries in the past, but now I know even if I try to overthrow you, even if I successfully take over Equestria, it wouldn't be the same without you," Nightmare Moon said.

Celestia was relieved to hear that Nightmare Moon was on her side. Just then, a giant magical energy blast came from the cavern, and Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia both knew this was King Sombra’s doing. They both flew towards the cave.

Captain's Quarters/Throne Room

"So the Nightmare returns," King Sombra said, impressed.

"Yes, I have," Nightmare Moon replied, "but unlike last time, I'm going to make sure that you are permanently gone!"

Just then, Celestia noticed Rainbow and Sunset standing over something. As she got a closer look, she could only stare in horror as she saw Twilight bleeding out.

"No..." Celestia said. She felt something she had never felt before "King Sombra, this is the last day you will ever see Equestria. Now you will join Tirek in the gates of Tartarus!"

"I would like to see you try!" Sombra said. He used his magic to summon a Dark Crystal Scythe and pointed it to the bubbles ”If any of you get closer, I will destroy the bubbles and kill the ponies inside.”

“You truly are a monster, Sombra,” Celestia said.

̈”There’s no use resisting, Celestia, you’ve lost,” Cinch said.

“How could you, Cinch?” Celestia said. “How could you betray your own country, your own family!”

“I should have been the one in charge. I was the firstborn, but Mother and Father seemed to like you more. I deserve the throne, Celestia, and If I cannot have it legally, then I will take it by force!” Cinch shouted. “Sombra showed me things you couldn’t possibly begin to imagine!”

̈”The only thing he did was turn you into his lackey. As soon as he wins he will dispose of you!” Nightmare Moon said. “̈It is what I would do, after all.”

“I am loyal to my Master! I will be given the highest of rewards, the complete control of Canterlot!!̈”

“Celestia, they have all of us outsmarted, what can we do?!” Sunset said.

“We could send them to Tartarus,” Nightmare Moon said. “All we need to do is use the spell.”

"How? Without Twilight, you can’t use your magic princess spell to send him to Tartarus," Sunset said.

"Then it's a good thing we have you," Celestia said.

“Me?” Sunset said.

“Sunset Shimmer, you have proven yourself to be a noble pony. I have watched you grow up since you where all but a filly, and I know that you are prepared for the next step,” Celestia said.

̈”Enough of your rabble,”̈ Sombra said. ̈”Bow to me or die.”

“We will never surrender!!̈” Celestia said, and she and Nightmare Moon used their magic to form one colossal magic bubble and aimed it right at Sunset. The bubble surrounded her. She could see her life flash before her eyes, and then everything went black. As Sunset woke up, she could see everyone was staring at her. Even Sombra was shocked. Then she looked behind her and saw something that made her gasp.

"I have wings?!" she said.

"No." Sombra turned over to Cinch and Sunset. "STOP THEM, YOU FOOLS!" he yelled.

"Yes, master," Cinch said. She turned over to Lightning, who still had Rainbow pinned. "Give me the Element."

"But...I thought I was going to use it," she said.

"Give it to me!" Cinch demanded. “That is a direct order!”

Lightning Dust did as she was told. As she took off the Element she looked at Rainbow, as to not allow her to escape, then took the necklace and gave it to Cinch, who put it on.

"Now, witness my unstoppable power!" Cinch said. Then, before Princess Cinch could make her move, her horn started to sparkle and zap.

"Now nothing can stop..." A loud explosion shook the cave, causing rocks to fall from the ceiling. Rainbow used this opportunity to quickly do a spin kick and knock Lightning over, then flew towards the now three princesses. The rocks popped some of the bubbles, freeing Applejack and Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, try and free the others. I'll deal with Cinch.”

“I'm on it,” Fluttershy said asApplejack rushed towards Cinch.

̈”Wait, what are you?!” Cinch shouted but before she could act Applejack bucked the Element and Cinch right in the chest. Cinch screamed as a giant explosion sent Applejack and Princess Cinch against the wall.

