• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 1,443 Views, 12 Comments

Inner workings - Galsthan's stories - HyperRandomness

Being a blacksmith gives you plenty of stories to tell, and Galder has more than enough to go around

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Chapter 2: Everything out of the ordinary.


Sunday, August 12th 2012.

6:28 A.M.

Ponyville Emergency Care.

“…blacksmith…working, when…” a voice echoed in the distance, sounding foreign and hard to hear in Galsthan’s ears.

“…passed out… princess…” another voice chimed in, unfamiliar and distanced.

“…waking up!” the first voice noted.

Galsthan began to regain consciousness, quickly making note of himself having changed scenery. Instead of in his shop where he had been last, he now seemed to be in a very, very white room, on a strange bed and surrounded by colorful blobs.

“Guh…” he muttered, unable to form words. He attempted to focus on the blurry shapes in front of him as he opened his eyes, but he could not cause them to come into clear view quite yet. "He's coming to." said the second stranger’s voice as one of the blobs of color before Galsthan’s eyes drew closer.

“Are you alright?” asked the first voice from before, the second blob nearing as well.

As his vision became sharper, he recognized that he wasn’t just in a white room; he was in Ponyville’s Hospital, and more specifically in an emergency services room. He groggily gazed around the room, seeing that the colorful blobs from before were ponies. Three mares, to be exact. One was a nurse, one was his worried friend Quick Fix, and the other was…

“P.. P-puh…” he started, as a heart rate monitor beside him began beeping rapidly. Not wanting a repeat performance, the nurse to the left of the bed placed a reassuring hoof on his shoulder, which strangely calmed him down, and the heart rate monitor beeped at a steady pace once more. Galsthan’s eyes were still wide with shock and awe, eyeing Princess Celestia, who had apparently brought him to the emergency care in the first place, as he was told moments later.

“Princess Celestia! Why… why were you in my shop, of all places for a Princess to be?” Galsthan inquired of the Princess, which was probably rude in the first place. He quickly added, “Oh, um, your highness.” The Princess looked at him with a gentle smile, then motioned towards Quick Fix. It was very apparent that Quick Fix was worried for him, but he couldn’t have told why. As far as he knew, he was completely fine.

Galsthan, now about to panic, looked over himself quickly. He noted a few minor bandages and patching on his legs and body and, upon removal of sheets, noticed that there seemed to be nearly nothing wrong with his body, aside from a small amount of wrap around the center of his body. He then put a hoof up to his head, and cringed from the immediate amount of pain. It had felt like he had facehooved with all his might, but he had only slightly pressed on his head to check for injuries.

The nurse quickly removed his hoof from his forehead and placed it at his side, then sternly said, “Now, now, don’t touch your injuries, please. You took quite a fall and will need to recover.” Galsthan was still dazed from the sudden wave of pain, but took the nurse’s words of advice seriously.

“So… are you okay, Galsthan?” asked Quick Fix, who was genuinely concerned. “I guess I am, as long as I leave my head alone. Ow.” he said, wincing at a headache. “How long’ll he be here, Nurse?” asked Quick Fix, turning to face the Nurse at the opposite side of the bed. Princess Celestia remained at the end of the bed, not interjecting.

The Nurse took a moment to look over a clipboard with a few papers attached to it, then responded, “Well, as far as I can tell, it’ll be about three to four days.” said the Nurse, who then set the clipboard down on a nearby desk. She turned to look at Galsthan and said, “You’re stable, so I have to go tend to other sick ponies. Just press that button next to you if you need help.” She pointed to a small button on the left side of the bed, which Galsthan immediately made a note of.

Quick Fix set her front hooves on the side of the bed close to Galsthan, looking almost relieved that he was going to manage. “So… what’re you going to do while you’re in the hospital?” asked Quick Fix, leaning a bit closer to hear Galsthan’s response.

“Well, I… don’t know. I can’t do any of my work while I’m in bed, and I’m in no shape to get up.” responded Galsthan, looking a bit worried. Suddenly, a smile sprawled across his face. “Well, since you’re here,” he started, motioning to Quick Fix, “I can tell you a few of my stories!”

