• Published 4th Jul 2021
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Skyrim: The Faces of Death - Blackdrag-rose

Amaryllis, a changeling infiltrator for Chrysalis' hive, goes looking for her missing queen, but is teleported to a brand new world in the process, one that is unlike anything she's seen so far, while also being in the middle of a war.

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Interlude: A Realm Reborn

Amaryllis had a smile on her face as she and the others joined Wind on her side of the portal, because their friend had not only bested the last of her Burdens, which wasn't a small feat when they considered all of the power that had been thrown around, she had also unlocked all of her power, just as her mentor intended. Of course she knew there was more to the equation than that, as they were dealing with a Demiprince and her father, especially when part of her was sure that a piece of the former Prince that ruled over this realm had boosted Wind's considerable power, allowing her to smash Fear apart and claim her true power. Za'kera seemed impressed by what they had witnessed, Lydia appeared to be indifferent once more, though to be far she was a warrior and took simple pleasures in fighting her Thane's enemies, and Ma'jera had to be pleased with her apprentice's deeds, even though Amaryllis had a feeling that Wind would outrank her mentor soon, if her thoughts on the matter were correct. At the same time she could tell that Miraak didn't seem to care about this, thanks to his emotions, while Hermaeus Mora had to be taking notes on what they had seen and what might be coming up next, yet another clue as to what might be coming their way, or maybe she was imagining things and was grasping at straws that didn't exist.

Wind, on the other hand, was floating in the space she had been positioned in when she loosed her final attack that wiped out the last of her Burdens, where she raised her hands for a moment and studied her magical aura, where she found that her mentor's plan had worked out quite well, her full power had been brought to the surface. This was the power that her mother and grandmother wanted, to make an heir that had the magical power to overthrow the Princesses and replace them, which had been a reason behind why she had originally feared her true might, worrying that her mother would turn her into a weapon, hence why she hid her power in the first place. Given the direction that this world was heading in, with the Aldmeri Dominion's dark plans, Wind understood her mentor's desires and now had access to her true power, though she was as strong as a Demiprince at best, not the Daedric Prince status that she thought her mentor had been pushing her towards. Of course that wasn't considering all of the fragments of power that lingered around Deadlight, as she could feel the power of the fallen Prince lingering around this place, making her wonder if there was another step she needed to complete to do what her mentor wanted.

"With your Burdens defeated, you now have access to your true power," Ma'jera commented, speaking as everyone came to a stop near Wind's location and focused on the figure in front of them, who stopped looking at her hands and turned to look at them, before she tilted her head for a moment as she felt the power that was coming from Wind, "If you apply your power to all of Deadlight, well, we might be able to restore this place to its former glory, before Dagon wrecked it during his battle with the fallen Prince."

As Ma'jera said that Wind let out a sigh as she landed nearby, where this time no one approached her since they knew that it might interfere with whatever her mentor wanted her to do with this realm, though once she was ready she sent bits of her magic out, like she was surveying the realm for something. For a time, like the next minute or two, Wind didn't feel any disturbances or signatures that might do whatever her mentor was hoping would happen, making her wonder if she had imagined the feeling of the fallen Prince's power and that it was just the spur of the moment that allowed her to wipe out Fear. As she thought about that, however, there was something out in the depths of this shattered realm that stirred, just like what happened during her battle, and she felt some sort of force whispering to her, like the fragments of the fallen Prince was calling out to her for some reason. She really had no idea if it was her mentor messing with her, or if what she was hearing was actually the voice of the fallen Prince, though in response to that she did the only thing that seemed like it might help her out, Wind gathered her maximum power and solidified her aura, acting like a beacon as the air shuddered under her might.

