• Published 9th Jul 2019
  • 3,942 Views, 249 Comments

Sunset in Azeroth - RIPoste

Sunset Shimmer finds herself in Azeroth and picked up by the Kirin Tor.

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24. High Home V

Sunset suppressed the desire to pace and stood still in the hallway. Accompanying her were the Archmagi Rhonin and Modera, along with a handful of their subordinates. Prince Kael’thas had joined their group for a while, but entered the throne room ahead of them after exchanging a couple of pleasantries with the other archmages.

Sunset was under no illusion that she was here because of anything other than pure nepotism. After all, she was the only apprentice present, but compared to the rest of the congregation that had gathered here, she was pretty sure that none of the regular mages could claim a solid connection to at least three Archmagi, a renowned magister of Quel’Thalas and the Prince of said elven kingdom.

Not that she was complaining. After all, Sunset Shimmer had worked hard for this. It felt nice to see her efforts finally bearing fruit.

Still… What was taking the king so long? - Sunset thought a statement she would never dare to voice, not yet anyway. The mages had gathered for an audience with the King of the High Elves and had already been waiting for half an hour when the prince had arrived, and another half hour since then. She sighed softly.

“Patience Sunset” - Modera admonished suddenly without looking back at the fidgeting apprentice, quietly enough that only Rhonin could have heard her words - “such is the way of royalty. They do love to make us wait as a gesture of power and authority.”

“Yes, master Modera”, Sunset replied before opting to settle for admiring the architecture of the hallway for the umpteenth time.

Thankfully for Sunset, it did not take too long before the ornate marble doors swung open for the congregation. Falling into step dutifully behind the Archmagi, Sunset took her first glimpse of the throne room. Unconsciously comparing it to the one back in Canterlot, Sunset could not help but notice how plain and devoid of decorations it was, comprising only of a large domed room, with a marbled floor and walls of white granite which were littered with alcoves for nobles to stand on when holding court.

However, when Sunset laid eyes on High King Anasterian Sunstrider standing in front of his throne on a raised marble platform, she immediately understood why the room was as plain as it was. The elven king needed no ostentatious decorations to showcase his wealth and power, his mere presence was enough to do so for him. Standing out even next to his son and half a dozen honor guards who could probably give any fighters in the Eastern Kingdoms a run for their money, Anasterian Sunstrider cut an imposing figure indeed.

“Archmage Rhonin, Archmage Modera”, the king’s powerful and cultured voice rang out, “it is good to see you.”

“Thank you, King Anasterian”, Rhonin bowed, the delegates behind him following suit. “It is an honor to be in your presence once again.”

Sunset could have sworn that his reply had been mildly sarcastic, but thought nothing of it. After all, there was no way that the Hero of Grim Batol would be so snarky with the High King of the Quel’dorei of all people…

Would he?

“Now then”, Anasterian Sunstrider said as he descended the stairs, flanked by Prince Kael’thas and his guards. “I trust that you know what I have summoned you for, Rhonin Redhair?”

“I do”, Rhonin replied, the respect much more evident in his voice right now. Sunset suppressed her frown, although she could not help but wonder what had the normally fiery tempered mage so subdued all of a sudden.

“Good”, Anasterian smiled. “Now walk with me.”

So this is how those Nobles felt when they were accompanying Celestia around, Sunset thought as she looked out at the head of the procession, where she could see the High King speaking to the two archmages and his son, while hardly paying any attention to the rest of their escort.

Of course, Sunset knew that she was probably not important enough to warrant a full-fledged conversation for the time being, but that didn’t mean she was happy about it…

Shaking her head to clear it of such unhealthy thoughts, Sunset frowned as she looked around. Why were they here anyway? The King had led the delegates to a ship which they had then used to sail to this isle just off the coast of Quel’Thalas.

Try as she might, Sunset could not tell what was so special about this island. However, as the congregation advanced on the stony pavement before them, Sunset found herself slowly rethinking her stance.

The magic, it’s growing stronger, Sunset realized as she took a deep breath, feeling the inherent energy which permeated the air around them. The scent of magic was becoming more intense as they walked, almost intoxicating, even.

And she could tell that she was not the only one who was under its effect. Obviously, the elves were the most affected by it, showing small but rather significant changes as they walked along the road, such as straighter backs, more energetic footsteps and brighter eyes. However, what caught Sunset’s attention was the fact that even the human mages were displaying similar signs, as if the concentrated magic within the very air was invigorating them.

There were few things in Azeroth that could have such a profound effect even on humans, and considering that they were in Quel’thalas, that could only mean this was the Isle of Quel’Danas.

Truth be told, Sunset was a little disappointed in herself that she did not notice it earlier. Nevertheless, that did beg the question, why were they her-

No way. Sunset’s eyes widened in wonder as she began to piece everything together. A delegation on Quel’Danas, led by none other than the King of the High Elves.

This was a pilgrimage to the Sunwell, wasn’t it?

Sunset’s suspicion was proven right as they were led to a large archway, where rows of blue-armored elves stood guard. From among their ranks, a blond elven male strode forth with powerful and precise steps. While a common woman might have been drawn to his attractive face, Sunset found her attention captured by the sword at his waist. A weapon of ancient and potent power, Sunset could not even begin to fathom the amount of enchantments that lay beneath its surface.

