• Published 4th Jul 2019
  • 10,087 Views, 232 Comments

Romantic Meetings - TheHardie-Boy

Local human returns to Ponyville to find Twilight has a new student

  • ...

The slip-up

As per usual, the sun shone directly into my eye, waking me up. I felt my arms wrapped around something soft and warm. I looked down and saw Starlight.

I was about to do something stupid, like sit up, when the events of last night came back to me, and I smiled. Looking back to Starlight, I saw she was smiling too, but still asleep.

I couldn’t believe it. I was...we were...together...like a couple or something. I don’t know. Now wasn’t the time for labels.

I shifted a little and tightened my embrace around the mare. She shifted as well. She opened her eyes and looked into mine. As soon as she saw me, she smiled.

“Good morning,” I cooed, lightly stroking her mane.

She gave a cute little giggle. “Morning.”

“Sleep well?” I asked sarcastically.

She giggled again. “Of course. It couldn’t have been better.”

I looked away and blushed. She shifted a little in my arms and moved her head up to mine. She moved her head forward and nuzzled the side of my neck.


Jake.exe has stopped responding.

She was just too cute.

Unfortunately the moment didn’t last long, as both of our stomachs loudly grumbled, so much so that we actually felt it.

Starlight stopped nuzzling my neck and looked me in the eyes. It wasn’t long before we both started laughing hard.

“Guess we should get some breakfast, huh?” I suggested.

“Yeah, sounds good,” Starlight responded, still giggling.

“Just give him the note, just give him the note, just give him the note,” Twilight said as she neared the corridor Jake was sleeping in, her note held near in her magic.

Once she arrived, she looked at how many doors there were. There were at least twenty. One of them was Starlight’s room, and Twilight knew which, so that was one door down. Unfortunately, she wanted to simply slip the note under the door and leave, so she had to choose wisely.

Then she heard a door open.

Twilight bolted through the closest door and hoped Jake wasn’t in there. Luckily, he wasn’t.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t in a much better spot.

Twilight opened the door ever so slightly and looked out to see both Starlight and Jake exiting Starlight’s room.

“Not to go into semantics, but what exactly would you call your significant other in a relationship?” Jake asked Starlight.

“Well, the stallion would be referred to his other as her ‘coltfriend’, and the mare would be the ‘marefriend’. Why do you ask?” Starlight responded.

“Where I come from, it’s known as boyfriend and girlfriend,” Jake answered.

Twilight backed away from the door for a second. ’Maybe he’s just curious. That doesn’t mean anything is happening. Even though they spent the night together,’ Twilight thought to herself.

She forced herself to look back out to the hall.

“So, I guess you’d be my ‘boyfriend’, but I’d still be your marefriend, if you want to put a label on it,” Starlight said.

Twilight’s heart dropped. ’Who am I kidding? He does like her. Figures, I got my hopes up for nothing.’ She tried to blink the tears out of her eyes before teleporting herself to her room.

She landed on her bed. Her legs gave out, and she started sobbing.

“Twilight? Are you okay in there?” she could hear Spike ask on the other side of the door.

“Go away, Spike. I don’t feel so well,” Twilight responded, hoping Spike wouldn’t notice she was crying.

There was a moment of silence before Spike responded.

“I can hear you crying in there. What’s wrong?” Spike asked, concerned for his friend.

“Nothing. Just leave me alone,” Twilight insisted.

Another pause.

“I’m coming in,” Spike said, opening the door.

“No!” Twilight shouted, slamming the door shut with her magic. “Just please leave me alone!”

“Fine, sorry for making you mad,” Spike said in a sad tone.

Twilight sniffled before calling out again. “Spike! Wait, I’m sorry for yelling at you. It’s nothing you did, I promise. I just really need to be alone right now. Please don’t tell the others.”

“A-Alright, I hope you feel better,” Spike responded. With that, Twilight heard the noise of claws moving on the crystal floor.

“So do I, Spike. So do I,” Twilight said to herself.

“Do you think we should tell our friends we’re together?” I asked Starlight.

“Of course! Speaking of which, have you seen Spike or Twilight? I want to tell them I’m okay,” Starlight responded.

“I haven’t seen them,” I confessed.

Starlight stopped walking. “Seriously? You really didn’t leave my side did you? You must be starving.”

