• Published 1st Jun 2019
  • 2,369 Views, 283 Comments

Starlight Glimmer Makes Many Mistakes - MagicS

Starlight knows she's not supposed to travel back in time. But when Starlight's been drinking she tends to forget things.

  • ...

How To Avoid Problems

Queen Chrysalis stalked the streets of Canterlot. In plain view of any and all ponies on the crowded streets, but, thanks to her powerful changeling magic she was just as good as invisible. At the moment she was taking the form of an innocent looking earth pony, sickly green eyes, mint-green coat, jet-black mane and tail and a Cutie Mark of a mint chip ice-cream cone.

It was the perfect disguise. None were the wiser.

Chrysalis cackled under her breath, doing everything in her power to stop the spread of an evil smile on her face as she walked among all the dumb ponies of Canterlot.

Yes, walk along on your stupid errands. Oblivious to my presence and the terror right next to you! It wont be today, it wont be tomorrow, but one day I shall conquer not just Canterlot but all of Equestria!

“Mwahahaha!” She laughed evilly at the thought of taking all the pony’s love for her and her swarm.

Upon which dozens of confused eyes turned to look at her, the ponies on the street surrounding her wondering just what was up with this weirdo suddenly laughing out of nowhere and in such a strange way.

She didn’t blush. Queen Chrysalis does not blush in embarrassment. But she did get a somewhat bashful look on her face as she coughed into her hoof and excused herself into a nearby alley.

“I need to work on that a little bit. My disguise may be perfect but if I can’t help laughing and gloating it wont matter.” The Queen said to herself in the dark alley. “I’m doing this scouting mission myself because I couldn’t trust something so very important with any of my children… and why am I talking out loud to myself? That’s another thing I need to fix.” Queen Chrysalis straightened herself up and went back into the street.

Truthfully this mission isn’t proving very fruitful yet. She thought to herself. The city is just like any other and any one of us could’ve just gotten a map for it. The real meat will be if I can get inside the castle and scout out its layout.

Chrysalis grinned to herself as she thought about the look Celestia would have on her face the moment she realized not just her city but her own castle had been completely infiltrated by the changeling swarm.

One day, one day.

Chrysalis spent the next hour wandering the streets of Canterlot. Searching every alley, every street, every nook and cranny to get a perfect layout of the city. What houses and buildings were secluded and private enough from others that her swarm could use as hideouts? Who were the lovey-dovey couples out walking about that would provide for excellent snacks? What were the paths and schedules of the police and guards? Every little tidbit of useful information was being filed in her head for when the inevitable attack came. No matter how many years it might take before she was ready she wouldn’t give up on her dream.

Finally Chrysalis came to a stop in front of Canterlot Castle. The last conquest. How she wished she could get inside and see the interior, what she wouldn’t give to be able to map out the castle, find all the entrances and exits and any secret passages that might exist.

“If only I could get into the castle...” She muttered to herself as she gazed up with big bright eyes to her largest goal.

“You want to get into the castle?”

Chrysalis’s eyes bugged out even further than they already were and she turned around to see who had just spoken to her. An enemy? Had a pony discovered what she was? Did they know what she was thinking somehow?”

What she saw was somewhat confusing. A smiling lilac unicorn with a dragon beside her, the unicorn had a saddlebag on her side with some scroll sticking out of it and the both of them looked fairly dirty and scuffed up as if they had just been crawling around in some dirty basement or cave.

A dragon? That’s a peculiar sight for Canterlot. Who are these two?

But first there was another question to answer. Queen Chrysalis quickly composed herself and cleared her throat. “I’ve never seen the castle before, it’s quite majestic isn’t it?” She didn’t want to seem too eager, especially in case this pony was testing her.

“Oh, are you a tourist?” The unicorn asked her. “I know getting into the castle and seeing everything can be kind of a bother, they really run a tight ship in there. If you really wanna see it though I can totally get you inside?”

Am I dreaming?! This must be a trap, I could not possibly be so fortunate.

The dragon frowned up at his companion. “Should you really just invite anypony into the castle like that? It’s not your castle, Starlight.”

Yes! Yes she should invite just anypony in!

The unicorn, Starlight apparently, rolled her eyes. “Spike, you know Celestia wouldn’t mind this at all. In fact she’d probably be happy that I’m making this pony’s day. She’s nice like that.”

She knows the Princess? What a miraculous turn of events, if I stay by her side I’m certain to be able to see everything I want in the castle!

“Well, yeah, I guess so.” The dragon, “Spike”, said, shrugging.

