• Published 30th Aug 2019
  • 1,724 Views, 104 Comments

A new Age - Silver Butcher

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Spike's story

"So I'm just gonna take a wild guess that most of the next part of the story is you guy's getting ready and buying train tickets," Spike asked as a very small Diamond Dog lay curled up in his lap, his throne now curled up underneath Spike and taking a nap.

"Pretty much yeah," Flurry said when Zestar jumped in.

"The Train ride itself was rather dull but before the ride, we did have a few things happen,"

"well you can tell me those parts after," Spike said simply.

"After what?" Pumpkin asked suspiciously.

"Why after I tell you some of my story," Spike said simply "that was the deal right? Dinner and my story?" Spike pet the Diamond dog on his lap and her tail started wagging, whining sounded threw the hall. "Don't whine," Spike said loudly "You all get your pre-set hour with me so just wait till it's your turn,"

"Don't suppose you can throw the hole...why you have a freaking army of purely female Diamond Dogs into that story?"

"That is explained at the end," Spike replied simply "How about we start at the beginning, unless your into that whole, start at the end and end at the start kind of thing,"

"beginning please," Pumpkin replied.

"Alright, you may remember this but what the heck, who doesn't like talking about the old days!? It was a normal morning, and my last one at that-"

Spike was exhausted as he set off on his job, a few years ago that would have been the task of assisting Twilight at her Princess duties, but now that she had a full staff for that she had given him a more...exhausting job of being the royal babysitter, for the 11-year-old Cake Twins to the 7-year-old Zestar.

"My turn," Zestar cried out as he beat against Spike's leg.

"No Zestar it's Peaches turn," Spike replied, earning himself a block to the face "Compelling argument," He said simply as Zestar threw a tantrum, behind him Peach was playing with one of the hundreds of toys in the room and as always Zestar just has to have what she had, Spike new at this point that as soon as he let Zestar play with it he would lose interest and start screaming about playing with whatever toy Peach picked up next. Spike picked up the wailing child and smiled. "How about nap time?" He suggested that it earned him a kick to the jaw. "Now about time out time?" He amended with a frown. Zestar stopped wailing after a moment and huffed.

"I don't wanna nap," he complained.

"And I don't wanna get kicked in the face every other hour," Spike replied "Now pick, Nap of Time out," Zestar muttered angrily and Spike nodded "I'm taking that as a nap," Spike put Zestar in the bed, making a mental note to tell Applejack her kid was a brat as he did so.

"Hey!" Zestar interrupted "How is this relevant to the story?"

"Believe it or not," Spike replied simply "It's very relevant, and I just thought it seemed a bit rushed to just start at the beginning, now hush up or you don't get any dessert after dinner," Zestar crossed his arm and huffed earning chuckles from Jasper and Peach. "Now where was I, oh yes, so-"

Spike had finally managed to tuck Zestar into the bed after about 8 minutes of struggling and signed as the young colt snoozed peacefully, Spike was about to go and sit down when he heard arguing, he sighed and made his way to the back of the large room that Twilight had set aside as the nursery area, Pound and Jasper where both pulling on a book, Spike took it by the side and took it for examination.

"The story of Humble berry the wise," Spike said as he read the cover "A Classic, Let me guess you both want to read it?" the two both huffed in irritation.

"I'm older," Pound whined maturely.

"Was that description necessary?" Pound asked.

"You know I didn't interrupt you guys while you were telling your side of the story."

"Just saying," Pound muttered as Spike continued.

"I want it!" Jasper replied as he started banging on the floor "I want it,"

"Your parents are gonna end up turning you into a spoiled brat," Spike said as he ruffled Jasper's mane "I'd make a formal complaint but the last time I went to your place your father was very up and in my face about how much more of a man he is than me," Spike's face went sour for a moment before shaking his head "But be that as it may I have the solution, Jasper why don't you ask Pound the share and read the story to you?" Jasper looked like he was about to cry. "It would be very generous of you to share the book with him after all," Jasper was on board as soon as Spike said generously. Spike returned the book and watched as Pound opened it and began reading, making sure Jasper could see the pages as he did so. "Good kid," Spike said as he looked at Jasper "Rarity is gonna ruin him,"

there was silence as Spike stopped for a moment when no interruption came Spike spoke up.

"You see that was where I was expecting the interruption,"

"I'm not gonna disagree with you," Jasper replied "I heard my mom use to actually be a pretty generous pony, personal I think my dad's to blame for how she is today,"

"I agree," Spike replied "Soarin sucks, Extract scoop of Ice cream for you at dessert,"

Spike looked over and was relieved to see that Pumpkin had already tucked herself in for a nap, Spike was making his way to his chair when Peach jumped up and offered him a drawing, Spike took it gingerly and looked at it, it was a very nicely drawn-

"Don't lie just to make me feel better," Peach called out.

-It was a terribly drawn picture of Spike in his chair.

"Oh thank you Peachy," Spike said as she ruffled her mane, getting giggles from her before she went back to drawing. Spike neatly folded the picture and put it in the pocket of his shorts. Spike made his way to his chair and say down. "ah, I finally rest for a-" The door to the area burst open and Spike jumped, Zestar and Pumpkin both jumped awake, Peach tore her paper, and Pound crumpled the page he had been about to turn, tearing it slightly. at once the room exploded with the 5 all wailing for Spike to come and make it better, the only problem was who had opened the door.

"Spike," Twilight said with a serious face "We have a serious problem,"

"You think!?" Spike demanded as he got up, Peach grabbing his leg and shaking her torn page and her ruined drawing, Jasper was clinging to Pound as he tried to show Spike what had happened to the book, Pumpkin had put a pillow over her head and Zestar was screaming like no tomorrow. "I just got things to calm down in here and you blow the door open,"


Spike started laughing at his own misspoken line.

"I'm sorry," he said "I'm sorry, his name is just so easy to get wrong"

"Sombra is back and he's invaded the crystal empire,"

"Oh no," Spike said with heavy sarcasm "Again?"

"Spike this is serious!"

"That's what you said last week when you blew the door open, and the week before that, and the-"

"Spike I don't have time for you to be petty,"

"And I don't have time for you to be dragging me across Equestria every week when you're the one who made me the royal babysitter and then threw your friends children and extended families children at me,"

" I need your assistance," Twilight replied simply, "I think I've finally made a suitable weapon to stop equestrian's enemies from returning, Using Tireks magic sucking abilities I may be able to render them powerless," Spike stared at her in silence.

"You want me to carry some giant heavy object around for you so you don't have to lower yourself to carrying your own stuff,"

"Spike I am a princess, and as such I have ponies, or in this case a Dragon, to do menial tasks for me," Twilight turned and began dragging with her via magic,

"I miss the old you," Spike replied before turning his limited attention to Peach, who was still screaming about her art as he was forced to leave, Spike waved to the little ones as they watched him get dragged out.

"Don't worry, I'll be back real soon OK," Pound got to work trying to solve his Jasper problem while Peach waved her paper feebly after him in goodbye.

"K,K" She called back before he was dragged out of the room.

Author's Note:

Backstory time!!