I looked back. “What? Cut me some slack, I was really worried about you.”

Starlight raised her eyebrow before breaking into a laugh. “Alright, you big doofus.”

I laughed a little as well, and we continued our journey to the kitchen.

Once we arrived, we found Spike trying to make omelets. The poor little guy couldn’t find the eggs.

“Hey, Spike, how’s your morning going?” I asked in a cheery attitude.

“It would be better if I knew we were out of eggs yesterday. I was in the mood for an omelet. Now I’ll have to settle for cereal,” he complained without breaking his concentration.

“That’s alright, Spike. I’m sure there are some eggs around here somewhere,” Starlight spoke up.

Spike looked at us with an utterly shocked expression. “S-Starlight! You’re not usually up this early.”

“Well, what can I say? I got a good night’s sleep,” she said, smiling up at me. I smiled back, signaling that I got what she meant.

“I’m glad to see you’re okay. You were out cold after that manticore attack yesterday,” Spike said.

“Thanks, but have you seen Twilight?” Starlight asked.

Spike stopped what he was doing for a second, but resumed shortly. “No, I haven’t.”

Spike suddenly looked at us suspiciously. “What’s going on here?”

“Nothing,” I said about as convincingly as a five-year-old who just got caught taking cookies from the jar.

Spike shifted his gaze over to Starlight, who gave a not-at-all convincing smile.

“You guys can tell me anything. I’m not gonna judge,” Spike said, chuckling under his voice.

I looked down at Starlight, who looked back at me. “You wanna tell him?” I asked.

She simply nodded in response.

“Tell me what?” Spike asked.

I knelt down and put my arm around Starlight. She leaned into me and put her hoof around my back. I held out my free arm as she held out her free hoof, as if we were cheering for something.

“We’re a couple!” we both said in unison.

Spike’s eyes widened as his jaw and arms dropped. “A-A couple? As in, m-marefriend and coltfriend?”

“Well, if you want to be technical, Jake’s my ‘boyfriend’, and I’m his marefriend,” Starlight corrected.

Spike looked back to me with the same expression.

“Yeah, what she said.”

Spike closed his mouth and slowly nodded. “T-That’s great. Say, h-how about I just go and get some eggs from the market?” he suggested in an uneasy tone, making his way toward the door.

“Everything okay, Spike?” I asked.

“Y-Yeah, totally. I’m totally happy for you two,” he said with an unconvincing smile.

With that, he went out the door, leaving Starlight and me.

“Well...that was...strange,” I said.

“I hope everything’s okay,” Starlight agreed.

We both looked around at the kitchen. Spike had left nothing unturned while looking for the eggs.

“You wanna just have cereal?” Starlight asked.

“Sure,” I answered.

Spike ran as fast as his tiny legs could carry him. He was feeling a mix of remorse and frustration.

On one hand, Starlight knew Twilight had feelings for Jake. But on the other, Jake did seem to like Starlight back.

The whole situation was just way too confusing.

Luckily, he was finally at help’s door.

He knocked profusely on the door of Carousel Boutique until Rarity opened the door.

“Spike, what in Equestria are you doing here so early?” Rarity asked, clearly a little peeved at being disturbed so early in the morning two days in a row.

“Sorry...Rarity. Meet me...at Twilight’s castle. I’m gonna go get the rest...of our friends. We have...a big problem,” Spike panted.

“Nonsense, I’ll give you a ride. You can only run so far. Now, why don’t you explain to me what’s going on?” Rarity insisted.

Applejack moved the bucket of apples into the barn and wiped the sweat off her brow.

There was nothing like an honest day’s work.

She heard panting as well as hoofsteps coming up to the fence. She looked to see Rarity with Spike on her back.

“Spike? Rarity? What’re you two doin’ here so early?” Applejack asked.

“Meet us at Twilight’s castle. It’s urgent!” Spike assured.

“Now what can possib-“ Applejack started.

“HE SAID IT’S URGENT!” Rarity yelled through gritted teeth.

“Alright, alright.”

Out of nowhere, Rainbow Dash fell out of a tree, in between them.

“Rainbow Dash, what are you doing here?” asked an annoyed Applejack.

“I promised you I would help out today, so I slept here,” Rainbow explained.

Applejack chuckled. “Well, at least ya’ kept yer word.”

