• Published 2nd May 2020
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They're Never Coming Back - Flashgen

With the discovery of a line of communication to one of Ponyville's inhabitants, Verdant Vines and her team search for answers.

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Session C3 - Verdant Vines and Blue Sky - May 7th

Transcription of Session C3: Verdant Vines and Blue Sky
Date: May 7th
Time: 7:32 p.m.
Interviewer: White Clover

Given Twilight Sparkle’s information about malicious entities attempting to undermine her efforts, and the danger to personnel in Ponyville after dark, we withdrew all patrols an hour before sundown. We still do not know if we are far enough from the town to avoid danger, but no one made it this far from town in the journals.

With the last survivor recovered some hours prior, Vines and I were able to begin our review early as well. In addition, Doctor Blue Sky asked to join both of us to discuss some of his limited findings as well as the current status of triage and the movement of patients off-site.

Blue Sky (BS): Thank you for allowing me to join both of you, Miss Clover.

White Clover (WC): I’m more than happy to have you here, Doctor. Especially if you have some news about those we’ve recovered.

BS: Yes, I think we have made some progress on that front. As you know, we’ve recovered forty-two survivors as of this evening. Those that were conscious and located yesterday have been moved off-site—except for a few special cases—and we’re in the process of reviewing the ponies recovered today. As for the ones that were unconscious on their discovery, we’ve been unable to make headway on waking them. Solace is still comatose, and word from Canterlot is that Pendant is as well.

Verdant Vines (VV): Which of the ones from yesterday are special cases?

BS: The first is Daisy. While she was located conscious, her state was so severe that I’ve recommended keeping her here for recovery, at least until she’s well enough to move on her own. If we run low on beds, I can consider moving her as an emergency, but I’d personally want to keep her on-site.

BS: The second is Redheart. She was a nurse at the local hospital. I don’t think she’ll be able to assist for a day or two more, but I’d like to take every pair of hooves we can get. That is, with permission from both of you.

WC: We’ll see how the following days shake out. We’d prefer all civilians are removed as soon as possible. Is there anypony else?

BS: Yes, Cookie Crumbles. Her daughter is still unconscious. I’d be remiss to try ordering her to leave.

WC: As long as it isn’t a burden to our overall efforts, I think it will be fine, but please try to broach the topic of moving her off-site. Were you able to complete some screenings before sending the other conscious survivors away?

BS: Generally, yes. Most of them are still skittish, frightened. Those we couldn’t move yesterday didn’t seem to rest overnight, even the ones that were exhausted. Whether it’s on the way to their respective hospitals or when they get there, I’m certain they’ll reach a breaking point. If not, I’ve advised that the doctors taking over their care consider sleep aids.

BS: I understand the aversion if Twilight's experiences are indicative of what they went through, but the sooner they rest the better it will be for them.

BS: I asked how they were and tried not to bring up what they’ve gone through. Overall, the general opinions were negative. Despite the relative safety they’re in, they refuse to see it as over.

BS: None of them appear dangerous—a threat to themselves or others—but I’ve still advised they be kept under close supervision if able. I’ve also suggested quarantine procedures, both to keep up the appearance of Ponyville’s closure as well as a preventative measure should all of this prove… infectious.

VV: And what about those from today? Have you spoken to them yet?

BS: No, not yet. I do understand two of your investigators were found, however.

WC: Yes, that’s correct. I… would have considered asking for a screening first, but Spanner and Sugarcane approached me as I was checking up on the triage counts. Rainbow Dash was with them as well.

WC: It seems they may have been the luckiest ones. At least on what information we have.

BS: Why is that?

WC: They said they left Sweet Apple Acres an hour before they appeared here.

There was a pause from Blue Sky.

BS: I believe that journal was discovered…

WC: Two weeks ago, yes. We obviously can’t speculate beyond what they say, but… at least it means more beds we can likely free up.

WC: I’d still like for them to undergo evaluation from your team first, but then I’ll consider having Spanner and Sugarcane report back to active duty if you sign off.

BS: I’ll be as thorough as possible. What about Rainbow Dash?

VV: She’s still a civilian. Have her moved out of town as soon as the evaluation is done.

Blue Sky was about to object, but I cut him off.

WC: Even as one of Twilight Sparkle’s friends and an Element of Harmony, yes. We need to focus on attending to those that need our help the most.

BS: Understood.

WC: Anything else, Doctor?

BS: There was another parent and child recovered today. The child is likewise unconscious.

WC: We’ll keep it in mind.

BS: As for those we are caring for because of their state, our supplies are still on a positive projection unless there’s a rapid degradation of their well-being. With another two shipments coming in the next few days, we’re ready for about two weeks’ worth of treatment for fifty patients. Given we have sixteen on-site, that’s very good.

