• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 2,254 Views, 6 Comments

Adventure Ahoof! - TypewriterError

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy encounter the ground, and some pirates!

  • ...

Aye! Aye!

Rainbow Dash hovered over the... ground. Her pink eyes scanned the area beneath her frantically for somepony who was a yellow pegasus filly.

“FLUTTERSHYYYYYYYYYY!” she hollered as she eyed a few trees hopefully.

“Rainbow Dash!” a voice said so softly that the sky blue filly almost didn’t hear.

“Fluttershy! Thank Celestia! I thought I’d....” her jaw dropped as she noticed the hooves of her friend.

“Is... something... wrong?” Flutter asked as she cowered from her friend’s stare.

“WHAT THE HAY DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING!?!?” Rainbow Dash screamed, pointing to her friend’s hooves. Fluttershy looked down then back at her friend.

“I... don’t... know...” she offered with a squeak.

“What are you doing on the ground! It’s dangerous!”

“Oh no, Rainbow Dash! It isn’t at all! I thought so too and I was scared when I came down here but there are so many beautiful furry creatures and they are so friendly!”

“CELESTIA’S HORN! WHAT IS THAT?” Rainbow Dash screamed again, pointing her hooves at a squirrel who peeked its head from behind Fluttershy’s fetlock.

“It’s a squirrel.”

“It’s touching you!”

“Yes, he’s a new friend. I was helping him find nuts in trees. I’m sorry I didn’t fly back but I didn’t have the strength...”

“He’s your friend!? Come on, Fluttershy! I’ll carry you back! You’ve been on the ground too long! The ground will get into your bloodstream and eat! your! mind!!!” There was a moment of silence before Fluttershy laughed. Rainbow Dash was completely confused. Her friend wouldn’t have been laughing at serious stuff like this before... the ground MUST be getting to her!

“Rainbow Dash, you’re...oof!” Fluttershy was interrupted by Rainbow Dash grabbing her around the barrel.

“I’ll save you, Fluttershy!” she announced courageously and lifted her friend off the ground... by about a hoof. The weight of her friend soon sent Rainbow Dash crashing into the ground herself. She screamed in horror when she felt the hard surface against her back and wings.

“I’M A GONER!” she screamed again and covered her eyes with her forelegs. After a moment Fluttershy giggled.

“Oh, Rainbow Dash, it’s not that bad. It’s nice down here. There are so many beautiful critters and other ponies to meet! Do you want to explore with me?” she asked. The magic word had been said.

“Explore! Well... maybe...”

“It could be an... adventure.” Fluttershy hinted. Rainbow Dash’s hooves were on the ground in seconds.

“I need a newspaper!” She commanded.

“For what?”

“We need hats of course! Hats for an adventure!” she declared proudly and shook her mane.

“Oh... all right... I’ll try to find some” Fluttershy said and trotted away.

About ten minutes later Fluttershy sneaked from bush to bush with a full newspaper in her mouth. Somepony had a crate full of ones to be given to recycling. Hopefully these would be enough. She approached the clearing where Rainbow Dash was supposed to be waiting.

“About time you showed up!” Rainbow whined from a tree.

“What are you doing up there, Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked after she laid the newspaper down on top of the swords.

“IT!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, pointing down at the base of the tree... at a fluffy, white, baby bunny.

“Oh Rainbow Dash, that’s only Angel.” Fluttershy said, following her statement with a suppressed laughter.

“Angel! Is that what you call it!? Why would you name something that scary ‘ANGEL’?”

“That’s what his parents called him... when they gave him to me to take care of.”


“No, I’m sure he’ll be a good friend once he gets used to us. Come here, Angel.” she cooed to the bunny who hopped over to her and rubbed it’s fluffy cheek against Fluttershy’s fetlock. Rainbow Dash left the tree and hovered above the ground and out of Angel’s reach. Fluttershy noticed something new strapped around her friend’s waist.

“Where did you get those swords?” she inquired.

