• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 8,924 Views, 575 Comments

Two Best Sisters Play - TheBoxfromMetalGearSolid

Celestia and Luna play all our favourites, new and old.

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Portal 2

As Luna was making her way through the castle, on her way to raise the moon for the night, she caught a glimpse of her sister sneaking around the corner of the next hallway with a look of pure glee plastered on her face.

"What hath got thee so excited?" she inquired. Celestia, however, didn't hear her, as she was busy making a beeline for her room. Before she disappeared through the door, Luna saw something clutched tightly in her hooves. It was a small green case that said "Portal 2" on the front along with some pictures of robots. Luna sighed. When she had returned from the moon she had expected to spend a lot of quality time with Celestia to make up for her thousand year banishment. However, it turns out that during those thousand years, somepony somewhere had invented "video games", which Celestia promptly became obsessed with, spending many nights locked away in her chambers soaking in the pale light of her TV screen. In fact, it became so bad that whenever Celestia wasn't tending to her royal duties, you could almost be certain she was in her room.

Well, enough was enough! Tonight was the night Luna was going to confront her sister and help rid her of this horrible addiction. She could see it now; "Oh Luna, thank you so much for saving me from my dreadful problem! How can I ever repay you?" Then they could finally spend some time together without relying on something like a wedding or gala being the excuse.

Later, after she was done raising the moon, Luna marched to her sister's chambers and knocked on the door. She got no response. Feeling uneasy, she was about to knock again when the door ominously creaked open revealing a pitch black hallway. "Um, Celestia. art thou alright?" Luna called nervously. "Um, we will come back later," she said, turning to leave. Just as she was about to walk away, Luna noticed a slight glow coming from around the corner. Following it, she walked around the corner into Celestia's room, where she found her slouching in a very unprincessly manner in front of her television.

"Tia, ar-" she started, before the princess interrupted her with a "shhh!"

"Luna, I'm trying to enjoy the story here! I can't do that if you just barge in, now can I?"

"Oh, we are sorry, sister. We did not mean to interrupt," she said, sitting down on the other end of the couch as quietly as possible so as not to disturb her sister. A few minutes later, Celestia pressed a button, bringing up the pause menu.

"What would you like, Luna?" she asked kindly, straightening up on the couch.

"Oh! Well, we are actually here to see if thou wouldst show us what you find so appealing about these 'video games'."

"Of course, dear sister! In fact, I do need a co-op partner in order to unlock all of the achievements in this game anyway. I would be happy to play with you!" said the sun princess, grinning.

"Um, what exactly is co-op?" asked Luna, giving a nervous grin.

Celestia's smile drooped a little. This was going to be more difficult than she thought. "Well, Luna, it's where two people play together cooperatively, working towards a common goal."

"Oh! That sounds like fun! So who goes first?"

The ivory mare just barely repressed the urge to facehoof. "We go at the same time, Luna," she explained slowly, looking to make sure her sister got the message this time. After a few seconds, Luna's face dawned with realisation. Satisfied, Celestia reached for one of her extra controllers and gave it to Luna, quitting to the main menu while she did so.

Celestia looked over to see her sister staring at the controller in confusion. "Alright, do you know how to use one of things?" she asked, silently hoping that the mare's confusion was some kind of joke.

"Well... no." Her sister's head lowered in shame.

The white mare sighed. "Okay, these sticks are for moving, the triggers are for shooting your portals, and you use the buttons to do actions. Got it?"

"Wait, we can shoot portals in this game? How do they work?"

Celestia gaped. "It's... it's the name of the game. The entire concept of this game revolves around the idea of portals. Wait, did you get any of what I just told you?"

Luna gulped. "Well, we find that we learn better from experience rather than instruction, so, no."

The master of the sun sighed as she picked the co-op option from the menu, hoping that Luna would pick up at least some of the game fairly quickly. Upon picking the option, a cut-scene showing two robots being built started playing and was abruptly cut short. "What happ-?! What did you do, Luna?!" She yelled.

"We thought we found a smudge on one of the buttons. Sorry, were you watching that?" she asked sheepishly.

"Just... just don't press anything until I say, okay?" said Celestia, receiving a nod in return. She watched as the two robots from the cut-scene flew through a pair of tubes then slammed to a stop.

"Okay, it wants us to pick our favourite animal. Do you think you can handle that?" asked the older sister.

"But it does not show our favourite animal on the board," stated Luna.

Celestia's jaw dropped open. "Wh- it... it doesn't matter, just pick one."

"But the game said to pick our favourite!" whined her sister.


"Then why do they make us choose?" asked Luna timidly. She could practically see the steam coming out of her sister's ears. After a few seconds of staring, the blue princess turned away. "We will simply, uh, pick the wolf. Wolves are cool, right? Wait, how do we select it?"

After a couple hours of Celestia teaching every single game mechanic to Luna, she finally gave up and went to get a cup of coffee.

"Wait, Tia, what do we do now?"

Celestia was about to snap something about 'them' not doing anything, but she realised her sister was still speaking using the royal 'we'. "I don't care, just... play single player or something." she said from the kitchen.

"Um, right." Luna manipulated the menu for a few minutes until she finally got it to rest on single player. She was treated with a long opening sequence that she had no idea how to skip. Just then, her sister walked in seeing her mashing buttons at random. "Tia, how do we skip this thing?"

"What? Why would you want to skip such a rich, compelling narrative? This game's story is awesome!"

Luna huffed. "Well, 'tis boring, that is why."

Celestia stared at her, wondering if she had just imagined those words coming out of her sister's mouth, or if she really did just call Portal 2 "boring". "Portal 2 is not boring. It's the hypest game out there! You know what? Y-your face is.. boring! Ha!"

