• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 9,234 Views, 433 Comments

A Forgotten Trooper - TheIronPone035

A lone clone trooper finds himself stranded on a planet previously unknown to the galaxy. A planet, inhabited by a race of pastel ponies, all completely oblivious to the war just beyond their sky...

  • ...

Chapter 47: Regrouping

Strider didn't know how much ground he'd covered, but he was sure that if any of those droids had managed to escape, they wouldn't be reaching him before getting shut down by the snowstorm.

Strider slowed the speeder bike down, before stopping it in front of the landed carriage of Princess Luna. He cut the power from the vehicle and hopped off it, his white boots crunching the snow below.

Princess Luna had also exited her carriage, hooves pushing large clumps of snow out of the way. The two met in the middle between where the two modes of transportation had stopped, both having several thoughts flowing through their minds.

"We believe that proper introductions art in order." Princess Luna exclaimed.

Strider reached up to his helmet, taking it off to expose his face to the dark blue alicorn. "Yeah, I've got a few questions."

"As doth we. We are Princess Luna, ruler of the night sky and its brilliant moon."

"I'm Strider, designated number CT three seven one nine of the Grand Army of the Republic."

The princess showed mild confusion at the latter part of his sentence, an eyebrow raised in confusion as she seemingly replayed it in her mind before speaking;

"Well then... tis a pleasure to make thine acquaintance; Strider designated number CT three seven one nine. Now, can thy please enlighten us as to what we have just fled from?"

Strider couldn't be certain for sure, but he had a strong theory as to who that bunker belonged too.

"I believe we just escaped from an old Sith Empire military outpost, judging by the signina, outdated droid models and weaponry inside. Must've been lying dormant for centuries," He exclaimed, wondering how any of those droids could've possibly continued functioning half as good as they were.

"And what is this... Sith Empire you speak of?"

"The Sith Empire, or Sith Order, was an old religious order of force users. They sought to destroy the Galactic Republic and rule the galaxy eons ago, but declined collapsed after decades of war," Strider proclaimed, still able to picture the holo-lectures he'd been instructed to complete during his training. There hadn't been much in the Galactic History section, but the points that were there, he'd drilled into his mind just like the rest of the given knowledge on Kamino.

Princess Luna glanced back in the direction they'd come from. Any sort of structure would've been impossible to see through the snowstorm, yet her cyan irises refused to yield from it.

"We see, are there more of these so called 'bunkers'?"

Strider reached into one of the many compartments on his utility belt and retrieved the holoprojector. A pinch of his hand ignited the blue holographic image of the base they'd just escaped, which soon shifted into a rough image of Equestria itself. A few red blips soon appeared across the digital land, each residing far from each other.

"Each of those blips indicates a possible base location that could've been built based on strategic points and other positions. I can't confirm their existence due to my lack of equipment and intel of this place. But if there's one of these bunkers here, then there are surely others somewhere on this planet."

She eyed the map quizzically, noting the bright red blips scattered across a blue tinted country. She motioned with a wing for her guards, one of which quickly approached to stand by her side. They retrieved a ragged looking paper map of Equestria from their gear bags, along with an inkwell and quill.

"Note down these marks across our map," The princess instructed.

The guard wasted no time in this task, marking down each blip via a black X on the physical map. They worked quick, regardless of the pounding snow that continued to fall around them. While they worked, Strider resumed his focus on the tall mare before him.

"That blade you wielded back there, how'd you get it?"

He could see a subtle frown of disapproval emerge across her face, most likely due to his rather blunt tone. But his curiosity was strong, and he needed to know how the signature weapon of his Jedi generals had wound up in the possession of a race that before crashing here, he didn't even know existed.

"That is not of thy concern, Strider designated CT three seven one nine," her expression was stoic and firm, making it apparent that she didn't wish to go any further into it than that.

However, Strider could faintly make out a faint of curiosity in her own gaze. He knew he was treading on thin ice, and the last thing he needed was to start making bad impressions to the rulers of the kingdom he'd crashed in. But maybe, he might be able to exchange some information of his own for a bit more.

