• Published 3rd Sep 2019
  • 4,367 Views, 48 Comments

The Hacker - Warden of All

What happens when you create a fictional character that is self-aware and has the ability to do whatever they want in your story.

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imprisonment, freedom, and bar fights

It's lonely in stone. I know what your thinking, But Carl, you had Discord there with you. In reality, Celestia and Luna had separated us into separate statues, and we couldn't communicate. It seemed that even though we were turned into stone together, the moment we were stoned, Discord had let go of me enough to make us separate. And the worse part was I was only
half conscious, unable to form many coherent thoughts, but was still aware enough to watch the passage of time from my prison. At first, I was willing to forgive Celestia and Luna. I mean, I did sort of threaten their ponies, even though it was a joke. Even Discord hadn't really done that.

After a 100, my forgiveness would be hard to earn, but still possible. After 200, I began to plot my revenge, I eventually decided on humiliating them again and again, and possibly beating them down a bit. After 300, those humiliations became much worse, going from an embarrassing event or mistake pointed out in front of a large crowd, to false conspiracies and scandals and that beat down became leaving them permanently scarred. After 500, I was very tempted to kill them very painfully. After 600, I was planning on torturing them for years, but never letting them die. After 700 however, I became desperate, wondering if I would ever get out. By that point, I had forgotten a lot of my old life, including what I knew about this universe that I learned from the show, and what happened between my old life and now. That meant that I didn't even remember I had powers that could free me. When you are trapped in stone for so long, your mind just loses focus on anything other than breaking out, even things that could help you break out. I hadn't really been thinking about my old life that much when I first arrived, mostly because I hardly had any friends, unless you count people he played h]games with frequently and liked. As for family, my parents died in a car accident a few years previously. I never really knew any other family, and the ones I did know I only saw once or twice in my entire life, and only one time that had been in person.

After that, I began to try to desperately get out, not making any progress. I remained hopeful though, because every villain The Elements of Harmony had imprisoned had escaped about one thousand years after being trapped. I figured the same would happen to me. When 1,000 years had finally passed, I hoped I would break out with Discord, since we were imprisoned at the same time. But no such luck, I had to watch with envy as Discord broke out of his stone prison, and approached me.

"You know, you are a very strange creature, you are even more powerful than me, so I won't let you out. It's because of you that I was trapped in stone, so you won't be getting out as long as I have something to do about it." He told me.

I watched as he snapped his fingers, and I somehow felt the stone trapping me harden and reinforce. If I could actually give looks and if they could kill, Discord would be so mangled that even demons from Tartarus would be revolted at the sight of his corpse. He chuckled and teleported away with a ballon figure standing where he was, before it popped. Only an hour or two later, he was carted back into the garden, once again a statue. Even in my semi conscious state, the site filled me with glee and smugness. At least the chaos god wouldn't be roaming free anytime soon. Another few years passed, and I became depressed and hopeless, thinking that I would never get out. It didn't help that I had been forced to watch with rage and envy when Celestia retrieved Discord's statue, talking about reforming him.

About a year and a half after that though, I felt my prison weaken considerably. I could feel Discord's magic leave the stone, leaving it weaker than ever. I of course tried to break out, but was again unsuccessful. But then, about two years later, Something else happened. I felt the magic that had imprisoned me, the Elements, leave the stone and left it no stronger than normal stone, and old, slightly cracked stone at that. I began furiously struggling to break out, using all of my energy, but still failing to do anything to my prison. After another few days, I tried again with renewed effort. The same result. Twice more I did this, then, about 3 weeks after the magic had left the stone, I felt a shift, a weak point on the stone over my left arm. I began to furiously wiggle and pushing against the stone binding me. After a minute of this, I could hear a small crack on my arm's stone appear, then become large as I redoubled my efforts. After a few seconds, the stone encasing my arm broke into pieces. I grabbed on in my hand and smashed it into my other arm with all mo strength, breaking the piece, but leaving a large crack on the stone over my arm. The crack spread until had fully circled around my arm at my elbow and broke, disconnecting the stone over the lower part of my arm from the rest. Next I smashed my still stone covered arm against my chest, braking the stone on my arm and over my chest. Then I began clawing at and smacking the stone over my head, chipping away at it quickly. A minute later, I managed to grab another piece of loos stone and smash it into the stone on my head, breaking it at last.

I gasped for air, and coughed as I breathed in the dust from the destroyed stone. I tried yo moves, only to remember that my legs and back were still stuck. I grabbed a piece 0f stone in both hands and smashed them over my legs, quickly freeing them, and the stone over my back fell off and smashed into the ground below. I stumbled, my legs not yet used to carrying my weight after a thousand something years in stone and fell of the pedestal I had stood on, falling directly on my face on the grass below. I groaned in pain, and curled into a ball, and just lay there shivering in the cold wind. After a few minutes, I attempted to stand, and collapsed. I tried a few more times before I managed to unsteadily rise to my feet. I looked around, squinting my eyes at the bright sunlight all around me. Once my eyes had adjusted, I could finally look around the place in greater detail. You see, I was able to see what happened in front of me when I was trapped, but nothing else.