“Ahem.” interjected Princess Celestia, who was still standing at the end of the bed. “Oh! Um, I’m sorry, your Highness.” Galsthan responded hurriedly while redirecting his attention, hoping he hadn’t upset the Princess. He winced at another slight pain from his head. “It’s quite alright. I’ve just a few things to talk to you about. These might be a tad disturbing, so I suggest your friend exits the room for the time being.” she stated blankly, motioning towards Quick Fix.

“Oh. Of course, Princess Celestia.” Quick Fix said, giving a short bow and then leaving the room slowly, occasionally glancing back at Galsthan. As she exited, she left the door cracked so she could see inside.

After Quick Fix had left the room, Princess Celestia returned her attention to Galsthan. A look of worry spread across his face. “…I’m going to die, aren’t I?” Galsthan sorrowfully asked, not really expecting an answer. A tiny pain rippled through his head and neck, making him shudder for a moment. “No, it’s nothing quite as severe as that, and yet, it still is just as painful to hear.” the Princess stated, turning away partially. Galsthan began to sweat with thoughts running through his mind, wondering what could be just as painful as hearing that you were going to die.
“Galsthan… you’re going to have to leave everything you’ve known of Ponyville, including your friend, and come live in Canterlot.” Princess Celestia eventually spoke.

A look of shock raced across Galsthan’s face as he put on a false smile, saying, “Ha ha ha, you got me, now what’s really going on?” Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead as he hoped that Princess Celestia was kidding. She had to be. She wouldn’t really make him move away from everything that he loved, would she?

“I am sorry to say that I’m as serious as I’ve ever been.” said Princess Celestia, turning back with a very straight tone displayed on her face. “What?! But… but…” Galsthan said as he hyperventilated, beginning to panic, the heart rate monitor beside him beginning to beep very rapidly. “But… But… But WHY!?!” he shouted, bolting up in his bed, breathing heavily. His head began to hurt very severely, and he could feel a tingling in his legs, right down to his hooves. The heart rate monitor began giving off an alarm. The tingling sensation spread, so Galsthan reached for the button that the nurse had said to press if he needed help, and as he pressed it, he began having spasms.

Moments later, a doctor and two nurses charged into the room, right past Quick Fix who needed to dive out of the way, practically breaking down the door, shouting between themselves. One of the nurses gasped, while the doctor and other nurse raced into action, the other nurse quickly following suit. The doctor quickly brandished a needle with an unidentified liquid in it, and hurriedly yet carefully injected the substance into Galsthan, who had begun to writhe more violently.

The two nurses held his limbs down in an attempt to keep him still so his heart rate could start to fall, and it seemed that it wasn’t helping. A surprised gasp shot from the hallway outside of the now-closing door, and Quick Fix practically broke the door down getting inside. It was a wonder that the door wasn’t off its hinges with so many ponies opening it so abruptly.

“Galsthan!” Quick Fix exclaimed, sending every adjacent paper flying as she raced to his side. She looked at the doctor in a panic and practically knocked him over with her voice, “What’s wrong with him!?” The doctor glanced at her nervously before giving Galsthan another injection, and raising his voice to the nurses, telling them to keep him secured in place. He later told them that he had injected Galsthan with a stabilizing compound that would work on most normal ponies, but it didn’t quite seem to be doing the trick.

All this time, Princess Celestia stood back from the group, simply watching. This seemed a bit unlike her.

The heart beat monitor hooked up to Galsthan only seemed to accelerate as the doctor and nurses attempted to calm him down with whatever means they could. They were still conversing loudly between themselves over what they needed to do to stabilize his heart rate, but Galsthan could not hear them.

Galsthan could only look up from his deteriorating state, no longer able to speak or control his body, just able to realize what was going on as his heart frantically drove his body in every direction. His spasms worsened and he nearly flung one of the nurses off.

Huh. So this is what it feels like to die. Galsthan thought to himself as he felt his body begin to be unable to tolerate the stress. Weird. It’s almost… nice. His vision began to blacken…

“Enough.” spoke the Princess, as her horn began to glow. Nearly immediately, Galsthan was bathed in a warm, yellow light, and his heart rate quickly dropped back to normal. It was about time she did something.

As Galsthan’s breathing steadied, the doctor only had a baffled look on his face towards the Princess. “How… how did you…” he started, before the Princess put up a hoof, signaling him to keep his trap shut.

So he did.