Luna snickered. "Great insult, sis. Did you learn it from Fluttershy?"

"Just... just shut up and play the game, okay?" A few levels passed in silence, with Luna getting more and more bored until she came across a ball shaped robot with a Trottingham accent. As soon as it started talking Luna's eyes shone. "Hey, he sounds like Pip! Hey Pip, where do we acquire a weapon!"

Her sister glared at her. "Okay, first of all, his name's Wheatley, not Pip. Not everyone from Trottingham is called Pip, that's just terrible. And second of all, why are you talking to a character in a game? HE CAN'T HEAR YOU THROUGH THE SCREEN, HE'S NOT REAL."

The moon princess pouted. "Whatever. When do we receive a gun?" she asked, starting to get bored again.

"Just walk over to that little stand."

"But there is nothing on it," said Luna, confused. "Are we supposed to go through an invisible door or something? We cannot see anything."

"Just go to the stand. I promise everything will be fine, just go to the stand."

Luna eyed her sister nervously. "Wait, this is a trap, isn't it? Well, I'm not going to fall for it. Ha!"

Celestia sighed, exasperated. "Just do it," she said.

Her sister was still unsure though. "Just do it you wimp," she said again, not exactly encouragingly.

Finally, Luna walked toward the stand and yelled as the floor collapsed out from under her. "You said it would be fine." she whined, glaring in betrayal at her sister who was laughing hysterically.

"You should have seen the look on your face! Priceless!" she laughed, trying to catch her breath. "Well, you're not dead, are you? Just keep going through the hole," she said once she finally calmed down. As she watched, Luna finally found the portal gun. Unfortunately, it took about half an hour before Celestia could finally hammer the concept of portals into the moon princess's mind, and even then it was iffy. After being practically dragged through the first few tests, Luna finally seemed ready to tackle one on her own. By this point Celestia's patience was at an all time low, only matching her desire to see Luna humiliate herself playing the game.

Upon entering the chamber, Luna glanced over at her sister for encouragement only to receive an icy glare in return. Swallowing her nervousness, she shot a portal under her feet that spit her out right next to a box she needed to complete the puzzle. She picked it up and smiled, then looked over at Celestia who was still just staring. She walked over to one of the buttons in the chamber and put the box down.

"Goooood jooob," said Celestia, sarcastically. "Do you think you can figure out how to get the other one, too?"

Luna blindly jumped back into her portal and looked around in confusion for a few seconds before glancing over at the opposite wall, where a second cube was sitting on a raised platform. Wait, I can do this! she thought. She fired a portal behind the box and turned around, walking back through the other portal. "Haha! I did it!" she exclaimed proudly.

"Wow, you actually managed to complete a single test without me holding your hoof the whole way. Congratulations."

The next few tests passed in generally the same way, with Luna stumbling around the map like a headless chicken and Celestia wishing she had brought her video camera. Eventually, they once again found 'Pip'.

"Alright, now I'm about to do something very dangerous. They told me that if I detached myself from my management rail, I could die." Luna shot up. "Do not do it, Pip! You have ever so much to live for!"

"He still can't hear you..." Celestia said halfheartedly, realising that no one was paying any attention.

As she watched Luna panic when she dropped the robot, knowing it was a scripted event, she sighed and buried her face in the couch. When she heard him say 'turn around' for the twentieth time, she decided that enough was enough.

She snatched the controller away from her sister. "Let me show you how it's done." Compared to Luna's slow, plodding pace, the sun goddess practically flew through several stages, leaving the blue mare to sit there gawking.

"Tia, are you going to let us play any longer?" the princess of the moon asked, not quite whining. As she said this, Celestia tossed her the controller. "Try not to mess up this completely linear and scripted event, will you?"

Luna picked up the controller just as the character was raised on a platform with the little ball-shaped robot. When it came to a stop, she wondered what the enormous thing on the ground in front of it was, and just barely managed to suppress a squeal as it started moving. She started mashing on the controls when the giant robot picked her and 'Pip' up, trying to find some way to escape.

"Come on, Luna, I told you it was scripted! That means you can't do anything!" shouted her sister.

Luna was about to respond when she saw her companion being crushed. "Pip! Nooooooo!" This outburst caused the princess of the sun to start slamming her head against the coffee table, knocking over her mug. "Luna! Look at what you made me do! Do you know how long it'll take me to get that out?!"

Luna wasn't listening. Rather, she was focused on the fact that the evil robot had just dropped her through a long tunnel into an incinerator. "Wh-? What happened? Did I die? Everything is on fire!"

Celestia snapped. "NOTHING IS ON FIRE! THE FLOOR IS JUST GLOWING! I TOLD YOU THIS WAS SCRIPTED, THAT MEANS IT HAS TO HAPPEN! SO OF COURSE YOU'RE NOT DEAD!" she shouted, nearly blowing out the windows in her room.

Before she could continue on her rant, though, Luna interrupted her. "Oh, look! We found the portal gun again! Huzzah!" As she experimented with it, she realised she could now shoot two portals, something which seemed to inexplicably amuse her. "Two portals? Why, I believe the fun has been doubled!" She smiled and looked over to her sister, expecting her to join in her revelry. What she got, however, was a look that could curdle the blood of Discord.

After a few minutes of staring, Luna finally picked up on the hint. "Well, sister, it is getting late, and I expect you would like to get some sleep. This has been very fun. Perhaps you would allow us to participate another time?" Still just the glare. "Um, right, have a nice sleep," she said, trotting quickly out of Celestia's room. When she was finally gone, Celestia breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed the controller from where her sister had put it down.

"Right, sleep."