Amaryllis could feel Wind's power as it rolled all over the dead realm, even though she was impressed that she had figured out a way to make it work like a beacon, before finding that the aura was cracking, where Ma'jera informed them that they had to stay here as she weaved a transparent barrier around them. Wind's true power was far more than what she and all of the others considered, as it was cracking the ground that was around her, sending fissures through all of the crystals that were scattered throughout the realm, and caused lightning to dance among the clouds that were still in the sky, as if she was breaking Deadlight. As that happened, however, she also saw ghostly spheres dancing in the air, which seemed to be responding to Wind's siren call, if one thought about her beacon in that manner, as they were moving towards her and she didn't seem to mind that fact at all, almost as if she knew that they were coming and had created the beacon for them to find their way to her. Of course Ma'jera and Hermaeus Mora were interested in what they were seeing right now, but as she noticed that Amaryllis noticed something else, the way to Apocrypha had been sealed for a moment and it looked like more portals were opening, no doubt the other Princes, and possibly the Divines, were coming to see what in the world the pair was up to, and if it threatened Nirn in some way.

As all of that happened the ghostly fragments gathered near Wind, taking the form of a transparent robed figure, which had to be what remained of the fallen Prince of Oblivion, though before anyone could do anything it transformed into a mist that wrapped around Wind, like a vortex of energy that started to cover her. None of them were surprised to find that Wind was quickly covered in the ghostly power, forming a sphere of energy that was her size and lifted into the air once it was done forming, though this time Wind's pull power, mixed with the leftover energy of the fallen Prince, was causing an interesting reaction to the area they were in. The ground cracked open, as if an earthquake was hitting this realm, and the only safe place seemed to be where everyone was standing, as Ma'jera's barrier protected them from harm and allowed all of them to watch as crystals shattered and the ruined structures were destroyed as the power shattered Deadlight, where the sections of land separated from each other and created floating islands. Amaryllis knew that Wind had the potential to be strong, especially after a Demiprince took a liking to her and decided to take her under their wing, but after witnessing all of this she now knew that Wind's potential was far higher than she originally thought, especially if the remnants of the fallen Prince were giving her the rest of their power.

Not a few moments later a surge of power shattered the rest of Deadlight, making it look like they were floating among a sea of ruined crystalline pieces, and in the center of it all was the glowing sphere that Wind was resting in, though as soon as Ma'jera stabilized their fragment everyone watched as a surge of energy came from where the sphere was located, all of them assuming that Wind was about to emerge. What actually happened was that several beams of energy burst out from where the sphere was located, six of them by Amaryllis' count and she was sure each of them represented one of the six gems that were called the 'Elements of Harmony', though her focus was on what was happening to the area around them, as there had to be a reason for all of this. All of the fragments that were scattered across this plane of existence seemed to be pulled back by the sheer force of the beams, as if Wind was reforming the dead realm in a way that made it full of life, and as that happened the mass of each fragment was added together, forming a large sphere around their companion, to which Ma'jera lifted all of them off their piece and let it fall back into alignment as well. After some time Amaryllis and the others watched as the mass sunk downward before expanding outward, flattening in a way that was more like a continent and less like a sphere, where they watched as hills, forests, rivers, and even a volcano, confirming that she was making a land where life could prosper.

One of the hills was far larger than the others and seemed to have multiple levels, where they watched as a stone wall was formed and houses, a mix of what they had seen in Solitude and what was in Canterlot, based on what Amaryllis knew, so it meant Wind was expecting some new arrivals to come to this realm, and on the furthest reaches of this new realm they watched as a rectangular arch formed. It was a portal back to Nirn, as Ma'jera informed them that Sheogorath had done the same thing multiple times when he invited heroes to the Shivering Isles, often either driving said heroes mad or dying during their stay, though the Madgod didn't care and was amused by everything that happened in his realm. Other than the city and the portal there was nothing else in this realm, civilization wise, meaning Wind would either need some time to form whatever else she thought this place might need or leave it to whatever formed in this plane, before they found a mass of small white orbs flying through the air. What they discovered was that the orbs reached the ground and suddenly transformed into all of the races that existed on Nirn, ones Amaryllis had seen and ones that might have gone extinct, or went into hiding to survive, as Ma'jera and Hermaeus Mora noted that there were some Kothringi, Lilmothiit, Kamal, a few Lamias, and all sorts of other races that Amaryllis couldn't keep track of.

