• Published 7th Aug 2019
  • 4,581 Views, 48 Comments

Scripting Equestria - Wild Wire

I somehow landed myself in Equestria, with the power of applying Garry's Mod LUA to reality.

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"Pinkie! I'm ready!" I called out as I stood and looked up, lifting my hand with my call. I had a plan, and a way to abort the plan, so that was good. To quote someone else, 'make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan'. I felt like that was some okay advice. After standing there for nearly a minute, I call out Pinkie's name again, this time holding both hands up. Knowing Pinkie Pie, she'll probably wait until I don't expect her to show up before she actually shows up. That or she was waiting for me to leave just to shout surprise. With a shrug, I walk up to the slide and slowly climb my way up.

As I opened up the trap door, I heard voices talking nearby. I couldn't make it out very well, so they were probably outside the room I was entering. I bet they were waiting for me. Closing the trap door back up, I was now inside Pinkie Pie's room, and outside should be a staircase I think? I don't remember the layout of this bakery very well. I'm pretty sure I somehow went from the Party Cave, which is under the bakery, to Pinkie's room, which is on the third floor. I've fiddled around with Portal 2 map making before, so I can just think of it as 'linked_portal_doors' and be on my way before my brain collapses in on itself.

I listen in by the door, and to my surprise it's not a happy situation. Apparently, before Pinkie Pie had the chance to even start party planning, Rainbow Dash and Applejack had arrived, and dragged Twilight with them to try to catch me, and were telling Pinkie Pie that I'm super dangerous and everything. I hadn't planned for this, so I sneaked away from the door, and hid myself behind Pinkie's couch. Opening Notepad, I begin to think real hard. I need a way to negate telekinesis if I want to escape. If I just run now, I'll be caught faster than Pinkie could eat a banana sundae with a cherry on top. I don't know if I'll be able to teleport out of telekinesis, and my phase SWEP would be useless, because I wouldn't be able to attack from being frozen in place.

Wait, that's it! I throw open the Garry's Mod Wiki and check two simple commands. I already know how to make traces, I just need to figure out how to hit myself with one. I keep filtering myself out, so what if I just didn't? Ooh, I have an even better idea now, and I don't even need to hit myself with a trace! I began my script. Basic SWEP stuff, blah blah blah.

function SWEP:Think()
. local ply = self:GetOwner()
. if (ply:Freeze(true)) then
. . ply:Freeze(false)
. end

What this should do is make it so the moment I'm ever frozen, I'll immediately be unfrozen. It's very simple, and will be very useful if it works. Now for the other part.

function SWEP:PrimaryAttack()
. local ply = self:GetOwner()
. local stpos = ply:GetShootPos()
. local enpos = stpos + ply:GetAimVector() * 50000
. local tr = util.TraceHull({
. . start = stpos,
. . endpos = enpos,
. . filter = ply,
. . mask = MASK_SHOT,
. . mins = Vector(-24, -24, -24),
. . maxs = Vector(24, 24, 24)
. })
. local ent = tr.Entity()
. if (IsValid(ent)) then
. . ent:SetVelocity(Vector(0, 0, 0))
. end

What this code should do is make it so anything I attack towards will lose all velocity and will have to regain it. I'm hoping this will be able to stop Rainbow Dash, or at least pause her if she starts chasing me. Saving both codes in the same SWEP as 'weapon_antifreeze', I run the command to give it to myself, and I walk out from behind the couch. Sneaking close to the door again, I look through the key hole. Oh no, now Pinkie Pie looks conflicted, and I can tell she doesn't want to go against her friends. I need to get past them quickly. This door is the only exit other than the window, and I'm not jumping out a window on the third floor of a building. I have something they don't right now though.

The element of surprise.

"LOUD BANG!" I yelled as I kicked the door in, immediately booking it past them. They all jumped at the noise, but Rainbow Dash was the first to start chasing me. As soon as she was flying right behind me, which was no time at all, I swung my arm in her direction like I was backhanding a fly. Despite not connecting my hand, Rainbow Dash still lost all forward momentum and fell to the floor. Exactly as I had planned.

"What the!?" She said, lifting herself back up. Rainbow Dash saying this seemed to get Twilight to snap out of her surprised stupor, and she lit her horn right a second too late, as I was already running down the stairs and out of sight. Applejack jumped down the stairs after me, jumped I say! She had her lasso, and she swung it right at me. I switched weapons to the phase SWEP again, and phased through the rope, and also the floor I was on, landing me on the first floor. I somehow landed upright and on my feet, so I quickly spun in a circle and spotted the door, with Twilight blocking it. I guess she teleported.

Switching back to my antifreeze SWEP, I ran towards her while moving my arm in front of me during my charge. She lit her horn and I felt the magical aura surround me. It didn't do anything but assault my ears a bit from being so close. Not stopping for anything, not even magic, I dive over Twilight's head, and land myself outside with a roll. Taking a sharp left because that way seemed more open, I see Rainbow Dash flying out the window of the third floor, before diving towards me at about a fourty-five degree angle. I swing towards her again, making her fall straight down at the loss of her velocity.

I was in the clear now! I switched to my telescape SWEP, and-

Something is creating script errors.


I open the console, not Notepad, and I quickly read what happened. Apparently I used a trace hull without giving it a mask enumeration. I'll need to fix that when I get the chance. Closing the console, I continue my sprint. I couldn't distract myself too much, if I open Notepad to change my speed, I could end up tripping or running into a wall, and I really didn't want to end up eating dirt. It hurts more than it looks. Finally making my way out of town, it seems that they all gave up on chasing me.


That was their plan! They weren't trying to catch me, they were trying to make me leave! I did exactly what they wanted me to! Gosh darn it! You know what? Fine, I don't need to be in Ponyville. I just needed to know if I when I was, and now I know I'm before the end of season three because Twilight wasn't an alicorn. If Ponyville doesn't want me, I'll try somewhere else. What are the friendliest places I know of? I wouldn't go to Canterlot, Zecora's hut, or anywhere like that. Manehatten might be completely uncaring, but not exactly friendly either. Think, Mathew, think!

Where do I go from here?