• Published 15th Aug 2019
  • 223 Views, 2 Comments

Be Kind, Rewind - Dunglord

How a prodigy from Equestria found himself in the middle of a blooming hacking scene in the 1980s.

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“I fucking hate flying” Nova grumbled as he picked up Chances suitcase

“You’re the one that decided to come along.”

“First class, coach, it doesn't matter, the seats still suck dick.”

“God, you are never happy when traveling, are you?” Chance said, grabbing the handle of the suitcase and looking at Nova with an annoyed grimace. He began to walk, awkwardly limping while trying to balance himself with his cane. Nova followed close behind.

“You sure you don’t need help with that?”

“I’m fine.”

“You sure?”

“I think I'm sure.”

“I dunno, it kinda looks like you’re waddling like a penguin.”

“Ok, you know what, just take the damn suitcase already.” Chance said, letting go of it. Nova took hold of it and began following Chance around like he was his bodyguard. And for all intents and purposes, as long as Nova was anywhere near Chance he was legally classified as a bodyguard, thanks to the G men pulling a few strings for Chances safety.

“Over there.” Chance gestured, pointing towards a man holding a sign with his name on it. “I think that’s him.”

“You’re probably right.” They began walking over to the man and flagged him down.

“Excuse me, are you with Wei Incorporated?”

“Yes sir I am, you must be Chance, my name is Ed.”

“Yes I am, it’s good to meet you.”

“The pleasure is mine, I assume this is the bodyguard you informed us about earlier?”

“Indeed, I’m Nova, nice to meet you.”

“It's a pleasure to meet you as well. If you don’t mind, I can take that suitcase from you.”

“It’s fine, I got it. Anyways we should probably get going seeing as how-” Nova started to say before a commotion of men which seemed to be getting louder distracted him. They turned and saw at least 12 men in suits full-on sprinting towards them. They seemed to slow down as they approached, and a majority of the men took up positions around Chance, Nova, pushing Ed away from the group entirely. They faced away from them but kept them enclosed in a circle of sorts. What stood out to Chance and Nova, was the fact that every single man that just appeared, was nervous as hell.

“Chance Rockwell, Nova. I need you to come with me.” One of the men said. He was the only one to not be a part of the protective formation.

“What the fuck is this?” Chance muttered.

“I’m Ahmed Talib, with the CIA. You need to come with us. This is for your own safety as requested by Secret Service and the Equestrians.” He whispered, flashing his badge

“That doesn't answer my question, what the fuck is going on?”

“I will explain everything once we’re on the road, for now, I need you to come with me.” Chance and Nova looked at each other. Realizing they had no choice, Nova nodded to Chance, who nodded back.

“Fine. Lead the way.” The CIA agent seemed relieved the moment Chance said that.

“Thank you.” He said, before putting his wrist to his mouth and speaking. “VIPs secured, Status report, over.” Talib said, whatever was said on the other line, the duo could not hear, but evidently Talib could. “Understood, Exfil to location Alpha. Over.” He lowered his wrist and spoke to the Duo. “We’re taking you to the Manhattan heliport, from there we’ll take you to an undisclosed airport, which will deliver you to an undisclosed destination. We don’t have much time.”

“Then lead the way.” Still in protective formation, half the group circled around chance, the other half circled around Nova as they guided them out of the airport, and towards the SUV.

The cold air nipped at their faces as they spotted the plethora of Government SUVs waiting for them, and the extreme amount of CIA Agents and police officers patrolling that area decked out in body armor and wielding shotguns and rifles. The duo slowed down a bit as they gawked at the scene in front of them.

“What the fuck?” Nova muttered

“Guys, slow the fuck down goddamnit.” Chance said as they tried to guide him towards the SUV in the middle. My leg isn't what it used to be.” He exclaimed as he quickly limped along. The cane tapping on the ground as he walked.

“I’m sorry Mr. Rockwell, but we need to get you out of New York ASAP before specific parties become aware-” a CIA agent began speaking, just as the sound of a small engine roared across the airport, near their location. “Get down!” The agent yelled, practically tackling Chance to the ground, while another agent grabbed Nova, bringing him down to the ground as well. The Sounds of submachine gunfire reverberated through the airport as the glass behind them shattered from the hail of bullets. The would-be assassins on their bike tried to flee, but less than a second later the sounds of multiple rifles and shotguns going off obliterated the men on the bike, killing them quickly.

