• Published 12th Jun 2019
  • 1,594 Views, 19 Comments

Fallen Angel - Kodeake

Rainbow Dash knows she's not the best when it comes to feelings, but when she accidentally hurts one of her friends, she makes a promise to make it up to her. She never could have guessed how that one promise would change her life.

  • ...

Chapter Three; Break Point

Fallen Angel

Chapter Three; Break Point

Twilight sighed quietly, watching as drops of condensation ran in twisting rivers down the sides of a glass. The ice in her drink clinked audibly as the table shook with the motions of the other ponies surrounding it, and she could vaguely hear their chatter all around. The sounds were far away and muffled, her thoughts far away from the cafe.

It had been almost three weeks since Rainbow had started helping her with her aptly-named ‘Rarity dilemma’, and while she was eternally grateful for the help, she’d started to feel like a burden. As much as the pegasus assured her over and over it wasn’t a hindrance, she couldn’t help but notice the stacks of paperwork ever-present on Rainbow’s desk growing larger as the days passed. Twilight was starting to doubt the excuses Rainbow seemed all-too-ready to dole out.

Especially when their regular get togethers were missing one member more often than they weren’t, despite Rainbow always making time to help with Twilight’s problem. She had tried to reduce the number of times she visited her friend, but if she missed a session Rainbow would inevitably end up outside her window, hooves folded and an expectant glare on her muzzle.

It seemed she wasn’t letting it go until Twilight actually managed to ask Rarity out.

“Um… Twilight?”

She perked up at her name being called, and lifted her head off the table. Looking around, Twilight realized all of her friends were looking at her expectantly - minus one. “Huh?”

Fluttershy smiled gently. “We were just wondering if you knew where Rainbow Dash was?”

“Oh…” Twilight bit her lip nervously, glancing at Rarity out of the corner of her eye and feeling her heart thump just a bit faster the same way it always did. Silly as it was, her emotions still had a mind of their own when she was near her. “I… think she said something about weather work?”

Applejack scoffed. “Yeah right; there ain’t no clouds to bust, and Celestia knows there hasn’t been any rain. Despite my complaints. She’s up to no good, if you ask me. When was the last time any of y’all was pranked?”

Eyes narrowing slightly, Twilight felt indignation welling up in her chest. How could anypony just dismiss the work Rainbow did? “You know she does a lot more than just the clouds, right AJ?”

“Does she now?” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “‘Cuz from where I’m sittin’ she’s either pushing ‘em around or napping in one.”

“Do you have any idea how much work she does!?”

There was a pause, and Twilight only realized the volume of her shout when the rest of the cafe went silent, many patrons turning and looking at her. She blushed, lowering her head. “There’s a lot more to it than the clouds…”

Rarity cleared her throat. “Yes, well, nopony’s doubting that, just that… how shall I put this… she does seem to spend a lot of time, er, recreationally.”

“Slackin’ off,” Applejack translated gruffly. “And still not waterin’ mah trees. Honestly, how hard is it to jump on a few clouds ‘round the orchard? I swear she does it on purpose. I should send in another complaint. Kick her sorry flank into gear.”

Twilight’s teeth ground together, and she opened her mouth to say something. To defend her friend. Before she could, however, another voice spoke up.

“Uhm, don’t you think that’s a little harsh, Applejack?” Fluttershy asked quietly from behind her mane. “I mean, she doesn’t make the weather schedule; she just gets the weather ready.”

“What?” Twilight asked, eyes widened in shock. Even Fluttershy was unaware of Rainbow’s promotion? Did nopony know just how much work Rainbow did for the town?

The butter yellow mare flinched away from the surprised tone. “I-I mean… uhm… she…” she trailed off into squeaking.

“She means that Rainbow doesn’t control the weather, Applejack. She’s not exactly management,” Rarity supplied.

“Yeah! Dashie just puts the clouds where they tell her and gets rid of them when they’re done!” Pinkie piped up helpfully, taking a break from stuffing her face with as many cupcakes as her mouth could fit.

