• Published 25th Jan 2021
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Send in the Spike Clones - CAPTAIN YOSHI HD

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Full Story

Spike was exhausted. Every chore Twilight Sparkle gave him worn him out like after taking a one-mile jog. His legs threatening to pull him down to the ground while making his way to his little bed that was made out of a basket. He wanted to just give up and fall flat on his face and sleep on the uncomfortable floor. But, that was no longer an option for him, considering he finally made it. Turning around, he launched himself against the bed and let out a sigh of relaxation. The soft sheets underneath his back coaxed him as he slowly closed his eyes to start a nap. It was then interrupted when Twilight came into the room.

"Spike!", she called for him, letting herself into the room.

"What is it, Twilight?", Spike asked, sitting up. "Do you need something?"

"Got more things for you to do.", Twilight said, handing him a list on piece of parchment. "Here you go."

"Aw, more chores?", Spike groaned, as he looked at the list. He began to read each bulleted thing on the paper. "Help Fluttershy entertain her animals, mail a letter to parents at the post office, help clean Sugarcube Corner's windows, help Applejack harvest apples, help Rarity model in her boutique, and sell apple pies out in Ponyville." He raised an eyebrow at everything he read. "Hey, didn't you say you were going to do these things this morning?"

Twilight scratched the back of her head with a hoof. "Well, yes, but, apparently I have to grade Silverstream's research assignment.", she said. When she and her friends came back from Canterlot before the break, Starlight was waiting for her at the train station with a book, which was Silverstream's project on cockatrices. She even made friends with a cockatrice while she was working on it, after her trip to the treehouse of harmony without notifying anypony.

"Seriously, Twilight?", Spike scoffed. "It's just one assignment. Can't you just help our friends first and then grade it? Also, why is selling apple pies on the list, isn't that supposed to be Applejack's thing?"

"I wish I could, Spike.", Twilight sighed. "But, I already told them that you're going to help them while I grade the assignment. Plus, it's five pages long, and it's going to take a long time for me read the whole thing and analyze it. And second question you just asked, Applejack made a whole bunch of pies for her to sell yesterday, but she (along with the rest of my friends) had to come to Canterlot with me to talk my future role as ruler of Equestria, so she didn't have enough time to sell them. Plus, there was nopony else to sell them. So, there you have it."

Spike frowned at the list. "But, Twilight, I just finished a list of chores.", Spike whined. "It's the first day of Spring Break. Can I do these things tomorrow?"

"Sorry, Spike, but, all that has to be done today.", Twilight declined. "I know Spring Break is finally here, but it's important to do some work before enjoying it. I need you complete that list before I finish grading Silverstream's project. Ok?"

Spike heaved out a sigh of acceptance with his back slumped. "Ok.", he groaned.


"I'll be back to check to see if you're finished!", Twilight yelled, as she and Spike waved at each other, before shutting the doors of the school of friendship in front of her.

Spike sat down on the first stair of the castle's staircase to the porch, with his eyes glued to the written parchment with irritation. Why can't his Spring Break start off peaceful, no hard work, but relaxation and playful things. Helping Fluttershy with her animals, harvesting apples, cleaning windows, and selling apple pies could be a bit hard for him to complete all in one day. Although, he doesn't mind seeing Rarity and helping her model, because he cares about her a lot. Also, mailing letters, because he's done that before.

His moment of silence was interrupted with a scare in 3... 2... 1. "Hey, Spike!", Smolder happily greeted, jumping out the left side of the stairway, making Spike scream and throw his paper in the air, before landing back first on the ground.

The orange dragon laughed and flew over to her friend lying on the ground in fright. "Me and my friends were looking all over the place for you and here you are.", she said, looking down at the purple dragon.

"Smolder, you scared me.", Spike said, sitting up.

Smolder chuckled sheepishly and bent down on her legs, as she lent a claw to him. "Sorry.", she apologized, helping Spike up to his feet.

"Hello!", five other voices cracked in unison. Sandbar and Yona arrived behind Spike, Gallus and Ocellus arrived behind Smolder, and Silverstream appeared above the other creatures.

"Hello to you guys too.", Spike greeted back to the younglings (in which they're a bit older than him). He looked up above him, watching the paper he threw slowly lower, until it landed between his and Smolder's feet. He quickly picked it up.

"What's that you got there, buddy?", Smolder questioned about the paper.

"Nothing.", Spike lied, quickly turning away from the taller dragon.

Smolder snatched the paper out of Spike's hands and read the list on it. "Help Fluttershy entertain her animals, mail a letter to parents at the post office, help clean Sugarcube Corner's windows, help Applejack harvest apples, help Rarity model in her boutique, and sell apple pies out in Ponyville.", she read aloud to her friends and the little dragon. "Wrote a couple of plans for today?"

"Absolutely not!", Spike barked, snatching the paper back out of Smolder's hand. "Twilight was supposed to do these things today, but she told me to do them, all thanks to Silverstream."

The six students looked at each other with confusion. "What does Silverstream have to do with the work you were told to do?", Ocellus asked.

Silverstream landed beside Yona. "Yeah, what do I have to do with that?", She repeated after her changeling friend.

"Well, Silverstream turned in an assignment to Twilight and she has to grade it, which completely soiled my first day of Spring Break.", Spike retorted, stomping his foot.

Tears began to well up in Silverstream's eyes. "Oh my.", she whimpered. "I'm sorry for soiling your first day of Spring Break."

Spike flew over to Silverstream. "It's fine.", he said, patting her on the shoulder. "Anyways, what are you guys doing in Ponyville?"

"Oh, nothing much.", Sandbar answered, shrugging. "We all felt like we were missing each other when we went home for the break, so we got permission from our parents and/or guardians if we can come here to spend time together."

"Then, we thought of you and decided to have you join us.", Gallus added.

"But, now that Little Dragon has so much work to do, Yona and friends shouldn't intrude.", Yona sighed.

"No, Guys, it's ok.", Spike assured. "I actually want to hang out with you all." He frowned angrily at the list in his claws. "But, this list is getting in my way! I mean, I can't even get a break from Twilight sometimes! Everytime when there's an event or a fun opportunity, whether it's in Ponyville or some other place, I just had to be left out of it! It's always about Twilight and our friends!"

Smolder tapped her chin in thought. "You know, haven't you ever wished that there were multiple clones of you that could do work for you?", she asked.