“I flew back home and got them from my toy chest. I don’t trust anything down here!” she declared, giving the bunny another glare. While she unstrapped a sword with her mouth fluttershy noticed something else.

“Rainbow Dash! Your cutie mark! You got it!” she piped, her wings fluttering in excitement.

“Oh yeah. I got it when I performed a SONIC RAINBOOM!” Rainbow Dash declared, striking a majestic pose.

“Oh it’s lovely, Rainbow Dash! It fits you so well!” Fluttershy prattled before Angel helped her to strap the sword sheath around her middle,

“Newspapers!” Rainbow Dash cheered as she dared to land next to the roll.

“I wasn’t sure how many you would need so I collected a few...”

Within seconds a sharp looking newspaper hat was perched atop her and Rainbow Dash’s head.

“Um...” Fluttershy commented, looking up at the brim of her hat before it fell to her muzzle, “Oh my... Rainbow Dash??”

The blue pony lifted the brim of the hat to her friend’s relief.

“It’s not that dark under there...”

“I’m cloudstewphobic.”

“Its claustrophobic! Learn your phobias, Fluttershy!!” she pleaded, neatly folding the brim of her friend’s hat up in the back so it tilted up out of her eyes.

“Ok. I always forget that one. Thank you, Rainbow Dash.” she graciously conceded.

“And now...” Rainbow said, standing on her back hooves and grabbing Fluttershy, “ADVENTURE AHOOF!” she declared.

One moment later they lost their balance and landed on their backs while Angel made a hasty retreat.

Oh I had a little cloud puff, and I was gettin’ sore!

I stomped day and night, but my cloud wouldn’t pour!

So I sprinkled some hot cocoa from my grandma down the lane,

And my little cloud puff gave up chocolate rain!

La la la la! Some cloud puff!

La la la la! Some rain

La la la la! Some cloud puff!

My little cloud puff gave up chocolate rain!

Rainbow Dash bobbed up and down with laughter and Fluttershy smiled with her eyes closed, prancing along the gound.

“What next?” Rainbow Dash asked

“I don’t know... how about the potato verse...”


The bush that the pegasi rushed to hide in was broken off of its base. The leaves rustled violently as they trembled.

“W...w...w...what was that?” Fluttershy stuttered.

“I don’t know... Let’s try to find out!”

“But, I want to go home!” Fluttershy sobbed.

“We’ll go home later. Besides, this bush can cover us! It will be fun!”

“...Ok...” Fluttershy relented.

The two fillies were now a green shrub with eight legs sneaking forwards. Two sets of eyes emerged from between the leaves so they could see where they were going. As they sneaked between larger shrubs they heard the sound of heavy splashing and raucous laughter. Despite Fluttershy’s whimpering, Rainbow Dash pulled her forward, trapped in the tightly interwoven branches of the shrub.

After a particularly large rose bush shaped like a heart no longer obscured their view, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash looked out on a pond where a group of colts were playing in a large toy boat. They shouted and hollered as they battled each other. They shoved each other off the sides of the boat and swung sticks at each other either with feeble magic or with their mouths. About half of them had their cutie marks already but they all were about Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy’s age.

“Rainbow Dash! What are you doing?” Fluttershy asked as her friend crawled from the bush, straightening her hat and sword.

“It’s looks like fun! Let’s see if we can join them.”

“But Rainbow Dash! They’re not pegasus colts! They might have....COOTIES!” Fluttershy shrieked before covering her muzzle in fear. But, it was too late. the colts had heard her and looked at Rainbow Dash who appeared to be talking to a vibrating shrub.

“Go away you stupid girl! This is our ship!” a green unicorn with a brown mane shouted.

“STUPID!?!” Rainbow Dash shouted, “At least I have a real sword!” she shouted, showing her own off.

“You mean... I have a real sword!” the unicrn shouted and a brown aura of magic began to tug at it.

“What! No! It’s mine! I brought it from my home! Let go!” she shouted. Another aura of magic appeared on the sword and she struggled to fly away.