“Not that she’s been doing that lately, either,” Applejack grumbled. “Has anypony seen her at all?”

The question received a chorus of ‘no’s, and Twilight felt the group’s eyes on her once more. She shook herself from her thoughts. “Huh?”

Rarity frowned. “We were asking if anypony had seen Rainbow Dash lately. You’re the one who’s been going to her house almost every day.”

“O-oh… uhm…” she blushed. “Yeah, she’s… helping me. With a project. But…” Twilight trailed off, her eyebrows knitting. “And… nopony’s seen her at all, even doing weather work? Out practicing in the fields? Nothing?”

The others all shook their heads, and Twilight jumped from her chair. “I… I have to go.” She charged her horn and disappeared with a flash and a pop before anypony could ask any questions.

When she opened her eyes she was standing on Rainbow Dash’s doorstep. A doorstep she’d grown familiar with over the weeks of near-daily visits. She reached to open the door when a golden glint caught her eye. On the cloud step in front of the door a scroll lay, sealed by golden wax. Twilight lifted it in her magic curiously, examining the seal and frowning as she recognized it, a ball forming deep in her gut.

“Rainbow Dash?” She called, aggravation slipping into her voice as she let herself into her friend’s home. The scroll followed her, and the second she stepped inside the sound of a quill scratching on parchment reached her ears.

Rainbow looked up just as Twilight turned the corner. “What’s up, Twi?” She asked casually, standing from her desk. “You need to-”

“You’ve been lying to me,” Twilight said flatly.


Twilight’s glare could melt a solid steel beam, and Rainbow shifted under the intense heat of it. “What did I tell you to do if you needed my help?”

“Tell you?” Rainbow asked almost hesitantly.

The scroll was placed on the desk in the only remaining space free of cluttered paperwork, its golden seal faced directly towards Rainbow Dash. A sun half-hidden behind a raining cloud; the emblem of the Cloudsdale Weather Bureau. “What aren’t you telling me? I know that seal; that’s not just more paperwork.”

Rainbow raised her eyebrow. “You’ve been going through my mail?”

“I found it on your doorstep. Don’t change the subject; what’s going on?” Twilight asked again, taking a firm step forward.

Sighing, Rainbow scuffed her hoof along the floor. “It’s nothin’, Twi, just…” she hesitated, eyes lingering on the golden seal, and Twilight knew it wasn’t the first time she’d seen it. “I just… it’s probably nothing.”

“Nothing?” Twilight’s gaze narrowed. “Then you won’t mind if I open it.” She lit her horn, but before she could pick it up Rainbow dove forward and draped her body over her desk, covering it.


The magic faded from her horn. “Rainbow Dash.”

“It’s nothing, Twilight.”

“You’re lying to me.”

“It’s none of your business!”

“Tell me what’s going on.”

A whine forced itself from the back of Rainbow’s throat, her head resting against her desk. “You have your own problems to deal with, Twilight.”

I…” Twilight jaw worked uselessly for a second. That same excuse she’d heard so many times. She looked at the veritable sea of work Rainbow was drowning under. Nopony had seen her outside her house in ages. Not even routine weather work. And now that letter that had shown up. “What does it say?”

“Nothing… just…” Rainbow sighed. “Probably them asking me to come to Cloudsdale for a… meeting…” the tremor in her voice told Twilight everything she needed to know.

“You’re in trouble, aren’t you?”

Rainbow’s eyes widened, and she jumped up. “N-no! I just- hey, where are you going!?” She followed Twilight as the unicorn all but ran to the front entrance.

The door was thrown open in a haze of purple magic, and Twilight spared her friend only a glance. “This is because of me, right? You’ve been putting off your work to help me, and it’s catching up to you. When was the last time you even got out to practice your stunts?”