Spike widened his eyes with wonder. "No I haven't.", he answered. "I had no idea why I didn't think of something like that. But, that sounds like a great idea! Smolder, you're a genius!" He wrapped his arms around Smolder's torso for a hug.

"For the first time, I really agree with him.", Silverstream chirped, clapping her claws.

Smolder blushed, gently removing Spike from her belly. "Ok, easy does it, little buddy.", she chuckled. "So, since there's only six things on that list, we need six Spike clones."

"Hey, if you would like, I can get six of the changelings and have them turn into replicas of you.", Ocellus suggested.

Spike scratched the back of his head. "Um, that seems like a good way to make clones of me.", he murmured. "But, I feel like we should just create them from scratch."

"Little Dragon does have point.", Yona agreed.

"So, if having changelings look and act like Spike is an unsure idea, then what other option is there?", Silverstream asked.

An idea popped in Spike's head. "I got it!", Spike declared.

"Oh really?", Gallus asked, crossing his arms. He raised an eyebrow, curiously. "Then, what is it?"

"Did I ever tell any of you that Twilight is technological too?", Spike asked, as he lifted himself the ground by flapping his wings.

The six students looked at each other with raised eyebrows, Spike's question made them feel very strange. "Um, no.", Sandbar answered. "I wasn't aware of that."

"Yona either.", Yona agreed.

"In Twilight's lab, she recently made a cloning machine, where she can make multiple clones.", Spike announced.

"Oooh.", the six students said in unison.

With wonder, Yona raised an eyebrow. "What cloning machine for?"

Spike scratched his side. "I don't know, she hasn't used it yet.", he answered, shrugging. "But long ago, she did say that she only uses her inventions, if they're absolutely necessary."

"So? We can have our first shot on that thing.", Gallus declared. "If they finish off the chores quickly and come back to us, we can erase them after all that and pretend it never happened."

"Sounds fair to me.", Spike said. "Let me take you all to Twilight's lab."


"Well, here it is.", Spike announced, as he and the six young students stood upon a machine. The design of the machine was two cubic boxes side by side with five light bulbs (in which they're off at the moment) on the top of each one and doors to enter the insides. The one on the left was the scanner and the one on the right was the spawner. A touchpad was connected to the both with two cords. "So, lets get on with this, shall we?"

"Guess we shall.", Smolder said, flying over to the left box, before flipping a switch on the left side upwards to the open the door.

"And before we start the cloning process, we need to put six balls of clay in the colors of purple and green.", Spike said, as he entered the box, giving his taller dragon friend a double thumbs up and allowing her to flip the switch down for the door to close.

"Do any of you have balls of green and purple clay?", Smolder asked her friends.

"I do!", Silverstream cheered, holding exactly what the group needed. She tossed them over to Gallus.

"Got them!", he said, placing the balls of clay in the second cube before flipping the switch on the right side to close the door.

In an instant, the light bulbs on the two boxes lit up. A green line traveled down Spike's body. "What's happening?", he asked nervously.

The group looked over at where the touchpad stood still upon and saw Silverstream tapping away on the screen. "Wow, looks like Silverstream's getting the hang of technology.", Sandbar remarked.

"Ok, finished!", the hippogriff declared. "And- Bop!" She pressed the last button that said 'create', then the second box began to fill up with smoke.

A flash of light appeared abruptly, then disappeared after both boxes were opened up. Spike got out of his box first, before he and the students gathered around the second box to see the first clone walk out of the smoke.

This Spike clone had eyelashes and a big grin. After a brief moment of silence, the clone finally spoke. "Hey, everyone!", the clone greeted in a happy female voice. "Isn't today such a wonderful day?" She walked out of the way for another Spike clone to come out.

The next clone had the frills on top of his head drooped to his left and had a sad frown. "You call this a wonderful day?", the new clone moaned. "I should've stayed in bed." He walked away from the box that created him.

Another Spike clone came out. This new clone had a thin mustache. "Ah, but love is in the air.", he said with glee. "Eh, it is a beautiful to find romance." He walked off to the other clones.

Then, a laugh cracked from the box and came a new Spike clone with colorful hair clowns have. In addition, he had a microphone in his right claw, holding it to his mouth. "Hey, everybody, it's great to be here.", he announced proudly. "If I'm lying, then you're crying. Have any of you seen that Pinkie Pie? As for a Pinkie Pie like her, she's a big pie in the color of pink." He let out a loud fit of laughter. No one else laughed with him. This new clone can make jokes that aren't even funny, or even make sense. And honestly, they're even worse than Pinkie Pie's jokes. "Hey, this is supposed to be comedy, folks. Come on, laugh with me."

Silverstream was the only one laughing. Her laughter came to an end when Smolder hit her in the shoulder with an elbow. She watched, as the orange dragon shook her head.

The last two Spike clones exited the box. The one on the right wore glasses and the one on the left had bushy eyebrows that makes him look evil.

"Eh, is anyone up for some sports?", the cool Spike said in a manehatten accent. His manehatten accent is exactly how Babs Seed talks.

"Nice place, kid.", the evil Spike complimented. "I'm going to have some serious fun around this stuff."

All six Spike clones were gathered in front of the gang of young creatures.

Original Spike stared at them, curiously. "Hmm, something isn't right.", he analyzed. "They're supposed to look and sound exactly like me. But, instead, they all have their own distinct personalities."

"Yona just confused as little dragon is.", Yona agreed.

The gang looked at Silverstream, suspiciously. "Silverstream, what did you do?", Ocellus asked.

"Oh... uh... While I was doing the processing, I saw that there was an option to make the clones into characters and I just that.", Silverstream admitted with nervous giggles. "Also, I gave them a weakness."

"And that weakness is...?", Smolder asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Fire.", Silverstream answered.

"But, aren't all dragons fireproof?", Spike asked.

"Not these ones.", Silverstream declared. "They're made of clay, remember? We can just melt them up once this whole situation is done." She ended with a wink.

"But, these clones aren't what we want.", Sandbar said. "Can we just erase them and start again?"

"It's fine.", Gallus retorted. "We don't have time to start over. Besides, I don't think Silverstream has anymore clay balls." He faced Silverstream. "Do you?"

"Nope.", Silverstream said, shaking her head. "I'm clay empty."

"See, just suck it up to clones for the time-being.", Gallus commanded. "Just assign them they're chores."

Spike took out small sheets of paper with the six chores on them. "Guess no plan changes then.", he said, shrugging. "Here are your chores, gentlemen."


