• Published 15th Aug 2012
  • 3,296 Views, 27 Comments

Whirring - Closer-To-The-Sun

After a string of bad luck, Pokey Pierce's life seems to be heading in the right direction with the help of a new job and home. But can he get along with his pink co-worker given the evil glares she gives him?

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Ch. 2 Never Follow Suit

Chapter 2: Never Follow Suit

Pokey was startled to see Pinkie Pie enter the kitchen. The pink pony walked up to her pet alligator and placed him in her messy mane where the gator made himself comfortable, "He always likes to watch me make muffins and other tasty treats!" Pinkie spoke with her energetic voice, "So then, who are you? Are you the new worker that Mr. Cake told me about last night?" Pinkie scanned Pokey from horn to hoof before continuing, "I thought you would be much more handsome, but I can live with this."

With her happy tone, Pokey couldn't tell if she was joking about the last comment or not. Nevertheless, he felt he should still introduce himself, "Uh, my name is Pokey Pierce. And yes, I'm the new worker," his voice was a bit shaken at Pinkie Pie's energy. While she was known throughout Ponyville for her randomness, the blue unicorn never got to experience it first hoof.

"Oh! I know where I know you from!" Pinkie Pie raised a hoof upon remembering.

"You do?"

"Yeah!" Pinkie's expression went from happy-go-lucky to one of anger and annoyance, "you're the pony who keeps popping balloons at my parties," her voice was one of disgust and loathing. She leaned forward toward Pokey, who felt unnerved and leaned backwards in fear. Then, like a switch, Pinkie's expression returned to her high spirits and cheerfulness, "Well, I hope we have fun working together and become great friends, Pokey!" With that, Pinkie turned around and went to put her apron on.

Pokey was frozen in his fear, still in his position from when Pinkie Pie had leaned forward with her "death stare". Finally thawing himself out of his fright, Pokey was trying to shake himself back to normal but not before asking himself, "Wh-What the heck just happened?"

Pinkie Pie returned with her apron on, and alligator still in her mane, and began to help Pokey with making the muffins for the day. As they worked, Pokey kept an eye on Pinkie Pie, who was continually happy as they worked. She seemed to have no negative energy about her. The two would have some small talk as they continued to work throughout the day.

Around mid-afternoon, Mrs. Cake entered the kitchen to Pokey and Pinkie hard at working, "Pokey, could you come with me for a bit?"

"Huh? Alright then, ma'am," Pokey replied, wiping his hooves on his apron, "Oh, Pinkie Pie, could you take the muffins out in three minutes please?"

"Okey dokey, Pokey!" the pink pony saluted to the unicorn.

Pokey followed Mrs. Cake out of the kitchen to the main room, which was pretty busy for midday. Mr. Cake saw that his wife had returned with the blue unicorn. Pokey was puzzled of what was going on.

Mrs. Cake was the first to speak, "Pokey, Mr. Cake and I have been talking and we think since you really don't have a place to stay right now, we'd like you to stay with us here at the bakery."

The unicorn was a bit shocked at the statement, "Really?"

Mr. Cake nodded, "Yup. This way, you will have a room of your own."

Pokey was extremely happy, "Oh, thank you so much, Mr. and Mrs. Cake!"

The Cakes smiled at the blue unicorn's happiness, "If you'd like," Mr. Cake started, "you can get your things and bring them over now."

"I will! Thank you again!" Pokey said as he went back into the kitchen to put his apron back.

Pinkie Pie saw that he re-entered the kitchen quite happily, "Heya, Pokey! What's got you in such a bouncy mood?" she asked with a smile.

Pokey spoke as he was taking his apron off, "Mr. and Mrs. Cake are allowing me to stay here at the bakery! No more sleeping on Ms. Cheerilee's couch!" His voice was filled with excitement.

Pinkie's ears perked up as she heard that he would be staying at the bakery, "Here? As in, here here?" she asked in a slightly concerned tone.

"Yeah, I'm off to get my stuff right now," Pokey said as he was about to leave out the back door, "Be back soon!"

After he left, Pinkie Pie looked up to Gummy who had stuck his head out of her messy mane, "It seems we got ourselves a new neighbor, Gummy." The alligator coughed twice before staring off into space again. "You're right! I almost forgot to take the muffins out!" she said as she went to the oven to pull the pastries out.


Upon returning to the bakery with just one overstuffed saddlebag, Pokey was shown his new room by Mr. Cake. It was a very plain room with just a bed and a small desk. Mr. Cake did apologies that it wasn't anything great, but Pokey was just happy to have his own quarters again after the mishap with his home. He began to unpack his saddlebag, using his magic to sort everything out on his bed. There was a knock at his door.

"Come on in," he said aloud as he emptied his saddlebag.

It was Pinkie Pie, still in her apron, carrying a basket of cupcakes on her back, "Hiya, neighbor!"

"Neighbor?" Pokey echoed.

"Yup yup! I'm in the room right next to you," she raised a hoof and pointed to the wall on her left, "and I felt I should bring you a super-duper, room-warming treat!" Pinkie Pie lowered the basket from her back down the floor. The cupcakes were vanilla-chocolate swirl flavor, Pokey's personal favorite.

"Oh, thank you, Pinkie Pie!" Pokey said picking up the basket with his mouth and placing them on his desk, "I'm sure to enjoy them after I finish settling in."

Pinkie smiled to the unicorn, "Okey dokey, Pokey!" she giggled after speaking, "That is really fun to say!"

Pokey smiled back and shared in the laugh. He had to admit that it did sound like it would be.

"I should get going then, I need to go help one of my gal pals with something. I shall return later!" Pinkie gave a majestic tone to her last statement as if she was about to leave on a quest.

"Okay, I'll see you later," the unicorn said. He paused for a second before calling out to the pink pony, "Hey, Pinkie."

"Hm?" she paused midstride on her way out into the hallway.

"Would you possibly want to share the cupcakes with me later? I mean, I think I could use some help on eating them and all," Pokey gave a nervous laugh at his statement.

Pinkie Pie smiled, "Sure! I am pretty good at eating sweets, after all! I'll see you later tonight then, Pokey!" The party pony then left his room and made her way down the stairs.

Pokey smiled to himself, 'Seems like I'm finally on Pinkie Pie's good side.'