• Published 1st Sep 2019
  • 2,699 Views, 30 Comments

Forever - Marezinger Z

Years have passed and Discord feels it's time for Fluttershy to join him in immortality.

  • ...


Over the past ten years much had changed in Fluttershy’s life; her raucous adventuring with her friends had come to an end and her sanctuary had grown to become the focal point of her life as it continued to flourish. Angel had passed away but she was fortunate to still have his little buck and doe, Cherub and Seraphim at her side. Contact with the others had also lessened as Twilight lived in Canterlot as Equestria's ruler, Rarity devoted herself full time to her businesses, Applejack had taken over the farm with the passing of Granny Smith, Pinkie Pie ran Sugar Cube Corner in place of the retired Cakes and Rainbow Dash now stood as second to Spitfire in overseeing the Wonderbolts. The one thing that hadn’t changed was her time with Discord, as even after all the years he still faithfully had tea with her twice a week. It was a great comfort to her that something always stayed the same. Discord had become a rock as the lives of her and her friends continually changed and the day found her preparing for his usual visit. She set out the tea set as well as an assortment of cookies; she also swapped out the throw pillows for her monogrammed ones and put new flowers in the vase on the table. As her labor came to a close, on the hour, a knock came at her door.

“Come in.” She laughed, knowing full well he didn’t need the door. A cloud of magic burst before her and Discord appeared.

“Hello, Fluttershy.” He magically conjured a hat and coat which he immediately took off and hung on the rack near the door.

“How have you been?” She asked, heading for the couch.

“Well, chaos has been on the decline as of late.” He frowned. “Twilight keeps coming up with rational and compromising solutions to Equestria’s troubles. At this rate I’ll be out of a job.” He sat opposite her.

“Don’t worry.” Fluttershy smiled as she filled his cup. “The world will always need a little bit of chaos.”

“To chaos!” He held his cup out.

“To chaos.” Fluttershy reciprocated his toast with a giggle.

“So.” Discord lifted the top of his head off and poured the tea inside. “Still keeping up with the wild life of maintaining wildlife?”

“Absolutely.” She nodded. “I’ve been finalizing plans for the new wetland expansion. Work should begin by the end of the month.”

“Pshh… work.” Discord rolled his eyes. “I keep telling you that I could alter the landscape with a mere snap of my fingers.” He snapped and transformed the living room into a swamp.

Fluttershy smiled slyly. “And what do I keep telling you?” She asked as a bullfrog leapt across her lap.

Discord sighed. “Materializing things out of the ether is bad for the economy and takes away jobs from hardworking ponies, I know.” He snapped again and returned the living room to normal.

“Thank you, though.” She laughed. “Oh, I have something I want to show you.” She stood and went over to him, pulling her mane back.

“What?” Discord eyed her curiously.

“Right there.” She pointed with her hoof. “My first gray hair.”

“Really?” He conjured a magnifying glass and observed closely. “Oh… well how about that.”

“Rarity said if I pulled it out it would make more grow.” She chuckled as she returned to her seat.

“Well, I think it makes you look distinguished.” Discord complimented.

“Ha, that’s what mom said.” She noted as she munched on a cookie.

Discord stroked his beard thoughtfully. “I suppose then, now is the best time to bring this up.”

“Bring what up?” Fluttershy looked to him questioningly.

“I’ve been waiting for the time when you truly came into your own.” He began. “It’s high time you allowed me to work my magic and make you eternal, like me.”

“What?” Surprise washed over her face.

“It’s only natural.” Discord said with a casual wave. “And seeing as you’ve gotten your first gray hair, that means your mortality is starting to kick in; what better time to preserve you as you are.”

“Are you… serious?” She asked.

“Of course.” Discord poured himself a second cup. “Our friendship is important to me and I want it to last forever. It can’t really do that if only one of us will be around for that long.” He rubbed his claws together eagerly. “I’ve been waiting so long for this.” He materialized and chart with Fluttershy’s body on it. “Now, you do have some options.” He pointed to the chart. “I was personally thinking of adding some flare… maybe dragon wings.” The display morphed to reflect his idea. “Perhaps horns?” A pair of flowing horns sprouted from her head.

“Discord… no.” Fluttershy frowned.

“Fine. No horns.” He grumbled.

“Not just the horns.” Fluttershy shook her head. “I don’t want to be eternal.”

“What?” The chart vanished and Discord sat forward with a shocked look. “Why in the world not?”

“I’m sorry, Discord.” She apologized. “That’s just not something I want for myself.”

“But… you're getting older.” He gestured to her.

“I know.” She smiled. “That’s only natural.”

“Well not to me, it isn’t.” He huffed. “What logic is there in not wanting eternal life?”