The Spike clones waved 'goodbye', as they watched the young seven creatures fly away in sky. They were now left behind in front of the castle. Evil Spike was prepared. "Hey, you heard him, do your chores, boys.", he said to the gang of similar baby dragons.

"But, I've never mailed a letter.", Sad Spike whined, with his fingers hooked around his wrist. "What if I get my claw caught in the box."

"Hey, Mr. Gloomy Face, show us that smile.", Happy Spike said, cheerfully. "Today's going to be fantastic."

"Oui Oui.", French Spike agreed. "Love is all around us."

"Eh, lets do it to it!", Cool Spike said proudly, doing disco moves.

"And away we go!", Clown Spike announced, as he and the other Spikes ran off to do their assigned chores. Sad Spike, on the other hoof, was left in the dust, strolling himself down his path of shame.


At Fluttershy's front yard, she was surrounded by her bored animal friends. A group of mice piled onto each other, a couple of birds staring off into space, a few squirrels playing with their acorns, and Harry the bear was lying on his back with his tongue hanging off the side of his mouth. As for Angel Bunny, he was rubbing his back and flapping his ears against Fluttershy's left front hoof.

"I know you're bored, Angel.", Fluttershy grumbled. "Spike will be here any moment. And rubbing your back against my hoof is not going to make him come here faster." He gently pushed Angel down on his belly with her hoof.

The bunny stood back up, faced his owner with a glare, and crossed his arms. He's just not used to waiting for over one hour.

"Remember what I taught you a long time ago: patience.", Fluttershy said assertively.

"Here I am, Fluttershy!", a voice cracked from above the pegasus. It was Happy Spike, who lowered to the ground behind her.

"Thank you for coming, Spike.", Fluttershy said appreciatively. "My poor animals are so bored, now that it's Spring, they just have nothing to do when that time arrives. And I was hoping you can help me entertain them."

"It is an honor.", Happy Spike cheered. "Today's just so beautiful." How she spoke got the animals' attention. "Don't you all agree? Isn't it great to be alive?"

The animals scattered around the clone. Squirrels crawled up her body to the top of her head and birds landed on his wide open arms. As for Harry, who walked behind her, grabbed her by the armpits, and lifted her off her feet.

Fluttershy stood there, mouth agape in shock with what she's seeing. She's never seen Spike do anything to attact her animals, even though, the Spike she's with isn't the real Spike. Her eye twitched, as she felt a jealous rage overtake her brain. "Oh... my...", she stammered.


Sad Spike stood in front of a mail box near the post office, with a letter in his claw. He shakingly reached the door, grabbing the handle before opening it. He then reached his letter-filled claw in the box and dropped the letter in it. As he closed the door, he caught his own claw in it. "Ow.", he moaned, trying to pull it free. He let go of the handle of the door, which made easy for his claw to escape.

"Oh, hi, Spike.", Starlight Glimmer greeted the dragon, walking over behind him. "Hey, me and my friends forgot to clean up the party we had last night and I was thinking you can be a helping hoof."

Sad Spike faced the mare. "What's the point of doing cleaning?", he whined. "We do it and then - poof - we're done."

Starlight frowned sadly as she listened to sad dragon talk. "But, with clumsiness, we accidently shatter everything, then we're all just dust in the wind.", he finished, hanging his head.

"U-uh... Ok.", Starlight responded. "I-I don't want to be dust in the wind."


Applejack's back hooves struck at the trunk of a tree, making it wobble and apples fall from the branches. The falling apples filled up the space a barrel placed the beneath. "Ye-hah!", she cheered. "Fifteen barrels down and ten more to go!" She turned to her sister, Apple Bloom, who was preparing to strike another tree with her back hooves. "How are you holding up, sis?"

Apple Bloom growled with frustration. She had only got two apples in her barrel. "I keep getting two apples whenever I kick!", she yelled. "You keep on getting... who knows how many, and I keep getting two."

Applejack tapped her chin. She thought of a good strategy in getting more apples than two. "Here's a little something, Apple Bloom.", she said to her sister. "Whenever you lift up your hooves, just wait for the perfect moment to force kick, and let them have it! Go ahead, go for it."

Apple Bloom looked back at her tree and took a deep breath. She slowly lifted her hooves, and then, three seconds later, she slammed them into the trunk. A few apples fell, but more than two, she got six. "I got six!", she cheered, dancing on her hooves. "I never thought I would get that many!"

Applejack chuckled and walked over to her little sister. "That's the spirit.", she said, ruffling Apple Bloom's mane. She turned to see Clown Spike walking toward them. "Oh, there you are, Spike. We only have nine more barrels to fill up, if you're still up for the task."

"I'll say.", Clown Spike chortled. "I once saw an apple fly over a huge fence, that it wanted to do the apple turnover." He let out a big laugh, which result in no laughter returning to him. He looked at the dumbfounded faces of the two apple ponies. "Uh, are any of you ok? Should I call a doctor?" He put out his thumb and pinky finger out on his left claw and held it to the side of his head. "Excuse me, doctor. Some apple farmers are getting the case of the frozen apple brains."

"Uh, are you ok, Spike?", Apple Bloom asked. "Because, you're acting strange."

"Yeah.", Applejack agreed. "Don't tell us Discord brainwashed you into not being yourself."

"Me? Brainwashed?", Clown Spike asked with a laugh. "You tickled my funny bone with that one. But, I've got a better one. Hey, little apple, why is your bow always embarrassed? All bows in different colors don't think red is a suitable color." He burst into hysterical laughter as he fell to the grass. He held onto his belly as he rolled over.

Apple Bloom didn't like that joke at all. She loved her bow. Tears began to well up in her eyes and started crying with her face buried in her sister's chest fur.

Applejack gave her a pat on the head to comfort her. "It's ok, Apple Bloom.", she crooned. "It'll be over soon. Just try to ignore it."


French Spike starred across the pathway to the door of Rarity's boutique. He finally turned away to smooth out his scales and broaden his chest. He then began to walk toward the door. After that, he knocked on it, which resulted in an answer from Rarity.

"Why hello there, Spike.", Rarity greeted. "It's very nice to see you."

"Oui Oui.", French Spike agreed. "I have come to be assistance, and to drink in your beauty, Miss Rarity."

