• Published 26th Aug 2019
  • 9,477 Views, 136 Comments

Your Saitama and You - Element of Power

Saitama seems to be surrounded by strange creatures, and stupid humans. Maybe one of the creatures are strong?

  • ...

Chapter 3

Author's Note:

Tosses stale, raw piece of meat(new chapter) to the starving readers.
There! That should hold them over for another 2 months!

As the two of them walked through town, Saitama noticed that the ponies haven't left the town hall yet. It was possible they don't know the bugbears are gone.

Ahead of him, Rainbow had decided to fly close to the ground and stay near him. Without her stopping, he heard Rainbow's voice. "So, um, does that mean your workout is real? 'Cause if it is..." She trailed off, possibly thinking about having that kind of strength.

"Yes, that's what I did, but it might not work for you." Saitama informed her. Rainbow looked down for a second, the flaps of her wings slowing a bit, before she perked up again.

"I'm still gonna try it!" She proclaimed. Saitama started sweating, imagining how mad she'll be when it doesn't work.

He continued walking while she flew, passing by countless houses and getting closer and closer to what looked like a gingerbread house. Rainbow looked back and saw Saitama staring at the building.

"Oh, that's Sugarcube Corner! It's the bakery where Pinkie works." She explained. Right at that moment, a pony scrambled across the road and ran into the bakery before slamming the door. Rainbow sighed. "And I guess that's also where the party's going to be."

When they got close to the door, Saitama could see a huge amount of hoofprints leading inside. Rainbow decided to tell him one last thing before they entered. "Remember, try not to talk."

Saitama nodded. "Ok." Rainbow's fur bristled for a second at that word. She dropped from her flight and they walked forward, opening the doors to see a pitch-black room. The lights flared, revealing every pony in the town that was attending the party.

"SURPRISE!" Confetti exploded everywhere, while a banner hanging from the ceiling was unfurled. Saitama read it and sighed. It said, 'RAINBOW GOT A HUMAN, SAITAMA!'. He still didn't understand how she knew his name.

Pinkie rushed over, bouncing the whole way. "Yay! Dashie, you guys made it! Now it's time to party!" She rushed off, disappearing into the crowd. Saitama searched around for Rainbow's friends. Since he was obviously taller than everything here, it wasn't so hard. He found the whole group by the food table.

Saitama nudged Rainbow. "Huh?" She said. She looked at him, until he nodded in the direction of her friends. She smiled and trotted over, with Saitama tagging along. When they arrived at the food table, Saitama noticed the group flinch at his presence.

'They must not have liked my attack very much.'

Looking at each member of the group, they all looked scared on different levels, until he looked at a yellow one.

'I didn't see this one before. Who is she?'

He then remembered. Since she wasn't there at the fight, she didn't know about his fight, at least, until someone tells her. Then, he noticed what was next to her. It was another human. This one was short, like the other one he saw. maybe even shorter, and he looked absolutely ripped. Even Rainbow looked confused by this.

"Uh, Fluttershy, why did you bring this, human?" She quietly asked. Fluttershy looked at her human, and simply smiled.

"I just got him from a shelter. He can be pretty aggressive, but he's pretty nice around ponies. I wanted to bring him here to see how your human acts." At this, the group looked between Saitama and the other human.

Saitama stood there, not sure about what he was supposed to do. His attention was then brought to the human when it started moving closer to him. It sniffed him and his hand for a few seconds, before growling. Fluttershy looked worried for Saitama, while the rest of the girls looked really worried for the other human.

The human puffed its chest out before growling again. Then, it decided to swing at him. The swipe hit, but did absolutely nothing. The human looked confused, but it tried punching Saitama right in the face. It once again did nothing.

In the corner of his vision, he could see a very relieved, but confused Fluttershy. Alongside her, the rest still looked scared. At this, Saitama decided not to do anything, and to instead go to the snack table next to them. The whole way, the human was practically hanging off of him, still hitting and scratching and biting.

He stepped up to the table, seeing a variety of sugary snacks. He picked up a rainbow cupcake, peeled it, and put the whole thing in his mouth. Behind him, he heard gasping.

"Wow!" Saitama heard Pinkie shout. "I didn't think anypony was brave enough to eat the cupcakes made with the liquid rainbow!

Everybody else shrieked "WHAT!?!"

