• Published 31st Dec 2019
  • 2,867 Views, 55 Comments

Broken World - Arceaion

When one only want to forget, to escape, they will do anything, try anything. When a broken woman goes to the Merchant to start over she will be granted peace but everything has a price.

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Chapter 3

Celestia sighed as she sat tiredly listening to the nobles continue to rant about how her sudden appearance in the middle of Canterlot was unbefitting her royal status. "Furthermore as the highest raked nobles I demand you explain where you were now!" The Speaker roared in anger his face almost bright red in anger.

Celestia sighed, this had been going on all week apparently the appearance of a portal opening over Canterlot and the subsequent fall of a princess and random Pegasus out of said portal was not something that is easily covered up and the nobles had been in an uproar ever since her return. As she sat listening to the nobles whine about her sudden disappearance and confusing return she began to contemplate why she was still allowed the nobility to continue as they did. Sure not all of them were corrupt but most of the noble houses had long since fallen to corruption and abused their power. 'maybe I should start making plans to get rid of the nobles, I think Luna might enjoy a council or parliament style government... hmm have to think on how to do it though.' she thought as she watched the doors to the throne room open and permit a guard to enter.

The Guard quickly made his way to the throne and bowed. "Forgive the interruption princess, I've come to inform you that she has made some progress and would like to see you." He said in a rather concerned tone.

Celestia nodded and rose from her throne. "Day Court in officially adjourned, any complaints or problems will be addressed during this evenings Night Court if they are of any significant, don't come to me I'll call for you." She said as she left the throne room with the guard following being, the room bursting into a shouting match behind them causing Celestia to smile. As the doors to the throne room closed she turned to the guard. "So what has she discovered?" She asked however when she didn’t receive a reply she turned to see the guards concern.

"Your highness, I'm not sure what she found but whatever it was enough for her to be very... angry." He replied receiving a frown from Celestia who opened her mouth to reply only for the castle to shake from an explosion and an enraged roar to come from its depths. Celestia paled and ran in the direction of the explosion while the guard seemed to shudder in fear before fallowing.

When Celestia reached the area where Eve had been working she saw parts of the wall blackened and cracked. After hesitating for a moment she stepped into the room to see Eve standing in the center of the rooms remains her eyes flowing with golden light.

Eves form had changed significantly since Celestia had last seen her. Her clothing had changed to a more shin tight covering with leggings and arm warmers becoming mostly white with black and red highlights, She had grown by at least a foot and around her waist was armored plates. Eves' her hair was much longer reaching below her waist and a head band with a flower design was added to keep it held back.

As Celestia entered Eve turned to her and grit her teeth before shooting forward and grabbing the mare by the throat. "Did you know about this!?" Eve roared in anger her eyes glowing brightly as she began to choke the princess.

"W-hat ar-e y-you talking about?" Celestia gasped out her eyes wide in fear.

"You're ponies killed my Nasod!" Eve roared as she threw Celestia against the wall causing her to gasp out in pain before coughing at the sudden intake of air she was allowed.

"How could that be possible?" She asked as she tried to get air back onto her body.

Eve growled walked toward the princess, her steps cracking the marble floor under her. "I looked into Adam’s Memory banks Princess Celestia." She said coldly as she looked down as the gasping mare. "Eight hundred years he fought, for eight hundred years Adam fought to protected me from ponies who at every chance they got come to the where I slept and destroyed more of my people." She said Yelled as tears began to fall from her eyes.

"T-that's not poss-" Celestia froze as she remembered what she had seen in the facility. "The magic!" She said her eyes widening. "But that would mean...oh no." Celestia seemed to freeze as she realized the implications of what had happen and seemed to deflate. "I'm so sorry Eve, I didn't know." She said as she looked at the crying queen. Slowly Celestia sat up and wrapped the teen size queen in a hug, Eve simply stood there crying. "I didn't know Eve but I promise I'll make this right. Can you show me what you saw?" She asked receiving a small nod from the crying queen.

Eve turned and walked over to a small projector she had cobbled together and activated it. "I'll be playing the most recent records Adam has on the raids, there won't be any sound but you should be able to see the ponies." Eve said as she finished connecting several wires to one of the chips she pulled from Adam. As the projector lit up Celestia watched as several lines of code filled the screen and a file was selected before a video began to play.