“Umm...okay, just get to Twilight’s castle,” Spike said.

“Why?” Rainbow asked.

“Don’t ask,” Applejack said.

Fluttershy set out the food for her animals as Angel kept thumping furiously.

“Just give me one second please, Angel. I need to find the rest of the ingredients for your breakfast salad,” Fluttershy said.

Angel crossed his tiny arms and gave a cross look.

“Oh please don’t give me that look. You know I’m running low on oats.”

There was suddenly a loud knock at the door that made Fluttershy jump and bang her head on the cabinet, which opened to reveal the oats.

“Huh, would you look at that?”

Fluttershy poured the oats into Angel’s bowl and went to answer the door. Standing there was Rarity with Spike on her back.

“Oh, hello, I wasn’t expecting company this early, but you’re welcome to come in,” Fluttershy offered.

“There’s no time! Get to Twilight’s castle, now! It’s an emergency!” Spike said.

“O-Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can,” Fluttershy responded.

Pinkie Pie flipped the table over onto its legs. She then zipped to the door to look at her handiwork. Everything was in line. That was, until a knock at the door caused the giant stack of cups to tip over.

“Nooooooooo,” Pinkie cried continuously as Rarity stepped into Sugarcube Corner with Spike on her back.

Pinkie was still saying “No,” as Spike said, “Pinkie, meet us at Twilight’s castle. It’s an emergency.”

Pinkie suddenly stopped saying “No,” and said, “Okie Dokie.”

With that, the pink pony zipped out of Sugarcube Corner. Rarity looked at Spike with a confused look, and Spike simply shrugged in response as Rarity carefully stepped over the fallen cups and exited Sugarcube Corner.

Pinkie suddenly appeared in the Map Room, seemingly from out of nowhere.

“Did Spike and Rarity ask you guys to meet here because it’s an emergency too?” Pinkie asked excitedly.

“Yeah, they wouldn’t tell us what’s goin’ on. Ah hope it’s nothing too big,” Applejack said.

“Well, if it were just Rarity, I would chalk it up to Rarity just overreacting. But if Spike’s on her back, something just tells you it’s really serious,” Rainbow added, earning a few deadpan looks from her friends.

Seemingly on cue, Spike and Rarity walked into the Map Room, Rarity panting.

“Alright, what’s this ‘emergency’?” Rainbow asked, earning a few more glares.

Spike stepped up to answer. “Starlight and Jake...they’re kind of...you see-“

Rarity cut him off. “STARLIGHT AND JAKE ARE A COUPLE!”

After we ate, which took a lot longer than it should have, considering we only had cereal, albeit a lot of it, Starlight and I sat in silence, not taking our eyes off each other.

“So...what now?” Starlight asked.

“Not sure. Is there anything good to read in the library?” I responded.

“I don’t know. I haven’t had a chance to look through it.”

“How about it?”


“Okay, you go ahead. I’ll clean up here and meet you there.”

With that, Starlight ran out of the kitchen, giggling to herself. I just couldn’t help but wonder how I managed to woo such an amazing mare.

Starlight had trouble remembering where the library was exactly. She couldn’t keep her mind set. No matter how hard she tried, it always wandered back to Jake.

He was amazing. Whenever she was with him, she felt happy...safe...warm. It had taken her awhile, but she eventually figured out why she was in love with him.

But even though he told her that he didn’t care about what she did in the past, a part of her told herself that she would simply be shunned.

But as it turned out, Jake felt the same way about her. Well, not the exact same way, but it was still love.

Starlight snapped back to reality and realized she was just standing in the middle of one of the many halls.

She continued her journey to the library when she heard yelling.

“Fer the millionth time, Rainbow, we’re not telling Jake to break up with Starlight!” she heard Applejack yell.

Starlight’s body froze, her neck snapping straight up, and her eyes widening to their limits.

“I still don’t see why?” she heard Rainbow say.

Starlight managed to get her body to move far enough so she could stick her ear up to the door of the Map Room.

“Well, for starters, Jake would hate us. If those two are a couple, Jake would no doubt love her,” Rarity answered.

“Not to mention Starlight would hate us too,” Spike added.

“Oh, I think she’d be too heartbroken to hate us,” Fluttershy countered.

