• Published 22nd Jun 2019
  • 1,176 Views, 16 Comments

Rarity Borrows a Knife - AlexTFish

Rarity has a creative design in mind. What does she have to do to get the tools she needs?

  • ...

The Art of Woodcarving

"Applejack, darling? Do you have a knife I could borrow?"

Sunset Shimmer raised an eyebrow, grinning. "Whoever's annoyed you, Rarity, I'm sure there's another solution."

Rarity rolled her eyes and sat down at the cafeteria table. "Very funny. No, I actually wanted it for artistic purposes. I recently came into possession of a chest of drawers which is decorated in lovely filigree, and it speaks to my creative–"

"Decorated with what kind of fillies?" interrupted Rainbow Dash, around a mouthful of burger.

"What? Not fillies. Filigree!" She paused, checking Rainbow Dash's expression. "Intricately woven metallic threads?" Rainbow Dash continued to look blank. Rarity sighed. "Art with loops. Look, it doesn't matter. The point is, I want to decorate this chest of drawers, but the design I have in mind can't be accomplished with just pens and paintbrushes. I need to carve into the wood."

Applejack nodded. "Sounds like you want my family Axe."

"Er... I don't think an axe would have quite the delicacy I require..."

Rarity broke off as Applejack laughed. "Ha! No, no, it ain't an actual axe. That's just what we call it. We got plenty of actual axes for choppin' trees, but this is an Apple family heirloom, a fancy-schmancy knife. Sounds perfect for what you want." She paused, rubbing her chin. "What kind o' wood is it made of? The Axe won't cut hardwood, but anything softer'n that'll be fine."

"It might be pine. I'm sure it's not hardwood. Firm wood at most." A piece of paper was already in Rarity's hands and she was sketching with a pencil that had appeared from somewhere. "It has lovely cornices around the corners... that's where I was wanting to carve some delicate holes. The whole thing is stained a divine shade of aquamarine, and I thought I could paint the holes lavender, with a few more filigree loops in gold..." Words written in ornate calligraphy blossomed around the sketched furniture.

Her friends exchanged amused glances as Rarity sank deeper into her creative haze. Applejack gave her a fond smile and said, "Sure. I'll bring in the Axe tomorrow."

"Oh my," said Fluttershy in the music room the next day. "It looks very sharp."

"It is," Applejack replied, carefully replacing the knife in its sheath. "Ya certainly don't want to jus' leave it hangin' around. Wear a belt or two ta keep the sheath on, would be my advice."

Rarity laughed. "Two belts! I'm not sure I could bring myself to commit such a crime against chic."

Applejack was looking serious. "No, I mean it, sugarcube. Take care of yourself when usin' this. Even if you need to wear two belts."

"...If it'll keep you happy, Applejack, then I will sacrifice my chicness for safety."

Rarity reached into her bag and spread a photograph out on the music stand in front of her gathered friends. "Here, I thought I'd show you what the drawers look like before I unleash my artistry upon them."

Fluttershy smiled. "I like the feather motif!"

"Isn't it wonderful?" Rarity enthused. "I want to embellish those teal feathers more elaborately. So I want some calligraphic letters over here, and I'll carve the lavender holes here and here. Some designs on the front of each drawer..."

"Heh." Applejack was gazing fondly at Rarity. "I love it when ya get passionate about something. You know what, I had been going to lend ya the Axe, but I think you can keep it."

Rarity gasped. "Oh, darling, I couldn't possibly! I merely wanted–"

"Rarity, it's fine. I want you to have it. As long as ya promise me you'll take care of it."

Rarity smiled helplessly. "You're so generous. What did I do to deserve you? All right then, I promise."

"Promise what?" Pinkie Pie asked suspiciously. "You have to be specific when making promises!"

"Fine." Rarity got down on one knee in front of the smiling Applejack. She laid one hand on top of the shining blade, took a deep breath, and solemnly proclaimed,

"I, Rarity, take your Apple Axe to be my knife. For lavender holes in this stained firmwood. For letters, for words, for pictures for drawers, in chicness and in belts... to carve and embellish teal feathers loop art."

Rarity finished, acutely aware of her cheeks burning scarlet.

A hush had fallen over the rehearsal room. Twilight's hand was covering her gaping mouth. Fluttershy was staring even as she was hiding behind her hair. Rainbow Dash and Sunset were smirking.

Pinkie Pie was beaming as widely as Rarity had ever seen her. She gleefully declared, "Now that's how you make a promise! Now come on, everyone, shoo. Let's give them some privacy!"

Applejack's eyes were wide as well, but her cheeks were flaming as red as Rarity's. Her gaze never left Rarity's face as their friends filed out, giggling and chattering.

The speech hung in the air for an everlasting minute, and then Applejack coughed a few times.

"Uh, ya, um, ya could've just said 'I do'."

Author's Note:

Happy FimFiction Feghoot Festival! :pinkiecrazy:
If "happy" is the right word. :raritywink::ajsmug:

If you don't like bad puns, then, um, sorry? Sortof? Also, this might be a bad month for you to be on FimFiction...
This chapter is the main entry for the contest (and won fifth prize!), but you can read on for an epilogue, which is not part of the contest submission.