Rarity giggled at French Spike's display of manners. "That's adorable, Spike.", she said. "But, I hope you aren't upset to hear this, about the dresses I needed your help with, that is. I forgot I asked Sweetie Belle to help me with those."

"Ah, any heartbreaking news will never break my heart.", Spike said with a content sigh.

"Oh, well, that's awfully thoughtful of you.", Rarity said, blushing. She brought out a red gem stone in her magic. "I was going to give this to you as a reward for your help, but you can have it if you like." She levitated it into French Spike's claw.

"I say, this gem requires the exact same amount of beauty as yours.", French Spike said, holding the gem to his heart. "Thank you, Miss Rarity." He turned, waving goodbye as he walked away.

Rarity waved back, closing the door as she did so. She turned around, wondering. "Is it just me, or is Spike acting strange than usual.", she thought to herself. "I mean his way of talking French is quite cute, but I was honestly expecting him for his heart to break." She stopped thinking as she heard the sound of a guitar playing. She turned back and opened the door again to see French Spike playing a guitar and singing to her.

"Oh, Rarity, I love you.", he sang. "More than when the sunshine glows brighter in the water."

Rarity's eyes began to moisten as she listened.

"Oh, Rarity. Oh, my lady.", French Spike continued, with a laugh in between. "My dear lady, why don't you come and kiss me-" His singing stopped when he heard a thud. "Hey, why you are sleeping?"

Rarity fell on her back in faint, one of her hooves on her forehead and a smile on her face.


Cool Spike was doing moonwalk moves as he waved goodbye to Pinkie Pie, who was standing at the front door of Sugarcube Corner. He had finished swiping all of the windows, as if Twilight had told real Spike to do. "I look forward to working for you so more.", he said to the pink pony.

"Me too, Spike.", Pinkie yelled out to the clone. "Thank you." With a wink, she head back into the shop.

Cool Spike just walked along the path through Ponyville, smiling and swinging his hooked arms around him. He passed by other ponies, waving to them and doing cool gestures. Even to one filly in the color of sand with a dog paw print for a cutie mark and a tiara on her head. "She shoots, she scores, the game is on!", she declared proudly, with a response of the filly smiling happily.

He then looked at a window with his reflection in it. "Looking good, you the man, you the man!", he chanted.

Lastly, he spotted Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo standing by a bench. Scootaloo had her hoof on the handle of her scooter, and her helmet strapped to her head. "Eh, it's Sweetner Belle and the Scootsta!", he greeted, lifting his shades up to reveal his eyes, then puts them back down over them.

"Hey, Spike.", Sweetie Belle greeted. "Cool shades."

"What are you doing here?", Scootaloo asked.

"I'm walking here.", Cool Spike said. "You got a problem with that scooter, girl?" He pointed a finger at Scootaloo.

"Uh, excuse me?", Scootaloo asked.

Cool Spike took the scooter from Scootaloo's hoof and started riding around with it. He went back and forth in front of the two fillies. He had his claws on the part where Scootaloo puts her hooves on. He then rode it with his back turned to the handle. He also stood on the handle, navigating it with his feet.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were impressed. "Wow, check it out!", Scootaloo said in awe. "Spike's got the moves!"

"Super cool!", Sweetie agreed.

They flinched in shock when they heard a crack. The handle snapped off the scooter.

Cool Spike dragged the roller part behind him and held the handle in his other claw. "How about next time you get a scooter that fits the dragon style.", he suggested rudely, handing both parts of the broken scooter to Scootaloo. "Later, Sweetster. Later, Scootarama." He waved goodbye as he walked off.

As Sweetie Belle watched Cool Spike walk off in shock, she noticed that Scootaloo's hooves were quivering and her left eye was twitching. "Scootaloo, are you ok?", she asked with concern in her voice.

"S... Scoota... rama?", Scootaloo stammered.


Evil Spike was standing behind a cart of apple pies, as of it being on Spike's list. He looked around to see if anypony would stop by and buy a pie, with one in one of his claws.

"Ha! Selling pies today, huh, Spike?", a random voice asked in a teasing matter.

Evil Spike looked up to see Rainbow Dash smirking at him. "Why yes.", she murmured. "This job isn't as popular as I thought it would be."

"Yeah, well, it's usually Applejack the one who sells the apple pies.", Rainbow Dash said precisely. "But, right now, it's you who's selling the pies, which is really funny. And, how could selling apple pies be a popular job?"

"Who cares.", Evil Spike grumbled. "So, since you're here, you want to buy one?" He showed the pie in his claw to the rainbow pony.

"Uh, remember not that long ago, Spike, I don't like pies.", Rainbow Dash said, putting up a hoof dismissively. "So, no thank you." She then started to take off.

Evil Spike clenched his fist in irritation. "Ok.", he growled. "Look like we're going to have to do this the hard way." He swung his arm and hurled the pie in the air. He watched as Rainbow Dash turned, only for the pie to splat in her face.

The pegasus lost control of her flying, that she spun in circles and dunked head first into a garbage can. She squirmed and kicked her hind hooves in the air, trying to get out.

Evil Spike let out an evil chuckle. "That's what happens when you ignore somepony's offer or don't tip at all.", he taunted.


"And they were all like - Yes, take them, and her too! Please!", Spike said, with an imitation of the diamonds dogs from the underground jewel caves. He was telling the six students about the story of how Rarity got kidnapped by those dogs and how she tricked her way into being released, while he and them were sitting by the lake.

The students laughed at the ending of the story.

"Wow, who knew Professor Rarity can be such a trickster.", Silverstream giggled.

"I bet those dogs couldn't even handle another minute listening to her whining.", Smolder chortled.

"Yona would smack down diamond dogs if diamond dogs kidnap one of Yona's family members.", Yona declared.

"Thankfully, they don't know how to get to my area.", Sandlar said. "I hate to be kidnapped by them."

"Totally.", Ocellus agreed.

"I don't think they would take griffons as their prisoner.", Gallus pondered.

"I would probably breathe fire on them if they tried to touch me.", Spike said.

Smolder stood up on her feet. "Well, we've been sitting here, telling stories about our past events.", she said dismissively. "I want to do something fun." She flew into the air. "Who's up for a race?"

Spike shot up, joining the orange dragon. "Count me in.", he said proudly.

"We're down.", Gallus said, taking Sandbar by his forelegs and bringing him up off the ground.

"Ocellus, Yona, and I are up for any challenge.", Silverstream said, as she and Ocellus took Yona by her arms and lifted themselves up along with the yak as well.