I was in a garden with all sorts of statues around me. I briefly wondered if they were other prisoners, until looking closer I realized that they were all obviously not real, details that actual people would have were missing for starters. I sighed and wondered how I got in this situation. Suddenly, there was a flash, and I saw a rainbow shooting towards me. Just as fast as it appeared, it disappeared. Another flash, and I saw two horses, one white and the other dark blue, floating in the air and six multicolored lights floating around them standing before me. Another flash, and I saw a lion's paw and an eagle claw wrap around my chest, and I was hit with a rainbow colored energy beam. When that happened, I suddenly remembered everything that had happened. I collapsed to my knees, and shuddered in rage as I remembered what those two had done to me. And the worse part was that I had gotten myself into this mess in the first place.

There was only one thing to do. What was that? Why, go to a bar and drink until I blacked out, or the bar ran out of liquor, whichever happened first. If there ever was a time for getting blackout drunk, it was now. I quickly opened my text box and used my powers to clean myself, then give myself several thousand bits to spend. I then teleported myself to the nearest bar. The patrons were surprised by my sudden appearance, as well as how I looked. I mean, I am probably the only bipedal creature outside of certain monsters or minotaurs they have seen or heard about. I approached the bar and sat on a stool.

"Give me the strongest stuff you got. As much as this can buy." I told the bartender, tossing him a sack with several hundred bits in it. He looked inside and blinked.

He began to pour me a drink of what looked and smelled like cider. I was uncertain that this was going to be all that good, but I was impressed by how good it tasted. Not to mention, it was surprisingly strong. Not the strongest thing I had ever had, but still pretty close. As the hours passed, I went through countless glasses, yet kept asking for more. Eventually though, the bartender looked at me firmly after what had to have been my 30th glass at least.

"I'm sorry buddy, but you need to stop now. No pony can consume this much cider and go away unscathed. By this point you are already drunk enough to barely make it home." He said sternly.

I glared daggers at him, but he seemed unfazed by that, so I switched tactics. I may have been drunk as hell, but I still could think relatively clearly.

"I have no home for your information. I also have no family, no friends, and to be honest, I just was freed from being trapped for over a thousand years, so I don't give shit if I black out. In fact, I am trying to do so. Anything to forget what has happened to me. So either you give me more cider, or things could get ugly." I snarled.

He backed away, eyes wide and a shocked look on his face.

"Wait, what do you mean trapped for a thousand years?" He asked nervously.

"Celestia and Luna turned me into stone because they thought I was a threat to their little ponies. I wasn't a threat before, now though, I think a little vengeance is in order." I said angrily.

He looked me in the eye, trying to see if I was just rambling, or telling the truth. Everyone was looking at me, waiting for the bartenders verdict.

"He's telling the truth. I have worked here for 10 years now, and I can tell the difference from drunken rambling and actual truth." He said fearfully.

I knew why he was scared. Celestia and Luna only imprisoned beings with immense power and were dangerous. If I had been imprisoned by them, then I am probably very powerful myself. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of the patrons sneak out the front door, probably looking for the guards. The bartender nervously continued to pour me drinks, until about 10 minutes later, when two royal guards entered the establishment, a unicorn and a pegasus, being led by the pony who had left. He pointed to me and they approached. I used my powers to immediately give myself good skill with a sword, and prepared to summon a ebony sword from Skyrim.

"Sir, is what this pony say true about you claiming to be another being imprisoned by the princess's?" The unicorn asked cautiously.

"Yes it is. You can even check the statue garden, my statue was near where Discord's was, you will only find rubble there now." I said dismissively.

He nodded to his companion, who exited, and a minute later, came back in.

"He's telling the truth, one of the statues has been destroyed. And if my memory is correct, he looks a lot like it did." He confirmed.

"Sir, you will need to come with us for questioning." The unicorn told me.

"And why would I do that? You incompetent fools won't be able to lay a hoof on me if we were to fight. You could bring an entire regiment, but I would kill them all. You royal guards are all so stupid, thinking you can actually make a difference in a battle between the ones with actual power. The most you would do is get in the way and be used as cannon fodder. So if you want to take me in, then good luck." I retorted.

He bristled with indignation at my threat, and everyone else tensed, knowing what has coming next.