“Get that sword from her!” another colt shouted and Rainbow Dash was soon covered in different colored auras that ripped the sword off of her waist!

“That wasn’t nice!” Fluttershy shouted, emerging from the bush. The boys just laughed at her as he hat fell over her eyes again.

“Hey! She has one too!” another colt shouted and Fluttershy was soon covered in auras, ripping her sword away, none too gently.

“You give those back right now!” Rainbow Dash commanded. The colts laughed.

“Here! Catch these!” they sneered, shooting two sticks at them. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy dodged them.

“You thief! you’re not being nice!” Fluttershy bawled.

“Oh boo-hoo, cry-filly!” they jeered.

“Hey! Nopony insults my best friend!” Rainbow Dash shouted and dove straight towards the boat. Their laughter stopped as she knocked the green unicorn over the side of the boat and into the water, grabbing the sword in her mouth and taking off again.

“Get her!” He shouted, coming up out of the water and climbing the rope ladder into the boat.

“Aye! Aye! Captain Minty!” the herd of colt shouted, trying to reach Rainbow Dash with their magic. She was too far away though and stopped to shake her tail at them.

“No! I mean get her!” he shouted, pointing a hoof at Fluttershy who squeaked and tried to fly more than a few hooves off the ground. Unfortunately she was soon in the clutches of the dastardly colts and unable to escape.

“Let her go!” Rainbow Dash screamed down at them.

“Give us the sword back and we will!”

“It’s my sword! Give her and my other sword back or you’ll pay!”

“What are you gonna do?”

“Watch me...” she growled to herself and dove for them, knocking two earth ponies off the side and into the water. They screamed and flailed as Rainbow Dash rose back towards the clouds and away from the reach of unicorn magic.

“Take her below!” the green unicorn bellowed to his cronies thrusting the sword into the sheath belted around his waist.

“Aye! Aye! Captain Minty!” They said, bringing her below the deck of the ship. The handsome stallion turned again towards the brave flier, the Jolly Roger flapping behind him in the wind.

“You won’t get away with this! I’ll get her back!” Rainbow Dash threatened over the sound of the sea

“You don’t scare me at all! Bring the cannons!” he shouted to his crew. They obeyed with their usual chant of “Aye! Aye! Captain Minty!”

Rainbow Dash circled the ship below her, ready to dive bomb it again. It would not be an easy task. The hull was thick and massive. Fluttershy could be trapped anywhere. This crew was more dangerous than anything she had ever faced. She might not make it out alive but she had to risk it to save the prisoner of war... and the sword which was rightfully hers.

Captain Minty climbed below deck of the rocking ship. His prisoner was shackled below in the hold, whimpering and crying.

“Now we’ll see if your friend can save you! But until she can we will lock you in here forever!”

To that Fluttershy bawled hysterically.

“I WANNA GO HOME!!!” she wailed.

“Never! You’re a slave on this ship now!” Captain Minty declared and returned topside. The sea was thankfully free of storms so his craft was fairly stable. He watched as two of his crewmates were knocked overboard into the sea by the attacking Pegasus and drew his sword.

“Avast, Ye! And face me!”

“Release the prisoner!” Rainbow Dash demanded, her flight goggles tight over her face, “I am Rainbow Dash of the Wonderbolts and I am here to demand justice!"

“She is my prisoner! En Guarde!” he bellowed.

The crew gathered on the deck of the ship.

“Let’s get her!” one very wet earth pony shouted.

“No! Back, all ye! She is mine to fight! Bring the Prisoner topside so she can watch me defeat her friend!” His crew cackled as they did the deed.

“Wretch! You’re gonna pay! En Guarde!”

The tension mounted as Fluttershy was brought topside. The pirate crew gathered around the Wonderbolt and their brave Captain Minty. He stood tall and held his sword high with his magic. Rainbow Dash held hers in her toothy grin. His sword was brought down and she deflected it then charged at him, nicking his shoulder. He cried in agony as his gaping wound bled but he put on a brave face. Now was not the time to show fear.