“Great.” Starlight said, smiling at Spike before turning back to Chrysalis. “So I’m Starlight Glimmer and this is Spike, what’s your name?”

Oh crud. I never thought of a name. Think quickly, Chrysalis!

“My name is… it’s, uh...” She glanced down at her Cutie Mark. “Mint Chip… yes, Mint Chip! That’s my name!”

The pony and dragon looked at her a bit strangely but Chrysalis paid it no mind.

“Well, nice to meet you Mint Chip.” Starlight stuck out her hoof.

Ugh, ponies and their silly courtesy…

Queen Chrysalis still had to keep up her disguise and so she reluctantly shook hooves with Starlight. “A pleasure to meet you as well.” Her lips screamed in protest as the words slipped past them.

“It’s your lucky day now so let’s head on into the castle.” Starlight said as she walked past Chrysalis and began leading the three of them to the castle’s main entrance. “If there’s anything in particular you’d like to see just ask. You know depending on her schedule maybe you’d even like to meet Princess Celestia herself? Or her, uh, star student. She loves to make new friends.”

Queen Chrysalis’s brow furrowed in thought. It might be good to actually see Princess Celestia and this supposed “star pupil” up front so she knew just what she was contending with. But it was also dangerous at this point, she didn’t have nearly enough power right now to take on the Princess if she was found out. She might not even be able to flee and even if she did the ponies would now know of her threat.

“We’ll see.” Chrysalis said cautiously. “I wouldn’t want to be a bother for ponies that clearly have such busy schedules and work so hard for the rest of us.”

“Celestia can be pretty tired at the end of some days.” Spike said, nodding. And then he worriedly glanced up at the bag Starlight was carrying with the scroll sticking out of it. “Er, Starlight? Since we’re back at the castle should you really be carrying that out in the open?”

“Psh.” The unicorn snorted. “It’s fine Spike, Celestia and maybe Sunset are the only ones who might recognize it at a glance. I’m just going to put it in our room real quick and we can work at it later.”

Oh? What’s this? This scroll she’s carrying sounds like it might be something dangerous. A powerful spell? Something about the Princess or Equestria? If I get the chance to find out I’ll take a peek.

Starlight took them into the castle, right past the guards with no problem, they didn’t even ask about her bringing some random guest in. Definitely something Queen Chrysalis took note of. She continued to look around at anything and everything, taking it all in while the pony and dragon in front of her droned on about whatever. Who cared about their irrelevant conversation? Eventually they would be nothing more than food for-

“Mint Chip?”

“Yes?!” Queen Chrysalis yelped as Starlight suddenly stopped right in front of her face.

“I was just saying that you should stick close with me, don’t want you getting lost or getting bothered by any ponies that don’t know you’re here with me.” She gave “Mint Chip” a friendly smile.

“Of course, yes, that makes sense.” Queen Chrysalis nodded along.

Spike raised an eyebrow at her weird behavior but just shrugged, walking back along Starlight’s side.

Hah, the fools don’t suspect me at all! But I should still be careful.

They climbed a spiral staircase up one of the castle’s tall towers, Chrysalis glancing out the window at the top to get a bird’s eye view of the castle’s grounds. They then exited the stairs into a hallway that must have rested in one of the upper levels of the castle. Perhaps the Princess’s personal room was nearby too? What a treasure that would be if that was the case. This pony and dragon must’ve been very special guests indeed if they were boarded so high up.

“Our room is just up ahead, Mint Chip.” Starlight said. “I’m going to drop my things off and then we can take a real tour of the castle, okay?”

“Sounds perfect.” Queen Chrysalis worked hard to keep the eager malevolence from dripping out of her voice.

Starlight went to open up the door to her and Spike’s room-

And the moment before her hoof touched it it was yanked opened and Starlight came face to face with an angry yellow unicorn.

“Where did you get off to?” This new unicorn yelled at Starlight.

Starlight raised an eyebrow. “Sunset. Is that any way to greet a guest of the Princess?”

So this was the “Sunset” who they mentioned earlier? Was she also the pupil of Celestia’s they mentioned?

“Don’t give me any of that. I came here because you said that you would teach me when I wanted. But then you aren’t even around! I asked the guards and they said the last place you were spotted was in the library but then when I go down there it’s totally empty! Where have you been?” Sunset’s eyes narrowed angrily at Starlight before the scroll Starlight was carrying caught her attention. “And what’s that scroll? Did you take it from the library?”

“What, this?” Starlight grabbed the scroll in her magic, waving it around while Spike started sweating behind her. The little dragon standing stock still like a statue. “This is nothing, just a little something I drew up, it’s for your magic training. Let me just throw this in here.” She said and tossed the scroll over Sunset’s head where it landed on the bed in the room.