Celestia watched as what appeared to be a boot up screen was show before what she assumed to be a camera activated showing several pony like figures moving around. The room was dark but one of them lit their horn showing them to be a unicorn and Celestias eyes widened in shock as she watched them raised weapons and begin to smash the cylinders containing the Nasod. Several of the Cylinders seemed to activate but as soon as the Nasod exited the tubes another of the ponies raised a strange device that looked like a gun and fired launching a beam of magic at then and killing them. Once the Nasod were dead the ponies began to go over the bodies ripping components out before rising and coming closer to the camera. As Celestia watched in shock she caught a view of their faces and gasped. "No..." She muttered before turning to Eve. "Pause the video and rewind to that part where there faces were visible." She said quickly. Eve looked at the princess before pausing and rewinding the footage as Celestia rose and moved closer to the image fora better look. "I had hoped I was wrong but..." Celestia trialed off with a sigh as she looked down in shame.

"You know these Ponies I assume?" Eve said coldly receiving a nod from the princess.

"The Unicorn in the front is one of my great nephews Amadeus Blueblood; he is one of the more influential nobles. The Earth Pony with them is Smooth Style; he is a influential stallion as well and spends most of his time away from Canterlot working with 'private inventors'. The Pegasus mare is Scarlet Smirk; she works in the Technological development section of the Canterlot Research Center. Finally the Unicorn mare with them is Violet Jewel, she is a up and coming inventor who specializes in devices that require crystal alignment; in fact she's pioneered the entire branch almost single handedly." Celestia Explained as she turned to Eve sadly. "All four of them are heavily involved in the development new technologies and the Bluebloods' have been spear heading technological development since the founding of Equestria."

Eve grit her teeth and closed her eyes as she took a deep breaths before breathing out and looking at Celestia. "Thieves and con-artist, that's all these fools are." She said coldly. "They have killed my people and stolen our secrets." She said coldly. "While I cannot pass blame to you as you were unaware the crimes they have committed are no doubt severe." She said calmly.

Celestia nodded. "Yes, they’ve been effectively committing Genocide and stealing from your race." Celestia sighed as she leaned against the wall behind her and slowly slid down it. "I don’t even think there exists a sentence severe enough to punish them." She said as she rubbed her eyes.

"I can think of one, Death" Eve said coldly.

Celestia shook her head. "Death is instant release however perhaps there is something to be done." She said as she stood. "While the Death penalty has been outlawed there is still a form of punishment not outlawed that could benefit us, petrification."

Eve looked at Celestia for a moment before smiling. "Very well but as Death is not an option and I would like at least some form of compensation." She said with a smile. "I would ask two things be done, first that their trial be public and their crimes be brought before the public."

Celestia nodded. "That can be done." She said as Eve walked to a window in the room and looked out over it.
"Second I would like to be present." She said as she turned to look at the solar Alicorn. "This means you will have to announce my presence and formally recognize my people and authority as Queen."

Celestia frowned. "What good with doing such a thing do?" She asked in confutation.

Eve smiled. "By announcing my presence and formally recognize my people you will be setting in to place that we, the Nasod, are entities not governed by you or your ponies." She said calmly. "Furthermore by recognizing my authority as Queen I will have legitimate support if I am challenged by other rulers of this new world." She said calmly. "My race has been gone from this world for far too long and we are few in number." She said as she turned and looked at Celestia. "If I and my people are to survive then I must have allies and since you offered to assist me in the restoration of my people then I will need your support to be publicized." She said calmly.

Celestia sighed and looked back at the frozen image of her ponies. "Very well, I shall grant your request." She said as she looked at Eve. "The one responsible shall be arrested tomorrow and I can get a public hearing set up by the end of the week. I assume that by then you will be taking your full form?" She asked.

Eve shook her head. "At the current rate of repairs my Battle Seraph Circuit Chip shall be functional within two days." She said calmly. "However Transcendence as well as the Sariel Key will not be active for the trial, the stress that activating such forms so soon to their restoration would only result in more damage being done." Eve said.

Celestia nodded. "I see, so since I have you at the moment we need to talk about your education as well as school." Celestia smiled as Eve’s deadpanned face became even more so.

Author's Note:

Well this took a long time to get out and even now I'm still not satisfied with the chapter. I'm not a big political person so leave a comment below if you have a better understanding of politics and how I can make the nobility worse while also not crossing any lines that would put them at risk.

If you want to write your idea out then send it to me through a PM (Personal Message) and if I like it I will add it to the chapter and give you credit for the help. I really hate writing for the nobles because I want them to be really horrible, scummy people (Excluding Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis) but I'm not politically savvy enough to write this crap.

ANyway enough of me ranting; I hope you enjoyed the chapter after so long and I will see you in the next chapter.

Code: Electra Form