• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
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Gaze within the Holocron, and see what stories it has to tell. For every fable is but a thread in the weave of tales.



Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow have all been defeated, and worse yet, imprisoned in stone by the combined powers of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Discord. Now that they are frozen in stone, they only have themselves. And the three are very quick to tell the other two as to why this is all their fault.

This is part of my 1K Challenge.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 93 )

a rightfully deserved one if this was canon.


Oh, God. Yeah. I just realized that this is the fate they're sentenced to. I mean, I can't say it's not fitting, but... wow. :applejackunsure:

Oh btw, great job! You could probably work on grammar just a smidge, but that's really only the constructive criticism I got for ya. Keep writing! :twilightsmile:

I’m not sure why you felt the need to spend five whole paragraphs regurgitating what we already saw in canon.

Yeah, generally a 1K will have small errors here and there. Thank you for the comment :twilightsmile:

Mostly for set up, as I would either have to spend those word count building the scene or detailing the dialogue to lead up to it. :twilightsmile:

I was with this up until the whole "Cozy will die" thing.

I tend to think of being turned to stone as a semi-permanent stasis.

I get that, it was one of those darker thoughts I have regarding what punishment would suit them for the crime. But I do agree with you.

This was a great read.

Why is Cozy Glow flying in the cover art? Her petrified self isn't attached to anything.

No clue, I basically did a screenshot of the image from the episode.

Discord, "I don't turn ponies to stone."

Fact: the writers were actively forbidden from watching the earlier seasons.

this is canon

i choose to believe it


Better question is, why not? These three showed absolutely no remorse or willingness to change. Good riddance to them.



not when said child tried to end the world twice and was fully aware of her actions.

Despite all their rage, in the end they're still just rats in a cage.

And again, people ignore the fact thay Cozy didn't give a buck that what she was doing was evil. If that isn't a clue, then this fandom is dumber than I thought it was.


oh boo fucking hoo.
If a child murdered my entire family, I would see the little hellspawn locked or die trying. Even If I had to throw it into a small cell and throw away the key.

Cozy Glow was fully aware of her actions. She has the intelligence and awareness of an fully grown adult. You are the kind of person that would be the reason she can take over Equestria in the first place.

Lets see... Discord turned traitor, conquers Equestria and has Twilight bold faced lie(good on you "Harmony", ideals only matter when you want them too, like a good hypocrite) and is allowed to roam free.

Discord, years later, actively free's two captured and contained villains, revives one dead one, and gives power back to one half way to an asylum. He also does nothing to actually promote reformation, instead basically being someones piece of garbage uncle to the four for the duration of the experiment and giving them all the reasons in the world to not really care about what he says.

And he gets off scott free.

Quite literally, this is all Discords fault. But going deeper here, lets point out that leaving Tirek A) alive after being defeated a second time instead of at the very least shoved back into his own country with a simple letter of 'He's your problem, not ours, not taking care of this crap anymore' is also garbage on the presious, can-do-no-wrong Princess's part, or B) not actively trying to reform someone when you have the means and the time is utter laziness overall.

Part B applies to Cozy, cause frankly her even being able to get in contact with Tirek in the first place should be a major, city sized red flag as to the actual reliability of Tartarus as a whole.

Mate, people are fine with every other world ending abomination who was wholly aware of their bs getting a free pass cause reasons, thats a high horse you really don't have you're trying to sit on.

But if you feel the same way about Luna, Sunset, Discord, Stygian, Starlight, Daring Doo's tripe rivals and all the others, you may-key word may- have a valid point.

It's not. Her getting away with no kind of punishment when she showed absolutely no remorse whatsoever is more stupid.

It would a whole different story if at any point Cozy showed any sign of changing.

Opposing the death penalty is not the same thing as opposing seeing justice getting done, you simpleton, it's just not viewing the death penalty as justice.

Discord didn’t until they made an active effort to reach out to him. Spent an entire 22 minute episode in Season 3, and he only expressed any remorse during the final minute or so if it. Once released he immediately mocked the idea that he could ever be reformed.

So, simple yes or no question: should Discord have been released from his stony prison?

Someone is going to get a slegehammer...

Especially the writers of Season 8, like Non-compete Clause

In my opinion, no.

Discord's baseline reason for being reformed is he'd never had a friend before.

This isn't because he can't be likable, this is explicitly because he's generally a colossal prick. He literally drove people away and then it was used as an excuse to feel sorry for what amounts to the god equivalent of a school bully/shooter.

He also had no real reason for the torment he brought down on people; as so many like to say, Discord's funny cause he does it for the laughs.