"Game on!", Spike shouted as he took off. "Last one to the Everfree Forest is a lollygagger!"

"You wish!", Smolder teased as she took off after Spike.

The five other students did as well. They did curvy turns and straight over other buildings. Smolder was right on Spike's tail while the other five were way behind.

"I'm catching up!", Smolder warned.

"But, you can't catch me, twinkle toes.", Spike teased.

Smolder widened her eyes in shock. "Twinkle toes?", she thought to herself. "Is he pronouncing me as a princess? I'll show him twinkle toes." She increased her speed.

As Spike continued to rocket away from Smolder, he spotted something from the corner of his eye. He stopped, to see a crowd of recognizable ponies in front of the entrance to Twilight's castle with Twilight herself stood there. And letting Smolder speed by him.

"Ha! Who's Twinkle toes now, Spike?", Smolder teased, looking back. She continued to pass on, before looking back again to see Spike still in his trance. She stopped in her track and went over to him. "What are you looking at?" She turned to see the same scene Spike saw first. "Oh." She turned to the others who were catching up. "Guys, time out!" She brought her claws up, bringing the creatures to a halt.

They stopped just in time. They stared at the two dragons in confusion. "What's going on?", Gallus asked.

"Look.", Smolder said, gesturing to the scene.

The other creatures turned and dropped their jaws at... a group of ponies in front of the castle of friendship. They quickly lowered to the ground and hid behind bush, that way they weren't caught spying. Their ears turned in to the noise of the ruckus, although only a little bit in volume.

"Alright, settle down, everypony.", Twilight said, hushing the crowd. "Now, what did Spike do?"

"He snapped the handle off my scooter!", Scootaloo roared, stomping her hoof that was hooked around the scooter handle.

"He told me that I was going to be dust in the wind!", Starlight cried with tears in her eyes.

"He did moves that caught my animal friends' attention, and - gosh - that made me jealous!", Fluttershy growled, with her forehooves at her tempered brain.

"He made jokes about apples in which I don't find amusing!", Applejack sneered.

"He also made fun of the color of my bow.", Apple Bloom whimpered, with tear-stains on her cheeks.

"And, he threw a pie at my face, causing me to crash into a trash can!", Rainbow Dash screamed, with some of the pie chunks still on her face.

Twilight understood every story the ponies told her. Except for Rarity and Pinkie Pie, in which she turned her attention to. "Rarity, did Spike make an offense towards you?", she asked.

"Oh no.", Rarity answered, shaking her head. "But, honestly, I did tell him that I didn't need his help after all, in which I thought it would break his heart. But, the way that he sang to me, it was quite charming. Him, singing with his French accent was one thing I thought he would never do."

Twilight was baffled. "Is that a joke?", she asked, cocking her head. "Spike doesn't even sing while speaking French. In fact, I never heard speak French."

"And those cool shades, Twilight.", Scootaloo brought up while snarling. "Where did you buy them?"

"That's what I was wondering.", Pinkie chimed in without any fits of anger.

Twilight raised an eyebrow at the orange filly. "I don't know what you're talking about, Scootaloo.", she said, before turning to Pinkie. "You neither, Pinkie. I never bought any cool shades for Spike."

"And since when does he wear an colorful afro on his head?", Applejack asked, still annoyed about the jokes the unfunny Spike clone told her.

"And how does he have eyelashes like mine?", Fluttershy asked, who seemed to have calmed down.

"He also sounded depressed.", Starlight added.

"And lastly, when Spike threw that pie at me and watched me crash into that trash can, he taunted me like he was doing an impersonation of King Sombra with looking like King Sombra.", Rainbow Dash explained.

Twilight stared at the crowd of ponies in complete confusion. "Everypony, what you all are saying makes no sense.", she said. "Spike would never speak French, wear colorful hair, wear cool shades, have eyelashes like a mare does, sound depressed, or do something mean. There's got to be a big explanation for this.

"And we have it!", said two royal voices. It was Princess Celestia and Princess Luna descending from the sky and landing on the ground.

"Celestia! Luna! You two know what's going on?", Twilight asked the princesses.

"We believe so, Twilight.", Celestia said.

"We saw everything happen from Canterlot.", Luna said. "Something odd about Spike."

"That's what I was wondering.", Twilight agreed. "Everypony told me about all the descriptions that he had."

"Yes, we watched him speak to Starlight, but looked like he was sad." Luna started. "He saw him with a rainbow afro on his head. We saw him give some animals this treatment he's never done before. We saw him wearing cool shades. We saw him speaking French to Rarity. We even saw him throw a pie at Rainbow Dash, which was kind of odd of him."

"It's like he's switching from one personality to another.", Celestia said.

"I don't know what's got into Spike, but we're going to find out, one way or another.", Twilight said confidently.

"Oh no.", Spike gasped in horror. "They're on to me, they know about the clones." He brought his claws to his throbbing forehead.

"I think they know about the descriptions of the clones, they don't know if they're actually clones for sure.", Smolder predicted.

"I told you leaving the clones how they were was a bad idea.", Sandbar glared at Silverstream.

"Why are you guys mad at me?", Silverstream asked. "All I did was create the clones."

"Yeah, but have you thought about asking us before you went crazy with the controls?", Gallus asked.

"Why couldn't Baby Dragon leave Yona to the clone-designing duty?", Yona asked.

"Guys, no time for accusations, we have to find the clones right now!", Ocellus cried.

"But, where would they be?", Spike asked.

"If we can fly around at a really high point, maybe we'll spot them.", Smolder thought, before she and the others took off into the sky. They searched around houses and business places.

From the corner of Sandbar's eye, he saw the Spike clones walking by Town Hall. "There they are! I see them!", he cried. "They're down by Town Hall!"

The seven creatures flew downwards, coming to a safe landing by the clones. "Guys!", Spike cried out to them.

"Eh, here comes the Spikester!", Cool Spike called out.

"And right on time too.", Clown Spike said.

"Excellente!", French Spike chimed in.

"Hi, Spike.", Happy Spike greeted.

"Guys, listen, we need to-", Spike started, but was cut off by Gallus.

"Wait, something's not right.", the griffon said.

"What is it, Gallus?", Sandbar asked.

"Aren't there more clones than how there are right now?", Gallus pointed out.

"What does Gallus mean?", Yona asked.

"There are like five of them right now.", Gallus inspected. "Is there one more that we're missing."