As the smoke cleared, Rainbow Dash rushed towards Applejack. She was relieved to see that she wasn’t harmed. Rainbow Dash looked at her wife. “You made a dumb move,” she said.

“She helped to take your wing, so I returned the favor,” Applejack said with a smirk on her face. As the smoke cleared, Princess Cinch's head was zapping and sparkling, and everyone could clearly see her horn had been blown straight off, and Princess Cinch was lying there unconscious.

"Ugh, never leave it to the dumb ones," Sombra said. He turned towards Lightning Dust, who was trying to slowly escape. "You!" Sombra said. "Five years ago, you told me that you wouldn’t let your wish of vengeance get in the way of my destiny."

"Yes," Lightning Dust nervously said.

̈Then prove to me that you still stand by your word! Use the Element and destroy Celestia!"

"As you wish," Lighting Dust said. She turned around to face the group of ponies. "Now I will show you all the true power of...." Just then, a purple beam of energy shot Lightning Dust, shooting her to the wall next to Cinch and knocking her out.

"Take that, motherbucker," Twilight said, then fell unconscious again.

"Now it’s just us four against you!" Celestia said. “Now let's end this, once and for all!”

Then, using all of their magic, the princesses shot a giant magic bubble right at King Sombra, and a giant gate to Tartarus opened. As the air sucked in everything, all the ponies grabbed onto something to hold onto, except for King Sombra who was running for his life towards the door as the air sucked him in.

"You may think you have won, but this is not over!!” Sombra said. ̈”I will return to Equestria one day, and when I do, I will have the Elements of Harmony, and you will fall!" Then he was sucked into Tartarus, the gate closing as soon as he was sucked in.

“Is...is it over?” Fluttershy said as the magic bubbles popped, causing Rarity and Starlight to fall out.

“ ̈Twilight!!” Starlight said, running over to the injured alicorn and looking her over. “We need to do something!”

"We will have to get her to the medical facility in Canterlot right away," Princess Celestia said.

"Guys," Sunset said, “Cinch is gone.” Everypony looked to the wall to see that CInch was indeed gone, the only thing remaining being the broken Element and Lightning Dust.

"She must have gotten away during the commotion," Nightmare Moon said.

"We’ll deal with her later," Celestia said. "Besides, we need to get outside and help the rest of the army.”

“They are still fighting?!” Rainbow shouted.

“It seems as if Cinch has found a way to make her army practically invincible. As soon as one is taken down, three more take its place,” Nightmare Moon said.

“Well then let's help turn the tide,” Rainbow said.

Carrying the injured unicorn and alicorn on her back, Celestia walked towards the exit of the throne room, with everyone else falling behind her. Applejack quickly walked up to Rainbow Dash, who was standing beside Lightning Dust, who had just woken up.

"This is impossible! I was told that I would win!" Lightning Dust said.

Rainbow Dash looked over Lightning Dust: she could see that she was badly bleeding, and she had a giant black eye from where Rainbow had punched her. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't end you right here and right now," Rainbow Dash said threateningly.

"You don't have the guts to do it!" Lightning Dust said. "You will always and forever be a wingpony!”

Rainbow Dash looked over at Applejack; she had a little bit of dust on her head, but it didn't look like she was injured. Applejack was looking at Rainbow Dash with a stern look, and she looked at her and said, "Do what you have to do."

Rainbow Dash lifted up her wing as sharp as she could, and then slammed it down right next to Lightning Dust.

"You... You didn't finish me off?" Lightning Dust said, confused.

"Killing you would just be doing you a favor; where you're going is much worse!"

Rainbow Dash then formed her regular wing into a fist and knocked Lightning Dust out, giving her a second black eye. Then, with a smug look on her face, she said, "That's what you get, bitch."

"You did the right thing, sugar," Applejack said. She grabbed Rainbow Dash by the neck and pecked her on the cheek. Rainbow Dash blushed a little and then put Lightning Dust on her back. They walked out the door to join the Army and help them finish off the rest of the Shadowbolts.