"You come now or we will take you by for-"

He didn't get a chance to finish s I summoned the sword and sliced his front right leg off. Be collapsed, screaming in pain. Before his companion could react, I swung at him with my sword, but he ducked. Realizing he was outmatched, he ran out the door and spread his wings, flying away as fast as he could towards the palace. I replaced my sword with a daedric bow from Skyrim, and gave myself expert archer abilities. I quickly nocked a daedric arrow and fired at the retreating guard, striking him on his wing. he cried out in pain and fell to the ground below, landing with a large thud. I put away the bow, and reentered the bar. The patrons were trying to help the guard inside, who was still bleeding profusely from his severed limb. They all froze when they saw me, but I ignored them and sat back in my stool, grabbing my glass and downing it.

I know, I just horribly wounded two others, and just went back to drinking like nothing happened. Well, I was pretty drunk, not to mention after spending so long in stone, I just didn't care anymore. Plus, I will admit that I was drunk on my freedom, and it was satisfying to do that to those guards. The bartender was to afraid to refuse me more drinks, so he kept giving me them. After another 20 minutes, several more guards charged through the doors, swords at the ready. I sighed and stood up as they surrounded me.

"Surrender monster, and pay for your crimes." One of them, a captain judging from his armor, demanded.

I simply summoned my sword, as well as a daedric sword. Several eyes widened at the swords that appeared out of thin air, but they maintained their composure. I got into a fighting stance, and they all watched me with anticipation. Looking around, all of the patrons had been evacuated with the injured guard, and there was about 15 guards, possibly with more outside. There was 6 unicorns including the captain and 9 earth ponies. The unicorns charged their horns, ready to launch incapacitating spells at me.

I never gave them the chance, as I charged forward as action music began to play from out of nowhere. This caught them of guard, and I used that and sliced of the horns of two of the unicorns, then the legs off of three earth ponies. One large earth pony stallion with a sword swung at me, only for me to block it with strength I just gave myself. He looked shocked at the fact that I had blocked his attack. Then I grabbed his neck and tossed him into one of his comrades, throwing both of them through the wall. I ducked a swipe from the blade of another guard and hit him in the head with the flat of my blade, knocking him out. A unicorn shot a spell at me, which I dodged, causing it to hit a earth pony behind me, paralyzing him. I punched another earth pony, knocking him through the door. I grabbed the two unicorns whose horns I previously cut off, and smashed their heads together, knocking them out. The last earth pony tried to stab me from behind, but I rolled forward at the last moment, causing him to lose his balance. I then charged him and kicked him through the wall. The captain and his last three unicorn guards had erected a shield between them and me. The guards looked very afraid but the captain was calm and collected, examining the injuries I had inflicted, then me.

Before they could do anything else, I charged at them with my swords, and they tensed. They fired spells at me, but I simply dodged and weaved between them using some agility I just gave myself. They tried to hit me again at closer range, but I just jumped over all of them and their shield, landing behind them. I quickly turned and cut off the horns of two of the guards, and the front legs of the last guard. The captain swung at me with s sword, which I blocked. I used my other sword to stab at him, but he grabbed another sword in his magic and blocked me. It seemed that I may actually get a fight out of this guy. One of the unicorns tried to tackle me, but I rolled to the side punched him through the wall. The other one ran out of the bar, presumably to get reinforcements. I turned my attention back to the captain, who was pressing his attack. I blocked his swords with my own and began to push him back.

Suddenly and agonizing pain erupted in my back, and I stumbled. I looked behind me to see a third sword being held in the telekinetic grip of the captain. Well, if he was going to play like that, then so would I. I gave myself telekinetic abilities and levitated half a dozen swords and a mace in the air around me. My adversaries eyes widened when I did this, but he steeled himself, knowing full well what was going to happen and accepting his fate. I had to admit, this was the bravest guy I had ever met or even heard of, or the stupidest. He charged first, and I ran at him at full speed as well. We clashed, with his swords blocking half of mine from decapitating him while he used shields to block the rest of them. I struck at his shields again, but they refused to even crack from my hits. I hit them a third time, but again they didn't even crack. I levitated a barstool into the air a few feet behind him, and swung it into the back of his head hard enough to break it into splinters. This threw him off balance, and I took advantage of that and cut off his horn. He looked at his horn on the ground in defeat, and bowed his head, prepared to die.

Instead, I walked past him and out the door. I wasn't out to kill anyone, but if they happened to die from their injuries from foolishly fighting me, then oh well. But he was a good fighter and while I didn't really have any honor, I had to appreciate a true warrior, someone who had worked and trained to get to their skill level, and didn't just use cheats and shortcuts to get there. Sure I still wouldn't have one without some skill myself, but I could have easily just gave myself an ability that would have won that fight in seconds. As I left the bar though, I saw that there was several dozen guards marching towards me. I sighed, I was willing to give small groups and individual worthy fighters a chance, but I wasn't about to bother with that with a large group. I watched with my arms crossed as the guards readied their spears and magic, preparing to fight.

Author's Note:

Let me know of any mistakes I made. Any thoughts on the story are welcome, especially constructive criticism.