Galsthan’s eyes were spinning, but he was conscious. From his point of view, the world might as well have become a merry-go-round.

Quick Fix turned with an angry glare towards the Princess, shouting, "WHAT WERE YOU WAITING FOR?! WERE YOU WAITING FOR HIM TO DIE?! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED?! FOR HIM TO DIE?!?” She stared daggers into the Princess before remembering who she was talking to, and immediately her face fell, along with the rest of her, right to the floor. “Oh, I am very, very sorry, your Highness! Please don’t banish me to the moon!” Quick Fix pleaded, looking up from her lowered position of view.

“Urrrghhh…” muttered Galsthan, who then proceeded to throw up on the floor next to the bed. The nurses and doctor went back to tending to him immediately. One nurse fed him some medicine, while the other checked his heart rate. In the meantime, the doctor walked over to Princess Celestia and immediately bowed, saying, “A thousand thanks, Princess Celestia, for saving my patient.” He didn’t move for a good minute or two, but eventually left the room.

Princess Celestia looked down at Quick Fix who was still groveling for forgiveness. Princess Celestia simply said, “You are forgiven.” then redirected her gaze back to Galsthan, who was lying dizzy and exhausted on the bed. The two nurses finished tending to him, and left the room as quickly as they’d come, likely accompanying the doctor to tend to the next patient.

Princess Celestia stood and walked to the side of the bed, where Galsthan attempted to focus on her, but simply could not bring himself to do it as he was still shaken up from the accident that had just occurred. “Galde- I mean, Galsthan, I am afraid that you simply would not understand the reasoning behind why you have to move to Canterlot. Because of this, I cannot explain the motives, but I can assure you that it is very necessary.”

Galsthan immediately started rambling.

“But.. but.. what about my shop? What about everypony I’ve come to know? What will I do for a job? What about people who need my services? What about Quick Fix? What’s…” he choked for a moment, before coughing it off and continuing, “What’s going to happen to everything I’ve come to love?” Galsthan gazed up in the general direction of Princess Celestia with pleading eyes, or at least the best begging look he could muster. Quick Fix's cheeks immediately flared red.

“Don’t worry about your friends and business. Your friends will still be there and your business will still be run, but you won’t be able to see Ponyville for a long, long time.” Princess Celestia said in as reassuring of a tone as she could muster, but it clearly didn’t help. Tears welled up in Galsthan’s eyes.

“Why me? Why couldn’t it be anypony else? Nobody can work metal like I can, and nobody can… care for… Quick Fix like I can, and nobody can be me, simple as that. Why is it ME that has to go to Canterlot, and why don’t I have a choice?” Galsthan asked, his voice raising in tone as he spoke. He rolled over in his bed and pulled up his sheets to enhance his point, but only succeeded in giving himself another sharp pain in the head. Princess Celestia had a very patient look on her face as she responded, “Like I said before, the circumstances are something that you would not be able to comprehend. It would likely send you into another shock. I am afraid that you are simply going to have to trust me and comply, or at least, accompany me willingly to Canterlot when you are well.”

Words shooting back and forth stung Quick Fix like bees. She could generally get the idea of what was going on, but she didn’t like it. Losing Galsthan after nearly losing him anyhow? She wasn’t going to allow that. She quickly picked herself up and positioned herself between the Princess and Galsthan’s bed, stating simply, “You are NOT going to take Galsthan away from me. Not after I nearly lost him anyhow.” Tears swelled in her eyes as she fought back the idea of having Galsthan depart to Canterlot and being unable to see her. That simply was unacceptable in her mind. "I can't lose him after almost losing him just now. I just... can't." She said, still not talking with respect towards the Princess.

The Princes didn't mind that neither of them were showing her the proper respect. That wasn't the matter at hand.

“I apologize, my little pony, but I am afraid that it is necessary that Galsthan comes with me to Canterlot. Although it may not make sense, you may find rest in knowing at least one thing about the conditions for his sudden need to depart.” She stared off to the side as she spoke, “You see... he isn't quite who you think he is, and he isn't who he thinks is either.. He was born into the Royal line."

[Yeesh. I really feel like this was hurried, and that I've lost my general tone of voice and replaced it with another. I'll probably be able to fix that.]
[Comments and questions are appreciated!]