Suddenly, Saitama felt a tingle on his mouth. Then, it became a slight stinging. Then, it skipped every other stage and immediately became hell on the sun, straight in his mouth.

His face never flinched a bit.

All the ponies waited with bated breath for the inevitable screams of pain, but they never came. He simply walked back to the group, where even Fluttershy's human could tell something wasn't right.

"Pinkie..." Rainbow Dash started. "Why was there LIQUID RAINBOW in the CUPCAKES!"

Pinkie simply smiled. "Because it's fun! We all thought his mouth would be like, 'whoosh!' with fire, but it wasn't!"

Saitama looked over at Fluttershy, who was getting closer. Rainbow noticed this too, and stopped her talk with Pinkie.

"Uh, Flutters, what're you doing?" Fluttershy squeaked, startled, before standing a bit taller.

"I want to check him for injuries. My human did attack him after all..." With that exchange over, she examined Saitama, who just watched her, careful not to say anything. Once she looked over the places he had been "attacked". Completely unsurprisingly to Saitama, there was nothing there, but bits of slobber.

Saitama watched her back up, satisfied, before going back to talk. Saitama didn't have anything better to do, so he listened to what they started talking about.

'Maybe I shouldn't eavesdrop, but it could be interesting.'

Twilight started off. "Fluttershy, while you were looking over Saitama, did you find any injuries?"

"No, he was perfectly fine." Fluttershy said, shaking her head.

"That's what I thought." Twilight accepted. "Fluttershy, when Rainbow first showed us her human, when you weren't there, we got attacked by bugbears. Three of them. Saitama, he... he killed all three of them with nothing but one punch. They were basically disintegrated! Do you know anything about humans that this could relate to?"

Fluttershy's eyes widened, as she fearfully hid behind her hair. "N-No, they can't do that. Not without somepony putting a spell on them or something."

Twilight shook her head. "There was no spell. He even seemed to be resistant to magic" She looked to the rest of the group. "I'll write to the Princesses, well, other Princesses, about this. And you should continue keeping an eye on him, Rainbow."

Rainbow simply smirked before flying over to Saitama, patting a hoof on his back. "Of course! I can keep my human behaved!" Saitama looked at her, causing her to laugh sheepishly.

Twilight nodded with a smile, before disappearing in purple light. Fluttershy went over to her human, who had been absentmindedly looking around the room. She nudged him, having him follow her to the door.

Rainbow turned back to Saitama. "Ok, let's go. I've got a cloud with my name on it, just waiting to be napped on!" They went outside, away from other ponies.

Now that they were alone, Saitama could speak. "So, what do I do then?"

Rainbow hovered in thought, before saying, "I don't know, take a nap too?" Saitama shrugged. "Ok, I guess I'll sleep a bit."

At this Saitama jumped into the air, in the direction of Rainbow's cloud house, leaving behind a stunned pegasus. She shook it off, and went to look for a suitable napping cloud.

Saitama landed back on the front "yard" of Rainbow's cloud house. Going inside, he looked around for a bit, before finding a room. Across the distance, he saw a bed, made entirely of the seemingly fluffy material the house was made of.

"Well, at least I get to sleep on clouds." He said, before laying down.

'Wait, why did Rainbow want to go find a cloud to sleep on if she already had one?'

With this thought, the comfort of the bed sent him to sleep.

Back at Twilight's castle, said pony was busy writing a letter to the other Princesses, detailing exactly what had occurred involving Rainbow' new human, Saitama. Once she was finished, she rolled it up with her magic and had it sent to Canterlot.

Celestia and Luna sat side by side, reading the letter together. As they finished, a look of worry could be seen on their faces.

"This, could be very bad." Celestia finally spoke. "If this is no normal human, I fear what could happen to the ponies around it."

Luna stood up, stretching her wings. "Don't worry sister. When the human sleeps, I will enter his mind. Then, we can find out if it is part of some plan, or not." She closed her eyes, and concentrated her horn. She felt through the dream realm, a quick way to see if somepony, or human in this case, was sleeping. Then she found the odd mind out.

"Perfect! He just happens to be sleeping at the moment." She delved deeper, before being stopped by a strong force. She added more magic, trying to break through, but it didn't work.

"Sister, I can't get into his mind."