Such a thing told her everything she needed to know about this place, this realm must have been a haven for the races of Nirn, where they could live in peace with each other, and Dagon must have been disagreed with the existence of this place, to the point where he attacked the realm, forcing the fallen Prince to expand their energy to save their citizens, keeping all of them trapped as souls until this point in time.

As Amaryllis thought about that she and the others watched as the energy around Wind started to break apart as it started to descend, where they discovered that her body looked more like a royal's, similar to Fear's without all of the additions she had added to make herself stronger, and her breasts were a few sizes smaller than Amaryllis'. Her chitin had changed as well, taking on a silver white color, while her hair had grown longer, reaching just passed her shoulders, and had taken on a ghostly white color while the last few inches were a red color, which was mirrored on her tail, before finding that her robe had changed as well. This time it looked like something an Arch-Mage would wear, only it opened near the bottom and resembled an open leg cape, while she wore blue pants over her legs and lower body, or this world's version of that to be exact, while the outline of her robe was the red color and the inside was a light purple color with a design that looked a lot like feathers. As Wind landed Amaryllis noticed that the leg cape had six points, before their friend opened her eyes and stared at the area around her, allowing the group to see that she now had red colored eyes, before she glanced at her new body and noticed all of the changes that had occurred after taking in the power of the fallen Prince, all while her staff just floated in the air nearby.

With that done, and the reforming of the realm complete, Ma'jera made them land and dismissed her barrier, allowing all of them to touch the new ground, before Amaryllis noticed that there were also several large crystals sticking out of the earth, arranged in a six pointed star formation, before they focused on Wind.

"I am no longer Crudelis, the daughter of Queen Chrysalis, nor am I Wind Rose anymore... I am Zoravoir, Daedric Prince of Harmony," Wind said, though as they listened to her speak, and registered the fact that she was changing her name, that was when Amaryllis felt her friend's aura for a time and found that it wasn't a stranger taking over Wind's body, rather she was in full control of her body and felt that such a change to her nature required a new name, "and Deadlight is no more... welcome to the Plane of Oblivion now known as Elysium."

"Someone thinks too highly of themselves." a voice stated, where the group turned and found that the Demiprinces of the other Princes, in addition to the Demigods and their parents, were in attendance, though the speaker was Tibetal, Dagon's son, who cracked his knuckles as he stepped towards his new target, where Zoravoir glanced at her new citizens and just beckoned for them to move, which they did so without delay, "Time to show you the difference between a Demiprince and a pretend Daedric Prince."

Zoravoir tilted her head for a moment as she waited for Tibetal to clear the area that the others were standing in, and the moment he rushed at her she did the same thing, crossing the distance in a second before punching him in the chest, an attack that sent him flying off into the distance. Of course that wasn't enough to convince him that he was going to lose, as he was Dagon's son and that meant he had to uphold his father's honor, and her thoughts were right as he came rushing back at her, showing everyone that he wanted to tear her down and put an end to this madness. In response to that, and before he was able to hit her, Zoravoir shifted her left hand for a second and the wind responded, knocking Tibetal to the side before he had a chance to hit her, before she gathered a bit of magical power into her right hand, as if knowing that something was coming. Sure enough Tibetal got up and rushed at her again, showing Amaryllis that they had been right in accusing him of being a brute, as he wasn't being smart about this and was constantly rushing into battle, which meant he rushed right into Zoravoir's trap as she swung her fist and the magic slammed right into her foe's chest without delay, not to mention sent him into the ocean that was part of her creation, knowing him out in the process.

In that moment Amaryllis smiled again, as it seemed like things were going their way and made her wonder what the next few days might have in store for them, because it was only a matter of time under they returned to Skyrim and gathered their forces for the event that would determine the fate of this world, which would happen once Zoravoir got used to her new power and responsibilities.

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