• Member Since 1st Jul, 2015
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Female Writer, Bisexual Writer, Smolder X Mare Crackship Connoisseur. Creator of the Smolderverse, and writer of many other kinds of clop and SFW stories (Commissions temporarily OPEN)


Fluttershy believed she could have it all: a castle, wife, royal family, immortality! All she had to do was give up one thing for her marefriend, Twilight Sparkle. When that thing becomes too much to give up, Fluttershy is overwhelmed with losing so much. Fortunately, she still has friends who love her, and an even better future ahead.

Takes place in the future where the sisters retire and the Mane 6 become the rulers of Equestria, with Twilight being their Queen. Contains serious discussions about sexuality and asexuality, breakups, and different points of view.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

I'm actually curious to see how the Sparkle family would be treated for their harshness when Celestia and Luna hear what she did.

If Flutters started dating one of them, I would vote Pinkie. Not just because I like Flutterpie, but because Pinkie seemed the most angry and caring about Fluttershy. I actually got vibes from it, so...yeah. That's just my opinion, you do you

Personally I think Rainbow Dash. Because she's not afraid to put twilight 6 feet under.

I’m mildly surprised that Applejack didn’t make it clear that both of them were at fault in the relationship.

They both should’ve been open with each other, Twilight about her questioning (I completely understand keeping that secret until she was certain, because that makes sense), and especially Fluttershy about her need for a sexual relationship. They both should’ve just spoken to each other, and depending on what season this is meant to take place, is mildly out of character.

We don’t know what they actually said to each other, but I think it’s pretty clear Fluttershy and the others have the wrong impression regarding asexuality, as they seem to be equating it with an absence of desire, when it’s just an absence of attraction. Desire varies person to person, or pony by pony as the case were.

Regardless, they both are at fault here. Fluttershy is at fault largely for things within the relationship (its entirely possible I’m biased, I just feel like the one that begins to realize something isn’t going to work out should actually voice their concerns instead of trying to handle it on their own, especially when the reasons are something outside of their control. But at the same time we don’t know twilights thoughts prior, we just know she was weird after they slept together and can really only assume it was because it solidified the answer to her questioning), meanwhile Twilight is largely at fault for the aftermath.

Idk. As an ace I completely understand Twilight not wanting to be near Fluttershy (I’m still curious as to her wording to Shining, as I can’t really imagine Twilight being the one to badmouth anypony, or to manipulate the situation the way Shining seems to be doing), and as someone interested in sex I understand Fluttershy’s decision to leave her, even though I don’t agree since it seems as though they didn’t exhaust or even acknowledge potential options. The only thing I don’t understand is how none of the friends seem to even be willing to ponder Twilight’s perspective, instead resorting to name-calling and such, when shes justified I’m not wanting to subject herself to someone that’s caused her pain, in addition to Fluttershy’s earlier quantifying of the relationship. Just seems weird, at least for her, to ponder the material things she could gain from keeping a relationship.


We don’t know what they actually said to each other, but I think it’s pretty clear Fluttershy and the others have the wrong impression regarding asexuality, as they seem to be equating it with an absence of desire, when it’s just an absence of attraction. Desire varies person to person, or pony by pony as the case were.

The only thing I don’t understand is how none of the friends seem to even be willing to ponder Twilight’s perspective, instead resorting to name-calling and such,

Thanks for the review! One of my intentions with this story/future series was to create multiple layers within the characters and situations. It is clear through the lens of Fluttershy and her friends that they are all flawed, especially in their understanding of asexuality, given that it is, as you said, a case-for-case situation. With Twilight's self-destructive nature following the breakup, it's easy for her friends to see the fault being only hers, even Applejack. Communication was definitely flawed on both parts of Fluttershy and Twilight's relationship. But this story barely scratches the surface of their relationship, and there's a lot more to their relationship than any of their friends know.

