• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 993 Views, 8 Comments

Segregation in Equestria - decembuary

  • ...

Strawberry's perspective

We’d left the Everfree forest. I was so glad when we finally left the horrible place.
Fluttershy’s house was not too far from the forest, as soon as we got out I could see it. It was a small cottage, surrounded by flowers and little animals. We galloped forward and knocked on the door.

“Go away Rainbow Dash. I don’t want to join your army” A small voice squealed from inside.

“We’re not Rainbow Dash! Let us in!” Chocolate ordered.

“Go away!”

At that moment Chocolate decided there was no point in reasoning and busted down the door. I stayed behind, scared of what Fluttershy would do.

“Please don’t hurt me. I haven’t done anything wrong. I’ll go to Cloudsdale I promise!” Fluttershy squeaked.

“You idiot. We’re not here to get you in trouble, just to ask if you know where the Elements of-”

“No! I won’t tell you where they are!” She shouted. “Anyway, only the elements can use them, your Earth army won’t!”

“Relax.....We don’t wan’t them for the armies. I’m a pegasus, see?” Plumage spread her wings. “We want them because Princess Luna told us to get them”

Luna had told us not to tell Fluttershy about being the new elements. She thought that would scare the yellow pegasus.

“Really? Oh. Sorry...... They’re in Canterlot. In a chest. Only an alicorn or one of the elements can open it. I hope that has helped”

“Yeah, thanks.” Comet said. Everypony left but me.

“Uh. Thanks, that was very helpful” I squeaked then galloped after the other elements. I still wouldn’t call them my friends. Especially not Chocolate. He’s been so mean to everypony.


Eventually we arrived back at the dark, gloomy cave.

“Do you know where the elements are?” Luna didn’t even say hello. She cut straight to the important things.

“Yes, they’re in Canterlot. In a chest” Comet answered.

“Huzzah! Now you need to get them. It would be best if only the unicorns went, the rest of you would be caught easily since there’s only unicorns in Canterlot at the moment”

“WHAT! You live there, couldn’t you get them! You could probably order everypony to do as you asked without asking questions!” Dewdrop complained.

“I’m afraid it’s not as easy as that. The moment the magical alarm in the chest goes off, ‘Tia will immediately suspect me and send guards after me.”

“Magical alarm! Have fun with that Lightning!” Said Plumage. “ Wait..... How did you know about the alarm? I thought you didn’t know where the elements were.”

“I know of the chest Fluttershy spoke of” Luna said. Even I knew that was a lie, there had to be dozens of chests in Canterlot. Actually......

“How will Dewdrop and Lightning know they’ve found the right chest?” I asked.

“They’ll know.” Luna said sternly.

“What will we do once we’ve got the elements?” Dewdrop asked. “It’s not as if I can teleport us through a forcefield, and you said the guards would be watching for us.”

“Enough questions. BEGONE!” Luna shouted.

We hurried off. I wonder why the Princess was so twitchy, she had been since Plumage asked her that question. Was Luna hiding something from us?

-End chapter 9-

Comments ( 1 )

Uh, oh.... what could lunabe hiding? I hope Nightmare Moon hasn't taken her over again! :applecry:

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