“But it’s not like we can just let Twilight sulk while those two ride off into the sunset, or whatever couples do together,” Rainbow retorted.

Starlight backed away from the door and silently gasped. ’Twilight likes Jake too. How could I forget about that? I’m such a bad friend.’

Starlight ran away from the room in tears. She didn’t know where she was going, but she didn’t want to hear any more.

I made my way through the castle, trying to remember where the library was. I had been meaning to check the library out, and Twilight was probably in there too, so Starlight and I could tell her about our relationship.

I made a few turns and retraced my steps until I heard yelling. I moved toward the source. It turned out to be the Map Room. I opened the door just a bit to see what was going on.

“Well then what are we gonna do?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I don’t know, but we’re not going with any of your ideas,” replied Rarity.

I had no idea what they were talking about.

“But why? I’m the only one that’s coming up with any,” argued Rainbow.

“Because all of yours end with ‘Jake breaks up with Starlight to be with Twilight’, and that just isn’t happening,” said Spike.

I was filled with anger at Rainbow, but I held my temper.

Wait, what do they mean ‘be with Twilight’?

“We have to consider everypony in this situation. Twilight’s had feelings for Jake for a long time, but he ended up being with Starlight. That was his decision. If we somehow manage to get Jake to end his relationship with Starlight so he can be with Twilight, which would probably never happen, Starlight would be left heartbroken,” reasoned Rarity.

“But if we do nothing, Twilight will be heartbroken instead,” Fluttershy added.

For a few seconds, it felt like time itself had stopped moving. There was a loud ringing in my ears. I couldn’t move, and my breaths were shaky. I felt everything go completely numb.

Twilight liked me.

And despite all my years of knowing her and being her best friend, I had never noticed. I hadn’t even entertained the thought.

I was filled with guilt. I was such a bad person.

But then I realized, I couldn’t exactly do anything about it. I loved Starlight. I’ve never felt so happy with another mare. But thinking back, after everything Twilight’s done for me since I wound up in Equestria, and how amazing a friend she’s been to me ever since we met, I realized that I kind of loved Twilight too.

I was screwed.

“This is a no-win situation. Why can’t we ever catch a break?” Pinkie pouted.

“I don’t know. I just wish there was a way we could do this without hurting anypony,” agreed Rarity.

“I still think we should convince Jake to go with Twilight,” Rainbow interjected.

“What is your problem?!” asked Applejack.

“You’re clearly biased here. Why is that?” asked Rarity.

Rainbow looked at all of her friends, carefully considering what to say next. “Fine, if nopony else will say it, I will. Due to what she’s done in the past, Starlight doesn’t deserve to be with Jake.”

I clenched my fists. I was ready to go in there and beat the daylights out of Rainbow.

Luckily, Applejack felt the same way. She smacked Rainbow in the back of the head with her hoof. Rarity walked over to Rainbow and slapped her in the face as well.

“What is the matter with you, Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked.

“You didn’t seriously just say that?” Spike said.

“What? I’m not wrong. Twilight and Jake have history together. Starlight’s known Jake for like, three days, tops!” Rainbow countered.

Applejack sighed. “All those in favor of ignoring anything and everything further Rainbow Dash has to say on this matter.”

Four hooves and a claw went into the air. “Aye,” they all said in unison.

Rainbow groaned and slumped in her chair.

Spike turned his head just enough to see me standing there, watching them. “Umm, girls?”

“We need to get those three to get together so they can just talk the whole thing out,” said Fluttershy.

“Girls,” Spike tried again.

“That’s the best idea Ah’ve heard all day,” said Applejack.

“Girls!” Spike yelled.

“The problem is, how are we going to do it? Twilight’s not gonna come out of her room, and I doubt she’d let Starlight in now,” said Rarity.

“Hi, Jake!” Spike yelled, getting the girls’ attention.

Feeling it was my cue, I opened the door and stepped inside, my eyes filled with tears of guilt.

All my friends’ eyes slowly drifted over to me. They all had horrified expressions on their faces.

“What have we done?” Rarity whispered just loud enough to be heard.

“I-Is it true? Twilight...likes me?” I asked.

Author's Note:

The love triangle is now in full gear. As for Rainbow acting the way she was, that’s just how I picture her in this scenario.

Also, is it weird that I wrote this chapter while listening to Motley Crue?