“It has nothing to do with logic.” She assured. “I like the fact that I’ve made it this far in life and I’m looking forward to everything that comes next.”

“The end comes next.” Discord said bitterly. “It doesn’t have to be that way. You can take care of the animals for all eternity… and more importantly we can stay together.”

Fluttershy saw that he was actually getting upset and returned to his side. “Discord.” She set her hoof to his leg. “I understand your thinking but this is something that you just wouldn’t understand. You were never mortal so you see life differently than the rest of us, which is one of the things I love about you; but you have to understand that this is just something I can’t do.”

“Why?” Discord asked with a glare. “Do you want to die someday?”

She smiled and shook her head. “I’m not afraid of that, Discord. Death is natural, maybe not to you, but to ponies it is. It isn’t death we should be afraid of but not living in the first place; and I love the life I’ve had and I can’t wait to see how the rest of it plays out.” She calmly rubbed his arm. “I look forward to growing old with my friends and watching the young grow up to take our place. And yes, one day I’ll pass on; but I don’t plan on having any regrets when that time comes.”

“What about me!?” Discord angrily stood. “You were my first friend, you’re my best friend, I…” He stopped himself, balling his fist as his eyes actually began to tear over. “Am I just supposed to sit here and watch you wither away!?” He shouted.

“Discord.” Fluttershy looked up at him with sympathetic eyes.

“You’re being ridiculous!” He snapped his fingers and disappeared.

With a heavy sigh, Fluttershy lowered her head and wiped her eyes. She headed out into the afternoon sun, making her way towards the sanctuary. Over the years, the two of them had their share of spats and he developed a habit of teleporting into the sanctuary when he was upset, finding some level of solace amongst the animals she cared so dearly for. As expected, she found him sitting beside the lake with his arms folded. Flying down, she landed behind him and smiled.

“Discord, I’m sorry I can’t do this for you.” She stepped closer. “The fact that you care so much to even think of going to such a length for me means a lot though.”

He sat silent for several moments, surreptitiously running his arm across his eyes. “I don’t want you to die, Fluttershy. I don’t want to live in a world without you… I might as well be stone again.”

“You don’t mean that.” She sat behind him, resting her cheek against his back. “Discord, life is so precious and the fact that we die is what makes it that way. You shouldn’t be upset about the moments we won’t have, but happy about the ones that we do. Every moment we spend together is so special to me, Discord; and I want to enjoy them all for as long as I have in this world.”

“And what happens when you’re gone?” He asked shallowly.

“When that day finally comes, I don’t want you to be sad.” Fluttershy sniffled as she began to cry. “You’ve come such a long way and I hope that you continue to make even more friends after I’m gone. Besides, if you always keep me in your heart, then I’ll never really be gone.” She stepped around him to find him crying. “But I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.” She smiled into his eyes. “So how about we finish our tea, I’ve got a lot more to tell you about.”

Discord looked into her eyes, lurching forward and hugging her fiercely. “That sounds lovely.” He muttered as she put her hooves around him. He snapped his fingers and teleported them back into her house.

Author's Note:

This is my first time writing Discord in a purely casual setting as i've mostly used him for combat. I wanted to maintain his semi-childish nature while showing that it now came from a place of affection after ten years of growth. Anyway, i'm sure this idea has been played with before but i wanted to take my own swing at it.

Comments ( 30 )

Well, Fluttershy won't join you in eternal life. There's only one thing to do... Join her in death, and bring every other one of your friends with you.

Completely destroy this mortal realm, break the cycle of death and rebirth, and be with Fluttershy forevermore.

You have a better option, Dizzy. Join her in mortality. Die with her. If not, you'll probably end up back stone anyway because her absence will cause insanity..

Do what you do best.
Maybe not make her noticably eternal, just cheat and add on the odd year or take care of little aches and pains she developes.

I like the execution of the story, but I fundamentally disagree with the idea, I’m a firm believer that people have some kind of sick Stockholm syndrome with the concept of death, it’s natural but so are a lot of bad things and we work to remove them, death isn’t good it’s innately bad.

I've actually toyed with the idea of a scenario where Discord makes himself mortal to be with Fluttershy. Aside from a few really impactful scenes, I couldn't flesh it out into a whole story. If that's an idea someone else wants to take up, then I say go for it.

Given the subject matter, I imagine that a story like this would bring about a variety of feelings as we all see death differently. I try to keep as much of myself out of my stories as possible and write not only from the perspective of the characters based on what I know of their personalities, but also from the perspective of a world like Equestria. I honestly believe that if Fluttershy was presented this option, this is the choice she would make and the reasoning that would be behind that choice. But in the end, that's just my take and I understand other views on the subject. Glad you could still appreciate the story. :pinkiesmile:

That could be a cute idea, maybe even a good source for some comedic scenes as well; as I genuinely believe Fluttershy would chew him out if she discovered he was messing with her body without her knowing.