At the very least, on any philosophical level and ethical level, this makes him markedly worse then Tirek, who seeks power in a misguided attempt to prove he can be a powerful ruler, Chrysalis, who seeks control and superiority to guarantee the survival and propagation of her kind/ideals, or Cozy, who while admittedly has no clear reason, but frankly 90% of the villains don't till we got more on them from later seasons or supplementary material, may very well have one.

This is partially because he embodies the most basic type of evil, without reason or purpose save it's own existence. He's literally closer to something like Sauron then Q in universe despite taking Q's methods and personality with the same end goal as a primordial force.

The three literally fall into the same psychological trap as Starlight, reinforced and desperately clawing at the only road they see as valid, but have gotten about 1/100 of the effort to address their issues or resolve them in any way.

On that-letting Chrysalis run in the first place was hands down the most mentally challenged decision I've ever seen in a kids show. She wouldn't ever accept that proposal from Starlight or Twilight, even less likely literally seconds after her defeat, but for the love of god keep tabs on her instead of just letting her dip out because it's the (lazy, negligent) easy option.

In the end, no I don't think he should've been. But I was never a Discord fan to begin with.

The Equestrian justice system would be pretty screwed up if this were canon. Not to mention the fact Celestia and Luna are perfectly ok with this.

Didn't cozy show a sign of changing in "frenemies"?

Maybe, but knowing Cozy, she definitely wouldn't go through with it.


I figured that out in Daring Doubt, where they changed Ahuizotl from Indiana Jones villain to a misunderstood relic guardian.

They all three of them did, but then turned against the change because the main experience all three have with friendship is being on the receiving end of the Rainbow. Chrysalis comes across as genuinely afraid of it when she described how it “infected” her hive. They don’t get friendship and view it mainly as a weapon used by their enemies, because that is their sole experience with it.

Tirek and Chrysalis have never been given much of a real incentive to change the way Discord was. And it’s ludicrous to expect them to come to personal realizations on their own. You don’t let the lunatics run the asylum for a reason.

Plus it doesn’t help that Discord-as-Grogar put all three of these people, these mentally damaged people in a cave together and told them “your beliefs are correct.” He fed their psychoses. Discord isn’t just responsible for merely directing them to the Bell; if they truly are irredeemable at this point we have to ask how much of THAT is on Discord too for basically driving them even more insane. If Twilight or Starlight had encountered and cornered Chrysalis alone, can we say for certain she would have turned them down? Don’t forget, Chrysalis very nearly DID accept Starlight’s offer.

Wow, exact change.

While I do agree with that, I must say that it should've been handled differently. For one thing, they should've contacted her parents after the first incident because: for starters, her legal guardians should be made aware of her current situation, but more importantly, it should be brought to light whether or not if her parents are to blame via abuse, neglect, or possibly even encouragement.

If either of these are true, then her parents should either share in the punishment, or take the majority of it while Cozy Glow is forced to attend a Rehab.

No Cozy does NOT in any shape or form deserve rehab. What is wrong with this fandom? You are all okay with the pony crew MURDERING King Sombra twice and no one batted an eye at that but because Cozy is a filly we are willing to be sympathetic for her crimes and be surprised that she was sentenced for them? Also, the writers have already stated that she has no guidance as far as parents go she she doesnt have any.

too bad in this case she should have been executed along Tirek and Chrysalis. Thank god people like you arent in charge.

Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong. People like me are in charge.


The Supreme Court ruled that juveniles cannot be sentenced to death, writing that the death penalty is a disproportionate punishment for the young; immaturity diminishes their culpability, as does their susceptibility to outside pressures and influences. Lastly, their heightened capacity for reform means that they are entitled to a separate set of punishments.

Again, what dies this have to do with Equestria? You and many people here are projecting your world views on a land full of ponies and monsters that are much more dangerous than any human being. And no, YOU are not in charge to make these decisions. Pulling up an article about the US law system here is irrelevant. ALSO, almost every major villain in this series that has reformed, were still imprisoned and punished for their crimes. Why would they not do the same to her for what she has done? Maybe in the future she could get a redemption but she is far too dangerous right now to even be given the thought.

Yep nothing to say as I thought. You kids today are truly something else.

Okay, A: I had no knowledge that the writers stated that she adopted Scootaloo's Orphan Theory.