These two have a strained relationship. This better not get in the way of my spying.

“And sorry Sunset but something came up, so I can’t help you out just yet.” Starlight gestured to Mint Chip. “I’m giving a new friend I just met a tour of the castle.”

Sunset briefly glanced at Mint Chip before turning her angry eyes back to Starlight. “Yeah, hi, whatever. Can you at least hurry up then? It’s annoying enough that I’ve had to wait this long.”

Insolent foal! How dare you so blatantly disregard the Queen of the changelings! Queen Chrysalis silently fumed, unable to express her true feelings. Starlight calling her a friend a moment before almost made her gag too.

Starlight frowned at Sunset. “Actually I was thinking maybe you’d like to join us? It doesn’t hurt to make new friends you know?”

Queen Chrysalis really hoped Sunset refused.

“No.” Sunset quickly replied and shut the door (to Starlight’s own room) in her face.

At least that’s some good luck.

Starlight sighed while Spike gave her a resigned look and shrugged.

“At least she didn’t ask any other questions about the scroll.” He said.

“Yeah… oh well.” Starlight brightened up as she turned back to Mint Chip. “Enough of that then, let’s go see the castle for real!”

In truth Chrysalis wished these two would’ve just let her go off on her own. She could’ve secretly taken the form of a guard and gone wherever she pleased in the castle, although that carried its own risks. But like this she wouldn’t be finding any hidden passages or other secrets about the castle, this was the kind of “tour” she likely could have gotten if she had waited a few months. She was still learning some important things and all the guards they passed was giving her a good idea of their routines at least. But what would have been really nice is if she had learned where Celestia’s room was and how to get there.

“So there’s the throne room.” Starlight said, gesturing down the hallway to a large doorway where a number of guards and civilian ponies were standing around. “Looks like Celestia is still pretty busy today, sorry but I don’t think you’ll get to meet her.

Mint Chip attempted to look a little dejected. “That’s okay, I understand. I wasn’t holding out hope for it.”

But one day I shall feast on your love, Celestia, and take all of your power. Mwahahahaha!

“Maybe we can show her the library next. Or the courtyard? It’s not like we can take her into any of the really fun parts of the library.” Starlight said to Spike.

“Maybe she’d like to see the ballroom where they hold the Grand Galloping Gala?” Spike responded.

“Ooh, good idea Spike!” Starlight looked over her shoulder at Mint Chip. “Would you like to see that? Most ponies would never be able to actually go to the Gala but you can at least see where it’s held.”

Queen Chrysalis figured the gala was likely held in the largest and grandest ballroom of the castle, it may be useful to see it. “Of course, the Gala is quite the popular subject for ponies all over. We simple civilians are always wondering how luxurious and amazing of a party it is.”

Hah! I am a great actress.

Starlight and Spike led her through yet more hallways (it didn’t hold a candle to her own labyrinthine lair though, hah!) until they reached a large ballroom. Classy enough, that alicorn statue was a bit gaudy though. Chrysalis noticed how easily assailable the room was thanks to how it opened right out into the gardens, truly this castle was designed more for looks rather than defense she realized after seeing enough of it on the inside.

Yes but Princess Celestia alone is more than enough defense. I must get stronger somehow. She mulled that over in her head while Starlight and Spike blathered on about something.

“Would you like to get some food?” The sudden question interrupted her thoughts.

“Huh?! Oh! Yes, of course.” Chrysalis responded frantically, only half understanding what she was being asked.

Spike again looked at her weirdly but figured she was probably just nervous or in awe of the castle.

“Great, follow us to the kitchens and we can have something quick prepared for you.” Starlight said.

Ugh, pony food. Gross.

When they finally got their snacks it was difficult for her to keep the cupcake down but she managed. She did her best to hide the discomfort on her face and her gagging. Unfortunately the watering of her eyes was a bit more difficult to hide.

“Uh, is something wrong?” Spike asked her as they all sat eating around a kitchen table.

“N-No, it just… tastes so good.” Chrysalis weakly choked out.

“Thank you!” The chef that had just made the cupcakes said from behind the stove.


Starlight leaned in to whisper into Chrysalis’s ear. “Between you and me the best cupcakes in Equestria come from a place in Ponyville called Sugarcube Corner.”

The Queen’s lower lip trembled as her stomach threatened to up-chuck the cupcake she had just eaten, but she held on. “I’ll be sure to remember it...”