VV: We can’t be sure how many are still on their way, so just keep that in mind. Make sure to categorize the ones who can be moved off-site on short notice.

BS: We’ll do our best.

WC: In regards to Twilight, it seems she was hampered by these malicious creatures today. That’s why we called off patrols early. We’ll narrow the time frame going forward to one hour after sunrise and one hour before sunset. That should give us some leeway on the dangers that may be present.

VV: And if there’s a danger to the camp?

WC: We’ll sound an alarm for evacuation. I’m sure, with the personnel we have, that the unconscious patients could be cared for on a trip.

BS: Yes. The main concern is that we can’t sacrifice the medical personnel we have on-site for the transfers. That and I fear we may overload the locations we’re transporting them to. They can only set up so much of a quarantine while caring for their normal patients.

WC: Exactly. Nevertheless, we’ll make sure to flow it down to the guards and investigators if you can handle your staff, Doctor.

Blue Sky nodded, making a note of it.

WC: Twilight has also told Princess Celestia that she plans to return now. We don’t know when it will be, but… we still have the detention area prepared for her, along with anyone considered high risk.

BS: There was… already one filly with a missing limb that we recovered. We checked for a sign of infection, but there was none. Certainly none that matched Applejack’s description.

WC: I’ve considered that. There is the possibility it’s limited purely to this place they were taken to, and distance is proving helpful.

BS: We’ve kept her isolated from the others, for now.

WC: Good. I think that’s all we’ll need today, Doctor. I assume you have other matters to attend to.

Blue Sky stood, nodding to both of us, and gathered his notes before leaving the tent.

WC: Anything else to go over, Vines?

VV: No, Clover.

WC: Anything unrelated to the case?

VV: No nightmares last night. No dreams at all. It’s worrying, just a little. Makes me more tense. As soon as I heard about Twilight’s issues, it got even worse. It was like last night was the eye of the storm, even though I was already so…

WC: I know. I didn’t have any dreams either. Maybe it has to do with the survivors coming through or our spirits improving because of that. Or maybe it’s still… different for each of us.

Vines got up from her seat, walking over to the portable stove at the end of the tent and putting a kettle on.

VV: Maybe. Want a cup?

WC: I won’t turn it away. Have something in mind?

VV: Rose and honey?

WC: Sounds lovely.

We waited in silence as the kettle boiled and I took the time to prepare the cups. Once the cups were poured, we both sat back down, now next to one another instead of across.

WC: I hope Princess Celestia will… not let her connection cloud her judgment.

VV: You’re concerned she’ll keep us here too long?

WC: Just a possibility, a worry. She’s always cared very much for her citizens. I don’t doubt she’ll pull us away at the first sign of danger, but… I’m more concerned she won’t leave with us.

Vines sipped for a long time, nearly finishing the whole cup.

VV: She’s very close with Twilight. Now that Twilight claims she’ll come back, I can see what you mean. So, are you asking me to try and convince her when the time comes?

WC: No, no. I don’t think her sister could convince her. Just… we need to be aware, that’s all.

Vines finished the rest of the cup slowly.

VV: This is good. Did you bring it from Candle Cafe?

WC: Of course. I wouldn’t settle for anything but the best.

She laughed, smiled, and downed the last few drops.

VV: Thanks, Clover… We still need to pay it a visit when things are done. It just wouldn’t be a closed case without it.

WC: I know, Vines. I just thought it would help you relax.

VV: It did. Hopefully there will be sweet dreams to follow.

Vines stood up, walking to the entrance of the tent. I said nothing to make her linger or stay, yet she came to a stop.

VV: About… last night, Clover.

WC: Yes, Vines?

VV: I’m sorry for being… defeatist. I want to be objective about the case, but—

WC: I know, Vines. It’s difficult, more so for you. You’ve, potentially, come into contact with this place. If you want to leav—

VV: No, no! I just… Thank you for being a little more optimistic.

WC: I try, most of all for you. We’ll get through this, Vines. We all will.

VV: I was… Something came to mind, though. I was trying to keep my mind off how, well, uneventful last night was for me, and…

WC: Go ahead. If it helps you to say it, I’ll be glad to listen.

She trotted back to me.

VV: I was reading some of the interviews: the ones Blue Sky and his team are doing. Targe was at Sweet Apple Acres. He said he got separated from the others when they ran away from the farmhouse, but…

She took a deep breath, hooking her hooves over the chair’s arm to my side.

VV: If it happens, if it looks like it… Promise me we’ll stick together.

She put her hoof on mine. I held it tightly.

WC: Promise.

It was a few moments of silence before she let go and backed up towards the tent entrance.

WC: Good night, Vines.

VV: Night, Clover.

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