“Sir! Are you ok? Sir?” The agent yelled, getting off of Chance, and trying to help him up. “Sir?”

“I’m fine, I’m fine, get us the fuck out of here.”

“Gaah, fucker got me in the leg!” He heard one of the agents yell, he was sitting on the ground, grasping his leg as he tried to staunch the wound, Chance could only stare at the blood pouring out.

“Shit shit shit.” Talib said, raising his wrist back up to his mouth. “Man down! Man Down! Shot in the leg! Senko, you stay behind and wait for EMS services to arrive. Everybody else, Exfil the VIPs to Location Charlie, I repeat! Location Charlie! Over! Full security detail should be ready at Charlie, Over!” The agents grabbed the luggage, and the duo, and borderline dragged them to one of the SUVs in the middle. Chance and Nova quickly bolted inside the SUV, while the CIA agents threw their luggage in the back. Immediately, the Emergency lights on all the SUVs lit up, and sirens blared across the airport as the SUVs sped away from the Arrivals pickup of JFK airport.

“Where the fucks my gun?” Chance yelled out as Nova reached over into the exposed trunk of the car, picking up a suitcase. The other SUVs surrounded them in record time as they sped away.

“It's in this suitcase, along with holsters.” Nova said, opening the suitcase and pulling out two small pelican cases, and two small holsters. He pulled some keys out of his pocket as he unlocked the cases, and passed one over to Chance. Immediately, chance unbuckled his pants, and attached holster to the left side of his hip, before pulling out a small box of ammo, and loading a magazine to the brim with .45 ACP rounds. Nova did much of the same, but instead of loading a magazine, he loaded the chambers of a revolver with .44 magnum rounds before holstering his Smith and Wesson. Chance loaded his mag into his 1911 and pulled back the slide and loading a bullet into the chamber before holstering his weapon.

“What the fuck is going on, Ahmed?” Chance asked.

“I don’t know.” The CIA agent responded simply, turning around from the front passenger side seat to face the backseats. “This was supposed to be a simple extraction mission. We’re taking you to LaGuardia right now, a private jet is ready and waiting there. Manhattan Heliport may be compromised, which is why we’re diverting from our original destination.”

“Ok, What do you know, right now. Why is this happening, who the fuck is coming after me?”

“I don’t know, all I was told to tell you is that the Equestrian feared for your safety and requested that large escort. Considering what just happened. I’m glad they did.”

“What the fuck is the press going to say? I mean, fucks sake two assassins were gunned down, a CIA agent was shot in the leg, and all of this happened in one of the busiest airports in the US!” Nova yelled out.

“I… I don’t know. I’m sorry, we’ll leave that to our superiors.”

“What’s the news saying.” Chance asked

“Good question.” Talib replied, turning on the car radio.

“-Special bulletin from WNYC of recent events just unfolding. Two men were shot down by Police and government officials less than 10 minutes ago. They were said to be riding on a motorcycle and fired at said government officials. Soon after, a large convoy of Government SUVs were seen heading exiting the airport and heading northbound. All flights at JFK, LaGuardia, have been delayed indefinitely by the FAA until further notice. It’s currently not clear who specifically was being targeted in this attack, or why-” Ahmed turned off the radio.

“That's enough of that.” Ahmed said, annoyed at the fact that this was most likely going to be a media shitstorm. “Do you guys have anything you can cover yourselves up with. Particularly, Your face.” Ahmed said, looking at

“I think I got a cap in here, and some sunglasses. Why?”

“For obvious reasons, you cannot be identified.” Talib said, as he pulled out a first aid kit from the glovebox, and retrieved a medical face mask from inside it. “Here, put this on too. We can’t risk anything.” Chance obliged and put on all the extra clothing.

The rest of the ride there was in silence. The cars on the road moved out of the way for the government SUVs like Moses parted the rivers. Chances mind was still boggled at the fact that all of this security was for both of them. If they shut down flights at both LaGuardia and JFK, this was serious.
As they pulled into the runway of the airport, Chance noticed the entire airport was swarming with police vehicles of all kind, ranging from police cruiser to full-on SWAT trucks, with SWAT members patrolling the runway.

“Jesus…” Chance muttered as he stared outside of the car.

“Arriving at Charlie, ETA 30 seconds, Status report, over.” Ahmed said over the mounted radio in the car.

“Snipers and foot patrols in position. All Clear, over.”