B: I do not sympathize with Cozy because she's a filly, I just feel compelled to give believable redemption stories to the only villains who, in the span of a single season, were not forgiven for their transgressions for the most bullshit reasons ever. (Garble tried to murder Spike on-screen but it's okay because he just felt insecure, and Awhizohtal was just straight up ret conned)

That's always been my biggest complaint with the show-the two-faced hypocritical style they dish out justice and forgiveness.

It always-always-ends up being a "Friends in High Places" situation where no matter what the Mane Six and their closest ties can do whatever they want sans any and all consequences.

No, I just don't want to argue with someone who's projecting his world views onto a land full of ponies and monsters who have frequently in spite of the danger and risks gone out of their way to extend a hoof in friendship.

We clearly have fundamentally different views of the show Friendship is Magic and different ideas about what that title is supposed to mean, and arguing is not going to serve a point. Neither of us is willing to give ground and I'm already involved in this very argument elsewhere.


Hello to you all, now as the writer, I am quite thankful that my story was able to bring about such an interesting debate and exchange of opinions. But As I have been reading them, I noticed it seems to be getting a tad too aggressive. So please, allow me to explain my personal view on the matter, as well as where I stand regarding all this. After that, please take this debate elsewhere if it’s going to get angry. Thank you :twilightsmile: As well I apologize that this will be a long post, so please bear with me.

1. During the episode “Frenemies”, we see that Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis begin to show the early signs of reformation(realizing that helping, giving, being supportive, as well as being selfless helped them and it felt good to do it). But Chrysalis “snaps” out of it, saying that the Magic of Friendship is more akin to a disease. So yes, they felt the pull towards being reformed, and were ready to make that push through to it, but instead only realized it and willingly pulled themselves back. So they had a chance on their own terms, and chose to refuse it. Does this mean their punishment should be so hardcore, even the fantasy world of Equestria, where laws are more assumed by the viewers rather than directly mentioned, it is understandable to compare it to our own modern day laws.

2. Looking at the crime itself, Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis utilize Grogar’s Bewitching Bell to steal not only Discord’s Chaos Magic, but as well as Celestia and Luna’s Alicorn Magic. Now while this on it’s own is much less severe than Cozy Glow’s plan to steal and remove all of Equestria’s Magic(School Raze), Chrysalis capturing and replacing all the more loved figures to drain the love from Equestria(To Where and Back Again), and Tirek’s “eating” the magic from uncountable amount of ponies, The Princesses(After Twilight traded it for her friends’ freedom), and Discord, and begin a destructive rampage(Twilight's Kingdom). But now if we only compare severity of crimes that are shown directly in the series, it’s obvious these three in particular are not kind that any law would show mercy on for any of their crimes. But when combined onto what they did once they “won”, Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis had destroyed a large portion of Canterlot, imprisoned the Elements, the Pillars, the Student Six, the Princesses, Discord, and Starlight Glimmer. Not to mention the amount of time spent slowly sowing distrust and prejudiced between the Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies; which resulted in the return of the Windigos.

3. Discord, as well as Starlight Glimmer, were able to be reformed, because they were able to accept the offer of friendship. In Discord’s case, he has the power to alter reality to his whim, all his actions can almost never come with consequences, and because of that, he never cared about anything but his own amusement. But it was having Fluttershy be a friend, and showing him his actions could have consequence that he cared about, he decided to give it a try. This was not a complete reformation as well, as there are a few times he shows he is not fully committed to the friendship idea, or rather sticks only with Fluttershy. We see this in the episode Dungeons & Discords, where he doesn’t hide the fact how bored he was at first with Ogres & Oubliettes. But he not only eventually starts to enjoy himself, even getting Spike and Big Mac to be much closer friends, and loving the game himself. So he does show a sense of development over the period of time.

In Starlight’s case, she took her hurt feelings of Sunburst getting his cutie mark and leaving as a pain that drove her to hate cutie marks, as well as control and enslave a village of ponies; convincing them to give up their individuality in exchange for a sense of unity. Now she was defeated, but did not make any attempt to be reformed as the offer was not made at the time. It was during that season finale(The Cutie Re-Mark) that she is given a chance and the girls all discuss what to do with her. So there was a clear chance for her to be punished for doing a far greater crime, messing with time and the potential that she could’ve destroyed Equestria numerous times over by changing the “fate” of Twilight and her friends. But she was given a chance, she took it, and she went with it.

4. In the case of Sombra, who was brought and defeated in both his premiere episode(The Crystal Empire), and his final episode(The Beginning of the End). Both of which he was defeated and not killed but banished. And yes, many fans do not seem to mention or bring up how they didn’t even attempt to reform him. The answer to that is, there was no point. Sombra had generally no care to change or be anything but the tyrant king he was.