“Do you surrender?” she asked after taking the sword out of her mouth.

“Never!” he cried and swung his sword back and forth at her, often deflected or dodged. She dove at him again.

“Rainbow Dash! Be careful!” Fluttershy sobbed. Her hat was taken off promptly and stuffed into her mouth.

“Nopony treats my friend that way, you cowards!” the Wonderbolt said as she turned herself towards them.

“Come, Stallions, that is not how we treat our prisoners!” Captain Minty barked and the hat was removed and a hooferchief was handed to the weeping filly.

“I see you fight with honor, sir... Have at ye!” Rainbow Dash called out as she and the Captain fought again. He swung and she dodged. She swung and he deflected. She struck a blow so powerful that he fell back. He swung again so mightily that both of their swords flew overboard!

“So... what now?” one dripping wet unicorn asked.

Using her wings for balance, Rainbow Dash stood on her back hooves and held her front ones up. With some greater difficulty, Captain Minty did the same. She hopped forward and did a jab with her right. He fell backwards and rolled to the mainsail where he supported himself with the thick beam to stand up. Rainbow smiled.

“Do you yield?”

“Never!” he shouted and tacked her. The fight raged all over the grand ship. Biting, punching, bucking, kicking, and head butting were used in abundance. The crew was beside themselves with excitement, shouting for more kicks, hooves to the wings, bites to the mane, blows to the stomach. Rainbow Dash was fighting hard, each blow causing dramatic pain. She struggled and finally got far enough away from him...

Captain Minty made a sound splash with the Wonderbolt soon following after. They both flailed violently as they struggled to reach the surface of the raging sea. A lifeboat was called for and a rope tossed down, hoping to reach them...

“Minty Chip!” a female voice called, “Time to get ready for dinner!”

Rainbow Dash and Minty both stood up in three hooves of water. They were both panting and laughing as the crew released Fluttershy who flew down to the dry land.

“You were a worthy enemy, Wonderbolt. I shall enjoy a rematch in the future. You may have your prisoner and your swords back.”

“Thank you, Captain Minty.” Rainbow Dash said. But her hoof pushed one of the nearby floating swords towards the unicorn.

“But you wanted your sword back?” Minty asked.

“I’ll get it later...” Rainbow Dash said and left a quick kiss on his green cheek which turned pink in an instant.

“HE HAS COOTIES! RUN!” the other colts obeyed the command given by an earth pony. Minty looked at Rainbow Dash and smiled before they each gave a respectful bow.

“MINTY!” the female voice called again and he grabbed the sword in his mouth before running away. Rainbow Dash trudged out of the water.

“That was certainly a fun adventure! Don’t you think so, Fluttershy?”

“Girls! There you are!” A slightly more mature version of Fluttershy’s voice said.

“Mom!” Fluttershy called, flying up to sit on the back of the older white and pink mare.

“I’ve been looking all over for you two! Are you alright?”

“Oh yes, Mom! I can’t wait to tell you about the things I’ve seen down here! I got my cutie mark! I met a bunny! I love it down here, Mom!”

“Well!” her mother said, a little less frantically, “I suppose we’ll have to go home to celebrate. Come on Rainbow Dash. Your parents are looking for you.”

“Let’s go! I also got my cutie mark! You see Fluttershy and I were playing and these two guys were picking on her when I challenged them to a race...” she began as the three headed towards home with the sword strapped around it’s owner’s waist.

Fluttershy looked back at the small, still pond again and smiled as she leaned against her mother’s mane. Today had been an adventure, indeed.

The End

Comments ( 6 )

D'aw. Filly pegasi are always cutest in my opinion.

Oh, the first story you ever wrote with your oc in it?
*Inserts flag in T.E timeline*

1071277 Because T.E deserves a flag.

1071277 wait... what do you mean my OC? And... didn't you read Statues? :derpytongue2: lol

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