(I completely understand keeping that secret until she was certain, because that makes sense)

I'd have to disagree. Ace or not, I don't think it's healthy to maintain secrets in the relationship, especially when they are pertaining to things as important and crucial as sex.

I just feel like the one that begins to realize something isn’t going to work out should actually voice their concerns instead of trying to handle it on their own, especially when the reasons are something outside of their control.

I would 100% agree with you. One of Fluttershy's shortcomings is that she isn't able to speak up for herself. As the seasons progressed in the show, she has significantly improved on this. However, this is a relationship with her best friend, not just some random marefriend. And that reason, amongst other reasons to be revealed, is why Fluttershy tried to stay in a relationship that was clearly harmful to her. When the relationship ended, Twilight had nothing to lose, while Fluttershy lost many things (the castle, her friendship with Twilight, position as ruler, immortality, etc). It was never a fair relationship to begin with, and I feel like that Twilight is to blame. The odds were stacked against Fluttershy at the start, and she crumbled underneath the pressure as anypony would.

though they didn’t exhaust or even acknowledge potential options.

Just seems weird, at least for her, to ponder the material things she could gain from keeping a relationship.

These topics will be talked about more as the series progresses.

and depending on what season this is meant to take place,

This takes place in the future after the ninth season of the show.

There's a little bit of grey morality to be seen in all of these characters, even Twilight. Twilight is bending underneath her own pressures, such as her identity crisis, the breakup, and being the Queen of Equestria. However, this story only covers the tip of the iceberg of her bad decisions and how they will affect all of Equestria. Based on what I have planned, the next story will be about Twilight, Shining Armor, and his family's point-of-view. There will be more ace characters featured in the series that are not antagonistic, as Twilight's manipulative nature has nothing to do with her sexuality, but rather, her need for things to happen her way. I hope that answers all the concerns you might have about the story. Have a great day! 🦄

“I'd have to disagree. Ace or not, I don't think it's healthy to maintain secrets in the relationship, especially when they are pertaining to things as important and crucial as sex.”

Meant to respond to you forever ago, but yeah. Pretty sure I recall agreeing or just not having anything to say to any other part but the above, since I’m getting vibes of misinterpretation.

I never said it was healthy, just said that it makes sense. Healthy isn’t always logical, just like logical isn’t always healthy. It makes sense for Twilight to hide it, because we know that she’s very used to handling things on her own, and it wasn’t even until just about this season that she started relying on her friends, and even after that it took her longer still to rely on those outside of her circle. Add onto the fact how personal this has to be for her, and it makes sense.

And in regards to the manipulative nature part, that was obvious. I relate to Twilight a lot because I feel like it’s obvious she’s coded as being autistic, and that’s something I struggle with too, the whole wanting everything to go the way I want it to go. Was there anything I said that gave the implication that I was saying her sexuality had any influence on that? I’m genuinely asking btw, because I don’t always know how my words can come across.

But yeah, I’m looking forward to reading the next installments.

I'm on team Fluttershy for this one.

Now I understand that asexual people sometimes feel uncomfortable with intimacy or a lack of desire, and I know there are exceptions to this rule. And I would be completely fine with Fluttershy and Twilight breaking up if one or both felt like the relationship wasn't working.

But....based on what has been stated in the story Twilight banned Fluttershy from the castle! And it's possible she dragged her family into this and let Shining Armor yell at Fluttershy and slander her reputation in the process.

I don't care what Twilight is feeling or what she's thinking, she allowed this to get so out of control by mistake or on purpose it dosen't matter.

Now I know that Fluttershy and Twilight should've talked things out more while in the relationship but that doesn't exactly matter anymore seeing that Twilight essentially made a rift between her friends, especially Fluttershy!

You know the other rulers of Equestria that might be unable to do their job because of Twilight and her family!

Interesting story, though I'm honestly a little surprised how everyone just.. Turned against Twilight. She had her heart broken too, yet not a single one of her 'friends' thought about her side of things or how she might be feeling. Both sides are at fault but they demonized one and pampered the other.

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