• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 19 )

Whoa... a sequel to one of my fics :P

Ah, are you the author of the original?
I’d be happy to add a link to it if I could find where to link to.

Oh yeah, Feng commissioned me for the original.


I uh... was not as brave putting it on fimfic as yourself XD.

Oh -- I didn’t realize it was on FA. I’ll make a link!

This Fimfic was very sexy, great work

Thanks! ^.^ What’s your favorite part?

When they put the dragon dido in his ass, their three way kiss and the tail play in the near end.

Loved when you did this

^.^ Is that another new username?
Or am I just being forgetful ... probably the latter.

Nah I left awhile ago, then came back lol

It'd be better (for me, personally) if the man had been a regular human, but either way this is the BEST kind of femdom: Mistresses who're kinky, powerful, aggressive, and extremely dominant, but also loving and affectionate. The best part of stories like this is usually where they cuddle their boy-toy when they're all done. And there's something to be said about being held captive by two curvy, horny dragonesses.

Glad you liked it, despite the protagonist being a little furrier than usual! ^.^


Really should do a sequel to this one day, though unsure what would happen. Shame don't see more stories around these two draonesses.


Shame don't see more stories around these two draonesses.

Well, I mean ... they are pretty obscure. If people here want dragoness stories, they usually go for Ember or Smolder ... or maybe rule 63 Spike. Or if they're going really crazy, Crackle.
... and people here generally aren't here for dragon stories, anyway. They're here for pony stories.
It's just the way of things, I suppose.

True, only certain dragons from mlp are used. And though background characters those two dragons you see very rarely.

Still enjoy coming back to this, i really got do more of feng in equestria, changeling badlands , and the dragonlands. Love to hire again at some point

Heh, yeah ... I wish my waiting list was shorter!

Damn nice read. Fluffy Boy got a great deal.
Pretty sure half the fun of the raiding is the hunt...

Nice to see people enjoying this one! ^.^

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