“My king”, the armored champion knelt, “it is an honor to see you.”

“Rise, Dawnseeker”, Anasterian replied warmly. “I am bringing the delegates from Dalaran on a pilgrimage.”

“Understood, my king”, the elf replied, before turning and ordering his troops to give way to the congregation which proceeded down the immediate slope that followed after the archway. Sunset walked reverently as she spotted the fountain that lay at the bottom of the slope, pulsing with arcane power.

The magic in the air however was so inebriating that Sunset had to restrain herself from dashing forward to bathe herself in its waters. Unsurprisingly, she could tell that she was not the only one to experience such conundrums. Throughout the party, she could feel an undeniable tension in the air, a lust for power within her fellow magi and elves as they were exposed to such a pure font of magic.

Anasterian, however, walked forward into the fountain, immersing himself ankle-deep in its waters. Sunset was surprised at the serene picture he portrayed, having half-expected the elven king to desperately stuff himself with the water from the fountain.

He is in control, Sunset thought as the elven king bowed respectfully at the fountain, a tranquil expression on his face as he began chanting, performing what Sunset presumed was an ancient Quel’dorei ritual. There was no doubt in her mind that the elven king was in control of not only his desires, but the very essence of this fountain as well. He was a being who did not let magic rule him, a flaw that many mages had found themselves susceptible to.

The wizened elf then straightened his back, spreading his arms apart as though ready to embrace an old friend.

“Doral ana'diel, Belore?” he asked in such a soft voice that Sunset had to strain herself to even hear him.

And the waters pulsed with radiant light, as if in answer.

Antonidas, master of Dalaran and Grand Magus of the Kirin Tor sighed in frustration as he gazed within the crystal orb. The Ruler of the Violet Citadel was currently in a conversation with one of his agents through the communication crystal, and what he had just heard dampened his already sour mood.

“Are you sure?” Antonidas asked, addressing his agent through the orb. “The scene you described would paint the Archmage as not only a felon, but irredeemable beyond any hope.”

“Yes, master Antonidas”, a feminine voice replied from within. “You would not believe the laboratories that were hidden in his holdings… and what was inside them. It is an abomination, truly. To think that Archmage Kel’Thuzad would have such little respect for the Kirin Tor’s laws…”

“Indeed”, Antonidas agreed gravely. It would appear that Kel’Thuzad’s transgressions had far exceeded what he or Drenden had suspected, and now that the Grand Magus knew, he regretted the fact that he had not taken action against his wayward colleague earlier.

No, he corrected himself. There was no way that he could have taken any action against Kel’Thuzad before sufficient evidence had been gathered. Not only was the self-fashioned ‘Lead Researcher of Dalaran’ one of their more prestigious archmages, his secret standing as a member of the Council of Six would have made things needlessly complicated should Antonidas have moved against him without solid proof.

“Master,” the voice continued, “forgive me for speaking out of place, but given the expanse of his secret projects, it is clear that Kel’Thuzad had not been working alone. Do you think-”

“That members of the Kirin Tor have been aiding him in his endeavors?” Antonidas finished. “Definitely. And I must say that it is very possible that all of his apprentices are complicit with his experiments.”

“All of them, master Antonidas?” The voice took on a worried tone.

“Very possible”, the elderly mage replied as his mind turned towards the lone agent he had among the ranks of Kel’Thuzad’s apprentices. How involved had Sunset Shimmer been with her master’s machinations? The amount of locations she had reported was nowhere close to the number that his own agents and allies had uncovered over the past few weeks.

Either she was hardly involved, or she was playing him. Those were the only two conclusions that the Grand Magus could reach, and for her own sake, he hoped that it was the former. Regardless, it was of no importance now. Kel’Thuzad’s apprentices were hardly an issue when there was an Archmage which needed to be dealt with.

This matter needs to be handled delicately, and discreetly. Though… Antonidas smiled as a thought occurred to him. Why not kill two birds with one stone?

He could test the apprentices and deal with the master all at once. It would save time and effort, and if he played his cards right, it would deprive the wayward Archmage of a powerbase in Dalaran, effectively stripping him of all his authority and ability to continue his blasphemous experiments.

Muttering a series of spellwords, Antonidas gestured, and a book materialized before him in a flash of purple light. After a single sharp syllable, the tome flipped itself open and multiple parchments flew up from within to present themselves to Antonidas, each piece of paper containing information on all the mages who had been tutored by anyone currently holding a title of Archmage within the Kirin Tor.

Kel’Thuzad had few apprentices, and more than half of them were hardly notable as members of the Kirin Tor. Those he could let Drenden handle. However, for a certain few… The master of Dalaran allowed himself a rare smile as an idea occurred to him.

“Jaina”, he spoke as he turned to the crystal. “Return to Dalaran at once. I have a task for you.”

Author's Note:

Hello everyone,

This chapter is edited and proofread by Tirilka! Many thanks to him correcting my rather horrendous mistakes in writing.