“I…” Rainbow trailed off, shaking her head firmly. “It’s not your fault, Twi, I-”

“Yes, it is!” Twilight shouted. She lit her horn and teleported down to the ground. Rainbow growled aggravatedly, flying down to meet her.

“Twilight, where are you going?”

Twilight’s gate was firm, her head straight forward. “I’m ending this so you can focus on your work.”

“Ending it?”

“I’m going to go ask her out.”


“Don’t,” Twilight said shortly, ignoring the mare hovering behind her. “My mind’s made up; it’s time I deal with this.”

Rainbow Dash groaned. “You don’t have to-”

“Yes, I do.”

“I can handle the paperwork, Twilight!”

The unicorn spun on her hooves, forcing Rainbow to fan her wings and drop to the ground. “Really? Then why haven’t you? You think I don’t see the stacks of work on your desk? See the way you stare at the calendar when you think I’m not looking?

“If it would be so easy for you to catch up on your work why don’t you?”

“I…” Rainbow didn’t have an answer.

Twilight humphed and resumed her quick pace towards Ponyville. The sun was still well above the horizon; plenty of time to find Rarity. “All I asked was that you let me know if you needed help, or even if you just needed some time to get your work done. But you didn’t. So I’m going to fix the problem; I’ll ask Rarity out so you don’t have to spend all your time helping me with it, then we’re going to go back to your place and I’m going to help you get out from under that mountain.”

“I didn’t ask for your help, Twilight!”

“I’m not offering!” Twilight shouted as the rolling hills around Ponyville gave way to sparse houses. “This isn’t optional anymore, because it’s quite clear you are physically incapable of asking for help.”

Rainbow growled lowly, taking wing and flying around so she was floating backwards in front of the unicorn. “Twi, you can’t just-”

“Can’t what!?” Twilight demanded sharply. “What can’t I do, Rainbow Dash? Can’t force you to let me help?” She scoffed, “try and stop me. Can’t tell Rarity how I feel? Can’t get over my fears to help my friend?

“Just how pathetic do you think I am, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow visibly winced at the accusation, hanging her head. “I-it’s not like that, Twi, I just-”

“Rainbow…” Twilight hesiated, her voice lowering from the aggravated volume it had been. The shift in tone threw Rainbow off, and as she looked the mare in the eye she was brought back to that grassy hill all those weeks ago. “Please, just let me help. You’ve done so much for me, put up with me for weeks while I went around in circles, worrying myself sick over this stupid crush. Let me at least make up for that.”

“You don’t need to…” Rainbow sighed, her brow furrowed in concern. “If you’re not ready to do this, you don’t have to.”

Twilight looked up at her, a small smile on her lips. “I”ve never been more ready than I am right now.”

“If you’re sure,” Rainbow said slowly. She turned, and her eyes were wide when she spun back to face Twilight. “Okay, she’s right over there; just like we practiced, okay?”

Taking a few deep, calming breaths, Twilight nodded. “Just like we practiced. Confidence is key, right?” She gave her best impression of Rainbow Dash’s signature cocky smirk, and though she failed to match the self-absorbed satisfaction it radiated when Rainbow wore it, it was a close enough match.

“Atta girl. Go get her!” Rainbow cheered before zipping off into the sky. Twilight watched her rainbow tail disappear behind a cloud, chuckling quietly. Her eyes lowered and landed on a pearly white unicorn navigating flawlessly through the busy streets of the Ponyville market.

From her vantage point high above, Rainbow Dash watched as Twilight approached a white and purple blob far below. She found herself chewing her lip, though she couldn’t tell if she was anxious or excited. Both, probably. Flapping her wings, she brought the cloud a little lower, making sure to stay out of Rarity’s view.

She watched as Rarity perked up and rushed over to Twilight. They were talking, but she couldn’t hear what about. Though she did clearly see the nervous way Twilight’s tail twitched and flicked, saw the way Twilight had to pause and take a breath.

“C’mon, Twi,” she whispered. “You got this.”