Spike counted the clones one by one. His eyes widened in fear. "Guys, Gallus's right.", he said. "There is one missing."

"And what was that one again?", Silverstream asked.

"I thought you would remember.", Smolder chided. "You were the one in control of the designs."

"Oh, I know that one, he's the evil one.", Clown Spike said, using his pointer fingers to make devil horns. "He's so bad that he can make a hoodlum out of Queen Chrysalis."

"Don't even get started with me about her.", Ocellus growled at the mention of the former queen of the changelings.

"Oh, we'll never find him, it's the end of the world!", Sad Spike whined.

"Eh!", Cool Spike yelled out, pushing Sad Spike aside. "I'll be the one to find him, and I'll take him down, with my bare claws. Look out!"

"Technically, this is my situation, Dude.", Spike muttered.

"Our situation, kid.", Gallus reminded. "We're the one that brought these clones to life."

"Yeah, that is a good point, Gallus.", Smolder said. "How are we going to find him?"

"Who knows, he could be in dark alleys, sticking to the shadows.", Real Spike said. He turned to his clones. "Guys, the ponies that you all interacted, they're after you. Or - well - me, to say the least. So, after we catch the evil one, I'll have to put you all down. Got that?"

"D'accord, Spike.", French Spike said. "We understand." The rest of the clones nodded in agreement.

"Exactly how are you going to succeed in that, fry us to death?", Clown Spike asked with a laugh.

"No, I can-", Real Spike started, but was once again cut off by Gallus.

"Actually, we could do that.", the griffon said.

"Really?", Spike asked.

"Of course.", Gallus responded.

"Yeah, they started off as clay, so we can have breathe fire on them and they can melt back to the way they were before.", Sandbar explained.

Real Spike tapped his chin and thought for a moment. "You know what, that's a really good idea." He said. "Let's get a move on now. I just hope the evil one's not causing any more mischief. In fact, trying to blow stuff up to smithereens."


Evil Spike was leaning against the side of a porta potty. He was waiting for somepony to go inside of it. He pressed his ear into the plastic barrier that hid inner parts, he listened carefully to whatever's remaining still inside. He then saw a turquoise filly with a mane and tail in the color of white.

"Is there somepony in there, are you waiting for your turn?", the filly asked.

"Nah, just chilling here.", Evil Spike lied.

"Mind if I use it then.", the filly asked.

"By all means, kid.", Evil Spike said, allowing the filly to enter the small bathroom place. He looked at his wrist, pretending that he's wearing a watch. He straightened a couple of his fingers as he counted to three. Right as his glanced at the door, the filly sprung out, screaming at the top of her lungs.

A tarantula was clinging to her mane as she ran. "MOMMY! MOMMY! GET IT OFF! GET IT OOOOOOOOOOOOOFF!", she cried out.

Evil Spike laughed, watching the filly run off to her mother for help. He turned and saw Real Spike, along with the six students and the five clones approaching him. "Well, well, well.", he said. "If it isn't Spike, Spike, Spike, Spike, Spike, Spike, and... well... the rest who isn't Spike."

"Once we take you back to the lab, I'm going to make sure you turn back to how you started.", Real Spike growled at his devilish replica.

"I don't think so, boy.", Evil Spike said maliciously. "I like being in the big bad world." He slowly glanced at a garbage can in front of him. He quickly grabbed it and threw it at a poll nearby the gang and took off down the path. Trash exploded and landed all over Smolder.

The orange dragon was covered from head to her feet in rotten fruit, wet waffle cones with ice cream stains, and used up napkins. She wiped a banana peel off her face, revealing her furious eyes. "I'M GONNA KILL HIM!", she screamed. She shook herself, throwing the yucky stuff off her body, before she and rest of the group started running after the evil clone.

Evil Spike spotted Carousel Boutique and hid behind the house. Real Spike got worried. "That's Rarity's boutique, we can't let him get in there, whatever he's doing.", he said.

They quickly ran to the side of the boutique, only for a Spike clone that looked exactly like the real Spike to pop out in front of them. "Get him!", the clone yelled, pointing at Real Spike.

The rest of the Spike clones looked at the new clone in confusion, they looked at Real Spike, then back and forth between the two a couple times.

Real Spike can tell that the clone was Evil Spike pretending to be him and doing the exact same voice as his. "I'm not Evil Spike, he's Evil Spike.", he warned. "He's trying to trick you all."

"That's a bunch a baloney.", the fake Spike said. "Everypony knows that I'm the precise and real Spike."

"Ooh, is this a game?", Happy Spike asked. "I love games." She clapped his hands and hopped on her feet a couple times.

"If he wants to play, then I'd love to oblige.", Cool Spike said, puffing his chest.

"Guys, stop!", Real Spike protested. "He's manipulating you, I'm the real Spike and he's Evil Spike."

"Hey, trust me.", the fake Spike said. "I'm the real Spike, would I lie to you?"

The clones agreed, but Spike and the students didn't. Although, Gallus seemed to be smirking. "I can see that.", he said.

"Gallus, not you too.", Ocellus cried.

"Relax.", Gallus said, walking up to the fake Spike. "If they all want to play, then the game can start in three, two, ONE!" He grabbed the fake Spike by the neck and threw him against the wall of the boutique.

The clone got up and revealed that his eyebrows were bushy, it was Evil Spike the whole time. "You guys are a pain in my side!", he barked. He was then slammed to the ground by Smolder.

"It's over for you, pal!", Smolder said.

"Definitely over.", Silverstream agreed with some rope in her claws. She quickly tied the evil clone's claws and feet up. "This should teach you not to pick on others, unlike yourself."

Real Spike turned to his clones. "Guys, gather around the evil one, it's time.", he said to them.

The clones did what they were told. Even, the evil one, who squirming and grunting, trying to get out of the rope's tight embrace around his limbs.

Yona picked Real Spike up by one of the frills on top of his head. "Spike ready?", she asked.

"Ready.", Real Spike said.

Yona was about to give Spike a good shake, but was interrupted by a sudden female voice that came behind the young creatures.

"SPIKE!", the voice yelled.

They turned around to see Twilight, along with her friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and the two princesses approaching them.

"I get first dibs on him!", Rainbow Dash bellowed.

"Now, Rainbow Dash.", Applejack protested, although still angry. "Let's let Twilight talk to him before doing so."