I didn't put a whole lot of thought into how much, if any, Fluttershy would change. I just liked the comedy behind the idea of Discord offering her cosmetic changes to go along with the process, because you know he totally would.

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiehappy:

(rolls eyes) Oh great, another fic about Fluttershy turning down immortality and eternity with Discord for half-baked morals about Death being "natural". Despite, oh, I don't know: Discord, Tirek, Chrysalis, Dragons to some extent, possibly Star Swirl, literally every alicorn including Twilight.

I'm sorry, but I hate these tropes in THIS setting. It makes no sense. Immortality is a tangible and reachable goal in this world. Its my second petpeeve after Immortality Blues.

Honestly, good story, just hate the concept. On the upside, I might be peeved enough to write an immortal Fluttercord oneshot.

Well, I haven't been around long enough to soak up all the tropes in the fandom, which is why I said that I was sure the idea had been done before to at least some degree. I'm aware that Fluttercord is one of the more dominant ships and Daughter of Discord is very popular, so I was under the impression that a lot of people had already delved into a successful relationship between the two. As far as the view on immortality, I responded to something similar earlier and I try to represent things from the character's point of view and not my own. I'd be on board with immortality, but I honestly don't think Fluttershy would be; she seems to be someone who is grounded enough to understand the processes of life and death and respect the necessity of it all.

And that would make sense in almost any other settings, but MLP has established immortality, especially with ponies, being a natural part of things too.

My thoughts are that Fluttershy, and probably most ponies, have a very strong belief in an afterlife. Most humans in real life believe in some form of life after death even without any concrete evidence. In a world where harmony and destiny is actually measureable and has a huge impact on your life, going so far as to proudly claim you as its own with a magical brand when you discover the talent or purpose it has given you, Ponies would have much more reason to believe in an afterlife.

Basically, Fluttershy is choosing what she believes is a better, more enjoyable existence after death, or even the chance to be reborn fresh with new opportunities.

Because no one would choose to pass up immortality if they believed that death was the end, unless they determined for themselves that the existence they currently have, or would have, is worse than absolute oblivion.

If you do it, could you give Fluttershy a cute, playfully evil laugh? Like, she just becomes the eternal queen of (nature-related) chaos, and she lets off a little, "Muahahahaha!"

…..How the buck did you know about that idea of mine? XP

Nice...it was a lovely short read, it manages to do its job and make me tear up. ^_^ But what I love most is that it didn't end the way I expected: I expected Discord to forsake his immortality so that Fluttershy wouldn't have to die alone, like I've read before several times. Thank you for this shorter take that didn't follow that formula..

I couldn't help but think of when Mr. Hooper died on Sesame Street, and Bob said to Big Bird that yes, things wouldn't be the same without Mr. Hooper. "But we can all be grateful that we all had the chance to be with him, and to know him, and to love him a lot, while he was here."

Precisely. They may be gone physically, but they're never gone inside you. ^_^

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think a lesson like that is an important one, especially for a character like Discord who has never had to worry about something like this until he met Fluttershy. Now that he has mortal friends and loved ones, dealing with their eventual passing is a part of his life now and something he must come to terms with.

Very sweet and well written, thank you!

I like the idea of him offering immortality. But I'm gonna have him and everyone else die together in my story.

OMG, this was amazing! You brought me close to crying!😁😢

Thanks. :twilightsmile: Glad it resonated.

Wow. That was... really well written. I cried. Thank you for this.

Much appreciated, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

With my interest in the "Discord and Fluttershy compare notes about death" concept, I can't believe it's taken so long for me to find this story! :pinkiegasp: (But I'm also glad that I didn't read this until after I wrote my own take on the concept—it's always interesting to see how different authors approach the same premise independently.)

My favorite part in your story though is actually the banter before the subject of mortality kicks in. It really feels like a conversation you'd hear between longtime friends, even though one is a demure winged horse and the other a reality-warping spirit of chaos.

Thank you. Life, death and the possibility of immortality is something that brings a wide range of reactions and emotions from readers; which is why I think it's such an interesting subject. On top of that, Fluttershy and Discord are perfect vessels for this debate given their strong bond and the fact that only one of them is 'mortal'. I also think it's one of those things that there is never a right or wrong answer for; what we feel about it as individuals is based on age, experience, personal belief and our level of fear about death.

I couldn't agree more. :twilightsmile:

Fan fiction like this can be a touching and imaginative infinite fusion calculator way for fans to further explore the dynamics of their favorite characters and create stories that resonate with their personal interpretations and feelings. It's a testament to the depth of emotional connection fans have with the show's characters and world.

Wow. That was... really well written. I cried. Thank you for this. Calcular Rfc

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