• Published 29th Jul 2019
  • 3,668 Views, 47 Comments

The Storm Dragon - ShowShine

After the Storm King fails to make a dangerous beast, Tempest is left to take care of a baby dragon

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Spike ran through the Canterlot castle, holding dozens of scrolls in his arms. The sound of his feet echoed around the empty hallways. He opened the doors to the throne room to see Twilight anxiously pacing back and forth. Patches laid next to a large window, letting sunlight bask on her body as she slept.

“Okay, Twilight. Got all your charts and graphs.” Spike said, dropping the scrolls onto the floor. Twilight turned around to Spike with a distressed look on her face.

“Spike, thank goodness you’re here! I’m so nervous about today. The yaks, changelings, griffons, and the new dragon lord are coming to this event. Do you know how hard it was to convince the dragon lord to sign a peace treaty?” Twilights asked, starting to hyperventilate. Spike walked over to her and patted her back comfortingly.

“The dragon lord can be sweet for all you know. Deep down she’s probably a big softy.” Spike stated. Spike knew that was a lie, his experience with Ember wasn’t the greatest but that was mostly his fault. He was just nervous about facing her again.

“You’re right Spike, I’m worrying for nothing.” Twilight said with a relieved sigh.

“You should go check out the Friendship Festival, it’s really fun.” Twilight said. Spike cocked an eyebrow.

“Are you sure?” Spike asked. Twilight smiled and nodded her head.

“You’ve been helping me plan this for weeks, you deserve a break. Besides, I have a meeting with the other princess and I don’t think you’ll like it that much.” Twilight stated. Spike gave small smile.

“Thanks Twilight, I’ll see you later!” Spike said before running out of the throne room. He had been free from Storm Kings power for two months and it was wonderful. He got to learn new things and get new hobbies.

He missed Tempest and Grubber a lot but he felt happy and safe. That’s all that mattered at the moment.

Spike walked through the streets of Canterlot, holding three boxes of cookies. A nearby food stand was selling boxes of cookies for one bit each, it was a great deal. He looked down at the boxes, starting to open one. He bumped into something, making him take a few steps back. He looked up to see Thorax standing their, talking to Rarity.

“Hi Thorax.” Spike greeted happily. Thorax turned around a smiled when he saw Spike. They had become friends over the past two months.

“Hi Spike, how are you?” Thorax asked with a smile. Spike gave a thumbs up, taking a bite of a chocolate chip cookie. Rarity came from the other side of Thorax, wearing a smile on her face.

“Spike darling I’m so glad you’re here.” Rarity said, levitating two boxes of identical gems. “I forgot to label these boxes and I can’t tell which ones are crystals and which ones are diamonds.” She stated. Spike picked one of the gems up and sniffed it.

“This box has diamonds.” Spike said, pointing to the box on the right. Rarity gave a smile and quickly labeled the boxes.

“Thank you so much Spikey Wikey, now if you excuse me I need to finish decorating the stage. Songbird Serenade is going to be performing and the stage needs to be absolutely perfect.” Rarity said happily before prancing off.

Spike looked back up at Thorax, who had walked off a few feet away. He was talking to a large yak who wore gold rings on his horns, a golden saddle on lower back, and had teal shawl on his back. He had a black crown on his head with emeralds on them. That must be Prince Rutherford, Prince of the yaks. Spike suggested that Twilight invited all of the different leaders so they could make good impressions.

“Hiiii Spike!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, hopping over to him. A brown griffin flew over her, eating a cupcake. Spike gave a small smile.

“Hi Pinkie Pie, what’s up?” Spike asked. Pinkie Pie hopped up and pulled down the griffon.

“This is my friend Gilda, she’s the ambassador of Griffons.” Pinkie explained. Gilda waved her claw as a greeting.

“Hi, it’s very nice to meet you.” Spike said with a sweet smile. This time it was a genuine greeting.

“Pinkie told me that this whole thing was your idea.” Gilda stated. Spike beamed and nodded his head. This was his attempt to bring different cultures together. After years of tearing different creatures apart, he decided to do the exact opposite. Bring them together with one big festival!

“I did! I planned the food, decorations, and set up the guest list.” Spike said happily. Gilda gave a surprised look.

“That’s very impressive work for a kid.” Gilda complimented. Spike gave a big smile. Twilight flew down next to Spike with a disappointed look on her face. Spike frowned.

“What’s wrong Twilight?” Spike asked. Twilight let out a sigh.

“The Princesses didn’t like my idea.” Twilight said sadly. Pinkie Pie wrapped her arms around Twilights body.

“It doesn’t matter if they didn’t like your idea, it was amazing! Now today’s a wonderful day, you have no reason to be this down in the dumps.” Pinkie Pie said encouragingly. Twilight gave a small smile.

“Thanks Pinkie, you always cheer me up.” Twilight said, hugging her friend back. Spike gave a small smile, glancing over his shoulder. He saw Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Dragon Lord Ember walking over. They all seemed to be having an engaging conversation. He gave a nervous gulp and quickly turned away, trying to not be seen. If he ran off, everyone would be suspicious of him.

“You must be Princess Sunlight Spinkle.” Ember said as she looked at Twilight. Twilight gave a sheepish smile.

“Actually it’s Twilight Sparkle.” She corrected. Rainbow Dash flew in between them with a smile on her face.

“Dragon Lord Ember was just telling us about how some kid betrayed her while she was completing for the Bloodstone Scepter!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in excitement. Spike gave a nervous look. If he was going to redeem himself, he needed to face his problems. He turned around to face Ember and she let out a gasp.

