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Comments ( 31 )

So. We meet again.

In b4 feature box

I would prefer if it didnt XD This was slapped together in 20 minutes. Please downvote this story.

10/10 good shitpost.
Also here before feature box

We shall never downvote that story! Your plan has been foiled MUAHAHAHAH!

Here's a question. Is this in anyway related to the real shitpost petition to have 600,000 people storm Area 51, and fuck how many would be killed?

Look it up if you don't know what I mean.

Ofcourse I've seen the petition and the memes, I've been on a social media site in the last week.

What the hay barrel did I just read? Also Agent Coulson, this sounds more like a baddish Agents of Shield pony crossover that went downhill way to fast. No offense.

Absolutely amazing.

Well have fun with that. So long as you link to this story as to not confuse the reader, i dont mind.

I would never expect this from you. 10/10 would raid area 51 with

Glorious. Best Area 51 memes so far.

While I was at the gym today I noticed the media reporting on this stupid meme yet again. It blows my mind that literally millions of people get the joke and yet it seems to have collectively flown over their heads.

I think most of the media people get it, but whats a better headline. "Local man creates joke that goes too far." or. "400 thousand people have committed to raiding a high classified united states air force base!"

Imagine a brony's reaction on the Aliens and Alien technology when he storm Area 51:

Bad passwords are best password :pinkiecrazy:

This story made my husky happy, well done.

Aaaaan the petition has reached over a million backers.

Even if only 10% show up it will still be 100k Kyles Karren's, Furries, Weebs, and Anti-Vaxxers XD.

I died a little bit on the inside . . . I just imagine the human to be that ’Le Tips Fedora’ or ’Tips Fedora’ guy. Other than that, good abomination 10/10 Eugenes (If you don’t what a Eugene is, search it up on the urban dictionary for a pin point accuracy definition).

an airforce base that's probably been stocking up on rubber bullets, tear gas, and zip cuffs for a few weeks now, as well as erecting some new guard towers

Well memed, my friend. Thank you for a glorious bit of silliness.

As a counterpoint, consider the media reaction to the Tide Pod meme.

-Begin Comment-
-Begin meme analysis-

Nice meme, would meme this again 10/10, yes daddy.

-End meme analysis-
-End Comment-

Dude, it was 1,000,000 people.

To be fair, nothing of value would be lost by killing everyone dumb enough to show up for the raid (which will be nowhere near the number of signatures, and everyone except the mainstream media knows it)

True. Of course, I know that the guy who started it didn't mean it as anything but a joke. But the world is so full of fucking idiots that some would try.

The only reason I downvoted is so that the likes and dislikes are both a multiple of 3

Me at the human's antics: :rainbowlaugh::facehoof::rainbowlaugh:

Heh, you said erecting.

Also, how did the author know my passwords?!?

Comment posted by deadmemes deleted Dec 31st, 2019
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