• Published 3rd Aug 2019
  • 2,653 Views, 105 Comments

Kindness and the Heart of Shadow - Raven-Flight

Immediately following The Beginning of the End, Fluttershy is ponynapped, and Discord disappears. All of Equestria now hangs in the balance. (A Fluttercord tale)

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Grogar in His Quarters

“It is time we made our move. The ponies are already growing suspicious after our prolonged fires in Appleloosa and floods in New Horseleans… Yes, and once we get started, we will need to move quickly and smoothly if we are to succeed...” Grogar approached the wall and turned to make another lap across the room. “Those four minions each have their own useful abilities to be sure, but sometimes I think none of them has ever heard of efficiency! I wonder just how clumsily they’re each handling their assignments...” Here the goat ceased his pacing and walked up to his Seeing Eye.

First, he located Cozy Glow and watched with fascination as she mauled a young rabbit, leaving it alive but immobile. “Now isn’t the time to be pursuing hobbies, little filly,” Grogar grumbled. But then the pony flew off to a nearby village and hailed the first pegasus she saw. Internally revoking his reproach, Grogar watched on as Cozy Glow showed the stranger the injured animal she’d “found”, while Tirek crept up in the shadows. The centaur consumed the pegasus magic without ever revealing himself, and the innocent filly put on an expression of horror.

—Golly, sir, are you alright? What happened?—

—I-I don’t know...—

—Well, you look awful! Let’s get you to a hospital right away!—

The gruesome image of the abandoned animal remained in the Seeing Eye as the characters left the stage and Grogar pondered what he saw. “Those two work surprisingly well together… Once Tirek has established the weather I need with his new pegasus magic, I will need him to collect much more other magics. There are a few remote Equestrian villages the two of them could go harvest, as long as no messengers escape. Meanwhile, I and the others will bolster our strengths with a few magical artifacts...”

Grogar panned out the view in the Seeing Eye until he located a few objects of particular interest. Most of them were protected and closely guarded in some way or another. “Not a problem for that shadow pony, if he will stoop to common thievery. I wonder how he’s handling the hostage.”

The goat turned his Eye to the dungeon room and found that oh, yes, Sombra was handling the hostage, alright. He held her in his lap, feeding her bites of delicacies. “Imbecile!” exclaimed the onlooker.

—What were the names of those stones?—

—The Elements of Harmony.—

“Hmph, at least he hasn’t forgotten his task. I shall have to talk with that stallion about his interest in that mare, though...”

Grogar turned to pace again. “While Sombra is procuring our artifacts—assuming I can get that foal to behave himself!—I will need to procure an army. Chrysalis will take pleasure in assisting.” He returned to the Seeing Eye a final time and conjured in it the image of Chrysalis in her quarters.

—Of course I can handle myself, that insolent goat! ...Insolent, powerful goat...— The changeling paused and considered the log she was holding.

—You’re right. It is in our best interest to do his bidding.— She transformed herself into King Sombra, complete with armor, flowing cape, and… log. The King raised his log above his head in triumph.

—Ha! That pony thought he would be a challenge, but I say he is a mere archetype! Proud, egotistical, vain, why, nothing could be easier! ME! MY KINGDOM, MY RULE! ME, ME, ME! YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME!— The King sniffled in fear after the last exclamation, and then broke down and cried. Chrysalis transformed back into herself, wheezing with laughter.

—What a joke he is! Ha! He makes such a show of himself and then whines like a foal when he’s defeated!— She interrupted herself with more giggling, then became Sombra again.

—What are you talking about? I’m the most powerful being in Equestria! Nopony can stand in my way. Not even you!— And the King hurled his log full force into the wall for emphasis. Chrysalis promptly resumed her original form.

—No, no, I’m sorry!— She picked up her log and cradled it tenderly, cooing.

—Nopony is ever going to hurt you. Nopony...—

The Seeing Eye faded to black as Grogar gazed at it in a stupor.

“I have my work cut out for me.”