“Understood, over.” Ahmed said. Chance took this opportunity to conceal his identity, while nova did the same to a much lesser extent by just wearing a ballcap. The SUV slowed to a stop, and Agents exited their vehicles, surrounding their car. “We’re ready to move.”

The door opened, and two agents with rifles helped chance out of the car, while Nova held his shoulder. Many more agents surrounded Chance and Nova and escorted them to the small private jet waiting on the tarmac just meters away from them. Nova gripped chances shoulder, his .44 revolver drawn out of its holster, aimed towards the ground just in front of chance as he helped escort him to the jet as well.

“Plane is ready for takeoff, sir.” One of the agents said to Chance.

“Good, get us off the ground ASAP.” Chance replied as he climbed into the jet, Nova following right behind him. They sat down in their seats and buckled in. Nova re-holstered his weapon before buckling himself in. Ahmed came along with the duo and strapped himself into one of the seats as well.

Moments later the plane took off, and climbed high into the sky.

“The pilot is going to shut off the transponder in a few minutes, we’ll be dark soon.” Ahmed said. Nova stared at the ground while Chance slightly nodded his head, The events of the last half hour reverberating through his mind as he gripped the armrest.

“Now that we’re safe, I’m authorized to inform you that you can contact a high representative from the Equestrians through a secure line.” Ahmed said, pulling out a briefcase from his seat. “This line will connect you directly to them, and you can talk at your discretion.” He held the briefcase out to Nova, who passed it over to Chance.

“Thank you, Ahmed.”

“You’re welcome.”

“No. Thank you. If you hadn't caught us at JFK, we probably would have been dead by now. I owe you my fucking life.”

“Just doing my job, sir.”

Chance opened the briefcase, all picked up the earpiece, placing it against his ear. The Line on the other end rung for a few seconds before someone picked up.

“Hello?” A voice said on the other end. It was one that Chance didn’t recognize.

“This is Greyhound.”

“Understood, Greyhound. Hold for Eclipse.” The person on the other line said before the line went silent. He didn’t have to wait for long, as a voice he did recognize spoke to him on the other end.

“Chance?” Luna said.

“Luna?” Chance replied back, Nova’s head snapped to Chance, hearing that his ruler was currently in the country.

“Aye, it's me. I’ve been informed there was an attempt on your lives at the airport.”

“Unfortunately that is true. As of right now, I’m on a jet of some kind. I assume you know where it’s taking us?”

“Yes, but I’m not allowed to disclose that information. Nor am I allowed to disclose why we needed to intercept you at the airport.”

“Luna, I understand you’re my superior, but I need to know. Is he back? Did he do this?”

“I can’t answer that.”

“Luna, stop fucking with me. You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

“Indeed I do, but I cannot answer that right now.”

“Fine. I’m going to pass it on to Nova. I assume he’s on the same info blackout that I am in?”

“Yes, I’m sorry for being so tight-lipped at the moment, but it’s for your own safety.” Chance said nothing as he passed the phone over to his friend, who eagerly took it and raised the earpiece to his own ear.

“Princess.” Nova said, Ahmed raised an eyebrow at that but said nothing otherwise. “We’re fine, Ma’am.” Nova glanced over at Chance who was looking at the ground. “Understood. See you soon Princess Luna.” Nova said before passing the briefcase back over to Chance. “She’s still got something to say.” Chance nodded and took the case and raised the earpiece to his ear.


“One more thing, it’s come to our attention that you’re currently in the presence of a CIA agent named ‘Ahmed Talib,’ correct?”


“Good, he’s going to be assigned to your security detail alongside Nova whenever you’re in the United States. As of right now, he’s currently in the dark about who we are, and we would appreciate it if you and Nova could help bring him up to speed.”

“Are you sure about that? I’m not an Equestrian native.”

“I know, but you’ve visited our land, and no doubt have learnt about some of our history from Nova. Not only that but have you forgotten your role as our ambassador? Officially speaking, you’re allowed to speak on our behalf.”

“I’m still going to let Nova take the lead on this, alright?”

“That’s acceptable, we will see you soon. Safe travels, Chance Rockwell.” Chance hung up the phone and passed it back to Nova, who gave it back to Ahmed who stored it away. Nova looked Chance, waiting for his queue.

“Go ahead, you know more than me about this.” Chance said.

“Alright.” Nova replied, turning over to Ahmed. “Ahmed.”


“What do you know about the Equestrians?”

“Honestly, not much. We just know you by name.”