The others continued to eat while Chrysalis politely refused any more food. She had to sit there as they once again prattled on about some nonsense. Why did ponies talk so much? And dragons too apparently. How absurd, what should be an excellent spying mission has now been reduced to a luncheon! It would probably be best to excuse herself from them soon, make up some excuse about having seen enough of the castle or not wanting to bother them anymore. Every moment longer now was another moment she might get found out. She had seen enough for today, it would have been good to learn more about Princess Celestia but that would have to wait until later.

Before she could speak up though both of her guides suddenly stiffened up, a glazed look came over both of their eyes and just as quickly left. The two looked at each other in surprise while Chrysalis just sat back with confusion written on her face.

“It has to be...” Spike started.

“Sunset must’ve read the scroll instead of waiting for me to get back.” Starlight finished and then her horn lit up and all three of them were teleported back to Starlight’s room.

“Oof!” Chrysalis ended up falling flat on her stomach thanks to the unexpected teleport. She was about to pick herself off the floor and lay into Starlight for her insolence but when she looked up all words died in her throat.

“Sunset, what did you do!” Starlight yelled.

“You said it was for my magic training! All I did was cast the spell on it!” Sunset screamed as she was being held in the air by a crab like claw that was coming out of some glowing portal in the ceiling.

There were five other portals with claws coming out of them, they all had a sickly brown colored carapace with innumerable spines and spikes covering them. The six portals were arranged in a circular pattern surrounding a much larger seventh portal that so far appeared to be empty. Chrysalis had to quickly get to her feet to avoid a set of snapping claws that went right for her.

What is going on here?!

“I knew taking that scroll from the Starswirl wing was a bad idea!” Spike groaned as Starlight put a protective shield around the two of them and fired another beam of magic at the claw that held Sunset, causing it to release her.

Sunset ran over to Starlight and was let into the shield, Chrysalis was considering running off when Starlight’s magic tugged on her body and pulled her into the shield as well.

This is bad… whatever this creature they’ve summoned is I can’t fight it like this. I may have to transform and just flee.

“What do we do? My spells can’t penetrate its shell.” Sunset said to Starlight.

Starlight sighed. “Just let me take care of things.”

Stupid pony! Chrysalis screamed inside her head. If the prized student of Princess Celestia can’t do anything to this monster what can you do? Let me out of this stupid shield so I can get out of here.

Starlight repeatedly fired beams of magic at any claws that came close while her shield proved to be completely impenetrable, the sharp claws of the crab-monster-thing doing nothing more than bouncing off each time they struck it.

“It’s not working, it’s still attacking us!” Sunset yelled in worry.

“That’s fine, I’m just trying to make it mad right now.” Starlight said, concentrating on her magic.

“You’re trying to make it mad?!” Queen Chrysalis shouted in disbelief at Staright. “Are you crazy?!”

“Trust me.” Starlight winked at her.

The Queen was about to just undo her transformation then and there and break her way out of here when a low grumbling sound started coming from the large central portal. Chryalis looked up to see the… face? Of the monster partially descend through the portal. A huge gaping maw opened up, showing row upon row of sharp teeth and dozens of feeders along the rim to help push in food. Multiple compound eyes of all sizes sat at the end of flexible stalks, searching around the room for what’s been giving it so much trouble.

“What is that thing?!” Sunset gasped, going pale.

“I dunno, but it’s just what I’ve been waiting for. No more playing around.” Starlight said and dropped her shield.

“What are you doing?!” Chrysalis yelled at her.

“Relax.” Starlight said without even turning to her.

And as Chrysalis watched Starlight’s horn glowed bright with a phenomenal amount of power. With a single grunt of exertion Starlight let loose her magic right at the monster’s face, a massive beam of energy easily taller and wider than Chrysalis even in her true form shot out from her horn. The beam crashed into the monster, eliciting a pained cry of fury as its claws quickly retreated through the small portals, the massive head of the beast on the other end knocked backwards and away from the central portal as easily as if it was a fly.

That would’ve vaporized me… Chrysalis thought in stunned shock as she sat on the floor of the bedroom.

Shortly after Starlight had gotten the monster to retreat the portals began closing on their own until finally the large central one disappeared with a small pop.

“Whew, that was something huh?” Starlight asked the others.

Spike was sitting on the floor, claws covering his eyes and shaking his head. Sunset was gaping up at the ceiling, completely speechless. And Chrysalis was sweating a waterfall.

Maybe Equestria is the wrong place to invade. I’ll try Yakyakistan instead.

Author's Note:

Personal favorite chapter so far.

I think recently in Frenemies Chrysalis was shown enjoying a cupcake so I guess I'm going off of season 2 when she couldn't stand Applejack's food.