"Apologies, your highness," he began, beating back his senseless pride, "It's just that the blade you were using is the signature weapon of my Jedi general, same as most other G.A.R. soldiers. A 'lightsaber.'"

Lead the target, wait for it to stabilize.

Princess Luna's quizzical eyebrow rose once again, that seed of curiosity he'd spotted showing its roots.

"Pray tell, what do you know of this... 'lightsaber,'" she inquired.

Squeeze the trigger, let the plasma flow through space.

"My knowledge on them is fairly limited, but I have seen what they're capable of in the hands of a skilled warrior. My Jedi general's own green blade could slash through the heaviest of armored tanks, level entire platoons of enemy droids in mere minutes. They could even absorb and deflect incoming projectiles like plasma bolts, as you saw with those droids back there."

Wait for it to connect...

"We have indeed observed its capable blade," Princess Luna agreed, no doubt picturing the fight that occurred just minutes prior. "What of their creation? How are they built?"

"I'm not sure, never seen one built in-person before," Strider admitted, before hastily continuing; "but our general did tell us that each saber is unique, created by the Jedi that wields them. In a way, they're an extension of themselves in the form of a blade, making them an incredibly deadly force to be reckoned with."

Wait for it.

The alicorn fell silent for a few moments, her expression that of deep thought as an internal debate rang through her mind. The guard tasked with marking down the blips had by now finished their task, depositing the inkwell and quill back to their intended locations before taking the map towards the carriage for safe keeping.

Wait for it...

An inaudible sigh escaped the lunar princess's muzzle, her gaze returning to Strider's own.

"We thank thee for thy information. As for how we came into possession of it, we recovered the blade from our ancient archives, passed down throughout our history. We do not know of its origin, nor its... Jedi. But rest assured, it'll remain safe and secure."


"Recovered in an ancient archive, well that doesn't shed much light," Strider thought, debating on his next move. On one hand, it was his duty to return property such as a lightsaber back to the Jedi temple. On the other, he had no idea when he'll be able to return to Coruscant, not to mention his lack of knowledge on this planet and its species. For all he knew, that blade belonged to a Jedi who came from here, or possibly belonged to a warrior of old during conflict with the Sith Empire, as evident by that bunker existing.

Either way, he knew it would be best not to make enemies with one of the rulers of the land he was stranded in. If that lightsaber has remained safe for however many years it's been here, then it'll hopefully remain safe for longer.

Speaking of which. The weather was beginning to worsen, the snow practically pounding against Strider's armor. It was starting to get difficult to see through the falling flakes, and he was sure he wasn't the only one thinking this.

"It seems we must continue this talk at a later date. We shall inform our sister of this discovery and thine information. Thy shall receive word if summoned," Princess Luna proclaimed, quickly returning to her carriage which had begun to fill with snow.

It took off not long after, rising steeply in an effort to go above the storm. Strider returned his helmet over his head, shielding his eyes from the onslaught of snow. He made his way back to the speeder bike, climbing onto it and restarting its engine as quickly as he could.

It roared to life, and he kicked it into gear before guiding it through the frosted tundra.

Back in Ponyville, pegasi were setting up several clumps of clouds that were filled to the brim with snowflakes, ready to be unloaded at the drop of a hat. Derpy Hooves had just finished placing the final cloud over Sweet Apple Acres and was about to take off, only for her tail to jostle said cloud off its intended position.

"Oops. My bad!" Derpy exclaimed out loud, more to herself than to anypony who might've been standing close enough to witness the small mistake.

Derpy put the cloud back into position and took off, flying back towards where she normally worked, the post office. If she'd stuck around a little longer, she might've been able to catch a single snowflake that had broken free of its restraints in the cloud, slowly drifting towards the ground.

On the snowflakes journey, it fluttered past a closed window, where it was spotted by Apple Bloom. The young filly watched the snowflake drift through the air, dancing around the window before vanishing from sight. Normally such a thing would've sent her into a spiral of eagerness for the upcoming snowfall, yet she couldn't bring herself to even smile at it.