"Spike, don't move and don't try to sneak away!", Twilight yelled, as she and the others behind her got closer.

"Wait, every creature, this is all a big misunderstanding!", Smolder cried.

"Yeah.", Ocellus agreed. "Look."

The students backed away, revealing the clones to the angry mob of ponies. "See?", Sandbar asked, gesturing to them.

The group of angry ponies gasped at the sight before them. They looked at the clones and then at the real Spike. They looked back and forth between them by every second in shock and confusion.

Rarity, on the other hoof, was the most confused of all. "Wha- Wha- There are imposters of Spike trying to toy with us!", she cried.

"Just let us handle this!", Gallus cried. He turned to Yona. "Now, Yona!" He gave the yak a nod.

Yona nodded back and shook Spike as she could. She wrapped an arm around his belly and squeezed him, forcing his mouth open and fire erupting in motion and engulfing the clones.

"That's all, folks!", Clown Spike said, doing a little pose with his arms spread out before starting to melt.

"Oh, woe is me.", French Spike whimpered in woe, as he dramatically put the top side of his claw against his forehead. "Why does this have to happen to- Oh, sac le blur, it is so hot!" He then used both claws as fans as the heat of the fire started melting his body.

"Yo- puh! Give me your best shot, punk!", Cool Spike huffed, doing fighting gestures his fists as he began to melt as well.

"Oh, this is how the end of me comes to, as melted clay.", Sad Spike whined, burying his eyes in his claws, not baring to see himself melt.

"I've always wanted to melt and this is a dream come true!", Happy Spike said cheerfully as she held her claws in the air and looked up at the sky, as she melted away.

"No! No! This is my time! MIIIIIIIIIIIINE!", Evil Spike cried out angrily. His voiced echoing as his body submerged into the melted clay below him.

The eyes of the lumps of clay were encased in the purple, the Spike clones were no more.

Yona closed Real Spike's- er, or just Spike's mouth and set him down onto his feet. "Thanks, Yona.", he dizzily said as he got a nod from the yak in response.

"Spike!", Twilight snapped as she approached him finally.

The now one and only baby dragon fearfully turned around to look Twilight into her furious eyes. "Y-Yes, Twilight?", he asked.

"What in Equestria is the meaning of what we just saw?!", the purple alicorn growled.

"It's k-kind of a long story.", Spike sputtered.

"Did you sneak into my lab and made clones of yourself?!", Twilight asked angrily.

Spike nervously nodded.

"Why?!", Twilight barked, making Spike flinch.

Spike gulped. He knew Twilight needed to know the truth. This was it for him, he was dead. "You see, I was a little frustrated that you gave me another set of chores after I finished up the last one.", he explained. "They seemed hard to complete in one day... Well, not all of them, honestly."

"That's your excuse, you were frustrated?!", Starlight asked angrily.

"I just wanted you at my farm, because I thought I needed your assistance!", Applejack snarled.

"Plus, that doesn't justify you making clones of yourself!", Rainbow Dash yelled.

"The clone thing wasn't really his idea.", Smolder interfered. "I was the one that-"

"Stay out of this, Smolder!", Twilight sneered, turning to the orange dragon. "This has nothing to do with you."

"You should be extraordinary lucky that Rarity had me help her finish the dress before you got to her boutique!", Sweetie Belle roared.

"Sweetie Belle!", Rarity said in shock.

"Well, it's true!", Sweetie huffed.

"Some sweet little dragon you are for pulling some trick on all of us like that!", Fluttershy said angrily.

"At least, one of your clones didn't make a mess at Sugarcube Corner!", Pinkie Pie reminded.

"Those clones were like your responsibility, just like how those chores were supposed to be!", Apple Bloom snorted.

"If you had kept an eye on them... or done those chores yourself, this uproar wouldn't have happened!", Scootaloo chided. "And, thanks to the one with the glasses, I have to either get my scooter fixed or buy a new one!"

"Spike, this is unacceptable, I'm very disappointed in you.", Twilight chided, calming her temper down.

Spike's ears drooped and hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry, Twilight.", he said, looking up at her with sad eyes.

Twilight held a hoof up dismissively. "Sorry isn't going to cut it, mister.", she rejected. She lifted Spike's chin up, making him look at her in the eyes. "Once we get back to the castle, we're going to discuss your punishment and you're going to write an apology note to-"

"Wait!", Ocellus protested, as she and her other friends stood side by side with Spike. Her, Gallus and Smolder on his left and Sandbar, Silverstream and Yona on his right. "Don't get mad at him because of this!"

"Like I tried to say earlier, I'm the one that came up with this clone idea.", Smolder said.

"And it isn't right for you to give Spike so many chores in one day.", Silverstream said.

"Yona don't like it when Little Dragon is overwhelmed with so much hard work.", Yona said.

"At least give him some free time for just one day.", Sandbar suggested.

"Yeah, and besides, he's just a kid.", Gallus concluded.

Twilight glared at her students. "Kids, you should've stayed out of this.", she snarled. "He's the one I take care of, I set boundaries for a reason. And, it's not up to you to judge how I-"

Luna interrupted Twilight by clearing her throat. "Twilight, may I interject?", she asked. "I'm afraid these kids are right, whenever you give Spike a chore, it attends to decrease his free time. So, I think it's best if you concede into their suggestion."

"Agreed.", Celestia said, alongside her sister. "I'm sure a day off will suffice."

Twilight opened her mouth wide in realization. She knew that Luna was right, she has pushed Spike way too far. Her ears drooped against her head, she lowered it and sighed in defeat. She looked Spike in the eye. "Spike, I'm sorry for overwhelming you so much.", she said apologetically. "All I wanted was everything to be done." She smiled. "I think you do deserve a day off."

Spike became all cheery, he hopped on his feet a few times and gave Twilight a hug. "Oh, Twilight, thank you so much!", he screamed with joy. He then gave Twilight a peck on the cheek, making her gasp and flew around the students in fast circles.

Gallus caught him in his grip. "Ok, kid, hold your horse-", he paused, looking at the group of ponies in front of him. He was about to make a pun. He set Spike down on the ground. "Oh, never mind." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"So, did you learn your lesson, Sugarcube?", Applejack asked.

"Yeah, I seems I have.", Spike said sheepishly. "I'm sorry for what happened today, everypony."

"Oh, Spike.", Fluttershy crooned with a hoof to her chest. "We accept your apology."