Celestia thought for a moment, before remembering. "Didn't Twilight say it wasn't affected by magic?" Luna's eyes widened.

"Of course! But, luckily for us, I already have a plan for this sort of thing. While there are things that nullify magic, like the anti-magic rings for unicorns, I happen to also have a ring that nullifies resistance to magic." Luna explained confidently.

"Well Luna, you're certainly prepared." Celestia complimented. Luna simply nodded before flying out the window.

After a bit of time, she saw where the source of the dreams were occurring, from inside Rainbow Dash's house. She quietly glided through the window to the specific bedroom, where the human of interest slept.

He was lying in bed, still completely covered with the bizarre clothing. Luna silently crept up, and took hold of the special ring in her magic, and gently slid it onto the human's finger. Once it was on, she tried entering his mind again. This time, she found no resistance.

Luna immediately headed into his current dream, since she would need to go there to be able to access his memories. As soon as she found her way inside, however, she was greeted by a strange sight.

The human was running away from a pony, whose features weren't defined. As the human ran into the distance, she could've swore she faintly heard him shout, "Don't touch me with that booger on your hoof!"

Shaking her head from the absurd thought, she exited the dream, now able to see his memories.

She looked through them, starting from the latest and working back. What she found, disturbed her, but intrigued her at the same time. A world of intelligent humans, heroes, monsters, and most of all, the supremely strong Saitama. Each of his victories, from a giant human, to a hideous beast down in a bunker; all obliterated with one punch. A being that, even without the aid of magic, had unmatched power.

"H-How is this possible?" Luna simply couldn't even believe what Saitama's mind was showing her. The only being who ever survived a punch from him, a villain named Boros, and he was still easily defeated.

She poked around for how exactly he came to be, but what she found shocked her even more. He simply worked out. It was obviously an intense workout, one only extreme athletes would do, but it didn't explain how it gave him his enormous strength.

This human, could easily destroy everything in his way... and it was Discord who brought him here. He was the reason they were potentially in danger.

Saitama rolled over, still asleep, and unconsciously squeezed his fist. The ring on his finger shattered.

Luna was still contemplating what she had witnessed, when she suddenly felt a huge pulling force on her body. Looking back, she could see she was being sucked out of Saitama's mind.

"Something must have happened to the ring!" She yelled over the winds passing her by. She knew better than to try to stay, so she let herself be ejected from his mind.

Back in her own mind, her vision came back to her. Looking at Saitama, she could see he was still sleeping, but the ring that was supposed to be on his finger was shattered.

Shaking her head, she quickly teleported back to the castle. Celestia was waiting for her, sipping on some tea.

"So, how did it go?" She asked, before noticing the grim expression on Luna's face.

"Tia... this human, could be a very serious problem." Celestia seemed taken back by this. "Why? How is he such a threat?"

Luna took a deep breath, letting it slowly escape from her body, before explaining. "He isn't from this world. He comes from another, one populated by intelligent humans. In this world, there are monsters, but there is also an organization of sorts, one made up of heroes."

"These humans are all stronger than the other humans in one way or another, some even having abilities. But Saitama, this human, who everypony thinks is just a funny-looking human, is actually exceptionally strong. Even to the point that his skin is so strong, that nothing could hurt him.

Every monster he faced, all threats in his way, they were all obliterated the same way those bugbears died. With one punch. His strength could even be infinite for all we know! That was what I could get before he accidentally broke the ring in his sleep, evicting me from his mind."

Celestia's face darkened at this, troubled by the news. "I see. How did he get that strong? Would he attack?"

Luna shook her head. "No, he was a hero back on his world, so I don't think he would intentionally seek to destroy us. However, when I checked his mind for the answer to his power, I found out that he simply worked out!"

Celestia thought for a moment. "Well maybe he just happened to have some immense untapped power, which came out with this "training". Either way, we should definitely keep tabs on him at all times. We also need to find a way to strengthen the rings, just in case. He could be a great help to Equestria, but I would rather be safe than sorry."

Luna simply nodded, too shook to respond. She walked off to her chambers, leaving Celestia to think, slowly sipping her tea once again.

Once Luna arrived in her chambers, she flopped down on the bed. Then, she got an idea. "I haven't' needed to work out, because of my alicorn strength, but maybe...?"

She got up and walked out. She had work to do.