Apple Bloom let out a quiet sigh, resuming her overwatch of the surrounding orchard. She'd messed up horribly, and she knew it. Her friends tried repairing Strider's ship without the needed knowledge or tools. Been careless in their actions, resulting in the ship's complete destruction. And on top of it all, they'd gotten Twilight hurt in the crossfire.

Apple Bloom wanted to make this right, and she knew her friends thought the same. But what could she do?

The filly pondered this for awhile, her gaze gently drifting from the orchard and back into her room. She focused on the small desk that she'd found in the attic, a find that led to it becoming her own. An idea began to form in Apple Bloom's mind, making her spring from her position by the window and over to the desk.

Apple Bloom hastily retrieved some paper from a drawer, along with a few pencils and an eraser, setting each down on the desk. The filly began writing, doing the best she could to make something that could at least show how sorry she and her friends were over the accident.

Apple Bloom didn't know how much time she'd spent writing, but once she was finished, she wasted no time placing the letter into an envelope. She wanted to deliver it as quickly as she could, bolting out of her room and down the hallway towards the front door.

"Go'n ta Fluttershy's!" Apple Bloom called out, hoping one of her older siblings or Granny had heard her as she opened the front door and galloped in the direction of the cottage.

The cloud cover above was foreboding of the coming snow front, but luckily none had yet to start falling. This meant she had no trouble rushing across the dirt roads that led to the cozy little cottage that so many animals called sanctuary.

She knocked on the front door, waiting with anticipation for an answer. Not long after did the faint sound of hoof falls on wood begin to sound from inside, which was quickly followed up by the door creaking open, revealing the element of kindness herself.

"Heya Fluttershy! Is Strider here?" Apple Bloom questioned.

The smile on Fluttershy's face faded a little, her eyes shifting towards a nearby window that housed a faint view of the charred remains of the gunship. She didn't look long, returning her gaze to the young filly standing before her.

"I'm sorry Apple Bloom, but Strider's not here at the moment. I'm not exactly sure when he's gonna be back," Fluttershy responded, feeling guilty as she saw the filly's face fall.

"Oh... well, once he does get back, can ya give him this?" Apple Bloom asked, offering the pegasus the freshly sealed envelope.

"I will," Fluttershy claimed, gently taking the envelope with a hoof. "do you wanna stay for some tea?"

Apple Bloom pondered this for a few seconds, before nodding. Fluttershy felt her smile return as she stood aside, letting the filly enter before she slowly shut the cottage door behind them.

Comments ( 43 )

You have a typo in the description. It should be "their", not there.

Could you be more specific as to where it is? I'm trying to find it but can't.

I didnt notice it after all this time until he pointed it out, but yeah, in the title description at the end, second to last word 'there sky' should be 'their sky'. Anyways, loving the story so far, keep it up!:twilightsmile:

Forget the items! (unless its from a mysterious fleamarket stand which happened to disappear before your very eyes)
You have to make sure to have a vague (yet sad) outsider story, rooting into amazing fighting skills you obtained by... doing... things... - this kinda seems to work 9 out of 10 times!

Almost a month passed? Yeah just the right time to read the brand new chapter:ajbemused:
Anyway zis is goot and our lonely trooper now have a speeder :yay: let's see what this bases have in them.

Well soon she’ll get caught

Hmm, you raise a valid point. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, and i'll try to take this into accountancy with my revisions of this story's chapters.

ehh, I like star trek a heck of a lot more than star wars

Have you watched last episode of star wars the clone wars:fluttercry:

Is the story dead.:fluttershyouch:

Nope, just working on rewrites of the previous chapters still. Don't worry, Strider's still here.

Ive got Dee Bradley Baker in my head now

Guess I still have tons of research to do regarding that stuff. Did you find this information out on a site? If so, could you please tell me the name. I wasn't able to find any sites that really gave me a good description on what the L.A.A.T. would actually have. But I guess I simply hadn't looked nearly as hard enough as I should have.