"Yeah.", Starlight agreed. "One Spike in the world is fine in my book, but seven is just too much."

Rainbow Dash gave out a grim look. "Although, I am going to get you back for letting an evil version of you through a pie at my face.", she said.

A look of fear came back to Spike's face. But, everyone else just stared at her blankly.

"Got you, squirt!", she said cheekily. She, along with the rest of the others, burst into laughter as the sun slowly set across the horizon of Equestria.

Comments ( 17 )

Is this based off an episode of jimmy neutron?

It's good that you did it like that since I didn't like the end of that episode where the malevolent clone was still alive

"No, Guys, it's ok.", Spike assured. "I actually want to hang out with you all." He frowned angrily at the list in his claws. "But, this list is getting in my way! I mean, I can't even get a break from Twilight sometimes! Everytime when there's an event or a fun opportunity, whether it's in Ponyville or some other place, I just had to be left out of it! It's always about Twilight and our friends!"

I'm sure she wasn't trying to be selfish to you spike it's just things just happen kind of reminds me of my situation sometimes it gets annoying but again it happens

"Uh, remember not that long ago, Spike, I don't like pies.", Rainbow Dash said, putting up a hoof dismissively. "So, no thank you." She then started to take off.

Well at least she admitted that she doesn't like pies not like the last time

You have no idea that I don't like her to waste them like this especially as Pinkie imagined it. Do you remember Dark Rainbow Dash?

Oh definitely yes especially with a laser eye vision thing lol

"Don't even get started with me about her.", Ocellus growled at the mention of the former queen of the changelings.

Something tells me that struck a nerve of Ocellus which I don't blame her she was mean and nasty

"Yeah, that is a good, Gallus.", Smolder said. "How are we going to find him?"

I think you kind of forgot to say good point just to give you a little heads-up on that

Well this was a pretty interesting story and this is basically a inspiration from Jimmy Neutron nice so Twilight kind of gave him a couple of chores that pretty much overwhelmed him so much but then the young 6 try to cheer him up then give him some idea about cloning himself which that gave him the idea to clone himself when Twilight had that cloning machine to be honest I thought we're going to go for the mirror pool but I guess cloning machine works I guess especially with the technology that Twilight she has in the basement so silver stream activated the cloning machine but unfortunately they have different personalities which that's not what that supposed to happen so they kind of went with it with mix resolve and unfortunately Everypony was not happy so the young six and Spike got the rest of the Clones but except for one which the evil one but they finally caught him and burn the rest of them but Spike was starting getting the blame for the Clones mistake but thankfully the young six and Princess Luna and Celestia save his tail and told Twilight that she kinda overwhelmed with so much chores which quickly she apologized and Spike also apologize for all the mess he made this was a pretty crazy story and I did like how you did not let the evil one get away this time so good job on that keep up the good work

I think we are forgetting that it was Twilight Sparkle never told anyone about a cloning machine?!

Well if you think about back in season one she has Technology's in her basement

"Plus, it's five pages long, and it's going to take a long time for me read the whole thing and analyze it."

Pfft! Add maybe ten pages to that, or maybe a whole class's worth of five-page reports, and then maybe I'd believe it'd take as long to read and analyze as you say, Twi. But as it's not either of those things, it really does kinda sound like you're just trying to dump your own chores off on Spike here. :trixieshiftleft:

Of course, I'd say Spike's one to talk, seeing that he apparently learned nothing from that time Pinkie cloned herself...but it was also Twilight's cloning machine that he was using, so...basically, she didn't learn the lesson either and is just enabling him at this point. :trollestia:

"Ok, finished!", the hippogriff declared. "And- Bop!"

No, no, it's boink--scientific progress goes boink. :rainbowlaugh:

"Spike would never speak French..."

You make it sound like speaking French is a bad thing. :rainbowlaugh:

Also, what's this talk about Spike never wearing cool shades?
I dunno about you, but those all seems like cool shades to me. :raritywink:

"We saw everything happen from Canterlot.", Luna said.

Because that's what they do in their free time--spy on Ponyville. I mean, it's just right there, practically right outside their window, and even princesses get bored and wonder what their neighbors are up to from time to time. :rainbowlaugh:

"Once we take you back to the lab, I'm going to make sure you turn back to how you started.", Real Spike growled at his devilish replica.

Why wait until they get back to the lab? They technically have an excess of dragons here at the moment, they could just toast him here and now if they wanted...and would probably work better for trying to keep this all under wraps, too.

The rest of the Spike clones looked at the new clone in confusion, they looked at Real Spike, then back and forth between the two a couple times.

Real Spike can tell that the clone was Evil Spike pretending to be him and doing the exact same voice as his. "I'm not Evil Spike, he's Evil Spike.", he warned. "He's trying to trick you all."

"That's a bunch a baloney.", the fake Spike said. "Everypony knows that I'm the precise and real Spike."

Quick, somebody point out the fuzzy wuzzy bunny!

"Spike, this is unacceptable, I'm very disappointed in you.", Twilight chided, calming her temper down.

Again, I must go pfft! If Twilight hadn't decided that she couldn't do her own chores, none of this would've happened, so, little unfair to pin all the blame on Spike or even the Young 6 here.

"And it isn't right for you to give Spike so many chores in one day.", Silverstream said.

Thank you, Silverstream! :pinkiehappy:

The justifications for the whole premise is a bit forced...but otherwise this was an amusing enough of a story. :twilightsmile:

This reminds me a lot of the Princess Spike episode, where although it's Spike whose supposed to learn the lesson it was really everyone else's fault that things ended up happening the way they did so it comes off as extremely unfair. Luckily in this, it was nice to see the student six and the princess stand up for him, especially when all the others started ganging up on him (that came off as really harsh).
Though the clones were fun to read, and having Spike interact with the student's is always fun to see so I had fun reading this.

Good story, and I like that Twilight realized her mistake by putting to much on Spike's plate.

I also know that while Spike does like to help his friends, even he needs some time to himself too.

And I was hoping for the gang to be mad at Twilight for giving Spike to much to do and that a 5-page paper was more important than anything else.

Too Many Pinkie Pies, Too Many Spikes.

Just let there not be too many Sweetie Belles.

I understand needing a promise. But , o don’t know just the idea of twilight pushing tasks onto spike unreasonable just feels wrong. Not sure it it be put of character for Twi but:.. shrug.

Also just saying line breaks are a thing. :pinkiehappy:

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