• Published 14th Aug 2012
  • 984 Views, 6 Comments

Me and My Sky - JustaninnocentPony

First Person story of Rainbow Dash flying and reflection on it.

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Chapter 1

The crisp wind bristles against my coat and mane briskly as I fly forward. I take a deep breath, letting the air in before slowly exhaling it. My wings are fully extended at my sides as I take a dip, flying down towards the tiny ground. I pull up, turn around in a circle, and continue with fast speed. Breaking through clouds, circling around in loops, and almost every other mid-air trick I can think of. As I perform each death defying task that would have an average pony shaking in their hooves, my mind only has one thought.

I love this

I close my eyes, enjoying the sensational feeling of being above the clouds. I nosedive towards the ground, pulling up just in time to have my stomach softly brush against a bush before rising in altitude again. Ponies yell angrily at me as I take dangerous passes near them, almost crashing into them. But I ignore the yelling, for nothing matters right now.

Nothing but me and my sky.

Looking behind me reveals the rainbow streak I usually leave in my wake. I smile brightly, briskly breaking through several clouds. I stop at the perfect one, a fluffy cumulus. I’m panting heavily by the time I land upon its gentle and welcoming surface. I don’t move, allowing myself time to rest as I take in all of the sky’s surroundings. The sun is bright and shining above the clouds and beaming down on my back. Birds are flying past my gaze as if I don’t exist, and I take in the beauty of every one.

I love flying

A feeling of sorrow for anypony who can’t experience this joy, this sensation, suddenly overcomes me, and I know that I am one privileged mare to have wings. I quickly brush the thoughts aside though, and instead I stare at the rest of the mostly clear atmosphere. Without warning, my legs kick off the cloud and my wings extend, beginning to beat quickly as I take off. It’s almost as if my body as a mind of my own as it takes me higher and higher into the sky, and the ground shrinks below me. I decide not to control the impulse to go even higher, but instead give into it. I let my mind wander as I continue to rise with no end, higher and higher.

This is my domain. Nothing can touch me here, and I can fly anywhere I want to.

I breach the highest cloud in the sky, sweat beading down my furrowed brow as I swiftly turn around, and begin to plummet towards the earth.

I am the best flyer in all of Equestria, and nothing can stop me.

Thoughts of my childhood fill my mind as I fall faster and faster towards the earth, my speed rapidly increasing the lower I go. I remember being a filly, flying with my other Pegasi friends, and always coming through first. Their voices cheer me on in my head, praising my brisk and amazing movement, my strong wing power, and my ambition to go where nopony has gone before.

Nothing can match my speed! The Wonderbolts themselves should be jealous!

It is with these memories that it dawns on me, as it always does when I’m flying. This is my passion, this is my talent, and I couldn’t wish for anything more. I don’t even feel bad anymore about not being able to hang out with any of my friends today like I wanted to. I don’t need Pinkie and her cakes, Rarity and her dresses, Twilight and her potions, Applejack and her apples, or even Fluttershy and her animals. Those things were all stupid anyhow. No, I only needed one thing.

The sky

I feel younger as my altitude rapidly decreases, as if I’m a little filly again, discovering my special talent. Except, instead of stupid jerks who think they can fly, I only have the clouds to race this time. But it doesn’t matter, I don’t even need to be racing to enjoy this. My tail and mane flap uncontrollably behind me, and I don’t stop to pull up, for I know what is happening.

I’m the very best, and I can do this.

I close my eyes, and loose myself in my memories, a smile gracing my face as I do so. I imagine it, a boom full of luscious and breath-taking colors as I break the fastest barrier set by the laws of physics, and then break those laws. The ground feels closer and closer as I continue, I hear the buzzing around me, and feel the air strongly against my face. I bring up the memory, the exact moment I defeated the impossible, defeated the urban legend, and received my cutie mark. I open my eyes, seeing the mach-cone that has formed in front of my vision. My smile grows brighter as I see the impossible begin to materialize. My wings are screaming at me to stop, I can barely breathe and any sweat beading down my forehead has been blown away by the sheer force of the wind. I force my body to continue however, ignoring the searing pain as I feel it nearing.

I will do this!

Seconds from hitting the ground is when it happens, and I shatter the final barrier between me and my full potential.


A loud crack of astonishing power sounds behind me, and I feel as if I’m rocketed forward several more feet. I pull up, keeping a steady pace over the town as I inwardly scream with excitement. Daring to look behind me, I confirm what I already knew. The bright and astounding spectrum of colors burst out behind me and my rainbow streak easily magnifies itself ten times over. I did it! I completed the impossible a third time over! A Sonic Rainboom, amazing and powerful, grows to a spec in my vision as I feel the whole planet vibrate. I zoom forward limitlessly, the joy glued to my face in an irreversible expression.

I come to a stop on the other side of town, landing effortlessly on the ground below me. I can hardly contain my excitement as I cheer to the whole world.

“I did it! A Sonic Rainboom, again!” I shout to nothing in particular. I feel amazing, like nothing can hope to compare to what I just accomplished. It seems as nothing can contain my joy and excitement until I open my eyes and see what’s gathered in front of me.

Five angry and raggedy looking ponies have gathered in front of me, their eyes narrowed as they growl lowly. I blush at my friends’ angry reactions, the exhilaration of the feat I had just completed still deep inside my heart. I begin to apologize, only to stop myself in realization that I don’t care. And it’s when I take off from the awkward scene that I see why I don’t care. No matter what happens or what trouble I get into, nothing can tear me apart from this. For this is my life, my joy, my passion.

This is me and my sky…


Comments ( 6 )

This is such a great read though there is one error "Without warning, my legs kick off the cloud and my wings extend, beginning to beat quickly as I take off. It’s almost as if my body as a mind of my own as it takes me higher and higher into the sky, and the ground shrinks below me."
I think you meant "it's almost as if my body has a mind of it's own", but other than that it was such a great fanfic and thank you for sharing your creative mind.
Mist Chaser

Hi there,
Your AMAZING! After reading that I was simply blown away and it makes me want to a fic for Rainbow Dash.Your a brilliant writer and you seem to have tons of experience. I wish I was half as good as you. But that`s because I haven`t discovered my style yet. It`s like when a pony gets their cutie mark, it takes a long time. But is clear to me you`ve discovered your unique, one of a kind style of writing. And you should be proud. :raritystarry:

Keep Moving Forward
Sparkle Writer :twilightsmile:

"You can take my love, you can take my land
You can take me where I cannot stand
You can't take the sky from me
You can't take the sky from me!
You can send me out into the black
You can tell them I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me
You can't take the sky from me"

I just think that the chorus of Mal's Song from "Firefly" really does fit the way you portray Rainbow Dash in this story.

As much as I do not like the fact that she seems to not care about her friends anymore, the story itself, was fantastic, I would rate it at a 4.95 out of 5, that 0.05 because She seems to not care about her friends anymore, but for some reason, it just works, so I only took 0.05 off the rating, good work, Its a fantastic story and I hope to see more like it coming from you.

Thumbed up, Fav'd, Following.

The highest 'barrier' is actually the light barrier I believe, not the sound barrier.
In fact I believe that the sound barrier is actually the lowest one, or at least one of the lower ones.
Not to mention the fact that attempting to make any sound when past that barrier will do absolutely nothing. When you're past the sound barrier it is as quiet as it can possibly get, on your end anyway. You won't hear anything. the other people around the area will though.
Still, an okay story though.

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