She watched as Twilight took a moment to look at the ground, gathered herself, then met Rarity’s gaze. Saw Twilight talking, saw Rarity’s eyes widen in… something. Shock? Surprise? By the way Twilight’s chest was heaving, she’d just forced everything out; more than just asking the fashionista out, she’d probably just spilled her feelings all over the floor.

Laid her heart bare.

Then Rainbow watched as Rarity took a cautious step back. Watched as Rarity chewed her lip, looking anywhere but at the mare in front of her. Her lips were moving.

Watched as Twilight nodded painfully slowly.

Rainbow saw Twilight turn away, her gate short and her steps uneven, head hung low, and she knew.

She’d watched her best friend’s heart get crushed.

Before Rainbow Dash even knew what she was doing she had launched herself from her cloud, landing next to Twilight in an instant. The unicorn looked up, surprised, and their eyes met, and Rainbow felt her heart cry out. There were no tears on Twilight’s cheeks, but the look in her eyes carried with it everything she needed to know. Without a thought Twilight’s shoulders were wrapped in a sky blue wing. “Come on,” Rainbow said gently. She threw a glance over her shoulder, saw Rarity standing there with a crestfallen look on her face, and sneered.

“Don’t,” Twilight whispered, her voice so quiet Rainbow almost didn’t hear her. “It’s not her fault.”

Despite the anger welling up in her gut, Rainbow nodded. “Let’s go,” she said, urging Twilight gently down the street. “You’re coming back to my place.”

“Y-your work… I should just g-go home. S-spike will be-”

Rainbow flexed her wing before Twilight could slip out from under it, pressing her firmly against her side. “We’ll deal with it later.”

Twilight’s pleas were half-hearted at best, and without the physical strength to pull away she eventually allowed herself to be led through Ponyville, watching her hooves drag along the cobbled streets. This is stupid, she told herself. You knew this could happen. You were ready for this. Get over it.

It was just a stupid crush.

Keeping one eye on the mare under her wing, Rainbow allowed the silence to stretch on. In truth, she was afraid if she said anything it would be a backhanded comment towards the mare responsible for this entire situation, and she knew that wasn’t what Twilight needed right now. She wasn’t sure exactly what Twilight needed, but she knew it wasn’t that. Whatever it was, though, she’d be there in a heartbeat to provide it.

Because Rainbow Dash didn’t leave her friends hanging.

Rainbow glanced up and saw the odd looks they were getting. She looked to her wing, wrapped around Twilight’s shoulders, and rolled her eyes. They could think whatever they wanted as far as she was concerned. There wasn’t a force in Equestria that would make her let go until Twilight decided she was good and ready. The unicorn did seem to be at least somewhat responsive to what little comfort Rainbow could provide; she was leaning against her, eyes still glued to the ground. A part of her worried Twilight was spiraling again, panicking over losing her friendship, but she could feel Twilight’s breathing with their sides pressed together, and the mare’s breaths were slow and steady. Tight, maybe, but not panicked.

Then they crossed into the grassy fields outside Ponyville, and before long the pair stood beneath a floating house made of clouds. Rainbow looked over in time to see Twilight lift her head. Her horn flickered, briefly, then the magic faded and Twilight sighed. She opened her mouth to say something, but Rainbow had already seen everything she needed.

“Hang tight,” she said, regretfully pulling her wing away and noticing the way Twilight watched it go, a distant look in her eyes. Rainbow jumped into the air and hovered a moment before reaching down and wrapping her hooves around Twilight’s barrel. “Can you at least cast your cloudwalking spell?”

Twilight shook her head. “I… no, but it’ll still be active from before,” she said, and Rainbow’s chest tightened at the hollow tone in her voice.

“C’mon, Twi.” She lifted the unicorn up into the sky, setting her gently on the porch - after ensuring she wouldn’t fall through - and then touched down herself. It wasn’t a moment later her wing was once more laid around Twilight’s shoulders and she led them into her house.