“You’re the one who betrayed me!” Ember exclaimed. Spike gave a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of his neck.

”You did that?” Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief. Spike nodded his head.

“Look I’m really sorry about that. I didn’t want to do that.” Spike admitted. Ember cocked and eyebrow and crossed her arms.

“If you didn’t want to them why did you?” Ember asked. Spikes scales flattened and he let out a nervous laugh.

“I don’t think I have time to explain all of that.” Spike said, taking a step back. Before anyone could question him, there was a large crack of thunder, making everyone look up. Dark storm clouds were rolling in. Twilight let out a gasp.

“Storm clouds? I ordered perfect weather! Rainbow Dash?!” Twilight groaned out, glaring at Rainbow Dash. She shook her head.

“I don’t think those are storm clouds.” Rainbow Dash said. Ponies from the festival started to huddle around them, staring up at the storm clouds. Spike let out a gasp.

“We all need to leave right now.” Spike said in a serious tone. Twilight cocked her eyebrow in confusion.

“Is something wrong?” Twilight asked. Spike quickly nodded his head.

“I know what’s going to happen, everyone one needs to evacuate Canterlot right now.” Spike said. Spike felt a hoof on his shoulder, making him look up. It was Rarity, trying to comfort him.

“Relax darling, there must be a reasonable explanation for this.” Rarity reassured. Pinkie let into an excited gasp.

“Ooh! I bet those are the clowns I ordered!” she exclaimed excitedly. A large black airship landed on the ground with a big clang. The door dropped open, letting smoke pour out. Princess a Celestia, Luna, and Cadence flew in front of the worried crowd, ready to defend there home.

A large black megaphone with blue rims shot from the inside of the ship, now hanging, ready to be used. Grubber ran up to the megaphone and started to speak.

“Ponies of Equestria, we come on behalf of the fearsome, the powerful, the almighty...Storm King!” Grubber exclaimed. Ponies started to murmur in concern to each other. Spikes stomach dropped.

“Twilight I’m so sorry.” Spike apologized. His friends looked at him with confused looks.

“And now, to deliver the evil, evil message, put your hooves together for Commander Tempeeeest!” Grubber exclaimed. A dark purple unicorn came from the smoke, her horn sparking. Twilight squinted at the pony.

“Is that a... unicorn?” Twilight asked. Spike clenched his fist.

“I didn’t mean for this to happen, I thought if I stopped working for Storm King they wouldn’t go on with the invasion. Please forgive me.” Spike begged, looking desperate. Ember let out a snarl, pointing her staff at him.

“I knew you were trouble. What did you do?” Ember asked. Spike let out a shaky breath, his scales flat against his head. Celestia took a step forward, opening her wings in a defensive way.

“Tempest" is it? How may we help you?” Celestia asked. Tempest let out a chuckle.

“Oh, I'm so glad you asked. How about we start with your complete and total surrender?” Tempest said, her voice booming. Twilight walked in front of Princess Celestia, cowering a bit.

Hi there. Princess of Friendship. Not exactly sure what's going on, but I know we can talk things out.” Twilight said with a smile. Spike knew deep down that talking it out would never work.

“Oh, goody. All four Princesses. Here's the deal, ladies. I need your magic. Give it up nicely, please, or we make it difficult for everyone!” Tempest exclaimed.

“And why should we cower before you? There's one of you and hundreds of us.” Luna’s voice boom, gesturing to the thousands of citizens behind her. Tempest let out a chuckle and took a step forward.

“I was hoping you'd choose "difficult.” Tempest said with a large grin. With that, hundreds of Storm Creatures invaded the streets of Canterlot. They jumped over buildings and fences, making ponies scream and run in fear.

Ember opened her wings and started to fly at Tempest at full speed, smoke coming from the sides of her mouth. Tempest tossed two Obsidian Orbs into the air, kicking them both with her rear legs. One hit Ember quickly turning her into stone and the other one fell towards Princess Celestia.

“I can’t believe you did this to us!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed angry, getting inches from Spike face. He felt terrible. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had large frowns on there faces as Rarity and Applejack glared at Spike.

“I didn’t mean to do this I-“ Spike started before being cut off by Rainbow Dash putting her hoof up.

“Save it.” Rainbow Dash said bitterly before quickly flying off. All of her friends ran after her, going to help Twilight. Spike looked around to see Canterlot in complete chaos. Ponies ran in fear from the Storm Creatures. Celestia, Cadence, Luna, Ember, Thorax, Prince Rutherford, and Gilda were all turned into stone along with random ponies who almost successfully escaped.

“What did I do?” Spike asked in disbelief. He looked around for Twilight, hoping that he could at least save her. He saw four Storm Guards surrounding her and an Obsidian Orb flying through the sky, about to hit her. Twilight was completely frozen in fear, her eyes shut tightly. Rainbow Dash flew towards Twilight at full speed, trying to grab her.

“She’s not going to make it.” Spike muttered to himself. Without thinking, he ran towards Twilight, wanting to do one good thing. As he approached Twilight, he put out his hands to push her out of the way.

“Look out!” Spike exclaimed, shoving Twilight to the side. Spike felt his joints lock into place and his mouth hung open. He couldn’t move his body at all. He was turned into stone. Tempest approached Spikes stoned body and let out an angry sigh. She turned around and faced Grubber.

“Grubber, get the Princess.” Tempest ordered. She turned back to Spike. “I’ll handle him.”

Author's Note:

Go check out MLPMekarm’s wager ring!!!!