As for the blaster, I've been told many times not only in the comments but by some of my friends that Strider shouldn't of left the blaster in Fluttershy's cottage at all, let alone with a full power pack and charged tibana inside. But I learned this a little late and have already had that cemented into the story so I can't really change it. Angel Bunny needs to be in possession of it in order for the next chapter to work, but i'm hoping that I won't be making those same mistakes again.

I'm still doing some work on the newest revised chapter which has been nearly completely rewritten due to how badly I wrote it. But i'm doing my best to improve, and comments like these really do help. Thanks for telling me this and i'll go back and figure out how to set these things in motion without it changing a whole lot in the story.

Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy the story! :derpytongue2:

I don't know why the sudden hold up. Happy that you re posted chapter 12

Was very interesting read and I can’t wait to see more of this!

And Shaeeah Lawquane has indeed a human father, but it's not Cut: leaving aside that the Star Wars Databank confirmed she was born years before the Separatist Crisis even started, the Clone Wars lasted for three years and change, there just wasn't the time for Cut to have a daughter that old.

In quite a number of books (including Omega squad ones) it was often referred as Grand Army. Republic technically didn't had command chain in it (which was a grave mistake), only Palpatin, his leutenants and admirals and Jedi.

I can't wait to see the new chapter and I hope someone saves Rust from his stone prison!

Still working on it, sorry!

Oooooooof........need help?

Well it's been an entire year without a new chapter.

Honestly, I'm sort of caught between a rock and a hard place. I'll make a blog post about it soon, but there will be updates coming. However, it might cost some of my original writing.

When will this story continue? I really want to see what happens next.

Just binged this, hope to see more of it!

Will you be continuing "Forgotten Trooper" anytime soon? I really want to see what happens next.

It's time to strap our boots on
This is a perfect day to die
Wipe the blood out of our eyes

In this life there's no surrender
There's nothing left for us to do
Find the strength to see this through

We are the ones who will never be broken
With our final breath
We'll fight to the death
We are soldiers, we are soldiers
Woah woah woah whoa
We are soldiers

I stand here right beside you
Tonight we're fighting for our lives
Let me hear your battle cry
Your battle cry

We are the ones who will never be broken
With our final breath
We'll fight to the death
We are soldiers, we are soldiers

We are the ones who will not go unspoken (not go unspoken)
No, we will not sleep
We are not sheep
We are soldiers, we are soldiers

We stand shoulder to shoulder
We stand shoulder to shoulder
We stand shoulder to shoulder
You can't erase us
You'll just have to face us

We stand shoulder to shoulder
We stand shoulder to shoulder
We stand shoulder to shoulder
You can't erase us
You'll just have to face us

We are the ones who will never be broken (never be broken)
With our final breath
We'll fight to the death
We are soldiers, we are soldiers

We are the ones who will not go unspoken (not go unspoken)
No, we will not sleep
We are not sheep
We are soldiers, we are soldiers
Woah woah woah whoa
We are soldiers
Woah woah woah whoa
We are soldiers
Woah woah woah whoa
We are soldiers

That is utter fanon: Stormtrooper armor was actually improved in many ways over both phases of Clonetrooper armor. The evolution of the base models, in short, is as follows:

  • Clonetrooper Phase I: This model was designed by the Kaminoans, and is more covering, the helmet has more functions, and includes full life support with an internal oxygen reserve and protection from almost all extreme environments, including radiation and vacuum. When hit by enemy blaster bolts it diffuses the hit, reducing or outright negating penetration and allowing the healing of the wearer after battle, but against kinetics it's rated only against fragments and shrapnel and can be penetrated by spears and other projectiles. Another flaw derives from its fit-all nature, as it was heavy and cumbersome, and on top of that had poor ergonomics due the designers' lack of familiarity with human anatomy.
  • Clonetrooper Phase II: This model was designed in conjunction by Kaminoans and Republic designers. The Republic designers improved the ergonomics, and other improvements were obtained by stripping down the armor and adopting increased modularity, allowing for the wearer to attach whatever he needs for a particular mission without being weighed down by unnecessary equipment (for example, a trooper on the average world doesn't need an internal oxygen tank, but if necessary can quickly attach a rebreather, allowing the user to survive even in vacuum). Other addition include improved padding, an advanced air filtration system, and magnetizable boots. Protection was however slightly sacrificed, as the plates (reduced in number) were lighter to improve mobility.
  • Stormtrooper armor: This model was designed by the Imperial Department of Military Research. It's an overall improvement over the previous model, with further improved ergonomics, electronics, and even protection: a change in materials makes it all but invulnerable to most projectiles unless they're large and explosive or specifically armor-piercing (though if the projectile is a large rock in the head physics dictate a broken neck, even when the armor resists the hit), and while the new materials has less resistance to blaster weapons this is compensated by a shape that increases the chance to outright deflect a glancing bolt. The only downsides are that it only comes in stark white (a foolish political decision) and, differently from Clonetrooper armor, helmets need to be individually fitted to align the internal holographic visors to the wearer's eyes, as Stormtroopers, not being clones of the same person, have different body sizes and shapes and can't just exchange helmets.
  • First Order Stormtrooper Armor: This model was designed by the First Order Department of Military Research... And was not really well thought. While a new change in materials improved resistance to both blasters and projectiles and an improved joint design increased mobility, the designers removed most modularity (including the ability to use a rebreather pack, with which an Imperial Stormtrooper could casually walk in space at least for a while) and the helmet's electronics.

This covers the base models, as certain situations simply required more specialization than attachments allowed (a Snow Trooper needs improved heating to stay longer in extreme cold while a Magma Trooper needs improved cooling to walk in an active volcano, for example).

And yet it still can't block a damn thing, for a mainly military force, it's shity for combat. I mean they made it that they were more for law enforcement
which we all know the empire barely gave a damn for anything that didn't hurt the empire with only high profiles getting any help from the empire.:moustache:

It blocks enough. If you go back and watch the attack on the Tantive IV (Princess Leia's ship) in A New Hope, you'll see that not only Stormtroopers ignored anything but a direct hit while the Rebels would fall even to near-misses, many Stormtroopers who had been hit were still moving, if downed, and were rescued by other Stormtroopers (likely field medics) as soon as the battle moved away.
They can't give every trooper an armor in Beskar (one of the few things that can actually resist lightsabers at least for a bit) or even Katarn-class armors (the one used by Clone Commandos), as they're too expensive, reduce mobility, and still utterly fail when faced with an E-Web heavy repeating blaster, so Stormtrooper armor is literally the next best thing.

Forgot about that but still, my point stands edited but stands.

Considering it allows the wearer to survive a direct point-blank hit from DH-17 and E-11 blasters, that is military-grade weapons, it's still quite good even for military jobs. The only real issue is the coloring, and that was the doing of either Palpatine or the Imperial Ruling Council (the fancy hats that can be spotted in Return of the Jedi and rule the Empire for Palpatine), as the actual military hierarchy, and their commander-in-chief in particular (general Tagge), would have provided camouflaged armor if they could have.

Update please

Please tell me you plan to continue this.

Still am, and still constantly working on it. Just going through some serious rewriting of the past chapters as well as dealing with things IRL. I haven't forgotten about this story for a second, and plan on finishing it. It'll return in time...

I see. Very well, I can now read this with hope of seeing in this continue.

It's been a year and one month since this chapter came out, the story is great and I'm glad I stumbled upon this. Now the question is: Do you plan to continue?
All I wish is for you to continue this marvelous piece. I'm a nerd when it comes to this, and this crossover has been a favorite ever since I layed eyes on it. But it is up to you to continue; "Do or do not, there is no try."

...Thank you. That means the world to me, knowing I've made something that so many seem to enjoy. I promise I'm still working in this story, and I'll continue working on it until it's done. In time, it'll return. I've just been going back through all the original chapters, revising what I've done and trying to gain back the traction I'd lost.

I do have a plan for this story, one that I intend on finishing. And knowing that people truly are enjoying this story continues to fuel the fire within me. Thank you... All of you...

No problem, thanks for the feedback!

Well, it was a great story

Hello, will this story come back one day? I hope soon

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