“Right. For the basics. The Equestrians are a species from another dimension. We’re a species of ponies split into three races, earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. Earth ponies have a natural connection to the earth and are built much hardier than pegasi or unicorns. Pegasi, while being lighter, have the ability to fly with the help of their wings, and can live in the clouds. Unicorns are ponies who can use magic. All of the three races are ruled over by two princesses, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. Princess Celestia controls the sun, while Princess Luna controls the Moon.”

“Wait, wait, what do you mean ‘control?’”

“Their celestial bodies work differently than ours.” Chance interjected. “Whereas we rotate around the sun. Their sun and moon rotate around their planet, and are controlled by their Gods.”

“Although, Princess Celestia doesn't like to portray herself as a god, more like a motherly figure.”

Ahmed stared at Nova for a few seconds before chuckling. “You’re fucking with me.”

“No. We’re not.” Chance said. Ahmed looked at Chance, his face blanching as he just realized what he was being told. “Everything you just heard, and everything you’re about to hear is 100% true. The Equestrians have been on this planet for over a century at this point, planting sleeper agents. My bodyguard? He’s a sleeper pegasus. Nova has been here since the 80s.”

“I grew up in a city called Cloudsdale. But I was given the opportunity to study this world's technology at a very early age. I’ve lived on earth more than I have lived in Equestria. I went to high school and college here, got a degree in engineering from NYU. All while funneling information about this world back to Equestria.” Ahmed stared at the ground processing all this information as Chance leaned over to Nova.

“Should we slow down a bit? Seems like a bit much for the guy.” Chance whispered.

“We don’t know where this plane is taking us, or how much time we have left. The faster we can give him this information, the better.”

“Fair enough.”

“Wait, Nova.” Ahmed said


“I heard you say princess over the phone.” Ahmed said, staring down the duo.

“To confirm your suspicions. Yes, one of the rulers of Equestria is currently on US soil.” Nova replied. “The younger sister, Princess Luna. Despite being just below her sister, officially she is on equal footing as her sister. Unofficially due to her recent reintegration into society she has a reduced workload, and reduced responsibilities.”

“Wait, what do you mean by that?”

“What, reintegration?”


“Well, just a simplified version, a little over a thousand years ago Princess Luna was sealed on the moon by a set of powerful artifacts wielded by her sister, A powerful corrupt spirit called Nightmare had infected and corrupted her, transforming the Princess into Nightmare Moon. Cut to about a few years ago, Nightmare Moon escapes the moon, and the new wielders of the artifacts were able to purge the corrupt spirit, restoring Princess Luna. I’m telling you this now because it’s a touchy subject for everybody, and we would rather you don’t bring it up at all in her presence.”

“I… That’s…”

“Deep breaths, I know. It’s a lot. But this is what you’re getting into.”

“How did you find yourself in this mess?” Ahmed asked.

“Long story, Nova was able to get me a contract with the equestrians. Things went wrong, we underestimated our target, and our operation was nearly made public. The Equestrians were able to make contact with the government, and with their help, the operation was completed.”


“Remember that joint strike by the DEA about half a year ago?” Chance asked.

“Of course.”

“We provided the intel, and took out the head of the organization. The person behind it was an Equestrian that had somehow come to this world after he was believed to be dead. Equestrians needed to clean up, and I stepped in to help.

“After that, I was designated as a liaison slash ambassador for the two groups, due to being one of the few humans who had worked directly alongside them.”

“And that’s why you’re designated as a VIP?”

“Yup, and now you’re up to speed.” Chance said. Ahmed reclined back in his seat as he stared ahead.

“So. That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

“We’re flying, to meet one of the leaders of a species, a species that’s not even from this dimension.” Ahmed said out loud, more to himself than anyone.


Ahmed continued to stare up at the ceiling, processing what information had just been dumped on him.

"Do you know who attacked you?" Ahmed asked. Nova shifted in his seat as he turned to Chance.

"That's actually a good question. Chance?"

"I... I think I might know who." He replied. "If it is who I think it is, then we're in serious shit."

"You really think it's him?"

"Who else could it be?"

"Wait, who are you talking about?" Ahmed interjected.

"An unintentional survivor from the previous operation, Sombras Lieutenant."

Author's Note:

And now. Things pick up.

Comments ( 1 )

You know what I like most about this fic? It’s creative. You tried something different and wrote it in such a way as to be engrossing. Thank you for taking a risk.

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