“Rainbow?” Twilight’s voice wavered, and for the first time Rainbow saw tears in the corners of her eyes.

“Yeah, Twi?”

Twilight sniffled. “W-why… why does it hurt?”

“Why…” Rainbow trailed off, a frown on her face. “Of course it hurts, Twilight, you-”

“It doesn’t make sense!” Twilight shouted, and dark trails ran down her cheeks. “It’s… it’s not like we were together. I wasn’t just dumped. I wasn’t in love with her. It was just a crush. Just a stupid, insignifigant crush. Why…” she choked back a sob. “Why does it hurt so much when that’s all it was?”

Biting her lip, Rainbow shook her head. “Because…” she hesitated, chewing her lip anxiously. “I… I don’t know,” she admitted eventually. “I just know it does. I’m so sorry, Twi.”

At those words Twilight’s last barrier fell and the tears flowed freely down her face. Rainbow’s eyes widened and she all but tackled the mare into a fiercely tight hug. Her wings surrounded her, wrapping Twilight in a warm cocoon of soft feathers as she cried.

“This is stupid!” Twilight sobbed into Rainbow’s chest. “I’m being stupid! It shouldn’t hurt this much!”

Rainbow sighed, resting her chin atop Twilight’s head and nuzzling gently into her mane. “You can’t control how ya’ feel, Twi.”

“I should be able to! I was supposed to be ready for this!”

Not knowing what to say to that, Rainbow stayed quiet, doing her best to comfort the mare in her hooves. She didn’t have the answers Twilight wanted, and she didn’t know how to make her friend feel better - despite how desperately she wanted to. Seeing her like this made Rainbow’s heart throb painfully in her chest. There was nothing in her life she wouldn’t trade in that moment just to make Twilight feel better.

But there was no wandering genie to grant her wish, and despite knowing full well she usually botched anything regarding feelings, Rainbow did what she could. To her endless relief it seemed to be helping. At the very least, Twilight’s sobbing had lowered to quiet whimpers, and her chest wasn’t getting any wetter. She cringed at the thought; she was going to have one hell of a cowlick there. Although the concern was dismissed just as quickly as it appeared - a slightly messy coat was nothing if it made Twilight feel even a little bit better.

Looking down, Rainbow smiled slightly when she saw that Twilight had stopped crying. “You okay?” She asked gently, and immediately felt lame for it. Of course she wasn’t okay.

However, instead of being scoffed at for asking such an obvious question, she received no response at all. “Twi?” She ventured worredly, and Rainbow pulled back just enough to see Twilight’s puffy eyes closed, her breaths slow and calm. Beneath the warmth of a full pegasus embrace, exhausted from the emotional turmoil, Twilight had fallen asleep as soon as she’d cried herself out.

Rainbow chuckled quietly. “Yeah, I hear ya; I could go for a nap right about now, too.” She glanced around the front room of her house - eyes skipping over her desk - and sighed. “Can’t sleep here, though. C’mon.”

It took some awkward shifting, but Rainbow managed to get the mare onto her back without waking her. A flight of stairs later and Twilight was laid beneath the Wonderbolts blanket covering Rainbow’s bed. “First time on a cloud bed and you’re not even awake to enjoy it.”

She chuckled weakly at her own joke, watching for a moment as Twilight unconsciously buried her muzzle into the pillow. Rainbow nodded to herself and left the room, gliding back down the stairs on silent wings. She flew right past her desk and out her front door. Spike would need to be informed not to expect Twilight home. First, though…

Rainbow had a stop to make before the library, and her eyes narrowed as Carousel Boutique came over the horizon.

Author's Note:

So like, I could address the year-long hiatus. Explain why this story stopped updating. Prattle on about decisions I've made for this story going forward.

Or I could just go write some more. So uh... I'm gonna go do that.

Comments below, yeah? I hope you enjoy. And I really do hope to have more of this done soon.