• Published 24th Jul 2019
  • 619 Views, 63 Comments

Life of Frosty - Frosty_Rainbow

Frosty is starting a new school,making new friends, and enemies and even falling in love!

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It's 6am right now and for some reason I'm up before my alarm, might as well get ready.
I get out of bed and head over to my closet to pick out an outfit. Now thing thing I like about my new school, is that we get to wear whatever we want (as long as it's appropriate.)
So after a minute of searching I finally decided to wear just my fave t-shirt with some jeans with some sport shoes, which is good enough for me.

After I finish with everything upstairs I come downstairs for breakfast, to my delight my parents are awake, and breakfast has been made, toast, eggs and some hot cocoa, yummy!

As I'm eating my breakfast, my six year old sister, Winter comes screaming down the stairs say "SPIDER! SPIDER! HELLPPPP!!!!" She scram all the way to mom and hid behind her.

"What is it sweetie" Mom asks hugging Winter

"T-there a spider upstairs!" She said hiding behind mom again and pointing upstairs

"Let me go see" Dad said walk up the stairs.

I mean, I get that spiders are scary but you don't have to alert the WHOLE neighborhood!
I just rolled my eyes and continued eating my breakfast.

I arrive at school a little early, so I have time to do stuff and not be late for class. I say bye to my mom and walk in, I walk all the way down the hall, to my locker, except there two girls standing in front of it.

"Uhm, could you please move, this is my locker" I say to them in a friendly way

"Why should we listen to you?" the first one said rolling her eyes at me like I was something a dog just coughed up

"I was just asking you to move so I can put my stuff in my locker" I say, hoping this time they listen.
But this time, they just ignore me and after a minute of ignoring me they FINALLY move. Typically spoiled high school girls, I thought shaking my head.
I put my stuff in my locker, close it and continue walking, since I had some time.

As I'm walking I notice Twilight and Rainbow dash near, what I'm guessing is they're locker, talking about something, so I go over and and talk with them.

"Hey Frosty" Rainbow dash and Twilight say to me waving

"Hi guys" I reply "Whatcha doing?" I ask

"Just scheduling a football team training session" Rainbow says showing me a clipboard with some scribbles on it.

"Ok" I say "Imma head to class, the bell's about to ring" I say walking away from them and in the direction of my next class, art, hopefully...the teacher is nice.

When I got to art class everyone was there, but I wasn't late. Before we did anything, since it was the first week of school we introduced our selves and after that we got to do ANYTHING art related, and I don't think I've mentioned, but I love art!
So this was like the best lesson ever! Not to mention that the teacher was amazing as well, I've got to say, I think everyone loved this lesson.

Next lesson was baking, now I'm not really that good of a chef so this lesson was....interesting.
Anyway, so I was paired with Pinkie pie, and boy can she bake!
We had 3 trays of cupcakes by the time the lesson was over!
What kind of superpower does she have?
But I've got to say, Pinkie is amazing, she's really funny and now we are really good friends.

The lesson after that was D.T (Design & Technology) And this lesson was really fun.
So we were doing a group project and we got to pick our partners, and I choose to work with Galaxy swirl. And I'm glad I did, it's nice working with a friend on these type of things, it may have been a project but it was really fun.

So after that it was lunch time and me and my friends all sat together! But there was someone new at the table, her name was Sunset shimmer.
She was pretty cool and funny and we all agreed to hang out this afternoon at place.

So when I stood up to go put my things away, someone bumped into me, which made leftover spaghetti spill on my clothes, And it was n't just anyone, it was the person I encountered this morning!
I didn't know what her problem was but she was like:

"Hey! watch wear your going newbie!" She said glaring at me like I was poop

"But you bumped into me!" I yelled at her

"Ugh, whatever I don't wanna talk with newbies" She said rolling her eyes and flips her hair and walks away from me

What just happened? I ask myself and now my shirt is ruined! ugh!
I go to the place where they keep the napkins and take one to wipe my shirt and put down my tray.
After cleaning up there's still a bit of tomato sauce on my shirt but it was good enough. I walk back to the table my friends were at and they ask me so many questions like where were you? or what happened to your shirt? and then after I explain what happened Rainbow dash and Stormy blue stand up ready to fight someone, but Sunshine and Sunset made sure they sat back down. And then Twi tells me that the girl who spilled spaghetti sauce on me was called Crystal rose.
She also said that she is the biggest bully in the school, along with her friend Golden Snow frost.

Just great! The last thing I needed was two mean girls as my enemy. But then of course, every high school has bullies.
I mean, what did I even do to them?!?!

Anyways the bell just rang and now I have swimming, and honestly I'm not every good at swimming. And again this is a whole class lesson so all my friends will be there...and all my enemies.

So after swimming it was English then we go home and I've got to say, English is becoming one of my favorite lessons!
Today, we got to make up our own characters for a story and write there background story, draw what they look like etc.
As Pinkie would say: It was super duper fun!
Today may have been a little bad, but somehow the day always gets better.
Oh, It's home time!
I almost forgot, I'm hanging out with my friends at the mall at 4pm
Got to get home fast and hopefully mom's already here.

And hopefully, I don't get bullied tomorrow.

Author's Note:

Well, that was fun writing and if your wondering what people inspired these new characters

Crystal rose: My school bully Tasha

Golden snow frost: nobody:fluttershysad:

There's going to be a new character in the next chapter and it's a boy.
You can probably guess what's going to happen.