5. Looking at Cozy Glow, a couple of things need to be mentioned regarding her punishment. After her first attempt and failure to remove all of Equestria’s Magic, she was imprisoned in Tartarus. Not mention, word, or any information regarding any parents have been brought up in any media, so it can be assumed that either she is an orphan, as we have seen it before(Gallus), or her parents have or have not been informed about this. Which I find hard to believe as they would ask about their daughter and if told, have not shown enough concern where it needs to be shown on the show. So assuming she is an orphan or a broken home, she also has no concept of consequences. As well as she is fully aware that she is manipulating those around her, as well as she has revealed her craving for power makes any case for her rather hard to work with. She has shown in the episode The Ending of the End, she turned on Chrysalis and Tirek when she received the Chaos Magic, but only gave it back when she realized she can’t use it, as well as when she tried to sneak the Princesses’ Alicorn Magic from the Bewitching Bell. So she is a manipulative character what craves power and will turn on anyone she uses around her when she gets that power. Not when she was imprisoned the first time, it is not implied that she would be freed or not, but because of the last scene with her, showing she was already going to plot and plan with Tirek, it is much easier to believe she would be freed in a later season by one means or another.

6. Chrysalis has been given a couple chances to reform herself, but refused it every time. As well as her own personal motivations for her crimes were to feed her kingdom. Now this doesn’t fully excuse her actions, though it would be much more interesting and beneficial if she asked the Kingdoms for help. As it is not fully proven that every instance of draining love would leave the victim as a depressed husk, so the Princesses would have little reason to help the Changelings. But for whatever reason, Chrysalis goes with a take what she wants method. Driven by desperation, stubbornness, and hunger, she acted in an aggressive manner in her attempts to supply her people. This does not give her the best case for her, but it does allow some degree of leniency, but instead of taking the chances she has been given, she slowly devolves into a single minded pursuit of revenge.

7. Tirek is a lesser known character in the sense of a lot of his past portrayed in the show is limited. He had come to Equestria with his brother Scorpan, the both of them stole magic in an attempt to conquer. But it was when Scorpan became friends with Starswirl the Bearded, he turned on his brother and he was defeated and imprisoned in Tartarus. This was until he escaped when Cerberus left his post, and went to slowly draining ponies in Canterlot to get some power back. This continued, as well as sped up his progress with the manipulation of Discord. But again, Discord learned that what he did had a consequence he had not felt, which also made him realize he was only getting one more chance to be reformed. Tirek was defeated again, weakened, but he was again imprisoned again. But he was not offered any chance of reformation because, just like Sombra, he showed no interest in anything but conquest at the time.

In summation, I do not personally believe that these three deserve the same reformation treatment that many of the other villains were given for the following reason:
1. They gave themselves a chance, but chose to reject it.
2. They committed high crimes that would lead to the death penalty in just about any country in our world.
Now will they actually die? Well, maybe. I purposely left it open ended because I wanted to. I mentioned that Celestia, Luna, and Discord are fully aware what they did to them. But there is always the chance that Twilight may show mercy and free them, giving them a final offer to reform. But I purposely left that out for the sake of having this story be an open ended one. I have greatly enjoyed the opinions, views, and thoughts about this topic and I thank you all for it. Now please, if you want to debate about this topic, let’s please keep it as civil as possible. But if you want to get more heated and assertive in your views, as is your right and freedom to do so, please take it elsewhere.

Thank you :twilightsmile:

Noted. Sorry for causing a scene.
If you want to leave your thoughts on my alternate ending fanfic, I would be appreciative.

Of course, I would be happy to give it a read. Thank you my friend :twilightsmile:

I'm just going to point out every single supposed redeemed individual has committed crimes of life sentence or death level.

And giving themselves a chance implies they'd see a reason to, something not once presented.

And to excuse Discord...that shows more bias then anything else, as he's already committed crimes worthy of being condemned to hell for the rest of eternity, but I guess people want the funny character to be free.

As is, I'm sorely disappointed in the fandoms willingness to ignore consequences because of intent or a half hearted, half baked apology, and am admittedly one of the downvotes for that very reason.

Forgiveness isn't something one should have handed to them because they feel bad-they earn it with action going forward and a willingness to clean up their messes, something Discord as a whole hasn't done much of, and actively forfeited with the fiasco of his conspiracy.

Either hold everyone to the same standard, and give them the means to meet it, or frankly I'm disgusted by two faced ideology masquerading as "good intentions" and "honesty, loyalty and generosity".

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